The Nutcracker for Kids (Preschool & Kindergarten) Story & Dance - Read the Story & Dance the Dance - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Nutcracker for Kids (Preschool & Kindergarten) Story & Dance - Read the Story & Dance the Dance - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

The Nutcracker for Kids (Preschool & Kindergarten) Story & Dance - Read the Story & Dance the Dance - By Learn And Play Montessori School

00:0-1 Hello Friends . So excited to dance with you all
00:03 today . And we are going to do something a
00:06 little different with the S . Class today because I'm
00:09 gonna actually start by reading you guys a story but
00:13 before we read a story , can you all if
00:17 you don't already have one , go grab a scarf
00:19 or like a long piece of fabric just so we're
00:22 ready to use it for our dance a little bit
00:24 . Okay , can we give you a minute to
00:26 go do that ? And I grab a scar .
00:29 I'm grab a sip of water . There were complications
00:35 . Four . I want to talk to you guys
00:37 today about the story of the Nutcracker and the Nutcracker
00:42 is something that's very special to me because as someone
00:44 who was growing up doing ballet , I was in
00:48 the valley of the Nutcracker for like 10 years in
00:52 a row , I was in that performance , I
00:55 got to play a bunch of different parts and we
00:57 are going to read the story of the nutcracker right
01:00 now . Come on , it was good . Mhm
01:04 . Mhm . Yeah , So we have the nutcracker
01:14 illustrated by Sheila Beckett by reading Bill Dickey . This
01:22 is okay . Once there was a little girl named
01:25 Clara whose family was having a wonderful party on a
01:28 snowy christmas eve merry christmas , she said as she
01:32 agreed with each guest . The last guest to arrive
01:39 was Clara's Godfather Hair drosselmeyer . All the Children loved
01:43 him very much because he was a toy maker and
01:46 a wonderful storyteller . Clara thought he could even perform
01:49 magic merry christmas . Clara he said , presenting her
01:53 with a heavy package merry christmas and thank you ,
01:57 Clara cried , lifting a large wooden nutcracker from the
02:00 wrappings . He looks like a very brave soldier ,
02:03 she said . And so he , he is air
02:06 jostle Meyer replied . Yeah . Just then the musicians
02:13 began to play a lively tune and all the grownups
02:16 began to dance . Clara carried her nutcracker over to
02:20 where her cousins and friends were playing with their new
02:22 toys , holding him carefully , she softly hummed a
02:26 christmas carol . All of a sudden Clara's little brother
02:29 fritz jumped up from behind her chair and grab the
02:31 nutcracker . Oh so you're sneaking up there ? Yeah
02:40 , no for its no . Clara cried chasing him
02:43 soon all the Children were running after fritz . But
02:46 the nutcracker was very heavy and fritz was a very
02:48 little boy . The nutcracker crashed to the floor and
02:51 he broke . Clara sadly picked up her injured nutcracker
02:55 and showed him to draw some ire . Why Clara
02:59 ? He said , tying his handkerchief from around the
03:01 nutcrackers broken jaw . Many good good soldiers get hurt
03:05 in battle . This will be his bandage and you
03:08 will be his nurse . And he wiped her tears
03:10 away and handed the nutcracker back to her . Mhm
03:17 . Clara was a good little nurse . She gently
03:19 tuck the nutcracker into the doll's bed she had received
03:22 as a christmas present . She stayed by his side
03:25 until all the guests had gone home . Then she
03:28 kissed him good night and went to bed . But
03:31 Clara could not stop thinking about her nutcracker . So
03:33 back downstairs she crept and lifted him from the little
03:37 bed . Then she curled up on the sofa and
03:40 fell asleep with the nutcracker in her arms . Shut
03:43 up . Mhm . While Clara was sleeping , Air
03:49 jostle . Meyer came into the room . He quietly
03:52 took the handkerchief off the nutcrackers jaw and gently waved
03:56 over Clara and her new toy . Suddenly the nutcracker
03:59 was transformed into a handsome prince standing guard over Clara
04:03 while she slept . All right . Later that night
04:10 Clara woke up the house , the tree and the
04:13 toys seem to be getting larger . Tremendous mice were
04:16 running all over the room and then she saw the
04:19 prince bravely battling a mouse wearing a crown . Leave
04:22 him alone ! Clara shouted at the wicked mice .
04:25 She jumped off the sofa and through her slipper at
04:27 the Mouse King , hitting him squarely on the head
04:30 . He fell to the floor and the other mice
04:32 ran off carrying their leader . Thank you for your
04:38 help . Clara said the Prince , picking up the
04:41 crown that had fallen from the Mouse King's head .
04:43 I would like to invite you to the Land of
04:45 the Sweets to meet the sugar sugar plum fairy who
04:48 is ruling there . Until I return . The prince
04:51 placed the crown upon Clara's head and her nightgown changed
04:54 into a beautiful shimmering dress . Together . They stepped
04:58 outside . The falling snow , whist around them in
05:01 a pretty white dance as they traveled in a magical
05:04 sleigh to the beautiful land of Sweets . Yeah when
05:09 Clara and the prince arrived they were greeted by the
05:11 beautiful sugar plum fairy . The prince told her about
05:15 the battle with the giant mice and how Clara had
05:17 saved him from the mouse King . Hooray for Clara
05:20 ! Cried the people from the Land of Sweets .
05:22 They let Clara to the princess and the prince to
05:25 to candy cane Thrones and they began a celebration performing
05:29 beautiful dances that lasted long into the evening , spanish
05:35 dancers celebrated chocolate flour furies performed a waltz and Russian
05:40 dancers did a splendid candy cane dance , jumping high
05:43 into the air . Yeah , at the end of
05:51 the evening the sugar plum fairy twirled gracefully with her
05:54 cavalier Clara's side as she watched the beautiful dance .
06:01 Mhm . Now we must depart . The prince told
06:05 Clara , but one day we will return to land
06:08 to the Land of the Sweets . as the two
06:10 rode off in their magical sleigh . Clara felt that
06:13 she was in a beautiful dream of a christmas eve
06:15 . She would never forget the all right , you
06:21 guys . So today we are actually going to be
06:24 learning the dance of the Russian candy canes . Okay
06:29 , so let's stand up and I hope you guys
06:34 have your scarves ready . And for now we're just
06:36 gonna keep our scars on our necks and then they're
06:39 gonna come in a little bit later to the dance
06:41 . Okay , so we're gonna start with our hands
06:43 on our side , our feet are together and then
06:46 right when the music starts , we're gonna jump and
06:49 pose and freeze and then we're gonna switch and imposing
06:53 , freeze and then we're gonna jump with their feet
06:57 together and start kicking up for the next couple beats
07:01 of the song and then we're gonna do it again
07:03 , We're gonna jump in post and freeze , jump
07:06 in post and freeze and repeat it again . Do
07:09 our kicks awesome . And then okay , so we
07:15 go , Mhm . Yeah , yeah , then I
07:22 think that's when we take our scarves off and run
07:25 in a circle and we you guys can just kind
07:28 of do whatever you want with it , we can
07:32 keep kicking our legs running in our circle until the
07:35 music changes and we're gonna pose down to the ground
07:41 and switch and switch and we're coming up a little
07:45 bit higher switch and get faster and faster and faster
07:51 . Okay , let's take that from the top one
07:53 more time . So we're gonna start with our hands
07:55 on our sides , are scarves on our neck and
07:58 we're gonna jump impose jumping pubs and kick and kick
08:04 and kick can can can shocking pose jumping phones and
08:10 kick them . Thank you . All right . And
08:14 then we take our scarves and we run in a
08:16 circle boy that I'm around . We're having a party
08:22 and then we're gonna pose low and lo and higher
08:27 , higher , faster , faster , faster , faster
08:31 . And we're gonna close again and of thank you
08:36 . Thank you And again again and get and get
08:43 mm . And then we are going to do another
08:47 circle with our scars running around . Okay ? And
08:53 then we get to the front of the circle ,
08:55 we're gonna change it . We're gonna kind of slice
08:58 our arms in front of us and kick our legs
09:01 back . So they look like this . Yeah ,
09:04 So you look kind of funny . This is how
09:06 they dance when you're handed kink and you guys can
09:09 switch to go backwards and forwards , hey backwards and
09:14 forwards . And then the music is kind of crazy
09:19 . And then at the end we jump impose and
09:21 you guys can throw your spark and that's a little
09:24 dance . All right . So , this may be
09:28 a little bit easier with music . I'm gonna do
09:31 it once by myself and then I think I'm gonna
09:34 have some special guests joining me for the end .
09:38 So , if you guys want to learn this with
09:41 your siblings or parents , it's a really great dance
09:44 to do in a big group . So grab some
09:46 water if you need it . Like Sarah . Yeah
09:51 . Yeah . And let's try it with music .
09:57 Here we go . Yeah . Mhm . Here we
10:12 go . Um Yeah , it starts very fast .
10:20 So I might need Miss Kendra here to press play
10:23 from there . Here . All right . So ,
10:28 remember we're gonna have our scarves on your neck when
10:30 we started our hands on our side ready to jump
10:33 right away . I think we'll do it again .
10:49 Thank you . Mhm . Angry birds circle again .
11:05 Simple . Okay . Just watch the rumors . It's
11:32 just for your service awesome . Who ? That was
11:44 so much fun . This erin . He's another sip
11:48 of water and like I'm gonna invite some friends over
11:51 to join me . Mm . Hello ? Miss Alice
11:59 . Karen . Hello and Starlene . They got their
12:03 scars ready . All right . Yeah , Hunger .
12:09 All right , let's start for you . Okay ?
12:12 Here we go . So , we're gonna start with
12:14 our jump impose kick again . Figure babers or food
12:40 or nothing . You go back to your heart .
13:10 It was your site . It was , yeah .
13:24 All right . Oh , thank you guys . You
13:28 guys have one more . You guys need a breather
13:31 . We need a water break . All right .
13:37 I think we need to use more props with our
13:39 dances . This is fun . Okay , Ready ladies
13:45 . Here we go . Last time everyone go number
13:49 scarf . Yeah . Mhm . All right . Our
14:11 circle . Yeah . Hi . Hi , Thank you
14:59 guys . I hope you have happy holidays and we'll
15:02 see you later , bobby


Enjoy a Holiday story, 'The Nutcracker', read aloud plus a fun dance exercise - the Russian Candy Cane Dance From The Nutcracker. Get your preschool and kindergarten kids in the Holiday mood with this fun, fun story and dance routine. Dance is a key part of the Montessori method - it teaches


The Nutcracker for Kids (Preschool & Kindergarten) Story & Dance - Read the Story & Dance the Dance is a free educational video by Learn And Play Montessori School.

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