AE Live 5.1: Practical Applications for Critical Thinking in English Language Teaching and Learning - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

AE Live 5.1: Practical Applications for Critical Thinking in English Language Teaching and Learning - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

AE Live 5.1: Practical Applications for Critical Thinking in English Language Teaching and Learning - By

00:01 Hello everyone and welcome to the first session and american
00:04 English Live Teacher Development series five . My name is
00:08 Lauren and I'll be with you today along with my
00:10 colleague behind the scenes heather who will be serving as
00:14 moderator to help answer your questions and respond to your
00:16 comments . During the session Today our host kate will
00:20 be talking with our presenter Lesley Ott Beckman , about
00:24 how to evaluate your existing LT materials for critical thinking
00:28 content and how to leave even more critical thinking into
00:32 your english language courses . So let's go ahead and
00:34 get started . Hello everyone and welcome to the first
00:40 session in American English live series five , we're so
00:43 happy to have you all here with us today to
00:46 talk about practical applications for critical thinking in English language
00:50 teaching and learning . Please let us know in the
00:54 chat box or the comments where you are from ,
00:56 where you're joining us from and how many webinars you've
01:00 joined us for in the past throughout the series .
01:03 Maybe there are so many that you've attended with us
01:05 that you can't even count , maybe give it a
01:07 shot and of course if it's your first time here
01:10 , um we're so very happy to see you and
01:13 look forward to learning and sharing with you today .
01:17 So let's start with these great photos featuring teachers from
01:21 Tunisia , Nepal and Mexico who participated in past american
01:26 English live events . We love to see teachers learning
01:30 and sharing ideas during the american English live series .
01:33 So please share your photos by emailing them to american
01:37 english webinars at e L programs dot org . For
01:40 by tagging us in social media . If you tag
01:43 us , make sure to use the handle or the
01:47 tag at american English for educators so that we can
01:50 see the great photos you post and we may feature
01:54 one of your photos during the next event We begin
01:58 series five today with a focus on critical thinking ,
02:02 a topic we will revisit later this series , we're
02:06 also during this series going to explore teaching english with
02:09 comics and graphic novels and learner motivation . We look
02:14 forward to learning with you and hope you will be
02:16 able to use the practical information and strategies that you
02:20 find in this series , in your classrooms . Which
02:23 topics are you most excited about ? Please share your
02:27 ideas in the chat box or comments . So here's
02:31 a little bit about what to expect . Each session
02:35 is approximately 60 minutes long and is often related to
02:38 an American English e teacher massive , open online course
02:42 or a teacher's corner theme on the American English website
02:47 . The presenter will present the material and I as
02:50 your host , will ask questions and make comments as
02:52 well . But we really hope to hear from you
02:55 our audience so that we can address your ideas and
02:58 experiences . Please do share your thoughts , questions and
03:02 comments throughout the session and we will try to address
03:06 as many of them as we can when our session
03:09 comes to a close in about an hour , you
03:12 will have an opportunity to receive a digital badge for
03:15 your participation . At the end of the session we
03:18 will share a link in the comments and at the
03:20 top of this post , click on that link and
03:23 complete a short quiz about today's session , You must
03:26 answer two out of three questions correctly . Once you've
03:29 successfully passed the quiz , you should expect to receive
03:32 a badge via email in about a week . And
03:36 one thing today about the digital badges is if you've
03:38 been with us before , our quiz looks a little
03:41 bit different , so don't worry , um it's the
03:44 same basic quiz and it's definitely from us but it
03:47 looks a little bit different . The format is different
03:50 . We're trying out a new platform so please give
03:53 us your feedback on it um and let us know
03:56 if you have any trouble with the link but we
03:58 certainly hope to issue all of you some great digital
04:01 badges using our new system , so it's not too
04:06 late to join the free self paced american english e
04:10 teacher mook teaching grammar communicative lee . And for those
04:14 of you who are new to this mook stands for
04:18 massive , open online course . So this free practice
04:22 oriented online course will help you to explore how to
04:26 adapt grammar instruction to better meet students needs , participants
04:31 will learn how to integrate grammar instruction with other language
04:35 skills , explore task based grammar learning approaches and evaluate
04:39 correction error correction techniques and strategies . Students study independently
04:46 without a facilitator in this course , but if you
04:48 want to join a group and do this move together
04:52 we think that's a great idea . Maybe get some
04:54 of your friends and colleagues to join the book with
04:56 you and you can learn and practice and study together
05:00 . Um So during the muck though the online portion
05:04 is not facilitated um but you can log in and
05:07 complete the course any time between the time frame listed
05:10 on the slide here , March 25th All the way
05:13 through June 17 . So you have from now until
05:16 June 17 to complete the course please visit the link
05:19 shown here for more information and to learn how to
05:23 enroll . Yeah and now for today's session practical applications
05:28 for critical thinking in english language teaching and learning .
05:32 Many educators understand the value of critical thinking or C
05:36 . T . And other 21st century skills but may
05:40 have limited time to create new materials few hours per
05:43 week to work with learners or a set curriculum which
05:46 they are required to follow . This session offers ways
05:50 to determine how much critical thinking content can already be
05:54 found in your existing materials as well as practical options
05:58 for weaving more critical thinking into your materials on a
06:01 regular basis . Today we will review some of the
06:06 key features of C . T . And it's important
06:09 as an element in any learning environment . Will also
06:12 discuss ways to analyze current materials for critical thinking content
06:18 and identify practical ways to apply critical thinking and language
06:22 teaching and learning . And now it's my pleasure to
06:26 introduce today's presenter Dr Leslie Off Beckman . Leslie is
06:31 a faculty member at the university of Oregon where she
06:33 serves as director of innovative programming for the American English
06:37 Institute and teaches in the Language teaching Studies Master's program
06:42 in the linguistics department . She also develops and teaches
06:46 courses for the American English E teacher program and has
06:49 served as a U . S . Department of State
06:51 english language specialist in over 40 countries . Her research
06:56 interests in the field of T cell include online and
06:59 hybrid learning environments , curriculum and program development , the
07:04 use of open educational resources and accessible practice and practices
07:08 in teaching and teacher training for everything from camps for
07:13 youth to specialist english for post secondary levels . Welcome
07:17 Leslie . We're so happy to have you here with
07:19 us today . Thanks for joining us . Thank you
07:22 Kate for that . Beautiful welcome . I've been following
07:25 the comments in the chatroom and I see that we
07:28 have some alumni with us today from previous courses .
07:31 Um Any teacher so welcome alumni . It's lovely to
07:34 see you again and welcome to new participants . I
07:37 look forward to working with you all during this next
07:40 hour . So we're going to talk about practical applications
07:45 for critical thinking and language learning and teaching . And
07:47 our topics today will fall along these four main areas
07:52 . So what is critical thinking for C . T
07:56 . And I will use those two terms interchangeably .
08:00 Why is C . T . Important in today's world
08:03 ? How do I know if it's critical thinking ?
08:06 What are some easy ways to make critical thinking part
08:09 of my language learning and teaching ? So we'll be
08:12 exploring these topics together . Sounds good . Cool .
08:16 So let's start with what is critical thinking . So
08:19 first of all we really want to hear what you
08:21 think . What does critical thinking mean to you ?
08:24 What are some examples of critical thinking you may already
08:27 know about ? Or perhaps even be using in your
08:30 classes ? So please use your chat room to tell
08:35 us what's going on with you and critical thinking .
08:38 Yeah . Let us know what does critical thinking mean
08:40 to you ? How would you define critical thinking ?
08:43 And also share some examples of critical thinking ? Maybe
08:47 examples from your daily life or examples from your classroom
08:51 or from what your students do . What do you
08:54 think ? Let's see , Julia says it's looking at
08:58 an issue from various perspectives . Excellent thinking out of
09:02 the box from Usman problem solving from yussef Wonderful answers
09:08 . New ideas from Ahmed Anita says , critical thinking
09:12 is analyzing and evaluating an idea . Independent thinking .
09:17 Great top thoughts . Everybody giving an opinion is an
09:21 example . Wonderful , Excellent ideas . What do you
09:24 think ? Leslie wow . I think we're off to
09:27 a great start . They have a lot of knowledge
09:29 already that they're going to bring to today's webinar .
09:32 So these are fabulous ways to get started . Let's
09:36 look a little more deeply at what we've got as
09:38 a definition . So next slide bloom's taxonomy . So
09:44 many of you may be familiar with this already .
09:46 Um bloom was a very famous philosopher and educator researcher
09:53 and he came up with a theory that said um
09:57 that when we're learning a language or learning any new
09:59 information , we start with what he called lower order
10:04 thinking skills and lower did not mean less important .
10:07 Lower is very important . It simply means that they
10:10 are the foundation or the basis for which we build
10:14 our knowledge . So examples of lower order thinking skills
10:18 are things like remembering . So when you're first learning
10:22 a language , whether it's english or something else ,
10:24 you have to remember , you have to memorize um
10:27 mounds and verbs and lots of information and then you
10:31 also have to understand or make sense out of what
10:34 you're remembering . Eventually as you learn more and more
10:38 you are able to apply your english or apply that
10:41 new knowledge in new ways . And then finally as
10:45 we move up the chart and complexity , we get
10:48 into higher order thinking skills . You're using english to
10:52 create new information to invent to design or build .
10:58 Um You may be using language to evaluate to make
11:01 judgments or defend or negotiate things . You may also
11:07 be involved in analysis . So analyzing information , synthesizing
11:12 it . Um I see examples around um comparing or
11:17 contrasting and this is really where critical thinking resides .
11:21 It's up in this hot or higher order thinking category
11:27 . Right Okay . So what is critical thinking ?
11:34 Critical thinking was traditionally um separate from or not incorporated
11:40 into what we call the traditional three R's . And
11:43 the three Rs . And education were reading writing which
11:48 starts with the sound are but has a sneaky w
11:51 in the front there and then arithmetic or mathematics .
11:55 So when we went to school we started reading writing
11:57 and arithmetic . And that was considered to be a
12:00 full education . How is that different from today Today
12:06 when we think of education whether it's english or any
12:10 other topic or field we think in terms of 21st
12:14 century skills and one way to think about those 21st
12:18 century skills is the framework called the four C's .
12:21 So the foresees our communication , collaboration , creativity and
12:29 our topic today . Critical thinking . Okay . Mhm
12:37 . We also talk about why critical thinking is important
12:41 in today's world . What is your opinion ? What
12:44 are some ways that critical thinking can benefit your students
12:47 ? Why study critical thinking in english ? Let's see
12:51 what folks have to say . Great yeah let's hear
12:53 from you everyone . What is your opinion ? We
12:56 saw those great examples of um lots and lots with
13:01 bloom's taxonomy and we also saw how education is changing
13:05 a little bit . We use we sort of in
13:07 the past or more traditionally have only focused on the
13:10 important skills of reading , writing and arithmetic and now
13:13 we're focusing on on others which include critical thinking .
13:17 What do you think ? Um why is it important
13:20 in today's world ? And what are some ways that
13:22 developing critical thinking skills can benefit our students ? Let's
13:26 see . Carlos says it helps students to be more
13:29 independent learners . Great . I'm Jacob says to solve
13:33 problems . Um These are some of the ways that
13:35 it can help benefit students . Um Freddie says it
13:39 make critical thinking makes learning more meaningful and memorable ,
13:44 juan . Alberto says those soft skills are getting remarkably
13:48 important . Very good point . Let's see um Hina
13:54 says critical thinking not only includes one field like english
13:58 , but it benefits all the fields and subjects that
14:00 such an excellent point . Um Wonderful . So many
14:06 great ideas just keep flowing in . Um logical ,
14:10 helps students with logic and help students to tackle the
14:13 problem and solve it from Shaquille . Wonderful really ,
14:18 tons of great responses coming in . I can't even
14:20 read all of them . Great great responses , everybody
14:24 . Yeah . Okay . And I'm seeing some related
14:26 to work as well in a marco says in a
14:28 country in which minimum wage is not enough defeated family
14:31 one needs to be competitive through critical thinking to get
14:34 better paying work . That's very true . Good point
14:37 . Yeah . So let's see how that maps onto
14:39 what we're talking about today in our next slide .
14:42 Yeah . So many of you mentioned these things already
14:46 . So why is critical thinking important in today's world
14:49 ? Um Our students need to have excellent problem solving
14:53 skills . Um The jobs and the work that they
14:56 do , their studies that they do , um the
14:59 raising of their families , whatever they may be doing
15:01 , is going to inevitably involve lifelong learning . So
15:05 it's not enough to get an education in primary or
15:08 secondary school , we are going to be constantly moving
15:11 and learning to keep pace with today's world all through
15:15 our lives . Our students need to have autonomy or
15:19 the ability to work independently , but they also need
15:23 to be able to be collaborative collaboration . Is that
15:26 ability to work in groups are on teams effectively .
15:31 They also need to be able to engage in multi
15:34 perspective thinking , being able to see the world through
15:38 somebody else's eyes and have respect for different opinions or
15:42 different ways of thinking . Many of you mentioned that
15:46 this is an attribute that can help our students get
15:49 better jobs and ultimately we all hope that by being
15:52 stronger and more aware and better thinkers , we can
15:56 help make the world a better place . Absolutely .
16:00 And and on , on a similar point , tits
16:02 or gray says that it will help students to be
16:05 globally competitive and hopefully also to um to be competitive
16:10 in ways that help to innovate and make the world
16:12 a better place . Very nice . I see lots
16:15 of comments around uh making better decisions , being able
16:20 to focus on the core content and not the background
16:23 noise , um getting better results um through your better
16:27 thinking process . So wow , we've got some great
16:30 critical thinkers out there today , definitely . Okay ,
16:36 so what do we got on our next slide ?
16:38 I think we have an activity coming up . Yes
16:41 , let's play a game . Would you like to
16:42 play a game ? Sounds good to me . Okay
16:45 , so kate , the topic for our game today
16:48 is food . This is a topic that you find
16:50 in lots of english language textbooks and lessons . And
16:54 our task today is to introduce yourself . So in
16:57 our traditional three R's reading , writing arithmetic in class
17:03 we would do something like this , we would say
17:05 my name is Leslie , I like english came in
17:10 . My name is kate . I like english to
17:13 you know , we might learn each other's names but
17:16 we might not get to know a whole lot about
17:19 each other at a deeper level . In this activity
17:22 activity , you will see three pairs of food related
17:26 words . So these will be announced . And for
17:29 each pair , your job is to choose one word
17:33 to describe yourself and then explain how the chosen word
17:38 relates to you . So the structure we're going to
17:41 use for that is to get ready to introduce yourself
17:44 using this sentence . So I'm a I choose a
17:48 piece of food because I and then you give a
17:51 reason . Shall we try one together ? That sounds
17:55 good . Yeah , let's give it a shot .
17:57 Let's try one together first . Okay , so our
18:01 next slide shows the opportunity for you to choose one
18:08 word from this pair of now towns to describe yourself
18:12 . So audience . Are you a salad or a
18:17 candy bar interesting . Why ? So we'd we'd love
18:23 to see in the chat box is an introduction of
18:27 yourself , telling us if you're a salad or a
18:30 candy bar and why ? Okay , everyone , let's
18:34 hear from you . What do you think ? Are
18:36 you a salad or a candy bar ? And please
18:39 explain why . Let's see . De la Cruz says
18:43 I'm a candy bar . Um , good . Lots
18:47 of people choosing , let's say mango and watermelon ,
18:50 things like that , which is also great . Let's
18:52 think about between salad and candy bar . What do
18:55 you think ? Let's see ? Um Saadia says I
18:58 am a candy bar because I am sweet , very
19:01 nice . Oh , Diana says that she'll try this
19:04 tomorrow with her students . That's great . Tell us
19:06 how it goes . Um Mackell says I'm a salad
19:10 because my education is mixed in its nature . That's
19:13 such a nice , It's a nice way of thinking
19:16 of it . I love it . Good one .
19:18 Um , Ana says I'm a candy bar because I'm
19:21 a little nutty at times . Good pun . Um
19:27 um , let's see , I am a salad because
19:32 I am healthy active and fresh from Alma's wonderful .
19:37 I'm a salad because I have a variety of skills
19:40 from Tijuana . Wonderful . Excellent . These are great
19:44 . Yeah , here's what I really like from Marco
19:47 . I'm a candy bar because I can transmit happiness
19:50 when you talk to me , wow , that sounds
19:53 great . Yeah , good one . Okay , so
19:57 great practice session . I think everybody's got it .
19:59 Let's go on to the actual game and look at
20:02 our next slide where you choose one word from each
20:05 pair to describe yourself . So are you a cup
20:09 of coffee or a glass of orange juice ? Are
20:13 you a chocolate cake or an ice cream cone ?
20:16 Are you Ebola soup or a sandwich ? And why
20:21 ? So think about your choices , choose your favorite
20:24 one and let's have one more round of introductions with
20:27 reasons we can get some . I need a little
20:30 bit more about our audience out there . What are
20:32 they all about ? Okay , let's see . What
20:37 do you think everyone so choose between one of each
20:40 of the pairs and tell us um which type of
20:43 food you are and why ? Let's see . Scalia
20:48 says she's a cup of coffee , a glass of
20:51 orange juice from china because she's fresh and energetic .
20:56 Very nice . Um Let's see I'm a bowl of
21:03 soup because I love soup . Good one from me
21:06 now . Uh Let's see . I am super because
21:13 I am very warm . That's nice . What else
21:17 ? What about you Leslie ? Do you have one
21:19 that you want to choose and tell us about ?
21:22 That's a hard question . I mean thinking about everyone
21:26 else . Um I think I'm a chocolate cake because
21:34 um I have layers , different layers um layer is
21:39 slightly different and does something else for your dining or
21:46 teaching experience . Oh I like it . Very nice
21:51 . Okay . Uh I see one more . I
21:54 am a cup of coffee because I can make my
21:58 class more energized . Very nice . Yeah . And
22:01 patty also says I'm a cup of coffee because I'm
22:04 energetic . Excellent . Everybody really great responses . Okay
22:09 so let's let's look at them . Oh let's look
22:13 at how this relates them to critical thinking and bloom's
22:18 taxonomy . So thinking about this activity that we just
22:21 did and introducing ourselves to each other in a non
22:24 traditional way . Um Does this require ? Does this
22:28 activity require critical thinking ? Why are why not ?
22:32 Very good ? What do you think ? Everyone about
22:34 this activity that we just did ? Where we named
22:37 a food that we identified with ? And and said
22:40 , why does this activity require critical thinking ? And
22:43 then let us know why or why not ? What
22:45 reasons do you have ? Um Let's see you Elder
22:49 says that really makes us think . Mhm . Let's
22:55 see one from the morning session . Was that a
22:58 good reason ? Was that there's no right or wrong
23:02 answer which I really like . Uh what else ?
23:07 What do you think give us ? So I see
23:09 a lot of people saying , yes , this is
23:11 a great critical thinking activity . What is to the
23:14 rationale ? Why do you think , what kind of
23:15 critical thinking skills does this help us with ? And
23:18 Leslie has put a great um hint on our ,
23:23 on the slide here with bloom's taxonomy . Let's see
23:27 . Um it encourages students to make use of ordinary
23:30 words to create new relations with those words . And
23:33 use is very good . And Jesselyn says it makes
23:37 the students think more creatively great . And a lot
23:43 of people saying they're going to try this in the
23:45 classroom , like Dylan Bruce and sharing the reasons for
23:50 our choice from john Gwynne ? Very good . Great
23:54 . Okay , so let's look at our next question
23:56 . Um if you're thinking about using an activity like
23:59 this in class , and I know many of you
24:01 have very limited time in the classes and your time
24:04 with your students , How much time do you think
24:06 this would take in your class ? How are you
24:09 ? Good . Yeah . What do you think ?
24:11 Everyone , how much time would this take ? Maybe
24:16 20 minutes ? five minutes , 10 minutes or maybe
24:19 a percentage of time in the classroom ? What do
24:21 you think ? How how long will this take to
24:23 implement in your class ? We were talking a little
24:26 bit earlier in the session description about how often it
24:30 can be a challenge for students are for teachers to
24:32 incorporate critical thinking skills because you have to really focus
24:35 on the curriculum that you're using . Um and there
24:39 might not be enough time but this was a great
24:41 activity . What how much time do you think ?
24:43 Let's see Mina says 10 minutes , Let's see five
24:47 minutes from Sana . See a couple of others saying
24:51 10 minutes . And um one person says I think
24:54 this could be a warm up so maybe 10 minutes
24:57 . There you go . There you go . I
25:00 see Marco says it depends on the number of students
25:04 . Which is true if you're doing it as a
25:05 whole class activity , if students are broken into groups
25:09 and they're doing it , I'm in smaller numbers um
25:13 you may be able to cut down the time and
25:15 and and get people to be able to do more
25:17 speaking to . Yeah . Yeah it looks like between
25:21 five and 10:15 minutes is what a lot of people
25:24 are saying . So hopefully yeah maybe maybe we can
25:28 incorporate this in some of our lessons . Great .
25:32 Let's look at a couple more questions related to this
25:34 activity . Question # three . What are some ways
25:37 to use this activity in a lesson ? So one
25:39 person mentioned as a warm up . What are some
25:42 other ways that you might use this ? Great .
25:46 Yeah . How could you use this activity in a
25:48 lesson ? Let's see . You could have students listen
26:01 to some and allow the other students to write their
26:04 answers on a paper and then share it with the
26:06 whole class later . That's a great idea . A
26:08 fabulous idea . Maybe a group could give one answer
26:13 together . That's another nice idea from my muna .
26:17 He says , to cut the boredom . So if
26:19 your students are getting a little sleepy while you're talking
26:22 food , just do a quick pick me up with
26:24 an activity like this in the middle of the way
26:29 used at the beginning of class , Eleanor says it
26:31 could be used as a reflection . Oh , good
26:35 idea . And has Mix says you can use it
26:37 to speak about characters in a story or book .
26:40 Maybe that's a great idea . Ooh , that's a
26:42 great send you into our fourth question . Which is
26:47 how can you change this activity for other topics for
26:51 lower versus higher level students and or for a shorter
26:55 or a longer period of time . So how might
26:58 you adapt it ? Yeah , great question . So
27:01 something that often comes up is asking the question about
27:04 what level is this appropriate for , But how can
27:07 you use this activity and may be adapted for your
27:10 learners ? Maybe they're at a little bit lower level
27:12 or a higher level . Um so how could you
27:15 adapt it for them ? Or how could you drag
27:18 this activity out or expand on it so that you're
27:21 using other skills or helping students to develop even more
27:25 for a longer period of time ? Or how could
27:27 you even cut it into a shorter amount of time
27:29 to ? And then what other topics could you use
27:33 ? Let's see . Um , I see I start
27:38 a competition . Use it for self assessment . Use
27:42 it for review for words or phrases that they're already
27:45 familiar with . Reading comprehension from shaft cut . Let's
27:51 see . To encourage students to participate from Sameera .
27:56 See , Anita says she could use it to teach
27:59 vocabulary . Like the students could remember the words first
28:02 maybe and then um go into the activity . Great
28:06 . That's a good use of bloom's taxonomy , sort
28:09 of moving up that at scale . They're definitely controversial
28:14 topics . Patricia says we could use um let's see
28:18 maybe more difficult now . Higher level now means could
28:22 be used for higher level students . There you go
28:25 . And Amjad says we could take topics from their
28:28 personal lives , which is a great idea to incorporate
28:30 their life into the classroom . And I see Magali
28:35 says for Animal Day which was celebrated um this week
28:39 . Great , wonderful ideas . Yeah . Wonderful ideas
28:44 . Okay good . Well we've got one activity um
28:47 that we can adopt and use in lots of different
28:49 ways . What are some other easy ways to make
28:52 critical thinking part of language teaching and learning ? So
28:56 one of the things that I like to recommend is
28:58 that you analyze the textbooks or other resources that you're
29:03 already using and try to identify gaps ? Do your
29:08 resources have critical thinking in them ? Where is critical
29:11 thinking ? Perhaps missing . So one of the techniques
29:14 I like to use is to take my book and
29:18 take some stickies like this or paper clips or any
29:21 other marking device . And I know this book because
29:24 I've been teaching this class for a long time and
29:26 I have these units practically memorized . Um and I
29:30 just flip through and every time I find a critical
29:33 thinking activity , maybe analysis maybe compare and contrast ,
29:38 maybe create something or invent something , I just put
29:41 a little sticky on the page and I just keep
29:44 skimming through the book and every time I find something
29:47 new I put in a new sticky and maybe as
29:50 I'm doing this I start to notice patterns . So
29:53 maybe I'm noticing at the end of every unit ,
29:55 there's a critical thinking or maybe I get all the
29:58 way through my book and I look at at the
30:00 end and I say , oh gosh , I only
30:02 have two stickies . There's not very much critical thinking
30:06 in my textbook at all . Um So I ask
30:10 myself where are the gaps ? And do I need
30:14 more critical thinking activities ? Do I need them ?
30:19 This is a great idea . Um yeah , let
30:21 us know if you have done something similar or if
30:24 this is something that you could possibly do . Yeah
30:26 . So often we have textbooks that maybe we're we
30:29 have to um incorporate in our classroom . And they
30:33 might they might be okay , they might have some
30:35 really great critical thinking activities . Or if we can
30:38 just go through and analyze as we're going through ,
30:40 we might even come up with some ideas that we
30:42 could do to supplement the things that are in our
30:44 textbooks . So um yeah , what do you think
30:48 is this , Would you like to use this idea
30:50 ? And what other ideas do you have ? Lots
30:52 of people are saying this is a great idea ,
30:54 Angelina Shaquille , um do you love Bruce ? Uh
30:59 Titzer ? Yeah , lots of really good um good
31:05 uh feedback that this is a good idea that people
31:07 would like to do . You can do this while
31:11 you're having your coffee , while you're eating your lunch
31:13 , maybe you do part of your book and then
31:15 later you do the rest of it . Just kind
31:16 of flipping through and just tagging wherever you find it
31:19 or not . Tagging if nothing is there . Great
31:25 . All right . Shall we talk about another goal
31:30 ? Yeah . Yeah . So another another tip is
31:35 once you've identified um what's in or not in your
31:39 book and decided if you want to add more critical
31:42 thinking , you can set goals for yourself . Um
31:45 And again , knowing that many of you um teach
31:49 lots and lots of students may be more than one
31:51 job . Maybe more than two jobs . You have
31:53 families , you have a lot of commitments , um
31:56 trying to make the most and best use of your
31:59 precious time . Um , So one of the strategies
32:03 that I've used in the past is for example ,
32:06 I may determine . I may see that all of
32:09 the units need more critical thinking , but I don't
32:12 have time to build one for every unit in the
32:14 book . So I'm going to work with kate ,
32:17 who's my fellow instructor and I'm going to do the
32:20 first half of the book and she's going to do
32:22 the second half of the book and we're going to
32:24 share our activity so we can put our ideas together
32:27 and that'll save me some time and her some time
32:30 to I love that . And it's such a great
32:32 way to sort of build in some mentorship and collaboration
32:36 a lot of times as teachers , we kind of
32:38 are just by ourselves doing our own thing . But
32:41 this is one way to really easily or very simply
32:44 um collaborate and share ideas between between teachers . Yeah
32:49 , I like this idea a lot . Yeah .
32:51 And if you and your partner having a really good
32:53 time after you've done that so successfully you could write
32:56 an article for english language teaching forum about it ,
32:59 like the articles that we have with our webinar today
33:01 . Absolutely , yeah . Um another , another kind
33:05 of situation I find myself in and I hear other
33:08 educators do too is um , my curriculum , my
33:12 syllabus is completely full . I am required to teach
33:16 those things . I only have a little free time
33:19 , but every once in a while I'll get five
33:21 minutes at the end of class where suddenly there's a
33:23 tiny pocket of time . And so rather than designing
33:27 something that's unit specific , I'll choose some creative critical
33:32 thinking activities and just keep them in my back pocket
33:35 . And then when I have a few extra minutes
33:37 take one out and we'll do it and it can
33:40 apply to any topic or fit anywhere . It could
33:44 even function as a reward after you do this with
33:46 your students and they tell you that they like them
33:49 . You can say wow , if we get through
33:51 our lesson really on time today we'll have five extra
33:54 minutes for a fun critical thinking game . Um so
33:58 logically not . Yeah . And what other goals do
34:02 you have out there participants ? What other goals could
34:05 you may be set for yourself in adding a little
34:07 bit more critical thinking . I like these two example
34:10 goals because you can see that there are two different
34:12 context . We have the one teacher who is going
34:15 to work with and collaborate and make a bunch of
34:17 activities for a textbook . Um like Leslie said ,
34:21 maybe she's really familiar already with all of the materials
34:24 in her book and so she can start adding some
34:27 new ideas and then the other one who has maybe
34:29 a little bit less time and it's just going to
34:31 look for some quick ideas that she or he can
34:34 throw into the classroom instruction maybe spontaneously or you know
34:39 , when they have the time . So what other
34:41 goals do you have ? Um And I have a
34:43 really great comment from kusa who says that they restructure
34:47 or incorporate activities to boost learners reflection and activity reflection
34:52 and creativity , which I think is similar to the
34:55 second goal here . Um trying to boost that as
34:58 much as they can . So Great comment . What
35:01 other goals do you have for incorporating ? Um New
35:06 critical thinking ? Let's see . Yousef says , use
35:08 at least one critical activity . Critical thinking , activity
35:11 per class . Very nice . Yeah . More collaborative
35:17 and peer learning from Chef kat . Great , excellent
35:21 goal . Let's see . I do a set a
35:24 day , especially for critical thinking . Very nice ,
35:27 seen a great idea . Right ? Wonderful , wonderful
35:31 , yep . Okay , let's move on to our
35:35 next activity um in which we're going to look at
35:40 some ways to add critical thinking through role plays and
35:44 verbal activities . I often hear from educators that they
35:48 wish their students had more time and more motivation and
35:51 more confidence . Less fear around verbal activity , speaking
35:55 and using english , so more confident about communicating in
36:00 english and not worrying so much about did I make
36:03 a mistake or is my english perfect . Um and
36:06 then we'll look at some examples to for problem solving
36:10 and puzzles , kinds of critical thinking activities . So
36:13 let's take a look at these . So activity number
36:18 one role place and verbal activities . Um some best
36:22 practices around using role place and verbal activities are to
36:26 maximize the amount of time that students get to use
36:29 english . So if I'm putting my students one by
36:32 one up in front of my classroom , only one
36:35 student is getting a chance to talk at a time
36:38 . If I put students into groups or pairs or
36:40 teams , it gets noisier in the classroom , but
36:43 that's okay because students are using english um and they're
36:47 getting more opportunities because they are in those smaller groups
36:50 and um working at the same time . Um I
36:53 want to be careful and sure that I vary the
36:56 tasks , so if my topic is food , I
37:00 want to give different food tasks , different activities to
37:04 different groups . Um that way , if they're presenting
37:07 or if they're reporting , not everyone is reporting on
37:10 the same thing . I am truly motivated to listen
37:14 and hear what is the other groups saying or what
37:16 is the other person doing ? Because it's different from
37:18 what I'm doing . We want to give students choices
37:22 earlier in our webinar today , some people mentioned the
37:26 importance of open ended answers , so not just one
37:29 right answer . The students are truly coming up with
37:32 their own answers and then making sure that students who
37:36 are not talking are not sitting just passively , making
37:40 sure they are engaged in what we call active listening
37:44 . So active listening means while kate is talking ,
37:47 I'm preparing to answer a quiz afterwards . I'm preparing
37:53 to ask kate questions . Um I'm preparing to ask
37:57 kate for clarification on things I don't understand . So
38:02 I have a job , a listening job to do
38:06 . So , would you like to try an activity
38:08 around our same topic of food and look at what
38:14 we might do to do these to implement these things
38:17 ? Yeah , that sounds great . Okay , here
38:20 we are . We've got four cards . So in
38:22 my class I literally got four pieces of paper and
38:25 different groups , yet different tasks to do . So
38:29 group gets card . A and while you're listening to
38:32 this , what I'd like you to be doing is
38:34 thinking about choosing one of these so which one of
38:37 these would you like to work on ? So choice
38:40 number a plan a menu for a wedding dinner for
38:43 200 guests . But the only ingredients you have our
38:48 chicken , ice cream , carrots and bananas . Card
38:56 B . You are a famous person in the world
38:59 of sports . You are going to swim the 200
39:02 kilometer race in new york at Manhattan Island next month
39:07 . You need to gain weight because it's gonna be
39:09 really cold . But you also need to stay very
39:12 strong wet my foods where you eat every day .
39:15 So you can accomplish this task . Yeah . Card
39:20 . See it's your job to make lunch for everyone
39:23 at school Today . You and your group can cook
39:26 your four favorite foods . But you need to please
39:30 prepare a shopping list so we can get everything that
39:33 we need to do . The cooking Option # four
39:37 Cardi . Your poor family is very sick , one
39:41 person has a cold , one person has a broken
39:45 hand and one person has the hiccups , kate .
39:49 What are the hiccups like that ? You can't stop
39:55 . What will you need ? All of them ?
39:57 You have to feed all of them in one meal
40:00 so that they can all feel better . So please
40:03 choose one and tell us what you did . What's
40:07 your solution ? What's your solution to this interesting puzzle
40:12 ? Yeah . So everyone participates , choose one of
40:14 the cards and let us know how you're going to
40:17 solve this problem . So you could use this as
40:20 a group activity or an individual activity . Right ?
40:23 Leslie . Yeah , that'd be great . That'd be
40:25 good to know . Yeah . Yeah . Great .
40:26 And so feel free . Everybody let us know which
40:30 cards are going to choose and how you're going to
40:32 solve the problem presented in the card . Let's see
40:36 , Jessel says , cardi hot porridge and medicine .
40:39 Very nice . And let us know . Let us
40:42 know you're the reason as well . Let's see soup
40:46 . I know Cardi just give everybody some soup .
40:50 Um Let's see uh what are the properties of soup
40:58 ? Yes . And Rosanna says card . See ,
41:01 I want to make healthy food for as many people
41:03 as possible . But how are you going to do
41:05 that ? What foods are you going to purchase at
41:07 the supermarket or the grocery store ? How are you
41:11 going to make sure you have time to prepare ,
41:13 etcetera ? Let's see . Mhm . So this is
41:18 fun . This is a lot like working with our
41:20 own students are still it first be a little confused
41:23 by activities like this . And they're sort of looking
41:26 to you like k what's the right answer ? You
41:29 know , I don't , I don't know what the
41:30 right answer is here . Tell me the right answer
41:33 kate and you have to say there's no right answer
41:37 . Just let the answer . I really need to
41:39 hear from you . What's your answer ? Uh ,
41:42 okay . So here we have from china soup has
41:45 natural and light ingredients and helps people recover from sickness
41:49 in a short time . Excellent justification , excellent explanation
41:53 . Great . And tina says , I will go
41:56 with card . It will serve the milk with two
41:58 american honey . It will be a good remedy for
42:00 all of them because it soothes them very good athletes
42:06 , anybody card be who's like wanting to get super
42:09 strong like yeah , one person said for card be
42:13 , they would um , if I need to gain
42:15 weight but stay strong , I will eat chicken ,
42:17 broccoli , banana , rice , bananas , rice and
42:20 watermelon . That's from Anita . Very good , very
42:24 good . Um for card be Kooser says for Carby
42:28 , I'll eat the foods mentions in card a that's
42:32 a good one . Nice . And I see Marco
42:34 says , Marco says , I would like to get
42:36 my students to work on card see , so Card
42:39 C is very attractive to you . Um I think
42:42 um we can remind ourselves that one of the goals
42:46 in this kind of activity is for students to have
42:49 different cards and different choices . You might even let
42:52 them choose um and see which one they feel most
42:56 connected to and that their most inspired to use english
43:00 with very good Rossana says she's going to buy vegetables
43:04 , meat , fruit , beverages , and chocolate as
43:06 health and that as healthy as possible . The chocolate
43:08 will be as healthy as possible . That's good ,
43:11 Excellent food out there . Yes , definitely . Mhm
43:18 Food is a great topic cause everybody can talk about
43:20 food . So we just ran through which card did
43:24 you choose ? And you had some fabulous answers .
43:27 Um So let's let's step back from the activity for
43:30 just a minute and ask ourselves what lots what lower
43:34 order thinking skills are necessary for this activity . What
43:38 do students need to to know in order to be
43:41 successful using those cards ? Great . Look at the
43:45 bloom's taxonomy here and look at those lower order thinking
43:49 skills as a clue . And what kind of activities
43:52 are necessary for the students to be successful in this
43:55 activity . Let's see . What do you think ,
43:59 What lower order thinking skills are important for the students
44:03 to remember ? So what english didn't need to bring
44:07 to this task in order to be successful with it
44:13 . Great Ron just okay , Carlos says remembering and
44:17 understanding food , they have to recall the food vocabulary
44:20 from victoria . Majali also says remembering vocabulary . Excellent
44:27 . Nameless describe know the basic roots . Okay ,
44:31 excellent . So I think it's a nice reminder to
44:35 ourselves . We before we drop our students into these
44:38 critical thinking activities , we need to be sure they
44:41 are prepared and they have the tools and the knowledge
44:44 in order to have fun with them and feel successful
44:47 with them . Great . Okay , I got a
44:50 couple more questions . Um What higher order thinking skills
44:54 are part of this particular activity ? So moving up
44:58 the bloom's taxonomy , what kind of critical thinking skills
45:02 are they using as part of this activity ? Great
45:05 . Well what higher order . So we talked about
45:07 remembering and understanding as part of the lower order thinking
45:11 skills for this activity . But what higher order thinking
45:14 skills ? Titzer says sorting and comparing . Yeah ,
45:20 Rosanna says understanding . I'm sorry , understanding , analyzing
45:24 , evaluating , comparing lots of answers are coming through
45:26 . So I'm reading them very quickly . Let's see
45:29 . Um Gulnara says the topics of vocabulary are important
45:35 . Sorry . Um um Sandra says supplying and creating
45:42 . Hmm , see evaluating the situation they choose and
45:49 coming up with a creative solution . Great , wonderful
45:55 evaluating and analyzing from Jeong and Rosalynn says students should
46:00 analyze what foods are appropriate to eat in each situation
46:03 . Wonderful . Great ideas , everybody . Wonderful .
46:06 So some of you may at this point in our
46:08 webinar be thinking to yourself , wow , these are
46:11 some things I already do in my classes and in
46:13 that case give yourself a pat on the back and
46:16 congratulate yourself for doing a good job and having confirmation
46:21 of like yes , I'm doing some good things .
46:23 Um even more good things I already knew I was
46:25 doing as a teacher . Okay , let's move on
46:29 . Um , and look at some resources for this
46:32 activity . So if you would like to go to
46:36 a couple of websites and look for some ideas that
46:38 you can adopt along these lines for your students and
46:42 your needs . Um , a couple of websites .
46:44 I can recommend our critical thinking activities for kids from
46:49 jump Start , um roughly ages primary and up .
46:52 Although almost any idea you can adapt to a different
46:56 level or a different age as we've seen from our
46:59 earlier practice in our webinar . Um and then I
47:02 also really like the critical thinking workbook from Kathy Schlabach
47:05 . It's a downloadable pdf file , you can use
47:09 it offline and it's aimed at teens or secondary and
47:12 adult . But again , you may be able to
47:14 adopt some ideas there to younger learners as well .
47:18 Great . I have a quick question from ahmed about
47:21 the last activity . Is that activity for all levels
47:25 ? What do you think the activity that we just
47:29 did with the card ? Yes . Right . And
47:32 so I guess um I would turn that back to
47:35 you . How would you adopt that activity to make
47:38 it applicable for other levels ? So the language that
47:42 I used , the complexity and the number of cards
47:45 were targeted , I would say to an educator audience
47:49 to teens or adults with probably at least at least
47:52 an intermediate level proficiency . Um if you have younger
47:57 learners or lower level students , you would change the
48:01 language on the cards in order to match their level
48:05 and match their needs . So you might give fewer
48:07 choices , You might give simpler problems . You would
48:10 make sure that the language that you're using matches what
48:14 they've been studying in their texts and in your lessons
48:18 . Great . Yes , definitely . Yeah , lots
48:21 of great ideas out there and all of these resources
48:23 that Leslie is sharing here and that will also be
48:26 available on the naming and all the ideas in today's
48:28 webinar are all things that you can use as a
48:31 jump start to adapt and um use in your context
48:35 and with your level of learners . Um thanks for
48:37 that question . Okay , all right , let's go
48:40 into one more activity here . Um this one is
48:43 related to problem solving and puzzles and we've already been
48:46 doing some of that but this one really zones in
48:49 really focuses in on on a problem that needs to
48:52 be solved . So again , we're going to make
48:55 it our best intention , our best effort to give
48:59 different problems to different students so that we get different
49:02 outcomes . This keeps it interesting , it gets a
49:05 little boring if everyone is coming up with the same
49:08 answer and the same solution for everything . So we
49:11 try to mix it up and keep it interesting .
49:13 Again reminding ourselves that we are allowing for open ended
49:17 solutions and this can feel a little scary at times
49:20 . As a teacher , we may have a general
49:22 idea of what we think our students might say or
49:26 where we think they might be going , but they
49:28 can surprise us sometimes . So we kind of have
49:30 to be ready for a surprise because their idea of
49:33 a right answer , um , maybe different than ours
49:36 and that's okay . Um , and along those lines
49:40 we want for not only ourselves , but to help
49:42 our students respect other people's solutions and opinions and ideas
49:47 and ways of thinking . And then you may find
49:50 that after your students have done this with you for
49:52 a while , that they like to come up with
49:55 their own puzzles and problems too and create things for
49:59 other students to work on . So let's look at
50:02 an example . Are you ready for an example ?
50:03 Yeah , definitely . Okay , this one is lost
50:08 at sea . So you were on a beautiful vacation
50:12 , a big cruise ship , like the titanic and
50:15 your cruise along for the ocean and your boat sink
50:21 . Oh now you're in a small group . Lots
50:24 of small groups . Every group is on a lifeboat
50:28 and lost at sea . Each group has a book
50:32 of matches and different things that you pulled out of
50:36 the water as the ship was sinking . So group
50:39 A . You have a large water bottle , an
50:43 axe for chopping things . Mosquito repellent and repellent means
50:49 to push things away . So mosquito repellent is something
50:53 you maybe you spray on yourself to make the mosquitoes
50:57 stay away . You have a map and compass here
51:01 . We have it again , you have candy bars
51:04 and a fishing pole . Group B . B .
51:08 Thinking while I'm talking . Which group do you want
51:10 to join ? Group B . You've got a shovel
51:13 for digging . You've got some freeze dried food and
51:17 these nice plastic packages . You've got a satellite radio
51:21 for for calling . I don't know if anyone is
51:25 out there . I don't know if the radio has
51:28 batteries or not . Uh You have shark repellent .
51:32 You've got a rope and you have a plastic sheet
51:36 . Some . So let's get our flying down there
51:39 so we can see our task . Your job is
51:43 first by yourself . Rank the items in order of
51:47 importance , choose a group And then 1234 . What's
51:52 the most important ? And then share your answers .
51:55 And we're going to see what everyone says . If
51:58 we were doing this in groups after I did my
52:01 secret List , then I would talk to my group
52:05 numbers . And we have to negotiate . We have
52:08 to talk to each other and come up with one
52:10 list of what's the most important next ? Most important
52:15 345 . What have you got coming in ? All
52:18 right . Lots of people are saying , well we
52:20 got a mixed group A . And group B .
52:22 But let us know everyone . What group do you
52:25 want to join ? And what is the most important
52:27 item on your list ? And why ? So ?
52:30 Out of the items on your list ? What's the
52:31 most important item ? And why is that the most
52:35 important ? So let's see . Cash Epa says group
52:39 B . Has all the necessary things . Great .
52:41 But let us know which of those things is the
52:44 most important . Um jang Young says they would choose
52:48 group A . And they would choose a map and
52:50 compass . Why would you choose that ? Map and
52:52 compass ? Why do you think that's the most important
52:56 um item on your list ? Make sure to explain
52:58 why you chose that . Um Let's see . Gulnara
53:03 says group A compass and map because we need to
53:06 find our way . Um Farook says that the shark
53:10 repellent is important . Um Beneath says shark repellent ,
53:16 satellite radio rope in that order . Let's see ,
53:19 Julia says Group B fries uh freeze dried food because
53:24 we cannot know how long we will be there .
53:26 So it might be helpful to have some food that's
53:29 not going to expire . Very good . Group B
53:33 . Sharp repellant . A lot of people like that
53:35 shark repellent . But does it really work ? How
53:39 many sharks are there exactly ? And look at Miquel
53:43 says a plastic sheet to collect rainwater . Oh ,
53:47 Good one . Very good . And Russia says we
53:51 won't stay alive without a water bottle . So that's
53:54 um she's choosing group A . Okay . All right
53:58 , wow , that's a creative answers . I love
54:00 it . I and I see that Hannah says um
54:04 using the rope with fried food to help with fishing
54:09 . Yeah . Okay . Did you have fun with
54:15 that ? Was it interesting ? Did you use a
54:17 lot of english ? Did you use your critical thinking
54:20 skills ? All right . Lots of answers . Yeah
54:24 . Um So let's go into question too . Um
54:28 What lower order thinking skills are necessary for this activity
54:35 ? Good . So um looking again here at our
54:37 clue for lower order thinking skills ? What lower order
54:40 thinking skills are necessary ? Let's see . Um And
54:46 lots of people saying they really like this activity and
54:49 how much fun it was . Try it in your
54:52 class , try it in your class , change the
54:53 list . Do whatever you need to do . Um
54:56 Let us know how it goes . Yes China says
55:00 you need to understand the situation . Very good .
55:03 Okay . What other what other lower order thinking skills
55:07 do you need ? Um Shafqat says remembering and applying
55:12 , Gulnara says you need to understand vocabulary and apply
55:16 it in a discussion . Very good , very good
55:19 understanding the situation from Rosslyn . Very good . Okay
55:23 so we're seeing some parallels all throughout all of these
55:26 activities . Before you can engage in those higher order
55:29 thinking skills and the critical thinking . Again , your
55:31 students need that foundation vocabulary . They need to be
55:35 able to understand it and they need to be able
55:37 to apply it whether it's say it or write it
55:40 or demonstrate it through theater in some kind of way
55:45 . All right , let's look at a couple more
55:46 questions for this particular activity . Higher order thinking skills
55:52 . So this this activity was a little different than
55:54 the last one . What kinds of higher order thinking
55:57 skills were you using as you chose your groups and
56:01 ranked your items and you prepared your survival plan ?
56:06 Great . What higher order thinking skills ? I've noticed
56:08 someone right writing before on about analyzing very good .
56:13 Magaly also said analyzing the situation in solving the problem
56:18 . Miriam evaluating and analyzing Tina says making sense of
56:23 the items and applying according to the situation . Very
56:27 good loosen says problem solving reasoning , making decisions .
56:33 Great , Excellent ideas , everybody good , creating wonderful
56:38 . So there's an evaluating element to this one .
56:41 You have to evaluate , you have to rank order
56:43 . You also have to negotiate . So when you're
56:45 in your group , like you make your own decision
56:48 about the items , but then you have to come
56:49 to your group and you have to decide and and
56:52 make decisions around what's the most important and why ?
56:56 So lots of in analyzing a couple of people noted
56:59 on the connection to a simulated real life situation .
57:04 So the more real it feels to your students ,
57:06 um , the more likely they are to engage as
57:09 well . It's A Great one . Okay . Previous
57:12 experience . Yes . Okay , Nice . Very nice
57:19 . Well , would you like to find more of
57:21 these ? Where can we look ? So I got
57:24 a couple of ideas . One is from the website
57:28 teach thought lots of good stuff there , including this
57:31 one website on 10 team building games that promote critical
57:35 thinking . Also from Carousel E50 activities for developing critical
57:41 thinking skills . I think both of these sites offer
57:44 activities that you can use with all ages and all
57:46 levels . Again , using those adaptation skills to make
57:50 it simpler , make it more complex . Make sure
57:53 it's fitting the vocabulary that your students are ready and
57:56 actively primed to be able to use . And then
58:00 on our next slide we have a couple more ideas
58:02 of websites on multiple perspectives , building critical thinking skills
58:07 from rewrite think , lots of good stuff from read
58:10 , write , think and from WABI SABI learning 10
58:14 great critical thinking activities . And again , uh these
58:17 PowerPoint slides are going to be made available afterwards ,
58:21 so don't worry , you don't have to like take
58:22 pictures and write all this down , it's going to
58:24 be available to you to use and look at at
58:27 your leisure . So in closing , I'd like to
58:32 thank Kate and all of our 80 live team for
58:35 bringing us all together today . It was really lovely
58:38 to be with you . The time totally flew by
58:41 if he'd like to know a little bit more about
58:44 critical thinking . Um a couple of references I can
58:47 recommend from the american english dot state dot gov website
58:51 are the integrating critical thinking into the exploration of culture
58:56 , which is in the teacher's corner . I love
58:58 the teacher's corner , Lots of practical ideas there ,
59:01 very easy to implement . And then from one of
59:05 our authors in Turkey language teaching through critical thinking and
59:09 self awareness , which is available through english teaching forum
59:13 , um english teaching forum goes back more than 50
59:16 years with lots of fabulous ideas um written by teachers
59:21 for teachers . Wonderful ! Thank you so much Leslie
59:26 for joining us today . What a great session .
59:29 Thank you . It's my pleasure . Yeah , thank
59:32 you so much . I think we just had a
59:34 really excellent kick off to our american english live series
59:38 five with our presenter today Leslie at Beckman . Again
59:41 , thank you so much for sharing some really wonderful
59:44 ideas um to help us incorporate more critical thinking into
59:47 our daily lesson plans and activities and I think we're
59:51 all better prepared to increase the amount of time our
59:54 students spend Developing and using this important 21st century skills
59:58 . So thank you . And of course we'd like
60:01 to thank you our audience for your lively engagement and
60:04 participation today . It was wonderful to see all of
60:07 your ideas and um to see all of your enthusiasm
60:11 for using some of these new ideas in your classroom
60:13 soon . So please keep in touch on the ning
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