Math Antics - Quadrilaterals - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Math Antics - Quadrilaterals - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Math Antics - Quadrilaterals - By Mathantics

00:03 Uh huh . Hi , welcome to Mathematics . In
00:08 this video , we're going to learn about special kinds
00:10 of polygons called quadra laterals . Quadrilateral is just a
00:15 fancy math word for a polygon that has exactly four
00:18 sides and four angles like this one . You should
00:21 recognize this shape . Of course it's a square and
00:24 a square is a special kind of quadrilateral . It's
00:28 a quadrilateral because it has four sides and it's special
00:31 because all four of those sides are exactly the same
00:34 length and all four of its angles are exactly the
00:37 same size . In fact , they're all right angles
00:41 . Notice also that a square is formed by two
00:44 pairs of parallel sites . These two opposite sides are
00:47 parallel and these two opposite sides are parallel . We'll
00:50 see why that's important in a few minutes . Okay
00:54 , so squares are an important type of quadrilateral but
00:57 we're going to make some changes to the square to
00:59 see what other types of quadrilateral . There are the
01:02 two things that we can change our the sides and
01:05 the angles . Let's start by changing the sides .
01:08 Let's stretch our square in one direction so that one
01:12 pair of sides is now longer than the other pair
01:14 . This is what we call a rectangle . A
01:18 rectangle is a quadrilateral that still has four equal angles
01:22 . Noticed that when we stretch the square , the
01:24 angles didn't change at all , But it does not
01:27 have four equal sites . Again notice it just like
01:31 a square . A rectangle is made from two pairs
01:34 of parallel sides . All right , So that's a
01:37 rectangle . But going back to our square . What
01:40 if instead of changing the sides , we had just
01:42 changed the angles like this . Ah What we have
01:46 now is called a rhombus . A rhombus is a
01:49 quadrilateral that still has four equal sides , but it
01:53 does not have four equal angles . And once again
01:56 , just like the square and rectangle , the rhombus
01:59 is made from two pairs of parallel sides . Okay
02:04 , going back once more to our square . What
02:07 if we try changing both the sides and the angles
02:10 ? Here's what we end up with . And we
02:12 call it a parallelogram . It's called a parallelogram because
02:17 even though it's sides are not all equal and its
02:19 angles are not all equal , it's still made from
02:22 two pairs of parallel sites . Get it parallel parallelogram
02:27 . Now wait a second . If that's the definition
02:30 of the parallelogram , a quadrilateral that's made from two
02:33 pairs of parallel sides then one in all these other
02:36 shapes be parallelogram is too Exactly . All of these
02:42 shapes are parallel in grams , just like they're all
02:44 quadra laterals . It's just that we have special names
02:47 for them . If they're angles are all equal a
02:50 rectangle or if their sides are all equal a rhombus
02:53 or if both their sides and their angles are all
02:57 equal a square . Okay then if all the quadra
03:01 laterals we've seen so far are examples of parallelogram .
03:05 What's an example ? That's not a parallelogram ? Well
03:08 to see one let's start over with our square again
03:11 . But this time we're going to change it by
03:13 moving just one of its vertex is like , so
03:17 now one of the pairs of science is still parallel
03:20 but the other is not . And a quadrilateral that
03:23 has only one pair of parallel sides is called a
03:27 trapezoid . Well actually this is where classifying quadra laterals
03:32 gets a little messy and that's because this sort of
03:35 shape is called a trapezoid in America but it's called
03:38 the Trip Easy . Um In other countries like the
03:40 UK trapezoid Trip Easy um trap is oid trapezius .
03:48 It's a trapezoid . No . Uh huh . At
03:53 least they both start with the word trap so it's
03:56 not too confusing yet . Okay so this quadrilateral is
04:01 a trapezoid or Trip easy um because it has only
04:04 one pair of parallel sites and the other sides are
04:08 not parallel . Here are a couple more examples of
04:11 quadra laterals that have only one set of parallel sides
04:16 . All right then . What about quadra laterals that
04:19 have no parallel sides at all ? Like this one
04:22 these opposite sides are not parallel and these opposite sides
04:25 are parallel either . So what do we call this
04:27 kind of polygon ? Now here's a really confusing part
04:32 in America . This is sometimes called a Trip Easy
04:34 . Um But isn't that what they call a quadrilateral
04:37 with only one pair of parallel sides in the UK
04:40 , yep . Unfortunately the same word is used to
04:44 describe two different things in two different countries , trapeze
04:49 ium trapeze , iem trapeze Iem Trip Easy . Um
04:55 trapezes , trapeze ium Well at least they both like
05:00 football but to keep things clear at math . Antics
05:04 were not going to call a quadrilateral that has no
05:06 parallel sides a trip Easy . Um We don't think
05:08 it needs a special name , so we're just going
05:10 to call it a quadrilateral . So to summarize any
05:14 polygon that has exactly four sides is called a quadrilateral
05:19 and if it has no parallel sides , we still
05:22 just call it a quadrilateral . But if it has
05:25 one and only one pair of parallel sides , we
05:28 call it a trapezoid or a trip easy . Um
05:31 or if it has two pairs of parallel sides ,
05:34 we call it a parallelogram . And you've already seen
05:37 that there are several types of parallelogram called rectangles ,
05:41 rhombus is and squares . All right , so that's
05:45 the basics of classifying quadra laterals and there's a few
05:48 other special types of quadra laterals but we've learned the
05:51 most important ones But there is one more really important
05:55 thing you need to know about quadra laterals . You
05:57 need to know that the sum of the angles of
05:59 a quadrilateral is always 360°. . Now that's pretty obvious
06:05 for a square or a rectangle . Those shapes have
06:08 four right angles and since we know that a right
06:11 angle is 90°4 times 90 gives us 360 . But
06:16 to see that it's also true for any quadrilateral ,
06:19 let's have a look at these four different examples .
06:22 Watch what happens when we draw a line on each
06:25 of them between a pair of opposite vertex ? Is
06:28 each of the quadra laterals got divided into two triangles
06:33 In the triangles . Video we learned that the sum
06:35 of the angles of a triangle is always 180°. .
06:39 So it's not too hard to see that since the
06:42 angles of a quadrilateral formed two triangles , the some
06:45 of those angles would be two times 180°, , which
06:49 is 360 . Knowing that the angles of a quadrilateral
06:54 add up to 360 degrees . Can help you solve
06:57 problems like this one for this quadrilateral . We're told
07:00 what three of the angles are , but the fourth
07:02 one is unknown To find the unknown angle . All
07:06 we have to do is add up the three angles
07:08 that we do know and then we subtract that from
07:11 the total , which we now know is 360°. .
07:15 So 100 plus 80 plus 60 equals 240 And then
07:22 360 -240 equals 120 . So the unknown angle is
07:29 120°. . Let's look at one more unknown angle problem
07:35 . That's a little tricky . This problem asked us
07:38 to find the unknown angle A . In a parallelogram
07:41 but it looks like they only told us what one
07:44 of the angles is and the other three are unknown
07:46 . So how can we possibly figure this one out
07:50 to solve this problem ? We need to know an
07:52 important fact about parallelogram because parallelogram are always made from
07:57 pairs of parallel sides . That means they also form
08:01 pairs of equal angles . It's the opposite angles that
08:04 form these pairs . For example , in this parallelogram
08:09 , the angles A and C . Are equal because
08:12 they're on opposite corners and the angles B and D
08:15 are equal because they're on opposite corners . Now ,
08:18 remember this is only true for parallelogram . This won't
08:22 work for things like trapezoid size . So in our
08:25 problem , even though we're only given the measure of
08:27 one angle , since we know it's a parallelogram ,
08:30 that's all . We need to figure out all the
08:32 other angles . First of all , we know that
08:35 angle B must also be 50° because these opposite angles
08:39 must be equal . Next we know that the other
08:43 two angles A and C must also be equal .
08:46 So if we can figure out how many degrees are
08:49 left over or still unknown , we can just divide
08:52 that amount equally between A . And C . Well
08:56 the total of all the angles is 360 . So
09:00 if we subtract the angles that we know 50 plus
09:03 50 equals 103 160 minus 100 equals 260 . We
09:09 know that a . And c . must each behalf
09:12 of 260° And 260 divided by two is 130 .
09:19 So angle a must be 130°. . Okay , that's
09:25 all for this video . We've learned the basics of
09:27 how to classify quadra laterals and we learned that a
09:31 quadrilateral angles add up to 360°. . Remember getting good
09:36 at math takes practice . So be sure to work
09:39 the exercises for this section as always . Thanks for
09:42 watching Math Antics and I'll see you next time .
09:45 Learn more at Math antics dot com .



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