Circle Time Tips & Techniques for Homeschooling Preschool & Kindergarten the Montessori Way - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Circle Time Tips & Techniques for Homeschooling Preschool & Kindergarten the Montessori Way - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Circle Time Tips & Techniques for Homeschooling Preschool & Kindergarten the Montessori Way - By Learn And Play Montessori School

00:0-1 high ground up . It's Miss Emily from learning plane
00:02 once a sorry school , we've just gone for a
00:04 really challenging year trying to adapt to home schooling ,
00:08 which may be new to some of us but may
00:10 not be new to all of us . Now ,
00:12 I'm here to talk to you today about some Circle
00:15 Time techniques that can help you to start your home
00:19 schooling day off right now . Circle Time is really
00:23 important as it just introduces the child into the day
00:27 , it gets their mindset ready to know that they're
00:29 going to be doing some learning . It's also an
00:32 excellent time to recap on some topics or some special
00:37 areas that you have been learning about previously and it's
00:40 a great conversational time . I use this time at
00:44 school generally to also get to know the Children a
00:46 little bit better as it's a time that I feel
00:49 they are more willing to share . As it's generally
00:52 first thing in the morning when they just arrived at
00:54 school and our fresh and this will be the same
00:57 at home . They'll be feeling a little bit more
00:59 fresh . Their attention spans will be a little bit
01:02 more focused as it is the first activity that they
01:05 will be taking part in during the day . Mm
01:13 Buying a comfortable area for circle time is a great
01:17 idea and ideally you should stick to the same area
01:20 every time you do your Circle time . That will
01:22 help your child to understand the signal that this is
01:26 where we're going to sit and we're going to listen
01:28 and typically during a circle time you do similar activities
01:32 . So this is where you may be reading a
01:34 story . This is where you may be looking at
01:37 the calendar . This is where you may be introducing
01:40 a new topic . And so generally Children begin to
01:43 understand that Circle Time involves some aspects of sitting down
01:48 and listening . The beginning of Circle Time should always
01:56 draw the Children in . That should be quite exciting
01:59 . And so you might want to have some fun
02:02 songs as a warm up that you do every day
02:04 . You may want to bring out a few instruments
02:07 as it is your warmup time . It's just a
02:09 nice easy way to ease into the debate so that
02:12 the Children feel excited to be there and will then
02:15 be ready to listen . Once you have done your
02:17 warm up now , you can do some warm ups
02:19 in different ways . You might start your day off
02:22 with a riddle depending on how old your Children are
02:26 . You may start your day off with a few
02:28 yoga poses to do some stretches . Alternatively , you
02:32 may want to get your heart pumping and you may
02:34 want to do a few exercises just to get them
02:36 in the mood . However , if you wish to
02:39 start off a little bit slower , you may even
02:41 start with the story that is fine too . Now
02:45 in my circle times I generally cover three topics and
02:49 that will be the day , the month and the
02:53 weather and most days we will also talk about how
02:56 we are feeling . However , I sometimes like to
02:59 keep feelings as a topic that I look at specifically
03:02 so that we can read related stories to it and
03:05 talk about what the feelings actually mean . But in
03:08 a general passing we may just talk about how you're
03:11 feeling if we're feeling a little bit sleepy that morning
03:14 or if we're feeling quite excited , maybe we're doing
03:18 something later that afternoon and this is a great way
03:21 to get to know the Children , even though it
03:23 may be your child at home . It's a great
03:25 way to know what they're thinking about or how they
03:28 feel about things you may even decide to talk about
03:31 if they had any dreams last night . It's just
03:34 a great conversation time and it really helps the Children
03:37 to feel a little bit more at ease and relaxed
03:40 and also attentive as they begin to understand the process
03:43 of talking back and forth and taking turns within a
03:46 conversation . Once we have sung our Hello or Good
03:55 Morning song and we briefly looked at how we are
03:58 feeling that deli . I move on to the calendar
04:01 . Now you may choose to keep it really simple
04:03 and depending on how old your child is , you
04:06 could verbally just talk about the weather by doing things
04:09 practically like looking outside . You could even use a
04:12 calendar of your own just to show them the different
04:15 days of the week and months of the year for
04:18 younger Children . However , I do suggest that you
04:21 use some pictures as that does help them to relate
04:24 the information . For example , for the weather ,
04:27 you could have a cartoon image of the sun .
04:29 You may even choose to use a real image or
04:33 even better . You could take pictures together when you
04:36 do come across these different kinds of weather and you
04:39 could look back at these when it is that kind
04:41 of weather the next day . For example , if
04:44 you're taking a walk and it's a really nice hot
04:47 , sunny day , why don't you get your child
04:49 to help you take a picture of the beautiful son
04:53 or the Seascape , whatever you may be looking at
04:57 . And then you can use that in your calendar
04:59 . Now I have a calendar here that I use
05:02 which has everything on it , including days of the
05:05 week . It has some numbers . It has seasons
05:09 , weather and months of the year . But like
05:12 I said , you could keep it simple , you
05:14 could also make these things at home and generally if
05:17 your child is younger , you do not want to
05:19 bombard them with too much information Completing this whole board
05:24 for a 2-3 year old , maybe a little bit
05:26 more challenging . And of course they may not completely
05:28 understand it as it is an abstract concept . However
05:32 , for all the Children , of course this can
05:35 help them to understand the whole date . So you
05:38 may even get them to write it up . For
05:40 example , 28 of December and it is a monkey
05:44 . They could write that on a white board for
05:46 you . Yeah . Now , as I mentioned earlier
05:53 , I like to use circle Time . You also
05:55 recap previous concepts that we have been looking at .
05:59 That is things like numbers 1 to 10 , which
06:02 we can easily incorporate into our date colors . For
06:06 example , looking at the weather , what kind of
06:08 colors do you see in the sky ? What do
06:11 you see after it rains a rainbow ? Right ,
06:15 let's go through the colors of the rainbow . I
06:18 wonder if you know a song about the rainbow .
06:20 There's so many things that you can incorporate into circle
06:24 time to really stretch it out . But I do
06:27 recommend that you keep circle times relatively small , Nowhere
06:31 longer than 20 minutes , I would say for younger
06:34 Children may even be as little as 10 minutes ,
06:37 that is perfectly fine as it is an introduction to
06:39 the day . Their attention spans will not stretch that
06:42 long typically , especially at the beginning if they are
06:45 younger and you do really not want to force that
06:48 . So also if you're at home , go along
06:50 with their attention span and you will see a progress
06:53 as they mature Now , last of all in a
07:00 circle time . I know you also use some time
07:03 to introduce the concept and this could be anything from
07:08 colours to animals , any particular theme that you were
07:11 looking at , a new letter of the alphabet ,
07:14 but you may introduce weekly , a new number ,
07:17 It could be anything , and generally I would introduce
07:20 this using a game and this will be our focus
07:24 for the day . So we will then incorporate other
07:27 activities that are centered around this new information that we
07:30 just learned at circle time . So for example ,
07:34 if we're learning about farm animals , I may introduce
07:37 some farm animals in a row . Hopefully you could
07:40 have some toys and Children could actually physically touch them
07:43 when you look at them . But if you only
07:45 have pictures , of course that's no problem . You
07:48 can also introduce the animals using pictures , introduce them
07:51 with lots of sound effects to make it fun introduce
07:55 it with a song singing Old Macdonald and then we
07:59 could play a game for example , we could line
08:02 are animals up in a road , ask our Children
08:05 to close out their eyes and then we will take
08:08 one animal or anything . Now this also improves our
08:11 memory so they can try to test their knowledge .
08:15 Do they know the farm animals and you can test
08:18 their memory . Can they remember which farm animals we
08:21 had and which farm animal is missing ? And this
08:24 really gets them excited for learning more about that topic
08:28 . So I hope I've given you a few tips
08:30 on how you may decide to run your morning when
08:32 you are at home and looking for something for your
08:35 child to do while still trying to feed into their
08:38 academics and into their learning . Everyone Atlanta Play Montessori
08:42 School . Goodbye mm


Circle Time is a wonderful way to start your child's day. Miss Emily shares her tips, techniques, and secrets as to how to use Circle Time for homeschooling preschool / kindergarten the Montessori way. For example, you should start with Circle Time each and every day. You can recap what you've


Circle Time Tips & Techniques for Homeschooling Preschool & Kindergarten the Montessori Way is a free educational video by Learn And Play Montessori School.

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