3rd Grade Main Idea Lesson - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

3rd Grade Main Idea Lesson - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

3rd Grade Main Idea Lesson - By

00:06 we're gonna learn today about the main idea of a
00:10 story and how to find the supporting details . But
00:14 you don't know how I am . I don't want
00:16 you just to find the supporting details . I want
00:18 you to be able to tell me why they're they're
00:21 supporting details because they're true learner cannot only state the
00:25 facts but they can defend it . Just like an
00:27 attorney could defend you too . So here we go
00:32 . Turn in your reading spiral . Two main idea
00:36 . I think we did the main idea table ,
00:38 main idea . Find that main idea table or you
00:43 may have drawn a main idea chair . I left
00:46 that option up to you a main idea table or
00:49 a main idea chair . Take a few minutes to
00:51 look over your notes and refresh your mind about what
00:54 main idea is . Give me a thumbs up if
00:57 you think , you know what I mean ? Ideas
01:00 thumbs up . If you think , you know if
01:02 you're not too sure . Everyone in the middle .
01:05 Hello ? Okay , hands down some of my thumbs
01:09 up . People what is the main idea ? What's
01:11 the main idea , Adrian , it's the big picture
01:16 . It's the big theme . The story is a
01:20 about , okay , you also saw supporting detail on
01:25 your spiral . Mhm . What's the supporting detail ?
01:32 A supporting detail . Supporting detail . Mm Olivia .
01:38 What to support in detail ? Yeah , it is
01:43 . It's like a chair . Like it holds the
01:46 main idea . It holds the main idea . If
01:48 I love that you said that , that's exactly what
01:50 a detail does . It supports that main idea .
01:53 It holds it up . So today we're going to
01:56 read a story about Frog and toad and your job
02:01 is to do a little bit of visual thinking ratio
02:04 . You can refresh my mind about what visual thinking
02:06 means , what you think you should write down ,
02:09 Okay , what you think you should write down ?
02:11 Who can expand on that little bit more . I
02:13 love what you're saying that . Well the visual ,
02:17 thank you write it down . You don't say it
02:19 out loud . You write it down . I love
02:21 that . You said that when I'm doing visual thinking
02:23 whatever I'm thinking I don't say it out loud .
02:25 I don't raise my hand . I write my thoughts
02:28 down because my thought has to be a question .
02:32 No no it doesn't have to be a question .
02:35 What could it be there if it's not just a
02:37 question m it can be a I guess I meant
02:43 like exactly right but you think it's just like it
02:49 doesn't have to be crushed . It could just be
02:52 a statement . It could be a comment , it
02:53 could be a statement . Very good . And you
02:55 can see what pops in my head because you know
02:58 Miss Barbie at the movie theaters what she do all
02:59 time talk talk talk Because when you're reading or watching
03:04 something you should be thinking the whole time . You
03:07 should just be reading the word , You should be
03:09 attaching meaning to it and thinking about it . So
03:13 today you're going to do a little bit of visual
03:15 thinking inside your buckets on your table , there's a
03:18 sheet and it says frog and toad . Please grab
03:23 one sheet out of the bucket . Your job is
03:27 to start doing your visual thinking when I say proud
03:30 . But you know how I love to have fun
03:32 . Mhm . It beat your best interest to make
03:35 sure you think and I'm able to see it .
03:38 Okay . Okay wow . Is not okay ? You
03:44 guys ready ? Mhm . Remember if you have an
03:52 unfamiliar word to , you can also throw why they
03:54 do it spent more time in the water than on
03:56 land . What made you write this down ? Have
04:00 a question for you answer what is it ? A
04:03 tone tone has a drop positive . Where do you
04:07 , you paid a little notes and tones and have
04:10 a lot in common ? Did you find a lot
04:13 in common so far ? Did you find anything different
04:16 about them so far ? Hey , I love that
04:20 . You started the very first sentence asking yourself the
04:23 question so that you'll be thinking about that question the
04:25 whole time . How do they have more in common
04:28 ? They have different . Now let me ask you
04:29 this . Do you think ? You know what I
04:31 mean ? Ideas so far . What do you think
04:33 it is close ? It does actually have more in
04:37 common than they have been different since . Have you
04:39 found any details that support that yet ? Do I
04:43 have the story ? Anything that supports how they have
04:45 things in common or support how they have ? things
04:47 are not in common ? Yeah , I truly enjoyed
04:52 what I saw . I could tell exactly what you
04:55 guys were thinking . So when I came around I
04:57 didn't have to ask you , hey Jared , what
04:59 are you thinking about this ? I was able to
05:01 see his thoughts on his paper . A lot of
05:03 you have already figured out what the main idea is
05:06 , which is pretty impressive right now . If you
05:09 have not gotten to that point of your thinking process
05:11 , I want you to take just a moment and
05:13 at the bottom of your paper , I want you
05:15 to write down what you think the main ideas .
05:17 The bottom of your paper . This is just private
05:19 time for you . What do you think the main
05:21 idea of Frog and Toad is ? Mhm I love
05:26 how cage raining , complete sentences he told me the
05:28 main idea is Mhm Yeah . Yeah . Or am
05:35 I going a little bit deeper in my discussion about
05:37 frogs and toads ? Think about that when you right
05:39 now The story . But frogs haven't comment . And
05:50 you know what ? They haven't commented . Excellent .
05:58 Look back to the text remains exact exact detail that
06:02 tells you exactly what they have . Different pick out
06:04 . one detail tells me about a difference . It's
06:10 actually have you found some things I had in common
06:17 ? Good , good , excellent . Main ideas .
06:21 I was going around . I think we pretty much
06:23 all had the same thought in mind . Let's talk
06:26 about it real quick Now when I want to organize
06:28 my fault . What's a good way to organize my
06:31 thoughts ? I'm talking about main idea Isabella . I
06:35 mean , ideally have excellent ideas . Bell let me
06:37 draw one of those through a label it Frog and
06:43 toad . And we know in the middle of our
06:46 web , we always put the think about it .
06:49 Mhm . Think about it . Tell me . Excellent
06:54 . With the main idea in the center . I'm
06:56 a volunteer to tell me what the main idea of
06:58 my story is . The main idea of my story
07:02 . Hmm . Diego you want to tell me they
07:11 belong to this family . Okay . So frog and
07:18 toad have things in common . What else ? That's
07:30 not the whole man does not . The big picture
07:32 is a little bit of piece of the picture .
07:34 What else ? All right . The main idea is
07:38 that how frogs and toads are different in the like
07:42 excellent mandy is about how frog and tell how things
07:45 in common and their differences . Now , we're going
07:54 to delve back into our text one more time .
07:56 We're gonna look for some boarding details . I want
07:59 to supporting details about how they're alike and to supporting
08:02 details about how they are different . Okay I'm gonna
08:06 give you two minutes of group trying to talk about
08:08 it . You may proud to your groups . Remember
08:11 head to head , head to head that . Really
08:30 ? Oh that's a great one . Right That one
08:34 damn right now is an excellent one . Is that
08:36 something having commerce and there's different in common . Go
08:40 ahead and write that one Now is excellent fact so
08:41 far . Make sure we delve back in our text
08:43 and find it . When you do your checks evidence
08:48 . Make sure you tell me which paragraph you found
08:50 evidence in thing . You guys have already found a
09:15 few details , details that you found so far .
09:20 Okay let's talk about their a frog is smooth and
09:26 a toad is bumpy . Those are the differences you
09:29 think may need to state that some differences we found
09:32 were . Yes , exactly . Right . Do me
09:36 a favor . When you're going back in your text
09:38 , you find your evidence to make sure you tell
09:40 me which paragraph you found that evidence in right ?
09:42 Paragraph one or paragraph two or P one P two
09:46 after the first . You put your clear , let's
09:52 go ahead and write that down . Exactly right charlotte
09:54 is what they have in common , and what's different
09:56 about them . Go ahead and write that down in
09:58 your diagram . Okay , let me a warty skin
10:13 . Have you done a third one yet ? Okay
10:19 , so looking at Madison's paper , I see the
10:22 main idea is that they have more in common .
10:24 They have different . So this is what I've noticed
10:27 . You tell me what you think you said that
10:29 frogs and toads both hop away from their home .
10:33 So , those are things that have and what in
10:36 common then you have . That toad tends to have
10:38 bumpy dry skin and frogs have smooth skin . So
10:41 something you have , that's what different . So our
10:45 main ideas that there are things in common and different
10:47 , how we held up . Our main ideas are
10:49 table falling over right now . We've held it up
10:52 , so we're pretty good so far . Okay ,
10:55 you just finished having your group discussion about things they
10:58 have in common and things that are different . You
11:01 looked in your paragraph to find the supporting details .
11:03 So that's what's gonna happen . I'm gonna go to
11:05 each table and I'm gonna surprise you and ask you
11:08 if you're gonna give me something have in common ,
11:10 I'm not going to be different . I do ask
11:13 you tell me where you found that particular detail in
11:15 paragraph one , paragraph to paragraph three or four ,
11:18 so on , because you need to have tax evidence
11:21 , you have to prove to me you found it
11:22 there . Okay , let's start with group number four
11:29 . Give me something they have in common that they
11:34 have in common . Group # four . Um Jared
11:39 . Oh they are both in fib ian excellent Jared
11:44 . J where'd you find that out in your text
11:46 ? The first paragraph , first paragraph said they're both
11:50 amphibians and put paragraph one on that . Mm .
11:56 Table two . Tell me something that is different .
12:03 Different will . Um um Frog skin is slimy and
12:13 uh toad skin is warty . Excellent . Excellent .
12:20 Frog skin and slimy . Toad skin is warty .
12:27 What paragraph did you find that in ? Will ?
12:30 Um uh paragraph three , paragraph three . He says
12:37 excellent . Will . Um Okay . Group # one
12:43 . Group number one . Tell me something in common
12:48 . Group number one . I'm gonna have in common
12:50 . Yeah . Landing on rocks and both probably from
12:55 their water homes . They hop away from their homes
13:01 . What paragraph did you find that in landing craft
13:04 to paragraph two ? No , I'm sorry . It's
13:09 one . I can make it into one . No
13:10 worries . No worries . Mhm . Last but not
13:14 least . Group three . Group three , I need
13:18 a different group three . Tell me a difference between
13:20 it frog and a toad . According to the text
13:25 . Emma dogs can't eat frogs , but they can't
13:29 eat toads . Mm . A vocabulary where we learned
13:34 not too long ago is when you can eat something
13:36 , it can be eaten . That's another word for
13:39 you can eat it , remember ? Garrett ? Um
13:47 And edible . Exactly . Right , So frogs are
13:51 edible . Hmm . Yeah , Excellent . So we
13:57 just finished our graphic organizer . We did an awesome
14:00 job on a two minute ad . I love that
14:02 . I saw everyone thinking you're working head to head
14:04 . You were thinking and listening to each other .
14:06 You weren't just going along with someone else was saying
14:09 you were debating a very good job . Yeah .


3rd grade lesson using Frog & Toad to identify the main idea and supporting details. Aligned to MA Curriculum Standards: RI 3.1 (Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers) and RI 3.2 (Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea).


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