Math Antics - Ratios And Rates - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Math Antics - Ratios And Rates - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Math Antics - Ratios And Rates - By Mathantics

00:03 Uh huh . Hi , welcome to Math Antics .
00:08 In this lesson we're going to learn about ratios what
00:11 the world's ratio . Well let's look it up in
00:13 a math book to find out . It says here
00:17 that a ratio is a comparison of two numbers by
00:20 division . Well that's true but it's also a little
00:24 confusing and it's confusing because most of us think of
00:28 comparing numbers is trying to decide if a number is
00:31 greater than less than or equal to another number .
00:34 But with ratios were not trying to compare numbers like
00:37 that . Instead we're really trying to see how to
00:41 numbers relate to each other . And so at Math
00:43 Antics we like to think of ratios as a relationship
00:47 between two numbers by division . Okay , but how
00:50 do you compare or show how to numbers are related
00:53 by division ? Well , to see what the by
00:56 division part really means . Let's look at an example
00:59 of a ratio . Excuse me . That's not a
01:04 ratio . That's a fraction . Oh it's a ratio
01:08 . Alright . Mathematically , ratios and fractions are basically
01:12 the same thing . It's just that when we use
01:14 a fraction in a particular way , we call it
01:17 a ratio . Well , sure everybody knows that .
01:21 Well . Like I was saying , ratios are basically
01:24 just like fractions . The difference is how we use
01:27 them to describe things in the real world to see
01:31 what I mean . Let's look at examples of how
01:33 we could use the fraction 1/2 and the ratio 1/2
01:37 . Mathematically , these are both the same thing .
01:40 They're just the division problem , one divided by two
01:44 . But in the case of the fraction , we
01:45 usually treat it as if it's just a single number
01:48 . For example , at lunchtime you might eat one
01:51 sandwich or if you're really hungry you might eat two
01:54 sandwiches . But if you're not very hungry you might
01:56 just have half a sandwich . We can use the
02:01 fraction one half just like we use one or two
02:04 to show how many sandwiches you eat . It's just
02:06 that in the case of one half , we know
02:08 that it's only part of a sandwich . Just a
02:10 fraction of one . Mhm . Now let's see how
02:13 we can use the ratio 1/2 with the ratio we
02:16 don't treat it as if it's just a single number
02:19 . Instead we pay close attention to the top and
02:22 bottom numbers because we use them to refer to different
02:25 things . For example , let's say we're planning to
02:28 go on a picnic and for every two people that
02:31 are going on the picnic , we're only bringing one
02:34 sandwich . In that case we would say that the
02:36 ratio of sandwiches to people is 1-2 or one sandwich
02:42 for two people . Do you see the difference between
02:45 our fraction and our ratio ? The math part of
02:48 each of them is the same but with a fraction
02:51 , both the top and bottom numbers are referring to
02:54 the same thing the sandwich , however , with the
02:57 ratio the top and bottom numbers are referring to different
03:00 things , sandwiches and people . The fraction shows a
03:05 part of something but the ratio shows a relationship or
03:09 a comparison between two different things . And you can
03:13 see that they're the same thing mathematically because if you
03:16 did have the ratio of one sandwich for every two
03:19 people on a picnic , guess how much of a
03:21 sandwich each person would get , yep , half a
03:25 sandwich . Mhm . All right . So now ,
03:30 you know that fractions and ratios are basically the same
03:33 thing but since they're used differently in math sometimes are
03:37 also showing differently once in awhile . Instead of seeing
03:40 , the standard division form ratio might be represented with
03:44 this symbol . When you see a ratio written this
03:46 way , it just means 1-2 or one per two
03:51 . For example , in this picture , you can
03:54 say that the ratio of dogs two cats is 3-2
03:58 , three dogs , 2 two cats . And you
04:01 can also write it in the standard division form three
04:03 dogs over two cats . They're just different ways to
04:07 write the same ratio ratios are used all the time
04:11 to represent all sorts of things in real world situations
04:15 . So let's see a few more examples to help
04:17 you really understand what ratios are . Have you ever
04:21 wanted to compare apples to oranges ? But someone told
04:24 you you couldn't ? Well you can with a ratio
04:27 . Now let's say a fruit stand sells five apples
04:29 for every three oranges . They sell the ratio of
04:32 apples to oranges would be 5-3 . Or have you
04:36 ever helped someone big cookies ? The recipe might tell
04:39 you that for every two cups of flour you need
04:42 one cup of sugar . That means that the ratio
04:44 of flour to sugar is 2-1 . Or what about
04:49 your T . V . Screen or your computer monitor
04:51 ? Have you ever heard someone say that the size
04:54 or aspect ratio is 16-9 . 16 - nine is
04:59 the ratio of the screen's width to its height .
05:02 So if the screen is 16 wide then its height
05:06 would be nine taller . Uh Here's another good ratio
05:10 that you might use in your car . 40 mph
05:13 . Ha ha didn't you say that a ratio was
05:17 a relationship between two numbers ? But 40 MPH is
05:20 just one number . Looks like someone's got some explaining
05:24 to do . Actually there are two numbers . Do
05:28 you remember how any number can be written like a
05:30 fraction just by writing one as the bottom number ?
05:33 Well 40 mph is the ratio 40 miles per one
05:37 hour . Well I guess you have an answer for
05:40 everything , don't you ? 40 mph is a type
05:45 of ratio that we call a rate . A rate
05:47 is just ratio that usually involves a period of time
05:52 . Here are some common examples of rates 10 ,
05:56 m/s $12 per hour , three Meals per day .
06:00 50 games per year notice that the bottom numbers and
06:04 each of these ratios relate to a period of time
06:08 , seconds , hours , days , years . And
06:11 that's why we call them a rate . All right
06:14 . So that's simple enough . But you might be
06:17 wondering Why are the bottom numbers of all these rates
06:20 one Couldn't you ever rate like 90 m per nine
06:24 seconds or $60 per five hours ? We sure could
06:29 . But most of the time when we have rates
06:31 like that , we want to convert them into an
06:33 equivalent rate that has one as the bottom number .
06:37 And that's because whenever the bottom number represents only one
06:40 unit of time , like one hour or one day
06:44 it makes comparing different rates much easier . For example
06:49 , imagine two cars driving at two different rates .
06:52 The first cars rate is 120 mph three hours And
06:57 the second cars rate is 150 miles per five hours
07:01 . Which car is going faster ? Well , it's
07:04 not all that easy to tell when the rates have
07:06 different bottom numbers . Fortunately it's really easy to change
07:11 a rate so that has one as the bottom number
07:14 . All you have to do is divide the top
07:16 number by the bottom number . The answer you get
07:20 is the top number of the new equivalent rate .
07:23 And the bottom number is just one Rates like this
07:27 are called unit rates because unit means one . All
07:32 right , let's convert the rates of speed for our
07:34 two cars into unit rates so that we can compare
07:37 them easily . The first cars rate was 120 mph
07:42 three hours . So if we take 120 and divide
07:46 it by three , we get 40 . That means
07:48 that the unit rate for the first car is 40
07:52 mph . The second cars rate was 150 miles per
07:56 five hours . So if we divide 150 x five
08:01 , we get 30 . So the unit rate for
08:04 the second car is 30 mph . And now you
08:08 can easily tell that the first car is going faster
08:12 and you can tell why unit rates are so helpful
08:15 . Okay , so that's it for this lesson .
08:18 We've learned that a ratio is basically just like a
08:21 fraction , but instead of showing what part of something
08:25 you have , it shows the relationship between two different
08:28 things . We also learned that when one of those
08:32 two things is time we call the ratio or rate
08:35 . And last of all , we learned how to
08:37 convert a rate into a unit rate for easy comparison
08:40 as always . Thanks for watching Math Antics and I'll
08:43 see you next time learn more at Math Antics dot
08:48 com .



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