Functions and Graphs - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Functions and Graphs - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Functions and Graphs - By The Organic Chemistry Tutor

00:00 So this video is a multiple choice review of functions
00:03 and graphs . Let's start with the first problem .
00:06 Consider the function F of X is equal to x
00:09 squared minus five X plus seven . Which of the
00:12 following is equal to F three . So to evaluate
00:15 the function , We simply need to replace acts for
00:18 three . So it's gonna be three squared minus five
00:21 times three plus seven , three squared or three times
00:25 street . That's nine . five times 3 is 15
00:29 and nine minus 15 is negative six . Negative six
00:33 plus seven Is equal to one . So therefore f
00:37 of three Is equal to one . And that's the
00:40 answer , which correlates to answer choice C number two
00:47 . If F of X equals 10 , which of
00:50 the following could be a value of X . By
00:53 the way , I recommend pausing the video and working
00:55 out the problem yourself . If you do so you're
00:57 going to get a lot more out of this lesson
01:01 . Now , since F of X is equal to
01:03 10 , We can replace f of X with 10
01:08 . Our goal in this problem is to solve for
01:10 the value of X . So let's begin by adding
01:12 eight to both sides , negative eight plus eight is
01:16 zero , which is nothing 10 plus eight is 18
01:23 . So now when you divide both sides by two
01:26 , two divided by two is 1 , 18 ,
01:28 divided by two is 9 , so nine is equal
01:31 to the absolute value Of X -5 . Now to
01:35 get rid of the absolute value symbol , I need
01:38 to write two equations . nine is equal to X
01:42 -5 and -9 is equal to X -5 . So
01:46 we're gonna get two possible answers first , let's add
01:51 five to both sides . Nine plus five is 14
01:57 and then let's do the same to the other side
01:59 or the other equation -9 Plus five is -4 .
02:05 So we have two possible values for X . X
02:09 can equal 14 or it can equal negative four .
02:12 However , -4 is the only one listed . So
02:14 therefore be is the right answer number three . What
02:20 are the following ? Is a function ? Is it
02:23 a B , C or D . Now for a
02:28 graph to represent a function , it has to pass
02:30 the vertical line tests . So let's look at answer
02:33 choice A . If we draw a vertical line ,
02:36 Notice that it touched it at two points . Therefore
02:39 A does not represent function . Looking at answer choice
02:43 , see it touches the vertical line at three points
02:46 so it does not pass the vertical line test .
02:48 So C . Is not a function for a curve
02:52 to pass the vertical line test , it must touch
02:55 the vertical line only at one point . So for
02:58 answer choice D . It touches the vertical line at
03:01 two points . So D does not represent a function
03:04 , But for be it only touches it at one
03:06 point . So answer choice B is a function number
03:12 four . What is the value of f of -1
03:16 ? According to the graph shown below . So how
03:20 can we determine the value of f of negative 1
03:25 ? Now it's important to understand that when you're dealing
03:27 with functions X is the number inside the function and
03:31 the entire function is equal to Y . So we're
03:34 looking for the value of why when Acts is equal
03:36 to negative one . Acts is equal to negative on
03:39 at this point . So me to find a curve
03:42 And we can see that why is equal to two
03:47 . So when X is negative one , Y is
03:49 too . So we have the point negative one comma
03:51 two . So this is the answer we're looking for
03:56 F of -1 is equal to two , which means
04:01 that D . Is the right answer choice . Number
04:06 five , If f of X is equal to three
04:10 , which of the following could be a value of
04:12 X . Recall that we said that F of X
04:18 is equal to Y . So if f of X
04:21 is equal to three , then we can clearly see
04:24 that . Why is equal to three . So .
04:28 Ny history , what is the value of X ?
04:32 So why is story at this point ? So if
04:35 we draw a line why equal street at this point
04:39 and at this point . So now let's locate the
04:41 X values . So X can be negative too .
04:45 Or it can be some other number which is probably
04:48 approximately about five . So five is not listed as
04:52 one of the answer choices but negative to us .
04:55 So X can be negative too . Number six ,
05:01 what are the intervals where f of axes increasing ,
05:05 decreasing and constant . So let's talk about when it's
05:09 increasing . It's increasing in this section and it's also
05:15 increasing in this section . So one point of interest
05:21 is -2 and it's always increasing before that . So
05:25 that's negative infinity and it begins to increase again when
05:28 accessory . And since we have an arrow , it
05:31 continues to increase all the way to positive infinity .
05:35 So in writing intervals you're dealing with the X values
05:38 , not the Y values . So the intervals where
05:42 the function is increasing is negative infinity to negative two
05:47 . That's the first part . And then to connect
05:49 it with the second part , we need to use
05:51 the union symbol . So union three to infinity .
05:56 Now , what about when the function is decreasing ?
05:59 Its decrease in here and here ? That's when the
06:02 values of why it's going down . So that's from
06:06 negative to 2 -1 . And from 2 to 3
06:13 it's decreasing as well . So I'm going to write
06:17 negative two comma negative one , Union , 2 to
06:22 3 And then finally one . Is it constant ?
06:27 It's constant in this region . That is from negative
06:32 1 - two . And so that's it . So
06:37 we have the intervals where the function is increasing ,
06:40 decrease in and constant Number seven identified the location of
06:49 the relative maximum of F . Of X . So
06:53 the maximum , the relative maximum looks like a mountain
06:56 or hill . The relative minimum looks like a valley
07:02 . So this is the relative maximum that we're looking
07:04 for and the X value is associated with the location
07:09 of the relative extremely . So it's located at Acts
07:12 equals -2 . So therefore be is the right answer
07:18 . Number eight . What is the relative minimum value
07:21 of F . Of X ? The relative minimum is
07:25 located right here . Now from the last problem ,
07:28 we saw that the location of the extreme value or
07:32 the relative extreme value is associated with the X coordinate
07:36 . The y coordinate is associated with the value itself
07:40 , not the location . So the value of the
07:43 relative minimum Is -2 . That's the Y coordinates of
07:48 this point . And so therefore be is the right
07:51 answer number nine . What is the value of f
07:57 . A 4 ? So we have a piecewise function
08:02 . And which part of the piecewise function should we
08:05 use ? Is it x squared plus four or seven
08:08 ? X minus six ? Now four is greater than
08:14 two . It's not less than a negative three .
08:16 So therefore we need to use the first one .
08:19 So it's gonna be four squared plus four . Four
08:25 squared is 16 , 16 plus four is 20 .
08:28 So if a voice equal to 20 , which means
08:31 that D . Is the correct answer choice Number 10
08:36 , what is the domain and range of the graph
08:38 shown below ? So let's start with the domain .
08:43 The domain represents the X . Values and let's express
08:47 it using interval notation . So the lowest X value
08:52 is negative five , and then the highest X value
08:56 for this portion of the graph Is -2 . Then
09:00 it starts up again positive too . And then this
09:03 arrow tells us that it goes to infinity . Now
09:08 we have a close circle , so we need to
09:11 include negative five . So the domain is going to
09:14 be negative five to negative two Now because we have
09:18 an open circuit negative to need to use a parentheses
09:21 to show that -2 is not included . So x
09:25 doesn't equal negative too , but it's less than -2
09:28 . And then union to to infinity . Always use
09:33 a parentheses symbol for infinity . Now , if you
09:37 want to write this using inequalities , you could say
09:40 that X is less than -2 , But equal to
09:46 or greater than -5 . That covers this part .
09:49 You can also say that X Is greater than or
09:54 equal to two . So we can use an or
09:58 statement . Now , what about the range ? The
10:05 lowest y value that we see the rangers associate with
10:08 the white values , the lowest one . Is that
10:11 -5 ? And then the highest one for the first
10:15 part of the graph is negative three . Then it
10:18 starts up at one and then the arrow tells us
10:20 that it goes up all the way to posit infinity
10:25 . So to write the range and interval notation ,
10:27 we're going to start with the lowest y value of
10:29 negative five And we have a close circle , so
10:32 it includes negative five And then it stops that -3
10:36 . And then we need to connect the first part
10:37 with the second part . So we're gonna use a
10:39 union symbol . It's going to start back up at
10:42 one and go all the way to infinity . So
10:45 as an inequality , we could say that why Is
10:48 less than -3 but equal to or greater than -5
10:53 . We could also say that why is equal to
10:55 or greater than one ? So now you know how
10:58 to write the domain and range ? Using inequalities and
11:03 interval notation . So that's it for this problem .
11:07 Number 11 . Find the difference quotient of the function
11:10 shown below . So here's the formula that will help
11:14 you to determine the difference . Question . It's F
11:16 of X plus H minus F of X , divided
11:20 by H . So what is F of X plus
11:23 H To determine F of X plus H simply replace
11:28 acts with X plus H . So F of X
11:34 plus H is going to be the square root of
11:36 X plus H plus two . And F of X
11:39 itself is just a square root of X plus two
11:42 . So how can we simplify this expression ? So
11:46 what we need to do is multiply the fraction by
11:49 the conjugation of the numerator . So the conjugal is
11:53 going to be the square root of X plus H
11:55 plus two , but instead of minus , it's going
11:58 to have the opposite sign plus and then square exports
12:02 to . Now , whatever you do to the top
12:05 of a fraction , you must also due to the
12:07 bottom of fraction so that the value of the fraction
12:11 stays the same . So now we need to foil
12:17 the square root of X plus H plus two times
12:20 itself . The square root will cancel and it will
12:24 give us the stuff on the inside , X plus
12:26 H plus two . Now if we multiply these two
12:30 terms that's going to give us plus square root X
12:35 plus H plus two times the square root of X
12:39 plus two . And then if we multiply these two
12:42 terms we're gonna get the same thing but positive and
12:46 this one should have been negative . So let me
12:47 just change that due to this negative sign . And
13:03 then if we multiply the square root of X plus
13:05 two times the square root of X plus two with
13:09 the negative sign that's going to be negative acts plus
13:12 two . And so this is all divided by H
13:17 times that stuff . Mhm . Now let's see what
13:29 we can cancel . So these two terms will cancel
13:33 the adults . Zero . Yeah . And so what
13:39 we have left over it's going to be X plus
13:42 H plus two . And then we need to distribute
13:46 the negative science that can be negative ex excuse me
13:49 Negative X -2 . Yeah . And on the bottom
13:53 it's going to be aged times the square root of
13:55 X plus H plus two plus this . So now
14:00 we can cancel the 22 plus negative 20 and we
14:04 can cancel X . So we're left with H divided
14:10 by H times the same stuff . So now H
14:20 divided by HS one . So the final answer for
14:23 this problem . The difference question It's equal to one
14:27 divided by the square root of X plus age plus
14:31 two plus the square root of X plus two .
14:35 So this is the final answer .


This precalculus provides a basic introduction into functions and graphs. It contains plenty of examples and multiple choice practice problems.


Functions and Graphs is a free educational video by The Organic Chemistry Tutor.

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