English Expressions for the Beginning of a New Year! - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

English Expressions for the Beginning of a New Year! - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

English Expressions for the Beginning of a New Year! - By Learn English with EnglishClass101.com

00:0-1 All right . I think we are rolling . Hi
00:01 everybody and welcome back to our weekly livestream . My
00:04 name is Alicia and this is the first stream of
00:07 2021 . Welcome back in this lesson . I'm going
00:11 to talk about expressions for the new year . That
00:15 means I'm going to focus on goals and resolutions and
00:19 then we're going to talk about making plans . So
00:22 that means making plans to achieve your goals . And
00:26 we're also going to talk about goal deadlines . So
00:30 by when will you achieve your goal ? The grammar
00:34 points for this lesson . I'm going to focus on
00:36 the grammar points . I'm going to focus on for
00:38 this lesson our will and going to for making your
00:43 plans and for your goal deadlines . I'm going to
00:46 focus on by and until , so we have a
00:49 lot to do this week . So as you join
00:52 , please make sure to hit the like button and
00:55 share this video so that other people can join today's
00:58 lesson and find today's practice session . All right ,
01:02 I'm getting everything loaded . So while we wait for
01:05 other people to join us live a couple of quick
01:07 announcements , as always , first thing first , uh
01:11 this banner at the bottom of the screen . Uh
01:14 free pdf to teach . Uh I talk about this
01:17 all the time , but you can find free Uh
01:20 downloadable printable uh PDFs that you can use to study
01:25 vocabulary . This one is uh school , there's I
01:28 know this one is really popular , the business English
01:31 one . These are vocabulary . Uh and expressions and
01:35 questions you can use in a variety of situations .
01:39 So on the back you'll see uh like in this
01:44 case this is the travel one . Maybe it's a
01:47 tough one to use right now , but you can
01:49 pick up a whole conversations . You can find conversational
01:53 expressions there . Plus vocabulary . So check this out
01:56 from the link below the video , on Youtube or
01:59 above the video . If you are watching this on
02:02 facebook , you can find this for free . You
02:04 need your name and an email address to make an
02:06 account and then you can download these . There are
02:09 a lot of these like some I don't have printed
02:11 out their new so please go and check them out
02:13 . You can download all of them or free .
02:16 That is announcement number one , announcement number two .
02:19 As always if you have questions for me , if
02:23 like there are a lot of questions , I can't
02:25 catch them all in the live chat . If you
02:28 have questions for me , you can send them to
02:30 me for this series . This is a screenshot from
02:33 the ask Alicia series , a question and answer series
02:36 . You can send me your vocabulary grammar , culture
02:39 questions , whatever . I'll read it and maybe answer
02:43 it for this series . So if you want to
02:45 send me a question you can send it to me
02:48 in english class 101 dot com slash ask hyphen Alicia
02:54 . There will be a link in the Youtube description
02:56 . If you're watching on facebook you can find that
02:59 uh in the Youtube description there and also if you
03:01 would like to find me on instagram , you can
03:03 find that here . There is a link for that
03:05 in the Youtube description as well . Okay , I
03:08 think everything is ready now , so I'll say hello
03:10 to you Youtube . Hey youtube , what's up ?
03:13 Welcome back . Happy New Year youtube Philippe rocio I
03:16 want to remember is high marcello . Hello everybody Trans
03:20 Zhao hi welcome nelly . Oh hello . Fantastic .
03:24 I see you uh facebook where you facebook , where
03:28 are you facebook ? Are you a live facebook ?
03:30 I'm coming for you if you're watching uh for the
03:32 first time in a while I am broadcasting from home
03:36 uh , due to the world situation up there you
03:40 are . Great facebook is here . Fantastic . Okay
03:43 , so quickly I'll say hi to you facebook .
03:45 Hello , Happy new Year bank . Oh my gosh
03:48 ! So many comments . I'll Adalberto Hello Lord is
03:51 Hello . Welcome Thanaporn . Hello tang morning teacher high
03:55 . Great ! Everybody's here . Let's look at our
03:58 lesson boards . We have a lot to do .
04:00 So let's take a look . Boom . This is
04:03 what we're going to do today . This is today's
04:05 uh , study topic , study topics rather . Uh
04:09 , first we're going to look at basic expressions for
04:12 the new year . So resolutions and goal expressions .
04:17 You can send me your resolution live in the chat
04:20 or send it in a comment later . Second we're
04:23 going to practice your plans . Talking about your plans
04:26 . What are you going to do in 2021 ?
04:29 We're going to focus on using going to and will
04:33 lastly , we are going to talk about your deadlines
04:36 . When are you going to finish your goal ?
04:41 When are you going to achieve your goal ? We're
04:43 going to use by and until to practice these .
04:46 Okay , so with that let's get started . There
04:49 are many comments . If you have a question ,
04:52 send it live in the chat . Uh I will
04:54 try to answer it but please remember there are many
04:57 messages so I may not see yours . Okay ,
05:00 let's get started . Basic expressions . Let's start with
05:04 basic expressions . Happy New year . Happy New Year
05:07 . Many people are writing Happy New Year in the
05:09 chat . Perfect . So Happy New Year . You
05:11 can use this until about the middle of january .
05:17 I guess usually the first time you see someone you
05:20 can use Happy New Year and then like after b
05:23 mid january , it sounds a little weird . You
05:26 don't have to say it . You might also see
05:29 this expression , here's to a good year . This
05:34 is here is Here is Here is to a good
05:37 year is like it means I hope it's a good
05:41 year . I hope it's a good year . Here's
05:44 two is a common way to say like let's hope
05:48 together . Here's to something . So you might hear
05:52 here's to uh other like a celebration . You might
05:57 hear this expression used . It means like let's hope
06:00 together or something . Okay , all right , so
06:03 let's get to the important stuff here . First in
06:07 blue for today's lesson , I have these key questions
06:10 for you to practice and use so make sure you
06:13 remember these questions and ask other people these questions .
06:17 Okay , So first , what's your New Year's resolution
06:22 ? What's your New Year's resolution ? Resolution ? This
06:26 means goal . So your New Year's resolution means your
06:31 goal for the year . It's very common to choose
06:34 a goal for the year . In january resolution is
06:39 the word we use for this type of goal .
06:42 A new year goal . Okay , so let's look
06:45 at some examples with this pattern . You can send
06:48 me your resolution in the chat if you're joining live
06:51 , be cool . Okay , so my resolution is
06:55 to infinitive verb phrase . So here when I say
07:00 infinitive verb phrase , I mean a phrase , a
07:04 gold phrase that begins with an infinitive verbs . The
07:09 infinitive verb means the base form of the verb ,
07:12 like the dictionary form . Yeah , let's look at
07:15 some examples here . My resolution . It's hard to
07:20 see . My resolution is to start a business .
07:23 My resolution is to start a business . Start is
07:26 the infinitive verb . Okay . All right , please
07:29 don't flood the youtube chat with the same question Jared's
07:32 are not the topic for today's lessons ended for ask
07:34 Alicia . Thank you . Okay , my resolution is
07:37 to start a business . Okay , so that's one
07:40 example of a very common New Year's resolution . Yeah
07:45 , Another one . My resolution is to save $10,000
07:50 . So maybe you have a money saving goal .
07:53 Yeah . Okay . Or my resolution is to stop
07:58 eating junk , like to stop eating junk food .
08:01 Okay , so make sure you use this infinitive here
08:05 to stop to save to start and so on .
08:08 Okay . Uh many people are writing about language learning
08:13 resolution . So Conwell says , my new my New
08:17 Year resolution , make sure uh my New Year's apostrophe
08:21 S . Yeah , my New Year's resolution is to
08:24 learn french is to learn english with Alicia . Don't
08:27 forget this two . Yeah , two verbs . Uh
08:31 My New Year's resolution is to make a lot of
08:34 money . Okay , um my resolution is to earn
08:38 some people . Let's see . Elvin wrote much money
08:41 . We can't use much . Uh We don't use
08:43 much in positive sentences , earn a lot of money
08:47 . Okay , wow . There are many comments coming
08:50 in . My resolution is to start a new job
08:53 instead of joining a new job , Start a new
08:55 job on facebook . Um movie , my solution is
09:01 my solution . Oh , is to start to practice
09:04 english for my test . Make sure not solution resolution
09:09 . There's an R . E . At the beginning
09:11 . Resolution . Resolution . Okay . All right .
09:14 Other ones , there are many ones . There are
09:16 many comments on facebook . I'm sorry I missed a
09:18 few qin . Said my resolution is to improve my
09:21 english skill more good and remember specific goals are good
09:25 goals . Right ? Make it specific . Okay .
09:28 Um All right . Let's look at the next pattern
09:31 though . This one is more general . So to
09:36 answer this question , you can use the word goal
09:39 . It doesn't have to be resolution . I'll talk
09:42 about the difference here . Resolution Goal . What's the
09:46 difference ? So resolution as I said , sounds official
09:49 . Yeah . So we use resolution at the beginning
09:53 of the year . A New Year's Resolution goal can
09:58 be used at any time of the year for something
10:01 you want to achieve . Yeah . So you can
10:04 use this at the beginning of the year . Also
10:06 , that's why . So my goal for the year
10:11 is to infinitive verb phrase . So you can use
10:15 this pattern . Also , some examples my goal for
10:19 the year is to buy a house or my goal
10:23 for the year is to open a store or my
10:28 goal for the year is to run a marathon .
10:32 So again , you can use my goal for the
10:34 year or my resolution is something . Mm So these
10:39 are basic expressions we can use to talk about our
10:43 resolutions and cools . You can use this pattern any
10:47 time of year except well . Just change year to
10:51 like month or a week . Yeah , my goal
10:53 for the week . My goal for the month .
10:55 My goal for the summer , you can change year
10:58 to a different time period . So more examples are
11:01 coming in , ruby says , my New Year's resolution
11:04 is to improve my english good . My New Year's
11:07 . Don't forget this little apostrophe s New Year's resolution
11:12 . Um , side says my resolution is to start
11:16 building confidence . Good . Okay , that's a good
11:18 one . Nice . Um , let's see . My
11:22 goal for the year is to win a trophy ,
11:25 says bob . Not great . Great . Okay ,
11:27 Excellent . Rachael says , my goal for 2020 is
11:30 to get my visa to Canada . Don't forget your
11:34 bird is to get my visa to Canada . Fantastic
11:36 . Okay , you guys are doing a great job
11:39 with that so we'll stop there for part one and
11:42 go to part two now . How to express uh
11:45 your plans then . So quick break if you missed
11:49 it earlier . I showed you the free PDFs the
11:53 vocabulary and phrases , expressions that you can use uh
11:57 to practice your vocabulary to pick up some new words
11:59 . So check this out . I showed you a
12:02 few of these earlier . If you like music you
12:04 can check this one out , has lots of music
12:07 vocabulary , music vocabulary . Uh if you are feeling
12:12 optimistic about travel you can pick this one up to
12:15 um so there are many different topics for you to
12:18 check out . You can download all of them for
12:21 free . So check the link below the video if
12:23 you're watching on Youtube or about the video . If
12:26 you're watching on facebook to get this . Okay ,
12:29 fantastic . So Let's go to part two for today's
12:33 lesson . I'll show you today's lesson boards . You
12:36 can take a screenshot . Are you ready if you're
12:38 ready ? Boom . Okay , so expressions for the
12:43 beginning of the year , we just talked about basic
12:46 expressions , happy New Year resolutions . Now , we're
12:51 going to talk about your plan . So we're going
12:55 to focus on the grammar points Will and going to
12:59 I'm not going to talk in detail about the two
13:03 grammar points . I just want to refresh your mind
13:06 uh , and give you some examples to think about
13:10 . So let's take a look going to and will
13:14 the question , the key question for part two here
13:17 is what are you going to do in 2021 ?
13:22 What are you going to do in 2021 ? So
13:25 that means like what steps are you going to take
13:29 to achieve your goal ? Yeah . So the small
13:32 parts , yeah . Like every day or every week
13:35 or every month we can use going to and will
13:39 to express these . Yeah . So let's look at
13:42 some examples and then after let's talk about the differences
13:47 between these . Okay , first going to , so
13:51 you might say I'm going to write a book .
13:55 I'm going to write a book or I'm going to
13:59 study three times a week or I'm not going to
14:04 drink alcohol . So many different types of gold ,
14:08 right , negative . This one is a negative .
14:10 I'm not going to drink alcohol . So these express
14:15 a plan we had before the conversation . This is
14:19 when we use going to we're sure that's the ,
14:21 that's the feeling of going to , I've decided this
14:24 is my plan . I'm 100 sure . Okay ,
14:29 let's compare this to Will will . So for example
14:34 , I think I'll start a new hobby . I
14:39 think I'll start a new hobby . Here's will I
14:42 think I will . I've reduced it . I'll is
14:45 I will I will I think I'll start a new
14:48 hobby or I'll probably go to a language school .
14:53 I'll probably go to a language school or uh I
14:58 don't think I'll watch a lot of T . V
15:02 . I don't think I watch a lot of T
15:04 . V . This is the negative . I do
15:06 not think I will . I do not think I
15:09 will or maybe I probably won't watch a lot of
15:12 tv . So Will Is used to express things that
15:17 we're not . 100 sure about . We have not
15:22 decided yet . We decided in the moment in the
15:25 conversation . Yeah . So should I use will should
15:29 I use going to , this is a very common
15:31 question Remember will not 100 sure plan decided in the
15:38 conversation . So for example , this one I think
15:42 I'll start a new hobby . This I think is
15:45 very common with will . It's like saying I'm not
15:49 sure but maybe I think I'll start a new hobby
15:54 . This is also very common . I'll probably I'll
15:59 probably also one point I notice many learners don't say
16:03 this all sound clearly . Many of my former students
16:07 said I probably I probably don't say I probably please
16:12 say I'll probably I'll probably I'll probably do something okay
16:19 good . Again in the negative you can use I
16:23 don't think I'll watch a lot of tv or I
16:26 probably won't to use won't in that pattern . Then
16:31 in comparison going to we use going two for 100%
16:37 sure plan . So we've decided we thought about it
16:42 before the conversation . We chose the goal . We
16:45 made the resolution . Yeah , 100% sure plans .
16:49 Decided before the conversation . So I'm going to write
16:54 a book . That sounds very confident . Yeah .
16:58 Or I'm going to study three times a week .
17:01 Okay . So very sure , very confident plans .
17:05 All right . I'm going to check some of your
17:07 examples now . Madrasa on Youtube says I'm going to
17:10 give up drinking beer . Nice example , sentence .
17:13 Okay , um , let's see , bob says ,
17:17 I think I'll start a new restaurant . That's a
17:19 good example sentence too . Um , some other ones
17:24 , it's very bright here . Some others can you
17:29 give the form of will and going to , I'm
17:31 not sure what that question means . Can you phrase
17:33 it a different way ? Uh , Raina says I'm
17:36 going to work out every day . Very nice example
17:39 . Okay . Orlando says I'm going to stop smoking
17:42 cigarettes . I'm going to stop , uh , stop
17:45 and start . This is I don't have time to
17:47 explain this in at this point in detail , but
17:50 for for the goals and resolutions , stop and start
17:54 often are followed by uh a word that has an
17:58 I N . G at the end . Start working
18:01 or stop smoking or stop drinking . Stop followed by
18:05 the noun form of that word to stop smoking cigarettes
18:09 . Okay , mm . Okay , um Manuel says
18:13 I'm going to study a Master's degree , so I'm
18:16 going to maybe study for a master's degree . Okay
18:21 ? You tom says I'm going to make a new
18:23 film . Very , very nice . Okay . Um
18:26 , other examples , there are many lots of people
18:29 are talking about language learning . Fantastic . Okay ,
18:33 sounds good to me so well . And going to
18:36 these , you can use to express the smaller steps
18:40 in your plan . Also , we're going to review
18:43 this topic next week in more detail . So ,
18:48 uh please , during again next week if you want
18:50 to practice this one , similar . Okay fantastic .
18:53 So this is part two for today . I don't
18:56 see other questions but I do see many good example
18:59 sentences which is super cool . All right , so
19:02 let's take one more short break and then we'll go
19:05 to part three , focusing on by and until to
19:09 talk about your deadlines . Okay ? So if you
19:12 missed it earlier I will show you one more time
19:15 . The free stuff that you can download from the
19:18 link below the video . If you're watching on Youtube
19:21 or above the video you're watching on facebook . Uh
19:25 This one's upside down , You can find free pdf
19:28 uh to help you expand your vocabulary about many different
19:34 topics . So this one's family and relatives also just
19:37 meeting people for the first time . Some conversational phrases
19:41 . So check these out . There are many many
19:44 different topics that you can take a look at .
19:46 I'm looking for another one here . Uh sports and
19:50 exercise . Some of you are talking about working out
19:52 and uh like going to the gym in your resolution
19:56 . So maybe this is a good one to pick
19:58 up . You can find key vocabulary about the gym
20:02 here . It's perfect . Right ? So check it
20:05 out . Uh find the link below the video or
20:07 above the video . You need your name and an
20:10 email address and you can download everything for free .
20:14 Alrighty . So let's go to part three for today
20:18 . Also , if you have not , please make
20:19 sure to like this video and share it so that
20:22 other people can find today's lesson . That would be
20:24 super . Super . Cool . Okay . All right
20:27 , let's go to part three . I'll show you
20:29 our lesson boards one more time And you can take
20:32 a picture if you want to . Boom . All
20:35 right . So we practiced . Let's see in part
20:38 one resolutions and goals in Part two , we cover
20:43 going to and well , and now we're going to
20:46 talk about our deadlines how to express , uh ,
20:51 when we're going to finish our goal , when we
20:54 when we plan to finish our goal . So we're
20:58 going to review using by and until in part three
21:02 here . So let's take a look . All right
21:06 . So when are you going to reach your goal
21:10 ? When are you going to reach your goal ?
21:12 So what's the plan ? What's your schedule really ?
21:14 So many of you for example , Right . And
21:17 say , you know , I'm going to improve my
21:19 english or I'm going to , uh , maybe you
21:22 start a new business or whatever . But you have
21:26 to also give yourself a timeline , right ? You
21:29 have to take steps inside the timeline to do this
21:32 . So how do we express that ? We can
21:36 use by with a point in time to do that
21:41 . This expresses a deadline . Let's look at one
21:44 example , I'm going to write a chapter in my
21:49 book by the end of january . I'm going to
21:55 write a chapter in my book . By the end
21:57 of january . Chapter means one part of the book
22:01 , One part of the book . So by the
22:04 end of january , here's my by expression by plus
22:08 my point in time . The end of january is
22:11 my point in time . So this means uh to
22:16 imagine on a timeline , I start my book now
22:20 or I start my chapter in my book now and
22:22 I work , work , work , work , work
22:23 , work , work and sometime in the period before
22:29 the end of january , I finish it The end
22:32 of January . So January 31 is my deadline .
22:37 That's the last possible day . But maybe I'll finish
22:41 it before I want to express some action that will
22:46 finish uh , between today and the end of january
22:52 . I want to express the deadline for it .
22:55 I use by to do that . Okay , I'm
22:58 going to write a chapter in my book by the
23:01 end of january . Another example , I'm going to
23:06 run five km without stopping By March one . I'm
23:13 going to run five km without stopping by March one
23:18 , March 1 . Here's my point in time .
23:20 Yeah , by March one . So that means I'm
23:23 going to practice running , I'm going to do training
23:26 sessions , I'm going to go to the gym ,
23:28 uh , whatever . So I'm expressing March one is
23:33 my deadline . So this means maybe I will reach
23:37 the skull . Maybe I'll reach the skull before March
23:41 1st . That's okay , that's correct . In this
23:43 sentence . I'm expressing the deadline here with by ,
23:47 I'm going to run five kilometers without stopping by March
23:52 1st . Okay , get some of you are writing
23:55 your example sentences . Fantastic . I'm gonna apply for
23:58 my study Visa by january 1st january 1st . It's
24:01 already it's already gone . Were what january 6th or
24:05 seventh , depending on your time zone now . Next
24:08 january . Okay . All right . Uh , chosen
24:12 when on facebook says I'm going to study level one
24:15 korean class by the end of february . Okay ,
24:17 Maybe I'm going to take level one korean class .
24:20 All right , nice then . Uh , let's continue
24:24 one more example . I'm going to finish my job
24:28 applications by next week . I'm going to finish my
24:32 job applications by next week . Here's my time .
24:37 My point in time . Next week I'm going to
24:41 finish my job application . So you'll notice these are
24:45 all just basic going to statements , right , I'm
24:49 going to do something , so your your plan ,
24:52 your step plus by and a point in time .
24:56 This expresses your steps . Okay . Uh , some
25:00 other ones , Madrid madridista says I'm going to build
25:03 my house by March 1st . Nice . Okay .
25:06 Other ones , I'm Gertrude says I'm going to travel
25:10 to Canada by july 23rd . Okay . That's very
25:14 specific . Alright . Nice . Nice . Other ones
25:18 . Um , Ross says , I'm going to kill
25:21 it by the end of this week . Do you
25:22 mean like kill it ? Like do a good job
25:24 or like something ? You have to do something else
25:27 ? I don't know . Okay . Uh , someone
25:30 that name and says I'm going to eat pizza next
25:32 week or maybe by the end of next week .
25:34 Okay . That your goal for the year . No
25:37 judgment . All right . Okay . Let's go to
25:40 until then . Until So what's the deal until in
25:45 this uh , in this lesson I'm going to cover
25:48 . I'm going to talk about using have with until
25:53 so we use until in sort of a similar way
25:58 as by we use until plus a point in time
26:03 . You see I have have here have until point
26:06 in time . So let's look at an example .
26:08 What do I mean here for example I have until
26:13 april to write my thesis . I have until april
26:19 to write my thesis . So this means that there's
26:24 some deadline outside me . So my schools deadline in
26:29 this case or my professors deadline . My teacher is
26:31 deadline and I want to express the total amount of
26:37 time I have . I have until april to write
26:44 my thesis . So yes , this means April is
26:48 my deadline . I cannot say I have by April
26:53 totally incorrect , totally incorrect . You can say I'm
26:57 going to write my thesis by April . That is
27:01 100 correct . That is totally true . This expression
27:07 I have until april just it shares the total time
27:13 the time period you have available . I have until
27:16 april . Another example I have until summer to choose
27:22 my college . I have until summer to choose my
27:25 college . So again you are expressing the total time
27:29 . You have . So that means from now until
27:33 summer . Um That's it marks the end point of
27:37 something . One more . I have until tomorrow to
27:41 study for my test . Have until tomorrow to study
27:44 for my test . So again we're expressing a time
27:48 period inside which we can do something . I have
27:53 until tomorrow to do something . All right . I
27:57 have until may to apply for my study Visa .
28:00 Nice example . Okay . I have until 2020 to
28:05 spend time with me . 2020 has finished . So
28:09 that doesn't make sense . We have to use a
28:12 future point in time here . I have until maybe
28:17 next week to spend time alone for example . All
28:21 right . Uh shang on facebook's . I was waiting
28:27 for my friend until five p.m. I was waiting for
28:30 my friend until five PM . Okay . Chosen one
28:34 says I have until july to study 20 lessons on
28:38 Youtube . Very nice , very nice . A .
28:41 S . D . Says I have until june to
28:42 drink my whiskey . Oh . Oh okay . Very
28:45 specific and interesting goal . Okay . Uh Jon Tenney
28:49 says I have until summer to drop my winter shoes
28:52 . What do you mean drop are you going to
28:54 sell something ? We use dropped its like a cool
28:58 like stylish way to say release or launch a new
29:01 product is to drop something . Gonna drop some new
29:05 shoes . Okay . All right . Very nice example
29:08 sentences , nice ones . So we have to finish
29:10 their because I'm out of time , but I'll show
29:13 you one more time today's lesson board so you can
29:17 take a picture uh , and you can review this
29:20 later . Okay , lesson boards . Here we go
29:24 . Boom . So today we practiced expressions , basic
29:27 expressions for the New year resolutions and goal expressions .
29:32 We talked about using , going to and will and
29:36 we also talked about using by and until to express
29:40 our deadlines . Okay , so this is today's topic
29:44 , but next week some of you are asking as
29:47 always about the next lesson . Within the next lesson
29:50 . I'm here every week , Every week for many
29:52 years . Um , this uh , next lesson will
29:55 be january 13th , next week , Wednesday 10 PM
30:00 Eastern Standard time . If you don't know your local
30:03 time , please google it or just set a notification
30:07 on facebook or on youtube . You can do that
30:11 . If you follow me on instagram , I always
30:13 share a link And a reminder about the topic .
30:16 So you can do that . It's in my stories
30:18 , check that out next week . I will talk
30:20 about how to talk about your 2021 goals in detail
30:26 . So that means scheduling and the steps you're going
30:28 to take . So , uh , like today's points
30:31 about going to and will we are going to review
30:34 that . Uh , and we're going to talk about
30:37 those small steps to achieve your goal . So many
30:41 of you said you want to , uh , improve
30:43 your language skills . So we'll cover some expressions you
30:46 can use to describe that next week . So please
30:49 join me again next week . That would be a
30:51 super , super cool . All right . I will
30:53 say good bye for today . So thank you as
30:56 always for joining me . Good to be back in
30:59 2021 . Uh , thanks very much for liking and
31:02 sharing this video and make sure to check the link
31:05 below the video or above the video to get your
31:08 free stuff , enjoy the rest of your day ,
31:10 enjoy the rest of your week . Have a good
31:12 weekend .



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