Math Antics - Simplifying Fractions - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Math Antics - Simplifying Fractions - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Math Antics - Simplifying Fractions - By mathantics

00:05 in a previous video , we learned all about factoring
00:08 whole numbers and now we're going to learn how factoring
00:11 can help us when working with fractions , we're going
00:13 to learn how to simplify fractions simplifying a fraction means
00:17 rewriting the fraction using the smallest top and bottom numbers
00:20 we can without changing the value of the fraction .
00:24 To help us understand what simplifying a fraction really means
00:27 . Let's take a look at the simplest fraction ,
00:29 I can think of 1/2 . Now this is already
00:32 as simple as it can possibly be . So let's
00:35 go the other way . And complicated by dividing our
00:37 rectangle here up into more parts , the amount of
00:41 our rectangle that shaded is still the same . But
00:44 now the numbers for our fraction are 3/6 . The
00:47 numbers are bigger because our rectangle is now divided into
00:49 more parts . The fraction we have now 3/6 is
00:53 equivalent to our original fraction . 1/2 . That means
00:57 they have the same value , they represent the same
00:59 amount . So what if someone gives you the fraction
01:01 3/6 ? Like 3/6 of a candy bar ? Well
01:04 we know from our picture that that means they're really
01:06 giving you one half . But how can we show
01:09 that using math and not pictures ? Well that's where
01:12 factoring comes in . Let's take our complicated fraction 3/6
01:16 and factor both the top and bottom numbers . Now
01:19 the bottom number six can be factored into two times
01:22 three . The top number three is a prime number
01:26 . It's only factors are one and itself so we
01:29 can write that as one times three there we've rewritten
01:32 our fraction using factoring and now it kind of looks
01:35 like two fractions being multiplied together . 1/2 times 3/3
01:40 . Of course 3/3 is what I like to call
01:43 a whole fraction since its value is equal to one
01:46 . Now here's the interesting part since 3/3 equals one
01:50 and multiplying by one has no effect on a number
01:53 . We can just get rid of that . 3/3
01:55 , basically the three on the top and the three
01:58 on the bottom cancel each other out . And once
02:01 they're gone we're left with the fraction 1/2 . So
02:05 that means that the fraction 3/6 simplifies to one over
02:08 to another way of thinking about it is that we're
02:11 trying to find any whole fractions that are hiding in
02:14 the fraction . Were trying to simplify and if we
02:17 find any we can just get rid of them .
02:19 And the fraction we're left with is simpler than the
02:21 one we started with . Now that we know the
02:23 basics . Let's learn the procedure for simplifying fractions .
02:26 First replace the top and bottom numbers of the fraction
02:29 with their prime factors . Next look to see if
02:32 any of the factors are the same on the top
02:34 and bottom . If they are , then we call
02:37 them common factors because there's something that both the top
02:39 and bottom have in common . If you find a
02:42 pair of common factors , you can cancel them out
02:44 . Just draw a line through them like this .
02:47 Yeah . And last once all the common factors have
02:49 been canceled , you need to re multiply any factors
02:52 that are left over on the top or bottom .
02:54 This makes sure that you end up with only one
02:56 number on the top and bottom of your simplified fraction
03:00 . Oh , there's one important thing to remember .
03:02 If you're ever able to cancel out all of the
03:04 factors on the top or bottom of a fraction ,
03:07 don't be tempted to write in a zero , put
03:09 a one in there instead . The reason you can
03:11 write in a one is because one is always a
03:14 factor of any number . It's just we usually don't
03:16 write it in . For instance if you're going to
03:19 factor the number 15 , you just say that it's
03:21 five times three but you could also say that it's
03:24 five times three times one . In fact you could
03:27 even say it's five times three times one . See
03:32 why there's always a one left over when you're canceling
03:35 common factors . All right . So that's the basic
03:38 idea behind simplifying fractions . And once you know the
03:40 procedure it's really not that hard but you might want
03:44 to re watch this video just to make sure you've
03:45 got the idea . Now there aren't any exercises for
03:48 this video because it's really just an introduction . But
03:51 in part Two we'll see a couple more examples of
03:53 how you can use the procedure to simplify fractions and
03:56 then you'll get plenty of exercise is to do his
03:58 homework . Oh yeah . Mhm . Uh huh .
04:03 Mhm . Welcome to Part two of simplifying fractions .
04:06 In Part one , we learned the procedure for simplifying
04:09 fractions basically you just take the top and bottom numbers
04:12 and factor them down to their prime factors . And
04:15 then you see if there's any factors that are the
04:17 same on the top and bottom , we call those
04:19 common factors and if there are you just cancel them
04:22 out and once you've cancelled out all the common factors
04:26 , you re multiply whatever is left over to get
04:28 your final answer in this video , we're going to
04:31 see a couple examples of how we can use that
04:33 procedure to simplify fractions . Let's start with an easy
04:36 one . Let's simplify the fraction . 5/15 . Step
04:41 one is to factor the top and bottom numbers so
04:44 we know that 15 factors into five times three And
04:48 five is a prime number . That means it's only
04:50 factors are one and itself , but one is always
04:53 a factor . So we don't need to write that
04:55 down . Step two is to look for common factors
04:58 and cancel them and we can see that there's a
05:00 five on the top and there's a five on the
05:01 bottom . There not directly over each other , but
05:04 that doesn't matter . They still form a common factor
05:06 pair and so we can cancel them out . Like
05:08 this , Step three is to reorganize our answer .
05:12 Now we don't have any factors that need to be
05:14 recombined by multiplying we just have a three on the
05:17 bottom and we don't have any factors left over on
05:19 top . But you'll remember that there's always a factor
05:22 of one . So 5/15 simplifies to 1/3 . Yeah
05:28 . All right . I think we need to see
05:30 another example , but a harder one this time .
05:33 Let's simplify the fraction 30/36 . The procedure is the
05:37 same . Step one is we factor the top and
05:40 bottom numbers all the way down to their prime factors
05:43 . Let's do the top number . 1st , 30
05:46 factors into five times six . Five is prime ,
05:49 But six can be factored into two times three ,
05:53 so are 30 on top becomes five times two times
05:57 three . Now , the bottom number 36 can be
06:00 factored into six times six and each of those six
06:03 is can be factored into two times three . So
06:06 our bottom number becomes two times three times two times
06:10 three . Well , it looks like we do have
06:12 some common factors . There's a two on both the
06:15 top and bottom that will cancel each other out .
06:18 And even though there's more than 12 on the bottom
06:20 , we can only cancel one of them out because
06:22 there's only 12 on top . Remember you always have
06:25 to cancel common factors as pairs . Now we can
06:29 see that there's another pair , we can cancel ,
06:31 there's a three on both the top and bottom so
06:34 we can just cross those out . Okay , that's
06:36 all the common factors we can cancel . So now
06:39 all we have to do is see what's left over
06:41 . We have a five on the top and at
06:43 two times three on the bottom , we don't want
06:45 to leave our problem looking like this so we need
06:47 to recombine any factors that didn't cancel . That means
06:51 multiplying together are two and three on the bottom ,
06:53 which gives us six . There were left with the
06:56 fraction 5/6 . That's a simplified form of the fraction
07:00 30/36 . They both have the same value , but
07:03 the simplified one is written using the smallest numbers possible
07:08 . Now , some of you may have been taught
07:09 that the way to simplify fractions is to find the
07:12 greatest common factor of the top and bottom numbers and
07:14 just cancel that . Basically , that's what we are
07:17 doing when we cancel all of the common factors using
07:20 our procedure . In fact , if you multiply all
07:24 of the common factors together , you'll get the greatest
07:27 common factor or G C F is I like to
07:30 call it , you know , to to sound cool
07:32 . All right . So that's how you simplify fractions
07:36 . But I'll bet some of you are wondering why
07:37 would we even want to simplify fractions ? That's a
07:40 good question . Basically . It's to make life simpler
07:43 . Well , at least for your teacher who has
07:45 to grade all your homework for you , it just
07:48 makes life more complicated . No , just kidding ,
07:51 simplified fractions . Make your life easier to because usually
07:55 simplified fractions are much easier to work with . For
07:58 example , if your friends said to you here ,
08:01 you can have 27 54th of my sandwich , it
08:03 would have been much easier if they had just said
08:06 that you could have one half of their sandwich ,
08:08 since one half is the simplified form of 27 54th
08:12 . So now whenever you see a fraction , you
08:14 can ask yourself , could that be any simpler ?
08:17 And if so , you'll know just what to do
08:20 . So get on out there , work on those
08:22 exercises , start making the world a simpler place for
08:25 assault , learn more at math antics dot com .



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