4th Grade ELA, Main Idea - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

4th Grade ELA, Main Idea - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

4th Grade ELA, Main Idea - By

00:07 what are we here to learn ? We are .
00:11 I can identify the main idea and supporting details from
00:15 what I read and create a summary Using the supporting
00:19 details . Give yourself a pat on the back if
00:21 you're ready . Hey let's turn those papers over that
00:25 you have on your desk . This is your opportunity
00:29 to do a close reading activity where you read that
00:32 article . You can use your pencil to highlight any
00:36 information that you think will help you in finding the
00:39 main idea . We're going to be using the reading
00:42 cards , The blue reading cards . So when you're
00:44 done simply turn it over so we'll know when we
00:46 can move on . You may begin . Mhm .
01:04 Mhm . Okay . Stop . Thank you for all
01:12 reading that passage on your own and marking key information
01:15 that you found in the text . I will now
01:18 read it to you . Feel free to also mark
01:20 something . If you don't feel you got it on
01:21 your read . Feel free to market at this time
01:24 . Water striders imagine yourself zooming across the top of
01:28 a pond or lake without sinking in while . This
01:32 might be hard for you to do . It is
01:35 easy for a water strider . A water strider is
01:39 a water bug that looks like a large mosquito .
01:42 What makes it different from a mosquito , however ,
01:45 is the fact that it can walk across the water
01:49 . You can find water striders on the surface of
01:51 some ponds , marshes and still water . Water striders
01:56 do more than just walk across the water . They
01:59 also catch and eat their meals on the water as
02:01 well additionally , because they spend more of their time
02:06 on the water , Water striders feed mostly on other
02:09 insects that live near water . In fact , water
02:13 striders only go inland when rain or strong winds forced
02:18 them off the water . The design of a water
02:21 striders body makes it easy for the insect to walk
02:25 on the water . Its body is only one half
02:28 inch long and it is covered with scales that keep
02:31 it from getting heavy and sinking . Like all insects
02:35 , the water strider has six legs . The front
02:38 pair of legs is short while the middle and back
02:41 legs are very long . The longer legs can spread
02:44 over a larger area of water and are useful for
02:47 rowing and steering across the water . No one leg
02:51 is heavy enough to sink the insect . Water striders
02:55 also have very good vision and can move quickly .
02:59 These traits helped keep them from becoming prey or food
03:03 for other insects . Okay , now it's time for
03:07 us to work on some text dependent questions . We're
03:10 going to play bingo while we answer the questions today
03:15 , you have some spiders that you're going to use
03:18 as your markers . Here's how the game will be
03:21 played . Your entire group is one team . I
03:26 will tell you what row or column we're working on
03:29 at that time . Whenever I show you what row
03:33 or column we're working on , your team is going
03:36 to try to find the answers to those questions .
03:39 They must be highlighted in the text and you must
03:43 be able to tell me where you found it with
03:45 the paragraph in the sentence number . Here we go
03:49 . The first thing we're gonna work on is across
03:51 the top . What insects does , what insect does
03:55 a water strider resemble ? How would you describe the
03:58 size of a water strider ? What fat can you
04:01 select to show the speed of a water strider ?
04:04 Go uh , martin mosquito . It looks like a
04:11 large mosquito . Yeah , okay , so put a
04:19 spider , right , what's your answer going to be
04:24 ? Okay , we're going to find it in the
04:36 text . You have to be able to highlight it
04:39 to use it for an answer . What fact can
04:41 you select to show the speed of a water strider
04:45 ? Abby has an answer , share it , Abby
04:49 . What did you see ? I saw sense five
05:00 going and finish awesome job , awesome . Okay .
05:08 I heard my first group water striders . I heard
05:11 it . Okay , let's see if they've got it
05:14 now they're gonna help you out . Because remember when
05:16 we respond , the first thing we do is tell
05:20 the paragraph , then the sentence number , then we
05:23 give our fact but then we answer our question and
05:27 I'm gonna type the answer up here that way you'll
05:29 make sure you've highlighted the correct section . Here we
05:32 go . Which insect does a water strider resemble Hudson
05:36 ? Can you tell me where you found that answer
05:38 , paragraph two sentence one of a water strider is
05:41 a water bug that looks like a large mosquito .
05:43 Okay , so he said paragraph two , sentence one
05:47 . And what is your answer then ? Large mosquito
05:52 ? A large mosquito . He is correct looking good
06:01 . Next one . How would you describe the size
06:04 of a water strider ? How would you describe the
06:07 size ? I'm still on this table because they were
06:09 the first group victor . Can you answer that question
06:12 for us ? I'm paragraph for the second center and
06:15 says , Its body is only 1/2 in lock .
06:20 Ready looking good . Two out of three . Let's
06:26 see if they can get the last one . What
06:28 facts can you select to show the speed of a
06:32 water strider ? Dylan ? It's your turn , paragraph
06:35 five sentence one says water striders also have very good
06:40 vision and can move quickly . She got it ready
06:44 , looking good , Great job . Now we are
06:48 moving to the center column . The next question is
06:53 , since the title of the article is water striders
06:58 , would you find a water strider on land ?
07:02 Next 1 ? How would you summarize what water striders
07:07 eat ? Go , Sure , well , it's time
07:13 to wake . You have to do this . You
07:15 know , we don't she only said this column right
07:19 now , but you'll need to highlight that answer to
07:21 be able to put a spider there . You'd have
07:23 to highlight that . Did you highlighted when we went
07:25 over it ? Okay , make sure your whole group
07:28 has that highlighted and you can put you a spider
07:30 there . If not in a minute , you won't
07:32 be able to use it . Does everyone have it
07:35 ? Okay . Now you can now go , I
07:40 think , I think , you know , it's the
07:44 third time I think that you possibly could find it
07:55 possibly . Okay . But remember we worked on opinions
07:59 and our prior knowledge , we can't bring any of
08:01 that to the text . So you have to be
08:04 able to find it in that passage to highlight it
08:07 spends most of the time . That's okay . But
08:10 the question is look since the title the articles water
08:13 striders , would you find a water strider on land
08:16 ? No , remember I uh something pushes it off
08:23 . Okay . Find that you're getting there , find
08:25 it . She said I remember but now help her
08:28 find it . She remembers it , talked about it
08:29 pushing it off . I heard one right here let's
08:34 give everyone another second or two to work on it
08:37 a little bit further . But you are the group
08:38 that I heard . Okay , Okay . Stop .
08:42 Emily's group up here thinks they have the answers now
08:45 . Remember if your group didn't get to it ,
08:47 you need to listen to where you can find the
08:50 information in the text and highlight it . If you
08:53 highlight it you can give yourself a spider because you
08:56 need all the spiders you can get on there .
08:59 Okay ? Emily , here we go . It says
09:00 since the title of the article is water striders ,
09:03 would you find a water strider on land ? No
09:09 it's no because it says in paragraph three on the
09:12 last sentence . In fact water striders only go inland
09:16 when rain or strong winds forced them off the water
09:18 . That is the text she needed . Now Emily
09:22 , let me ask you that question . The question
09:24 is would you find a water strider on land ?
09:29 No not usually . Okay but listen to it one
09:33 more time . In fact , water striders only go
09:36 inland when rain or strong wind forces them off the
09:41 water . Do you know what inland is ? Emily
09:43 ? Yes , ma'am . Okay . So will they
09:45 ever go on land ? Yes when it's raining or
09:50 it's blowing really hard wind ? Okay . When they're
09:52 forced that way . Even though they're called water striders
09:56 , you could possibly find them on land . Okay
10:01 . And next one josh answer this one for me
10:04 . How would you summarize what water striders eat ?
10:09 Mm hmm , paragraph three second sentence . Uh Well
10:15 , third sentence additional . It says additionally because they
10:19 spend most of their time on water . Water striders
10:23 being mostly on instead insects that live near water .
10:28 Let's give both Emily and josh are cheer looking good
10:34 . Again , if you highlighted that , even if
10:36 your group didn't make it , you can put you
10:38 a spider there . Next row , here we go
10:44 . Bottom row , bottom row , what would happen
10:48 if water striders lost their vision ? You should already
10:52 have this one answered . And how would you show
10:55 your understanding that water striders don't sink go ? Uh
11:06 Also have very good vision . Can Yeah , Yeah
11:19 , I got that wrong . Uh It says these
11:30 traits keep them from becoming price foods or food present
11:35 . Their striders lost their vision . All right ,
11:39 stop . We've got another group . I like how
11:42 we have different groups finishing what would happen if water
11:46 striders lost their vision . Um Adriana share with us
11:50 where you found that answer In paragraph five sentence one
11:54 that says water strider , water striders also have very
11:59 good vision and can move quickly . Okay , so
12:02 what would be your answer to the question ? What
12:04 would happen if water striders lost their vision and wouldn't
12:07 be able to move very quickly ? We're thinking a
12:09 little deeper though they lost their vision . This is
12:12 going to have a bigger impact on their lives .
12:16 Okay , let's let LS group help us out on
12:18 that . They they highlighted a different fact and see
12:21 if this will change your view here . Well ,
12:25 on the paragraph five , the last sentence it says
12:30 these traits help keep from them coming pray . And
12:35 if they lost their vision , they probably become pray
12:39 because they wouldn't know where they were . And uh
12:43 they might come into where the prey is . Very
12:47 good . Let's go to give her the chair looking
12:51 good . Does that group see how that answer got
12:53 changed ? You were right . They're not going to
12:56 move as fast . Okay , But is that the
12:57 most important fact ? No becoming prey is a lot
13:00 more important . Okay . All right . Okay .
13:06 And the last one on the right , it says
13:08 , how would you show your understanding that water striders
13:12 don't sink , Katie , help me out on that
13:15 . Where did you all find your information ? Their
13:18 body is only one half an inch long and it's
13:22 covered with scales . That would keep some um from
13:25 heavy sinking . Okay so that's paragraph for its uh
13:29 sentence two . Okay I agree that kind of shows
13:34 you they're not gonna sink . But I feel like
13:36 another group got another fact that was just a little
13:39 bit stronger . You're not wrong . You are not
13:42 wrong . But let's see if someone can support it
13:44 a little bit more . Jada . Can you share
13:47 with that with us please ? Paragraph four . The
13:51 lesson says no one leg is heavy enough to sink
13:54 the insect . Okay , so we know it's not
13:57 gonna sink because not even one of its legs is
14:00 heavy enough to sink it . All right . I
14:02 guess you can tell what we have left The Middle
14:05 two Questions . You may go . Let's see if
14:08 another group can get it . How you okay can
14:15 you share with your group what classified means ? How
14:20 would you describe ? How would you describe ? Okay
14:26 , a little more than that ? A classification ?
14:29 Okay . Think of food . Think of food .
14:32 Are there different types of food ? Okay . Name
14:34 some types of food for me . A sandwich .
14:39 Okay . Fruit meat . Did you have anything else
14:46 give me sugar ? Nothing sweet , not a brownie
14:50 or anything . A granola bar . Those are classifications
14:55 . Now you're looking for a classification . A type
15:01 , there's something in the text that's going to help
15:03 you with that . How would you classify it ?
15:10 Think about like the big word food . And then
15:14 we broke it into like categories . What category is
15:19 a water strider gonna fit into ? Or we need
15:24 to work on classify over here . Okay , so
15:27 we put it into categories . I want you to
15:28 take the word classified . Think of the category .
15:31 I wonder what a water strider . What category would
15:34 it fall into in this text ? It tells you
15:38 , It tells you what that is . Where did
15:40 you find that ? Let him find it for you
15:44 . Where did you find that Graham ? What category
15:47 ? We're gonna put it in ? Paragraph or paragraph
15:52 four . You're there bad bandit . Like all insects
15:58 . The water Shrider has six legs . That was
16:01 paragraph for Yeah . Right here . Like all insects
16:06 . Great . I'm getting five . Okay . I
16:10 had a group over here . I heard them .
16:12 This one was a little challenging because we had some
16:14 vocab . All right . Have a seat . Have
16:17 a seat . I think our board is full .
16:19 Let's see if we can finish our answers . Classify
16:22 stump . Some people . The word classify that some
16:25 vocab we're gonna need to work on . How would
16:27 you classify water strider ? Um Shelby . Can you
16:30 tell me where you found that ? We count it
16:33 in paragraph four minutes three . Okay . Will you
16:37 read it for me ? It's just like all insects
16:40 . The water strider has six legs . So how
16:43 would you classify it is a what ? And check
16:47 it is an insect . We had to work on
16:49 classify . Okay . Classify . And then the last
16:53 one for the day on questioning is what information would
16:56 you use to support the view that water striders spend
17:00 most of their time on water Brenda . Can you
17:04 answer that for me ? Um In paragraph three ,
17:07 the first sentence , the first two symptoms is it
17:12 says water striders do more than just walk across the
17:15 water . They also catch and eat their meals on
17:17 water as well . Eat and catch their meals on
17:20 water . And then what was the first sentence ?
17:24 Because I think that does help justify your answer .
17:26 They do more than just walk on . Okay .
17:28 They do more than walk . They do more than
17:30 walk both of them get the chair . Yeah ,
17:34 looking good .


4th grade english language arts lesson on finding facts through close read of text; aligned to MA Curriculum Framework Standard RI.4.1.


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