Theme - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Theme - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Theme - By Julie Jaeger

00:02 Hey , can you explain things to me ? Sure
00:07 . Being able to find a theme is really important
00:11 . First , do you know what theme means ?
00:14 Well , I know it is a message about life
00:19 , and I know that it is the message that
00:20 the author wants you to understand . It is a
00:26 truth or insight about people or life that the author
00:29 wants the reader to understand . That is right .
00:35 But don't forget that it is not just about the
00:37 characters or the story itself . What does that mean
00:44 ? It means that a team needs to be universal
00:47 . It has to be able to work for another
00:48 story or book . It has to be abstract .
00:55 It has to be an idea that applies to me
00:57 . To you , To anyone . Can you give
01:02 me an example ? Okay , let's use Finding Nemo
01:07 . You know that story ? Yes . What would
01:11 you say that story is about ? I would say
01:16 that it is about Mino and his friends finding their
01:18 way home . That is true . But that cannot
01:23 be the theme because it has the characters and part
01:26 of the plot in it . The theme has to
01:32 be more general so that it can apply to any
01:34 story . So would the theme be Friendship that is
01:40 general and any starry could be about friendship . That
01:45 is a great point . Friendship is general , but
01:48 a theme cannot just be one word . It has
01:51 to be a whole message . Finding Nemo is about
01:56 friendship , so you could say that friendship is the
01:58 subject or topic of the story . What do you
02:03 mean by subject or topic ? The subject or topic
02:08 is one word that can apply to a story .
02:10 It is usually an abstract noun , so you cannot
02:15 use that for the theme . Then why bother figuring
02:18 out the topic ? Well , when you have identified
02:23 the topic , you can use that to help you
02:25 come up with a theme statement . How do you
02:30 do that ? Let's use Finding Nemo again . Since
02:36 we know the topic is friendship , we can use
02:38 that to start working on a theme statement . I
02:43 need to figure out how friendship helped the characters in
02:46 the story , right ? Exactly how did friendship helped
02:52 the characters grow on change ? Well , friendship helped
02:56 Nemo find his way back to his family that made
02:59 him happy . Good . Now you have to make
03:03 it into a general statement about life . You have
03:07 to take out the characters and plot . It has
03:10 to be able to be applied to a different story
03:12 and still make sense . Hum like friendship can make
03:19 you happy or wait . Friendship can lead to happiness
03:23 . That is really good . Let's check it .
03:27 Does it mention a character ? No . Does it
03:32 talk about plot ? No . Could you say that
03:36 it is true for another story ? I think so
03:41 . I think you can use the same theme statement
03:44 for Toy Story that follows all the rules . So
03:49 I think you have a good theme statement . Now
03:54 let's go work on another one .


Designed to teach how to write a theme statement. Addresses the idea of subject or topic vs. theme, and keeping plot and character out of the statement. - created at


Theme is a free educational video by Julie Jaeger.It helps students in grades 3.

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