LIVE Valentine's Day Poetry Reading with Jennifer - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

LIVE Valentine's Day Poetry Reading with Jennifer - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

LIVE Valentine's Day Poetry Reading with Jennifer - By JenniferESL

00:04 Yeah . Mhm Well , good morning everybody and Happy
00:29 valentine's day . Good morning from boston massachusetts and thank
00:32 you so much for joining me here . I'm going
00:35 to be looking sometimes off to the side because I
00:38 have my laptop here and I want to make sure
00:40 that what you see and what you hear is everything
00:43 that I want you to see and hear . So
00:46 , thank you for joining me . Some of you
00:48 came early . Thank you so much . Let's go
00:50 up and see who all came . English , Kavita
00:57 Prescott . I see you there . Abdulhadi , lean
01:05 , lean , Mohammed and Eunice , amoroso , Claudia
01:09 creeper , herat tube . I'm fine . Thank you
01:14 . Ray . Hi there , stunning lad . One
01:19 , Happy valentine's Day to everybody . It is February
01:23 14 and I thought it would be wonderful to take
01:26 just a little bit of time today and um celebrate
01:30 Valentine's day together in a special way . And why
01:34 not choose poetry ? Uh today is a day of
01:37 celebrating love . There's different kinds of love in our
01:40 life . Um that love of poetry . Why not
01:43 share that ? There are some so many beautiful poems
01:47 . And I'd like to share two poems with you
01:49 today . So we'll do the readings and then afterwards
01:52 . It would be wonderful if you take the time
01:54 if you took the time to practice reading the poems
01:57 on your own , you could extend practice beyond this
02:00 session . So we will be together for maybe about
02:03 a half hour today . But you can certainly practice
02:06 more . And I will make sure that the poems
02:10 or the links to the poems are in the video
02:12 description so that you can get a copy and practice
02:15 more easily . Okay . And by the way ,
02:20 I see some of my Patreon members here . Another
02:23 place to practice is on the Patreon page . So
02:25 you Patreon members . If you wanted to use the
02:28 recording tool that I told you about Vokoun create your
02:32 recording and share it with the group , that's another
02:35 way to get some practice . Okay , more on
02:37 that later . All right , Quetta is here .
02:41 Hello Mohammed . Thunder high . It has been a
02:44 while . Thunder . I've thought of you . I
02:46 hope everything is fine and peaceful in your country .
02:50 I hope you're doing well . Thunder ! Thanks for
02:52 being here . Happy valentine's Day . Herat Hamidi ahmed
02:56 . Thank you for the warm support Zachariah , Omar
03:00 Hello to you , Quetta . Is it key to
03:04 give Markova ? God , I'm sorry you have such
03:06 a long name . Let me try that again .
03:08 Gear me Canova . Happy valentine's Day to you .
03:12 Bedoya is here glad to have you and h .
03:17 N . Just came . Hello to you . Thank
03:18 you for the wave . Mayor De is from Istanbul
03:22 . Turkey , Glad to have you here . Thank
03:25 you guys . I'm happy to share Valentine's day with
03:29 you in this special way . Mhm . All right
03:33 , so I would love to share my screen .
03:36 Let's see how well I can do that . Work
03:37 my little bit of magic here and take you to
03:41 my screen and make sure that what you see is
03:44 what I see Maxwell from brazil . Glad to have
03:52 you here say hello to you , pavel Hello from
04:02 Moscow . Thank you for joining me . I think
04:04 it's evening for you there . Thanks for being here
04:06 and L shall musk bron . Hello , Django ,
04:10 Django , Happy Valentine's Day to you . Mhm .
04:21 Abdul Qadeer . Hello and Happy Valentine's Day . I'm
04:26 doing well and I hope you all are doing well
04:28 to Zayed al hamdani . Happy valentine's Day to you
04:34 Audrey . Hello to you . Oh guys . You
04:37 have such beautiful names but I wonder if I can
04:39 say them correctly , joe tear moy Hello to you
04:44 , Fiona Emilio . Hi there . Mhm john Brett
04:52 , can I say ? Ola Yeah that's about all
04:54 I can say oh letter you all . And Wilbert
04:58 came here from Bolivia rond . Happy valentine's Day to
05:02 you . Fiona's here from Kosovo . Mhm . Oh
05:07 john I'm not a test specialist but I'm happy to
05:10 help you with general english . And today's a special
05:13 way to um today we'll be doing a special form
05:16 of pronunciation . Practice poetry is a beautiful way to
05:20 learn rhythm right ? Rhythm is one of those aspects
05:23 of our speech that if you don't have the correct
05:26 rhythm it doesn't sound natural . So learning rhythm through
05:30 song lyrics through poetry um really helps you develop a
05:35 sense of how english flows . Right , so poetry
05:40 is a wonderful way to learn and practice rhythm from
05:44 news New Zealand . Well thank you for joining me
05:47 is probably quite late for you . So thank you
05:50 for being here Ahmed yousef . And is it muka
05:54 Heat Golson ? Hello to you , Alex joined us
05:57 high . They're happy valentine's Day to you and from
06:01 Algeria I see you . Hello . I'm going to
06:04 take a sip of my favorite t before we start
06:07 reading . Uh huh . So guys , what I'd
06:14 like to share with you now are two poems .
06:17 These are two American poets and yes , these are
06:20 love poems because this is Valentine's day . And the
06:24 first poet is Paul Laurence Dunbar . He lived from
06:28 1872 to 1906 . Paul Laurence Dunbar is an african
06:33 american poet and I only came across his work recently
06:37 . I wasn't aware . Um and I really liked
06:40 this poem for its rhythm for its simplicity and beauty
06:44 . Um I like the structure and I hope that
06:47 you enjoy it too . I'd like to read it
06:50 once through . Then we'll talk about some of the
06:52 words that might be new for you . And then
06:55 I'll read it once more so you'll have to readings
06:57 okay . Um and then hopefully you will practice after
07:01 this live stream and you can do your own reading
07:04 . All right . So let's go through . Just
07:06 listen and try to understand . What is the poet
07:09 saying ? What is his message ? Who do you
07:12 think he's speaking to ? Okay , invitation to love
07:21 Come when the nights are bright with stars or when
07:24 the moon is mellow come when the sun , his
07:28 golden bars drops on the hayfield . Yellow come in
07:33 the twilight soft and gray . Come in the night
07:36 or come in the day come o love whenever you
07:41 may and you are welcome . Welcome , You are
07:45 sweet . Oh love , dear love . You are
07:48 soft as the nesting dove come to my heart and
07:52 bring it rest as the bird flies home to its
07:55 welcome nest . Come when my heart is full of
08:00 grief or when my heart is mary come with the
08:04 falling of the leaf or with the reddening cherry come
08:09 when the year's first blossom blows , when the summer
08:13 gleams and glows come with the winters drifting snows and
08:18 you are welcome . Welcome . I hope you agree
08:24 . It's really beautiful . An invitation to love .
08:27 When would you want love to come ? Any time
08:30 right , anytime is a good time for something so
08:33 beautiful . So he's simply listing all the possible times
08:38 that it would be good um for love to come
08:41 into his life to come to him . You are
08:43 welcome . Welcome any time . Okay , let's see
08:48 which words could be new for you . I'll highlight
08:51 some that I think are of interest and I'll also
08:54 be looking at the text chat or the comments um
08:57 to see if you have further questions as I'm reading
09:01 . I know more people have joined in , so
09:02 welcome and happy valentine's Day to you . Um lots
09:07 of people just showed up , lovely to see you
09:11 all here , Ali from Iraq and Salim from Yemen
09:15 . I'll try to take some questions towards the end
09:17 . Okay , merit , I'm glad you love poetry
09:20 and you're excited to read as well . DNS jaime
09:25 , is it from Argentina is here ? Welcome liliyana
09:29 . Hello liliyana , one of my super members .
09:32 Good to see you here . Salim Zayed . Um
09:36 good to have you here . H n what a
09:38 cute little sticker with the cat coming out . Okay
09:44 , all right , someone's asking about apostrophes to love
09:49 is a splendid thing . Yes , ray . Okay
09:52 , come when the nights are bright with stars or
09:55 when the moon is mellow , there's a contrast here
09:58 bright , right ? The night sky can be bright
10:02 with stars or the moon is mellow . Mellow is
10:06 less bright , it's not harsh . You know ?
10:08 The moon sometimes shines very brightly or it could be
10:12 subdued , it can be shining less brightly . So
10:16 mellow is calm , peaceful and less bright . Okay
10:21 , mellow . So mellow is just calm , not
10:23 bright . Come when the sun . His golden bars
10:29 . This is interesting because son is a thing ,
10:33 right ? And the poet chose to write his golden
10:36 bars . It's like a bit of personification . They're
10:39 treating the sun like a person . The sun has
10:42 these golden bars . His golden bars bars as you
10:46 know our long um strips or pieces of things like
10:50 a bar line golden bars . And those golden bars
10:54 drop on the hayfield . Yellow , there can be
10:57 a field full of hay and the hay is yellow
11:03 . Come in the twilight . Who knows what time
11:06 of the day Twilight is ? Do you know twilight
11:10 ? It's not necessarily a conversational word , but twilight
11:14 think of dusk perhaps right . Um Just as the
11:18 night is coming twilight , so it's the later part
11:22 of the day as the evening comes . All right
11:26 , come in the night , come in the day
11:27 . Comeau love when there you may . This ,
11:30 you will not be saying in everyday modern english .
11:34 You can see there is an apostrophe there , this
11:36 is a contraction . Um This is a contraction for
11:39 whenever um poets sometimes need a certain rhythm so they
11:45 can take out a syllable and get the rhythm that
11:49 they want . So he chose to write when air
11:52 instead of whenever . Um It also sounds like old
11:55 english to my ears , but again part paul Laurence
11:58 . Dunbar lived quite some time ago , but in
12:01 poetry um it's not a surprising to come across this
12:05 kind of language , but it means whenever , so
12:08 come whenever you may come , whenever you can ,
12:13 you're welcome , you're welcome . Okay , so pavel
12:17 I hope that answers your question . Abdul is it
12:25 Abdul Qadeer ? Thank you for that . Happy valentine's
12:28 Day to you . So if you count , look
12:31 at that , there's eight lines here and you'll see
12:33 what comes up is another eight lines in the middle
12:36 , full four . So I like that kind of
12:38 balance and symmetry . You have that middle verse and
12:42 then the 1st and 3rd balance each other out and
12:45 they also follow the same rhyme scheme , right ?
12:49 Um A lot of poems use a rhyme scheme ,
12:52 words rhyme , they sound alike and that also creates
12:55 the music of a poem . So you can see
12:58 that the final words rhyme . Um there can be
13:01 different patterns , different rhyme schemes . This poet um
13:05 chose to do a B . B C . C
13:11 . C . And then we have this , it's
13:13 different D . And the pattern follows again . Down
13:16 here , grief rhymes with leaf mary rhymes with cherry
13:20 . So A B . A . B . And
13:23 then blows glow snows C . C . C .
13:27 And then we have that last line again that repeats
13:30 . So there's a lovely structure to this poem .
13:33 Um And again rhythm is a pattern and the rhyming
13:37 also helps create that unity . It just really flows
13:41 so beautifully . Okay , back to vocabulary . Um
13:45 you are soft as the nesting dove . Right ?
13:49 Picture a dove in your mind . I hope you're
13:51 picturing a bird the beautiful white bird . It's often
13:55 a symbol of peace . Um I guess doves come
13:58 in great colours to write . But the nesting dove
14:02 birds go in their nest . So if a bird
14:05 is in its nest it is nesting , you are
14:08 soft as the nesting dove come to my heart and
14:12 bring it rest as the bird flies home towards welcome
14:15 nest . So just like a bird um take shelter
14:18 in its nest . He wants love to come to
14:21 him and nest with him . Right ? Yes .
14:28 The links to these poems will be in the video
14:31 description . I'll make sure of that . Okay .
14:33 And also if you come to Patreon , I'll share
14:35 it there . Okay , Alright . The last verse
14:39 , the last stanza actually , I'm saying stanza ,
14:42 guys , I'm not sure if you're familiar with that
14:44 kind of language . When we talk about poetry's ,
14:46 we can talk about verses and lines . Um we
14:49 can also say stanza instead of a paragraph . We
14:53 have a stanza . So here in this last stanza
14:56 , let's see which words might be unfamiliar to you
14:59 full of grief , grief . I hope you recognize
15:03 that um grief is a negative feeling , full of
15:06 sadness . The opposite of grief mary , right ?
15:12 Happiness . You see the contrast here we went from
15:15 bright to mellow and here's another contrast grief mary .
15:19 So there's a lot of contrasts being set up in
15:22 this poem . He's also setting up contrast to say
15:26 , when can you come at any time , night
15:29 or day or you can come when the leaves are
15:32 falling or when the cherries are right here we have
15:36 another contraction . You see that apostrophe , what he
15:39 left out was the E red , you know ,
15:42 as the color red and is the verb , it
15:46 turns red . Um but he again chose to take
15:51 out a syllable further rhythm And it said as reddening
15:56 two syllables . Reddening Cherry blossom like flowers , blossom
16:03 blows blossoms right ? When um you know all of
16:08 the blossoms first come when everything is um gleaming and
16:13 glowing during the summertime or in the winter again ,
16:16 he's setting up these contrasts . You can come any
16:19 time . Spring , summer , fall , winter ,
16:22 you're welcome . You're welcome . Um gleam and glow
16:27 . This also has to do with shining and being
16:30 bright gleam and glow is shining , shining brightly .
16:35 Come with the winters drifting snows , snow moves with
16:39 the wind , it can drift , drifting snows ,
16:44 drifting snows . Okay . Yes . The letter G
16:48 . You have to be careful when you see it
16:50 with Engy . Remember there's that sound , It's a
16:54 nasal sound in the back of our throat , towards
16:59 the back of our mouth . Our tongue goes up
17:02 and you don't want to say bring good and add
17:05 a syllable there , but bring bring same thing here
17:10 . Reddening , reddening , drifting drifting , that Engy
17:15 sound . Okay . A liberation . Yes . If
17:20 you really start looking at the poem , you appreciate
17:22 um the symmetry , the contrast the rhythm um the
17:27 way he plays with words . That's what poets do
17:30 . Um And it's just this really simple thought of
17:32 saying , you know , I'm open to love come
17:35 anytime . That's the basic message . But look how
17:39 beautifully he says it . He takes 1-3 stanzas to
17:43 do that . So it's a really beautiful poem .
17:47 All right . I'd like to read it once more
17:50 so you can now appreciate and understand um what it
17:54 is about . Are there any questions about any other
17:58 words that I missed ? I don't think so .
18:05 Mhm . Amina . Thank you for the heart .
18:09 I appreciate . I like stickers , colorful pretty stickers
18:13 . Okay , once more invitation to love by paul
18:16 Laurence Dunbar come when the nights are bright with stars
18:21 or when the moon is mellow . Come when the
18:24 sun , his golden bars drops on the hayfield .
18:28 Yellow come in the twilight soft and gray . Come
18:33 in the night or come in the day come o
18:37 love whenever you may and you are welcome . Welcome
18:42 . You are sweeter , love dear love . You
18:46 are soft as the nesting dove come to my heart
18:50 and bring it rest as the bird flies home to
18:53 its welcome nest . Come when my heart is full
18:57 of grief or when my heart is mary come with
19:02 the falling of the leaf or with the reddening cherry
19:07 come when the year's first blossom blows come when the
19:11 summer gleams and gloves come with the winters drifting snows
19:17 and you are welcome . Welcome him beautiful isn't it
19:23 ? So I invite you to read it again when
19:26 the livestream is done , practice it , read it
19:28 aloud , take your phones and record yourself . Listen
19:31 um you see if you can make it flow .
19:34 Another thing I'm doing is I am linking my words
19:37 . If you haven't practiced or if it's been a
19:38 while since you've practiced linking , you can go to
19:41 my fast speech series . Um The first few lessons
19:44 are about linking connecting words so that our words are
19:49 not cut up but they connect and flow right ?
19:53 For example nights are nights are right or what would
20:00 be in drops on . I'm linking continent to vowel
20:03 sound there drops on the hayfield yellow , Right ?
20:07 So there's lots of chances to link our words capture
20:11 the rhythm , something that I did with my Patreon
20:13 members this month . If we've been talking about content
20:16 words versus function words , the words that we stress
20:19 are the words that carry meaning . They carry content
20:23 . These are pretty much the now sounds verbs ,
20:26 adjectives , adverbs , these are the words that we
20:29 stress and that's why you hear a rhythm like dan
20:32 , to dun , dun , dun , dun ,
20:34 come when the nights are bright with stars . You
20:38 know that words like nights , bright stars are content
20:42 words . So if you go back and listen to
20:44 my reading again , you hear the words that I
20:47 stress . Those are the content words . Okay ,
20:50 it is beautiful . All right . Um Speaking of
20:54 of someone wrote something about mental health , Mohammed poetry
20:58 is soothing for the soul , you know ? Um
21:01 there's a reason why we have poems and music .
21:03 It's it's what we need inside of us . They
21:06 can heal , they can help and they can give
21:08 us strength . So reading the poem I hope will
21:11 fill you with positive feelings And just the musical quality
21:15 should make you happy . Um so I invite you
21:18 again to read , to listen and let's move on
21:21 to the next poem . It's much shorter . This
21:23 is another American poet , her name as Sara Teasdale
21:27 and she also lived some time ago from 1884 to
21:31 1933 . Okay . You see um the spelling with
21:36 the hyphen is unusual . Um , it's not how
21:39 we write it in modern english today . Um I
21:42 don't know if it was just , she was playing
21:44 around or if that was standard back then . I
21:46 don't have an answer to that . But it does
21:49 catch your attention , doesn't it . Again ? I'd
21:54 like to read the poem twice . I'll read it
21:56 once . Then we'll talk about any new words and
22:00 then we'll read it again . I told you about
22:03 rhyme scheme before . Look for words that rhyme .
22:06 What's the pattern ? See if you can identify that
22:09 as I read it this first time . Okay .
22:12 Tonight the moon is a curving flower of gold .
22:17 The sky is still in blue . The moon was
22:21 made for the sky to hold and I and I
22:25 for you . The moon is a flower without a
22:29 stem , the sky is luminous . Eternity was made
22:35 for them tonight for us . Interesting . Does anyone
22:42 see the rhyme scheme ? Ashwari a no worry .
22:49 The good thing if you're late you can always catch
22:51 up and watch the recording later . Happy valentine's Day
22:54 . What's the difference between a song and poetry ?
22:57 Poetry is what we read song is what we sing
23:00 right ? But they both have um lyrics , they
23:02 both have um words . It's it's playing with words
23:06 and um I want to say exploit but really using
23:10 rhyme and imagery . So it's just a beautiful way
23:14 to string words together When you add music it becomes
23:17 a song . So song lyrics are like very much
23:20 like poetry and and of course these are love poems
23:24 I like the poems that are really beautiful . They're
23:26 also poems that are very strong , profound and sad
23:30 . Um Some people wrote poems when they're angry and
23:33 they're full of strong emotions uh like a fighting tone
23:38 . So there are all kinds of poems people right
23:40 ? People sing when they want to express their feelings
23:44 . So the beauty of of poetry is that there
23:47 are emotions that we all should be able to identify
23:50 with . Um These are poems of Love and hopefully
23:54 you can appreciate um how she's seeing love . We
23:57 saw how um paul Laurence Dunbar was making an invitation
24:02 , giving an invitation saying I'm open , come any
24:04 time into my life , I am ready . Um
24:07 I think we all have felt that in our lives
24:09 , you know , you're open to this . Um
24:11 and there's never a bad time for love tonight .
24:14 What is sara Teasdale telling us the moon is a
24:18 curving flower of gold uh imagery picture that a curving
24:23 flower of gold , the moon is already beautiful itself
24:26 . Right ? But she's saying it is this is
24:28 a metaphor . It's a curving flower of gold .
24:32 She's comparing it to this curving flower of gold .
24:36 The sky is still meaning not moving and blue .
24:41 The moon was made for the sky to hold again
24:44 a bit of personification as if the sky has hands
24:47 or arms to hold the moon . And now there's
24:51 this comparison . If the sky can hold the moon
24:55 then I can hold you . That's what I was
24:57 made for . She's saying the voice of the poet
25:00 is um coming through making this comparison . Okay ,
25:05 the moon is a flower without a stem . Another
25:09 image . Okay , so a picture . A flower
25:11 without a stem , right ? Flowers are beautiful .
25:14 They're usually held up on a stem but in this
25:16 case the moon is just there in the sky .
25:19 A flower without a stem that long part of the
25:22 flower that holds the blossom . The sky is luminous
25:27 . Who knows that word luminous , luminous . Well
25:34 , Ziad , you're asking for similar words , synonyms
25:39 . We had some grief above . I told you
25:41 is another word for um sadness , luminous . Who
25:45 knows ? The word luminous , luminous . It's shining
25:51 . There's a there's a lot of shining going on
25:54 in these poems today . Right . The sky is
25:56 shining brightly , It's lit up , it has light
25:58 and it's shining . Eternity , meaning forever was made
26:03 for them . And tonight for us , another comparison
26:07 . The sky and the moon are things that are
26:10 always there and they will be there even after we
26:13 go from this world . Right ? So eternity is
26:16 for the moon . For the sky . We may
26:19 not have eternity . You and I , but we
26:21 have tonight . Eternity was made for them tonight for
26:26 us . Mhm . Very simple , very short and
26:32 yet very pretty and very beautiful . We have two
26:36 interesting images . Right ? And there are these comparisons
26:40 between the sky and um the moon . And she's
26:44 speaking about her and her love . Okay . Yes
26:50 . Okay . Her Irving Happy valentine's Day to you
26:52 glow . Yes . If the sky is luminous it's
26:55 it's all lit up , it's glowing , right ?
26:58 Rhyming gold hold blue . You very simple . A
27:04 B a B rhyme scheme , stem them . And
27:08 here we kind of like fudge . It a little
27:10 bit luminous for us . It's close enough again .
27:15 Poets play with sounds , they play with rhythm and
27:18 they can get away with close matches . Right ?
27:21 Let me read it again . Now that the words
27:24 are clear and you understand the rhyme scheme , let's
27:27 also try to capture the rhythm right ? You know
27:31 if you're just looking at these words , the words
27:34 that catch your attention are those words that carry content
27:38 like moon curving flower , gold sky still blue .
27:44 These are the words that I will emphasize and as
27:47 I stress them , you'll hear a rhythm develop Okay
27:51 tonight by sara Teasdale , the moon is a curving
27:56 flower of gold . The sky is still in blue
28:01 . The moon was made for the sky to hold
28:04 and I for you the moon is a flower without
28:10 a stem . The sky is luminous . Eternity was
28:15 made for them tonight for us . Simple right ?
28:21 Sometimes simple poems are very beautiful for all their simplicity
28:26 . Um These are the links that I will share
28:28 these poems are in the public domain , which means
28:31 um you can share them freely there for us to
28:34 enjoy in the public . And um you can find
28:38 more poetry if you just do a search for sara
28:41 Teasdale . She has some other poems . Not all
28:43 of them are so beautiful and happy . Um But
28:46 they're they're very pretty in their own way . Um
28:48 Sara Teasdale , you can search for her work .
28:51 Um As I understand , I just discovered paul Laurence
28:53 Dunbar fairly recently , but I understand that he was
28:56 more than a poet that he has other writings ,
28:59 um works of fiction perhaps . Um So you could
29:02 also search online for his work if you're curious and
29:06 like to see what he wrote . Okay . All
29:09 right . I'm saying you're I think that I'm sharing
29:13 my interpretations . I am not um an english literature
29:17 specialist and perhaps if there are those specialists out there
29:20 , I apologize that perhaps I didn't do the best
29:22 analysis possible , but as an english language teacher ,
29:26 I hope that I've explained enough so that you can
29:28 appreciate and understand what these two poets have created for
29:32 us . Um So please review the poems . Listen
29:36 , listen for the rhythm , listen for the linking
29:39 and just listen to enjoy please and then also practice
29:43 . That's the practice you can do if you are
29:45 one of my Patreon members , you can come to
29:47 our Patreon page and um use the tools that I've
29:50 been sharing with you and do your own reading ,
29:52 share with the group and we can all appreciate um
29:56 the different readings and the different interpretations . I'm sharing
30:00 my ideas about what these poets are trying to convey
30:04 to us . Perhaps you have a different insights or
30:07 you have a different way of wanting to read it
30:10 . Um That's what poetry is for . Is allowing
30:12 you to bring your own interpretation , your own spin
30:15 to it . Okay , I'm at ali it's your
30:18 first day with me . Well I thank you for
30:21 being here and happy valentine's Day . So I do
30:25 want to take this opportunity guys to tell you what's
30:27 been going on since the start of january . Um
30:31 how many of you know that I've been on Patreon
30:34 ? I'm always searching for ways that I can extend
30:37 learning for you . I have my videos every thursday
30:40 on Youtube , my instagram clips every monday , but
30:44 there's so much more that I'd like to offer and
30:46 can offer . Um I have some private students ,
30:49 but that's not the route that everyone wants to take
30:52 or can't take . So I've created more learning opportunities
30:55 on Patreon . So I hope you will consider the
30:59 different levels and know that there are some new lower
31:02 and higher levels coming so slowly And surely I will
31:06 build this program and hopefully there will be a level
31:09 that will meet your needs and your budget . Um
31:12 I start out at at a $2 level , but
31:14 please understand that's just for kind hearted patrons , people
31:18 who just want to support my work . Um the
31:21 great stuff begins at the $10 level right now .
31:24 They're super members and truly marvelous members . I do
31:27 know that at the given moment the truly marvelous member
31:30 is sold out . Um I hope that in March
31:33 as I create new levels , um A spot or
31:36 two might open up for the truly marvelous memberships .
31:39 Um but currently that part is sold out because people
31:43 at that level want their one on one video call
31:46 . We meet for about 20 minutes , usually a
31:48 bit more than that , and we meet one on
31:51 one and people use this time for different um different
31:55 things because we have a mix . There are some
31:57 students , there are some other language teachers , we
32:00 meet for professional development . Um Some learners simply want
32:03 more conversation or we might work on grammar or we
32:06 might work on editing . So it's 20 minutes that
32:10 are yours every month as a truly marvelous member .
32:13 Um Again , there will be a higher level coming
32:16 so I can offer even more . Um but at
32:19 the $10 level super members , I am packing a
32:22 lot in here guys because there's so much I'd love
32:24 to share with you and I can . Um so
32:27 what I do guarantee is that I will give you
32:29 one monthly live stream through or one live session through
32:32 Zoom , which is interaction cameras and microphones go on
32:36 . Um those sessions are only 30 minutes but they're
32:39 interactive and it's really wonderful To make contact with people
32:43 this way the live streams on YouTube can be longer
32:46 um usually 60 minutes . I'll promise at least 60
32:49 the last time I think we went for 90 .
32:52 Um all the live sessions are recorded . I share
32:55 notes . I've also thrown in audio recordings for more
32:59 support and I did throw in a bonus zoom session
33:02 this month from my Patreon members and then I got
33:05 very excited thinking about other things I could share and
33:08 I've already started to share movie reviews . I know
33:11 a lot of us love movies and people often ask
33:15 for recommendations . So not only can I recommend movies
33:19 , I can review them for you , which means
33:21 you have something to read and to listen to .
33:24 So what I've done in my first review is I've
33:26 posted it as a podcast and audio that you can
33:30 listen to . The transcript is also there , I
33:32 highlight vocabulary . I have discussion questions so um the
33:36 Patreon members are welcome to answer my questions . There's
33:39 a lot that can be gained from that single movie
33:42 review post and I do plan to share more .
33:44 So there are the basic perks of to live sessions
33:49 and a bonus video by the way , I didn't
33:51 even add that . I should put this here .
33:54 Mm hmm . So I should probably go like this
33:57 one . Let me put it like this . I
34:00 give to monthly live lessons on zoom and YouTube and
34:08 this is minimum 60 minutes . Okay . That's what
34:13 I'm doing on Youtube because Youtube I can go longer
34:15 . And then in addition to that , I'm giving
34:18 one bonus video , but people who know me know
34:21 me that I like to be generous and I pack
34:24 my perks . I love to give a lot because
34:26 I get so excited about all that I can share
34:29 . Um So I have shared , not just one
34:31 video in january and one in february . I think
34:33 there's seven bonus videos already up there . The new
34:36 new brand new bonus video is coming um , this
34:39 week on Tuesday , I'll share it with my members
34:42 so I'm excited about this possibility . I hope you
34:45 are too . And I really invite you to check
34:48 it out and know that in March there will be
34:50 more opportunities . Um so please consider coming . Oh
34:54 well , Ray , Hello , the stunning lad .
34:58 Thank you . Oh my goodness , I just turned
35:00 over , I haven't been following the chat and I
35:02 saw the super chat . Thank you very much .
35:05 Can you finish this first ? Stunning glad asks me
35:08 . Your love is like a red red rose ?
35:11 No , so your love is like a red red
35:14 rose . Um it fills my heart and forever grows
35:22 . How's that ? Okay ? You guys can take
35:25 on his challenge as well . Your love is like
35:28 a red red rose . Who else would like to
35:30 take on that challenge and add on something there .
35:38 Uh , surprises thing . That's not , it's a
35:41 play on words . Patreon is the person , Patreon
35:44 is the platform . Okay , yeah , advanced pro
35:48 city classes . Aha natalia . Well the thing is
35:52 again , Patreon is new um so as it grows
35:55 , I will find opportunities to grow with it .
35:58 Um as I see different groups of people coming onto
36:02 the platform , I will try to see how I
36:07 might be able to target different needs . For example
36:09 , right now , among my current members , I
36:11 have a number of people who are teachers and tutors
36:13 of english . So I've been thinking of having a
36:16 special session for them to meet their professional needs ,
36:19 but I also recognize that there are people at the
36:22 intermediate level , the advanced level . Um so we
36:25 might do um some more targeted sessions but to add
36:28 sessions um I need more people . So having more
36:31 people allows me to add more sessions and we can
36:34 make those sessions um specific to a need , I
36:38 can target skills and um interest areas more easily .
36:42 Okay , so I hope to add more sessions and
36:47 um I do take request from my members , um
36:50 what I asked them what they'd like to focus on
36:52 , they voted on pronunciation for february , and that's
36:55 what we've been doing in our live streams . We've
36:57 been doing rhythm and intonation , so we'll take another
37:00 vote and we'll see what happens in March . Okay
37:03 ? Um Yes , Larry says they're stunning . Oh
37:09 , robert Burns , another good poet , Django .
37:12 Thank you . I'm glad you agree . It's a
37:14 good opportunity . Okay , all right guys , um
37:17 so I want to to scroll on back and remind
37:20 you of the two poems that were b we were
37:23 able to read and enjoy together today , invitation to
37:27 Love by paul , Laurence , Dunbar , and Tonight
37:30 by Sara Teasdale . I'll include these links in the
37:33 video description and I hope that you'll take the time
37:36 to enjoy them more even after this session ends .
37:40 Okay , so I'm going to get back to this
37:43 screen shot if there are any final questions , um
37:47 I'll wait around for just a moment or two and
37:50 see if there are other questions I can answer .
37:52 Um Otherwise I thank you for being here and sharing
37:55 valentine's day with me . Happy Valentine's Day to you
37:58 all . No , that again , more videos are
38:01 on their way . I share every thursday , tomorrow
38:04 is monday , so I'll be posting on instagram .
38:06 If you don't follow me there , please do english
38:09 with jennifer Lebedev . Um what else is coming up
38:12 ? The bonus video for my um Patreon members that's
38:17 coming up this week and we do have one more
38:20 livestream , I'll be meeting with my Patreon members for
38:22 an exclusive youtube live stream . This kind of format
38:25 um , on friday . So if you really want
38:28 more , there is an opportunity to get more .
38:30 You just have to sign up as a super member
38:33 and you'll get the link . Okay . Um ,
38:37 there's more coming . You don't mean synonyms well ,
38:41 um , I do have some videos , older videos
38:45 on synonyms , word families , so you might take
38:48 a look at the different lessons I have in my
38:51 vocabulary playlist again . Um , what I can do
38:54 with my members is take requests this coming friday .
38:58 We'll have our livestream to target pronunciation intonation specifically ,
39:03 but I will definitely make time for Q and A
39:06 allowing my members to ask questions in advance and then
39:10 I can give answers in real time at that live
39:12 stream . So again , lots of learning opportunities on
39:15 Patreon . I hope you'll consider that . Oh ,
39:17 don't forget guys . Um , I do have basic
39:20 membership still here on Youtube . We have some fun
39:22 perks that have been added . Uh , the fun
39:25 , I think super fun is the emoji um ,
39:28 stickers . So I was able to team up with
39:31 emoji um , and with the help of an artist
39:33 , we created custom audio gifts so that the stickers
39:37 look like me and you hear my audio voice .
39:39 I've been featuring the different stickers on instagram , teaching
39:43 you about these conversational expressions so that you can become
39:47 familiar with them and use them um , in conversation
39:51 and in your text chats . So there is one
39:54 free sticker , one free audio gift on emoji .
39:57 Um , but there are bonus audio gifts for my
40:00 basic Youtube members . Um , so that's a really
40:03 fun perk , but really when you talk about getting
40:05 regular practice , basic membership for a dollar a month
40:09 gives you at least eight written tasks a month every
40:12 week I post to written tasks on the community tab
40:16 um and Mondays and Wednesdays and I provide corrections um
40:21 to those who complete these exercises . So , if
40:24 you want regular practice , that's another thing you can
40:27 check out . If you see the join button ,
40:28 click it and check out what I'm able to offer
40:31 you . Some of you sadly are not able to
40:33 see the joint button and for that reason , I've
40:36 created Patreon because it is more accessible . Um so
40:40 I'm trying to create opportunities to reach everyone and to
40:44 meet your needs for more learning opportunities . Okay .
40:49 Um I don't have time to talk about William blake
40:53 right now , but perhaps in a future , livestream
40:55 will do more poetry and robert , Burns and William
40:59 Blakes . Perhaps those could be poets that we feature
41:02 . How can you improve your pronunciation ? Well ,
41:05 this was a start today to listen for the rhythm
41:07 . If you can understand and feel the rhythm of
41:10 english and start to replicate that start to follow the
41:14 rhythm and produce that rhythm in your own speech .
41:17 You will sound more natural . I've been practicing with
41:20 my Patreon members um how to establish rhythm . What
41:24 are the content words ? Um why we don't stress
41:27 focus words ? And as we work on the rhythm
41:30 , we also give attention to it intonation , knowing
41:33 when our voice should rise and when our voice should
41:36 fall . These are the things we've been practicing in
41:39 the month of february and we will continue to practice
41:41 on friday . Don't forget I do have a full
41:45 playlist on intonation , on rhythm and intonation that's free
41:49 to all check out my playlist on intonation . Um
41:53 in the fast speech series will teach you about linking
41:56 . So it's not just about having clear sounds .
41:59 Remember that pronunciation is bigger than sounds . Um ,
42:03 as we start putting sounds together , we can link
42:05 them , connect them . Um then we start talking
42:09 about stressed words and creating a rhythm . Um ,
42:12 so rhythm intonation um are very important elements in pronunciation
42:18 . I do have videos to help you um and
42:20 if you follow those you can improve . Okay ,
42:23 I'm glad Murder that you enjoyed reading poetry with me
42:26 today . Okay . Um all right , guys surprise
42:33 me . I do have I have videos on surprise
42:35 . I have um expressions of surprise and how we
42:39 express um surprise and what our voice does with with
42:43 that emotion , how it's often a strong rise fall
42:46 like really ? Yes . Really ? I'm on Patreon
42:49 . Patreon . Yes . Patreon . So there are
42:52 ways that we use intonation to express surprise and I
42:56 cover that in my conversation videos here on Youtube as
43:00 well as the playlist on intonation . Okay . Live
43:04 editing . I'm sure we'll do more of that .
43:06 We did that in january . Um , perhaps we'll
43:08 do that again in the springtime . Okay , Alright
43:12 guys , it's time to wind down and I want
43:14 to thank you all again for joining me . Um
43:16 stunning . Glad , thank you so much for the
43:18 very generous super chat . I appreciate that very much
43:22 and happy valentine's day to all of you . I
43:25 hope you enjoyed the poetry . I hope it filled
43:27 your day with some beauty and I hope to see
43:30 you back here soon . Thank you everybody .



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