Password security - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Password security - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Password security - By

00:0-1 what do you know about digital citizenship and safety ?
00:04 What students know about password security in this classroom conversation
00:10 . A teacher and technology assistant talked to students about
00:13 important aspects of password security now that you all have
00:19 your new school devices . I invited our schools technology
00:22 assistant to talk to us about digital citizenship . Yeah
00:27 . High class . Today I want to talk to
00:31 you about passwords . How many of you have a
00:34 password for different websites ? So that's all of you
00:41 . We need passwords for a lot of different places
00:44 online but it's not a good idea to use the
00:48 same password for all websites . That makes it easier
00:54 for others to see your personal accounts . Do we
00:58 need a different password for every user name we have
01:02 for everyone in this class . The most important thing
01:06 is to have a separate password for your email .
01:09 There is a lot of personal and private information in
01:13 your email . You also want to make sure your
01:17 password is secure or difficult for others to figure out
01:22 . I suggest long passwords that have a mix of
01:25 letters , numbers and symbols . That's great advice .
01:32 Do you have any tips for remembering different passwords ?
01:35 I do . There are some apps where you can
01:39 keep all your passwords safe . I'll help you set
01:43 up an app today to help your students stay safe
01:49 online . You can provide them with proactive knowledge about
01:52 digital citizenship . Yeah . When speaking with your students
01:56 about passwords you can consider these questions . Do students
02:00 know what a secure password is ? Do they know
02:04 to use separate passwords for their email and other sites
02:07 that contain highly private information ? Do they know how
02:11 to keep track of all their passwords ? What information
02:16 about digital citizenship and safety do you think it is
02:19 important to talk to students about ? Yeah this is
02:23 american english . Thank you for watching .



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