AE Live 10.6 - Effective Assessment Practices for Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Online - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

AE Live 10.6 - Effective Assessment Practices for Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Online - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

AE Live 10.6 - Effective Assessment Practices for Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Online - By

00:0-1 Hello everyone and welcome to the 6th and final session
00:03 in American English live series 10 . We're so excited
00:07 that each of you are here with us today .
00:08 My name is kate and I'll be with you along
00:11 with my colleague behind the scenes Amanda , who will
00:13 be serving as moderator to help answer your questions and
00:17 respond to your comments during today's session . Let's begin
00:20 today with these wonderful comments from participants of the last
00:23 session . So we have l vera in the Philippines
00:29 who said I gained a lot of insight in relation
00:32 to delivering training to my students and trainees . Thank
00:35 you for this opportunity . Thanks for that great comment
00:39 and hawaii to in Egypt says the session was helpful
00:42 and informative . I'm going to use these strategies in
00:45 my online classes . Thanks a lot . Thanks for
00:47 that great comment . And finally Sebastian and Romania says
00:52 I can now better differentiate the level of my students
00:55 and adapt my teaching after watching this webinar , that's
00:58 wonderful to hear . Thanks so much . So we
01:01 love to see our teacher participants actively engaged in professional
01:04 development . Please continue to share your photos , thoughts
01:07 and insights about our webinars by adding them to the
01:10 comments or check box or by emailing them to american
01:13 english webinars At FHI . We may feature one
01:18 of your comments or photos during our next series ,
01:21 which begins May five . So today is our final
01:25 session in American English live teacher development series 10 throughout
01:29 the series , we explored sessions related to the theme
01:32 of making the transition to online or hybrid classrooms .
01:36 We hope you've been able to use the practical ideas
01:39 we share . Have you had a favorite session during
01:42 today's during the series ? Let us know in the
01:44 chat box And here's what to expect today . Each
01:48 session is about 60 minutes long and during this series
01:52 we've been focusing on strategies for online or hybrid teaching
01:56 . The presenter will present the material and I as
01:59 your host , will ask questions and make comments to
02:02 but we really hope to hear from you our audience
02:04 so that we can address your ideas and experiences .
02:08 Please do share your thoughts using the comments feature or
02:11 chat box . Our presenters may suggest options for materials
02:16 or tools . During today's session , we want you
02:18 to know that the US Department of State's Office of
02:21 English language programs does not necessarily promote or recommend these
02:25 resources . So we do hope that you get some
02:27 great ideas during today's session . When our webinar comes
02:33 to a close in about an hour , you will
02:35 have an opportunity to receive a digital badge for your
02:38 participation . At the end of the session will share
02:41 a link in the comments and at the top of
02:43 this post , click on that link and complete a
02:46 short quiz about today's session , you must answer two
02:50 out of three multiple choice questions correctly and once you've
02:53 done so you should expect to receive your badge .
02:57 You may be an email within about a week .
03:01 All right , so american english live teacher Development Series
03:05 11 begins on May 5th will focus on the themes
03:09 of classroom management for in person online or hybrid courses
03:13 and innovative approaches to teaching grammar . During these six
03:17 webinars for english language , educators around the world ,
03:21 Registration is not required . But if you'd like to
03:23 receive series 11 updates and reminders in your email inbox
03:28 , please complete this form shared in the comments or
03:31 chat box . And now for today's session , effective
03:36 assessment practices for synchronous and asynchronous learning in an online
03:40 environment . In this webinar we will review guidelines and
03:45 effective practices for creating online assessments . We'll discuss challenges
03:50 and solutions to adapting existing face to face assessments for
03:54 the online classroom as well as ways to create new
03:57 online assessments will discuss ways to adapt these classroom practices
04:02 for online learning settings and we'll explore useful tools and
04:06 resources to help with the transition from face to face
04:09 to online assessments in order to engage and motivate students
04:13 to learn english . And now we're pleased to introduce
04:16 our presenter Kendra staley . Kendra has 15 years of
04:21 experience teaching development , developing materials and curricula and conducting
04:27 teacher trainings in the english as a second language or
04:30 english as a foreign language field . She currently works
04:33 as a coach in the english speaking nation coaches program
04:37 with american councils in Samarkand Uzbekistan . Previously Kendra taught
04:42 in the US Guatemala china , Indonesia Colombia and turkmenistan
04:48 , she has served as the U . S .
04:50 Department of State English language fellow and specialist Kendra earned
04:55 a master's in T salt from the University of Washington
04:58 Seattle and a bachelor's in english literature from Kansas State
05:02 University for teaching and research interests include teacher training ,
05:06 curriculum development , intercultural communications and using social media in
05:11 language acquisition . Welcome Kendra . It's so great to
05:14 have you here with us today . Thank you kate
05:19 for the introduction . Welcome everyone . I am Kendra
05:22 and I'm speaking with you today from the beautiful and
05:25 historic city of Samarkand , Uzbekistan . I'm excited to
05:29 have all of you join me today for this professional
05:31 development workshop about assessment practices for synchronous and asynchronous learning
05:36 and an online environment . Well actually I don't really
05:40 think assessment is particularly exciting topic but it is an
05:44 essential component of teaching . In fact grading is my
05:47 least favorite part of teaching and maybe all of you
05:50 feel the same way that I do . However ,
05:53 today I'll hopefully give you some ideas on how to
05:56 assess your students in an online teaching environment because we
05:59 know assessment is important and necessary . So let's look
06:04 over what will cover . Today . First we'll talk
06:07 about our introduction to assessment in the online classroom .
06:10 Then we'll look at guidelines for adapting assessment practices .
06:14 Next practical applications for formative assessment and then practical applications
06:19 for some motive assessment . And finally , we'll summarize
06:22 the important points . All right , so first we'll
06:29 discuss assessment in general and assessment more specifically for the
06:33 online classroom . I'd like to hear from you .
06:38 What is the purpose of assessment ? Yeah . What
06:42 do you think ? Everybody let us know in the
06:43 comments or the chat . Um what is the purpose
06:47 of assessment ? How would you define the purpose of
06:51 assessment ? Great . Let's see you . Chase has
07:05 recognizing the level . That's great helping students to learn
07:10 . Mia says to check the learning effect . That's
07:13 great to see how much learning has occurred . Check
07:17 out students are doing and make necessary adjustments and to
07:23 examine learning and promote learning from si Chen . So
07:27 those are really great responses . Everybody thank you for
07:29 sharing . Yeah , exactly . It's to see what
07:32 our students have learned , right ? What we need
07:35 to continue teaching them or maybe teaching them in a
07:38 different way . Right . Good . I and then
07:41 I have another question for you now who can tell
07:44 us what are the main type types of assessment that
07:47 you've heard of ? How would you , what are
07:51 maybe some categories of assessments or types of assessments that
07:54 you've heard of ? What would you say ? So
08:00 we're seeing lots of other great purposes as well for
08:03 assessment , those are all great . And let's see
08:07 what other what types so good formative and some motive
08:11 as Ron also says formative and some motive . Mia
08:15 says the type is a dictation . Deanna also says
08:21 informative and Summit of hazel says formal and informal .
08:26 Let's see lots of people saying formative and Summit of
08:29 like mason Londres , katarina , katarina says Summit informative
08:34 , annual final . Those are great , awesome .
08:38 Thanks for sharing everyone . Yeah , good . So
08:42 you've touched upon the main categories of assessment that we'll
08:45 talk about today . Um So just to go over
08:48 some definitions of some main types of assessment , we
08:51 have diagnostic and that's to see what our students know
08:54 and don't know . Um a placement test is an
08:57 example , right ? It's often done at the beginning
09:00 of a semester or term or maybe when someone is
09:03 entering institute , our program , another type is formative
09:07 , right ? This is informally done . Um and
09:10 we do it often right as teachers during before after
09:14 lessons to see what students have learned , what we
09:16 need to re teach them and how right how to
09:19 modify . Um We can give them feedback as a
09:22 teacher or their peers or self feedback and some examples
09:26 are homework and class discussions . Some motive is the
09:29 last type that will discuss today . That's usually the
09:32 end of the unit or the term the semester and
09:35 often results in a grade represents what students have learned
09:39 . Some examples are final exam and presentations . Um
09:42 So today we'll focus primarily informative and some of the
09:45 assessment in the online environment and then two formats that
09:51 we'll talk about today are synchronous , which is at
09:54 the same time . Right . And that could be
09:56 students meet at a specific time . Maybe it's every
09:59 day , maybe it's once a week or twice a
10:00 week asynchronous , it's at different times and students complete
10:05 work on their own time or schedule . Oftentimes there's
10:09 deadlines set to ensure that all materials or assessments are
10:12 done by a certain time . Um And oftentimes many
10:15 online learning or assessments combined both of these styles ,
10:21 I have some questions for you . What is an
10:23 example of a synchronous assessment that you have used with
10:26 your own students ? Yeah . What do you think
10:29 Everybody ? What's an example of a secret Nous assessment
10:33 that you have done ? Let us know in the
10:36 comments or the chat box . All right , a
10:40 quick quiz . So maybe you have all of your
10:42 students do a quiz from Juhi as Ron uses cahoots
10:47 . Great oral interviews from the white . Wonderful .
10:54 True false questions . Pat also says quizzes Miguel oral
11:00 interview . Janna says feedback to activities like immediate feedback
11:08 um and dictation from Angelina . So those are all
11:10 great examples . Thanks for sharing . Yeah . Excellent
11:15 . And then what is an example of an asynchronous
11:17 type of assessment ? Yeah . What kind of asynchronous
11:21 assessments have you used ? Um So assessments that students
11:27 do not have to be with the students at the
11:29 same time joe . He says an essay . That's
11:31 great . Homework from amazon . You can do a
11:36 google form , that's great . Or a questionnaire from
11:40 MIA So you can have the students do it and
11:43 report back . He chases a report or a project
11:46 . That's a great example . And a project based
11:49 activity from Giselle . Those are all great . Thanks
11:53 for sharing . Yeah . Excellent . I can see
11:55 I have a lot of talented and experienced teachers with
11:59 me here today which is great . I'll give you
12:01 some examples of formative assessments that I like to use
12:05 . Uh huh . And so student observations and we
12:09 do this all the time and in person classes .
12:11 Right face to face classes . Um This is one
12:13 of the things that's a little harder I think to
12:15 adjust to in the online environment face to face .
12:18 We can just look over the classroom or we can
12:20 walk around the classroom and notice how students are doing
12:23 by themselves or appear workgroup work . But we'll talk
12:26 about this a little bit more . How do you
12:28 do that effectively in an online environment reflection journals ?
12:32 This is one of my favorite ways to learn about
12:35 my students , not just the writing abilities but also
12:37 their thoughts and their experiences . Again , that's another
12:41 formative assessment will focus on later today , parent group
12:44 work peer reviews and that's a way for students to
12:48 give each other feedback . Often times it's good to
12:51 have forms for that and then quizzes like many of
12:53 you have mentioned . So I would like to hear
12:57 from you . Are you familiar with these examples of
12:59 formative assessment ? And are there any that you regularly
13:02 use ? Right . Yeah , Kendra shared student observations
13:07 journals , parent group work , peer reviews and quizzes
13:10 as examples of formative assessments ? Are any of those
13:13 ones that you like to use a lot um or
13:16 that you're more familiar with . So let's see .
13:18 Hazel says quizzes . Mia says reflect that she's used
13:21 reflection journals , quiz , repair work . Those were
13:28 great for my ring . Layla says she uses reflection
13:35 donate to says yes ma'am , I am familiar with
13:37 those examples . Um Great . And um Monteiro says
13:47 I'm familiar except for the peer review . So .
13:50 Great . Thanks for sharing . Nice . Great .
13:52 And I see paddling as well , pad light is
13:54 a really fun way to do formative assessment . So
13:57 let's move on to some examples of some motive assessments
14:01 . So for some motive assessment and again , that's
14:03 the sort of big at the end assessment or exam
14:07 . We have standardised exam performances and these are a
14:12 little bit funny , right ? Standardized exams . I
14:14 think lots of people do that with multiple choice to
14:16 false those sorts of questions . And it could be
14:19 like a Tofel test also Eilts , that sort of
14:22 thing . Um performance . This could be anything where
14:25 you can have your students , I've had students perform
14:27 myths , you can have students um perform a play
14:30 . You could have students um do a song ,
14:32 right ? Maybe you practiced the song with him presentations
14:36 like what we're doing now , right . That can
14:38 create a power point of crazy , something like that
14:41 . Essays that could be multi draft . I'm always
14:43 a fan of revision . Not necessarily grading the revisions
14:47 . Of course that I think for writing it's important
14:49 to revise right ? We all improve and then final
14:52 projects and again , where you have many steps right
14:55 many formative steps that end with a final project where
14:59 they actually earn the grade . So now I'd like
15:01 to hear from you in your opinion about these two
15:04 types of assessments . Um Specifically how do formative assessments
15:09 influence some motive assessments in your classes ? Yeah .
15:13 Great question . So how do formative assessments influence summit
15:17 of assessments ? That's a really good question . How
15:19 do they connect to each other and maybe um influence
15:24 or inform the type of summit of assessments that you
15:26 give ? What do you think ? Mhm . Great
15:34 Graciela says formative feedback prepares students for the summit of
15:37 assessment . That's great . The formative assessment can even
15:41 be part of the summit of So yeah if you
15:43 want to if you do a portfolio or something like
15:45 that um to demonstrate all the learning that's occurred ,
15:50 Rabia says it helps the assessor know the learning achievements
15:53 . That's a great response . Thank you . Let's
15:58 see , want to try to grab one from facebook
16:04 , let's see . It's a follow up for the
16:06 process which is uh in the process of learning .
16:08 So the summit of is sort of a follow up
16:10 to all the processes that you did using formative assessments
16:13 . That's a great response . Thanks everybody . Yeah
16:17 , excellent points . Um and I always feel like
16:19 when I give a sensitive assessment um hopefully I'm not
16:23 surprised by how the students do right because I've done
16:25 so many formative check ins with them throughout the whole
16:28 process . And so most of the formative and a
16:31 sensitive assessment examples that I gave today or that you
16:34 have given can be done synchronously in a synchronously in
16:38 the online classroom depending on your needs or connectivity .
16:41 I know people made comments in the facebook page ,
16:45 the announcements talking about how much of a issue connectivity
16:48 could be . So later , I'll give examples of
16:51 some assessments you can do even if you don't have
16:54 great connectivity because I know that's the issue everywhere and
16:58 we'll revisit some of these examples later to discuss about
17:02 ways to adapt them both synchronously in a synchronously for
17:05 online learning . All right , turning to effective assessments
17:09 , another question for everyone . What do you think
17:12 is a more effective assessment , a standardized test or
17:16 a group presentation ? Why ? Yeah , this is
17:19 a really good question and I know a lot of
17:21 teachers think about this type of question on a daily
17:24 basis , especially as a lot of us have standardized
17:28 tests that we have to give in our classrooms .
17:31 So what do you think , what do you think
17:32 is more effective standard standardized test or a group presentation
17:36 project and let us know why hazel great point .
17:40 It depends on your goals . Great . They both
17:44 have different purposes from as Ron , yep , another
17:48 good point and let us know why I'm seeing a
17:52 few people saying group presentation , but let us know
17:55 why you think a group presentation or project might be
17:58 a better form of assessment . Giselle says it depends
18:02 on the purpose and the personality type of the learner
18:04 . Great point . Um a group presentation because it
18:10 assesses skills and knowledge . Great . That was from
18:14 Len Mhm Olga says a group presentation enhances a lot
18:19 of skills . There's less anxiety for a group presentation
18:23 from Astrakhan and both are effective depending on what we
18:28 assess from Cindy . So all wonderful points . Great
18:31 responses . Thanks everyone . Yeah , for sure .
18:35 And it was a bit of a trick question because
18:37 you're right , it depends on the situation , Right
18:40 ? And like everything , there's positives and negatives for
18:42 each type of assessment . Alright , next we'll discuss
18:46 guidelines for adopting assessment practices . So here are some
18:51 important guidelines to remember when creating assessments . They should
18:55 have practicality . So that means are they easy to
18:58 give in to score within a short time ? So
19:01 examples of this would be if a rubric is too
19:04 detailed to complete , if it takes the teacher a
19:07 long time to fill out the rubric or if there's
19:10 many sections of assignment to grade , then it's not
19:12 practical as well . If it takes students a really
19:15 long time to complete the assessment or if they don't
19:19 have enough time , if you're doing it synchronously then
19:22 it's not very practical , validity is another thing to
19:26 consider . And so validity means accurately measuring what has
19:30 been taught and this is really important . Right ?
19:33 An example of that would be if you taught your
19:36 students comparative adjectives like smaller , right ? More intelligent
19:40 . But then on the assessment , you asked them
19:42 to write sentences about superlatives , right , smallest most
19:46 intelligent . Um , it's not very fair . It's
19:48 also not valid , right ? You didn't teach them
19:50 that . So we also , we always have to
19:53 think , am I testing them over what I actually
19:55 taught them in class reliability . This is about consistent
20:01 and dependable . So students should take the same test
20:04 more or less the same . Of course our students
20:07 , we have a range of abilities , a range
20:09 of levels , Right ? But it shouldn't vary like
20:13 widely , um , too widely as well . Different
20:16 teachers should be able to grade the assessment the same
20:20 . An example of that would be multiple choice and
20:22 matching questions are more reliable . Right ? Because there's
20:25 one certain answer . One specific answer . That's correct
20:29 . Things like presentations or essays , they are not
20:32 quite as reliable . They're more subjective , right ?
20:35 And a way to deal with that subjectivity is to
20:37 use clear rubrics so that all teachers are hopefully creating
20:41 the same . Another thing to consider is authenticity .
20:45 And so that means is the task real and applicable
20:49 , connected to authentic language usage . So an example
20:52 of that would be if you gave your students and
20:55 activity where they had to identify the different verb tenses
20:58 in a paragraph , they had to tell you if
21:00 it's simple or past or present or progressive and that
21:03 could be useful right to have them label and identify
21:07 . But is that really authentic ? Right ? We
21:09 no one does that in their day to day life
21:12 . Um , what you could do instead is you
21:15 can ask your students write a sentence about what you
21:18 did last year and then number two , why are
21:21 the sentence about what you will do next year ?
21:24 Number three write , write a sentence about what you
21:26 do every day . And so you're having the students
21:29 practice um those different tenses but you're not asking them
21:32 to label and identify . Um so again , just
21:35 considering the authenticity of a task , then wash back
21:38 . And so this is about influencing our teaching and
21:41 our students learning . So this has some connection of
21:45 similarities to formative assessment , Right ? Um so this
21:49 could be about teaching to the test versus teaching ,
21:51 communicative language skills . So an example of this would
21:55 be drilling grammar worksheets most of your class time to
22:00 prepare students for the grammar sections of the test .
22:03 Now , of course we want to prepare students for
22:05 test , right ? But at the same time we
22:07 need to strike a balance between test preparation and authentic
22:11 language usage . It's always useful to review these tips
22:16 regardless of if you're creating online or face to face
22:19 assessments and of course you can't realistically achieve high levels
22:23 of all of these factors for each and every assessment
22:26 that's not possible . It is a balancing act depending
22:29 on your assessment needs and your educational context . So
22:32 similar to some comments that you made already today and
22:36 will return to these guidelines to these concepts throughout the
22:39 practical application sections where we look at examples of a
22:43 formative and summit of assessments , let's go ahead and
22:48 do an example of sort of a practice of that
22:50 right now . So we're going to score these two
22:53 very different types of assessment . We have a standardized
22:56 placement test and then an exit ticket . I want
22:59 us to consider um those guidelines . We just talked
23:02 about the five guidelines . So if we look at
23:05 a standardized test , um that is some motive ,
23:08 right ? It's not what you taught them , but
23:10 it's what students have learned before they came to you
23:13 . Right ? Um , it is high stakes ,
23:16 right ? Often times it depends on what level or
23:18 grade they'll be in , they might be feeling nervous
23:20 . Someone mentioned that the sort of anxiety test anxiety
23:24 our students feel , um , there's usually standardized grading
23:28 rubric or answer key that teachers will use . Um
23:32 , and think about these different guidelines , Right ?
23:35 So maybe low practicality . It could take a lot
23:38 of time for the students or the teachers could grade
23:40 . So maybe in terms of scoring low versus high
23:43 , it might be a little lower . So low
23:45 validity . Again , um , it can be hard
23:48 to know exactly what they've been taught before they came
23:50 to you , right ? It's a little different than
23:53 when you're already in your class . Right ? But
23:56 high reliability because all the students are taking the same
23:59 test trying to figure out the placement of where they
24:01 should be . Um , low authenticity . Sometimes all
24:05 of these can be debated though . You might have
24:07 a different opinion than me about them of course .
24:10 Um , because oftentimes placement test aren't particularly authentic .
24:15 You might have lots of grammar questions , vocabulary questions
24:18 , that kind of thing . Which is not ,
24:19 I'm not what we do in real life when we
24:21 communicate right ? But definitely high wash back because the
24:25 whole point is to play students where they need to
24:27 be and that will inform how we teach them ,
24:29 right ? So you can see there there's sort of
24:32 a mixed , low and high , let's go ahead
24:34 and look at the exit tickets and what that is
24:37 is a formative assessments . You might do these .
24:40 You give them at the end of the class period
24:42 to check student comprehension of what they learned at that
24:44 day . It's useful for students to do self reflection
24:48 and also for the teacher right to see , Okay
24:50 . Did they learn what I hope they did or
24:52 do I need to re teach them or can we
24:55 move on the next period ? And it has high
24:57 practicality . Usually exit tickets don't take long . Right
25:01 , a few minutes to do . It has high
25:04 validity , hopefully right accurately measures what the students have
25:08 been taught that day could be low reliability and that
25:13 could be maybe students are feeling tired . Maybe a
25:16 student understood something different than a different student . So
25:19 there is some objectivity there with exit tickets that you
25:22 don't have with a standardized test . Hi authenticity .
25:26 Because we often ask for feedback in real life ,
25:29 right ? We asked people , what did you think
25:31 about that or what about this ? What about this
25:34 food or that movie ? That's an authentic task to
25:36 ask people's opinion and feedback and high wash back .
25:40 Of course just like the test . Right ? Because
25:42 then we know what to do in the future with
25:44 our students and so we can see here right while
25:47 each assessment format alliance with the assessment practice guidelines differently
25:50 . Right ? Somewhere a little lower . Somewhere higher
25:53 . They both serve a clear need . So I
25:55 don't want you to feel like oh I have to
25:56 do all five of these perfectly every time it's not
25:59 possible . Right ? We do we do what we
26:01 can depending on the context . All right . So
26:04 um let's look at differences in assessments between face to
26:08 face and online learning . So we've looked at differences
26:12 between formative and summited assessments and along with examples of
26:17 both . So now let's consider face to face versus
26:20 online learning . And I have a question for you
26:23 , what are some of the differences between face to
26:25 face and online assessments ? Yeah . What do you
26:29 think ? Everybody , I saw a lot of comments
26:31 about how people love using exit tickets . So that's
26:33 great . Um And then what do you think ?
26:36 What are the differences between face to face and online
26:39 assessment ? What have you noticed um in your teaching
26:44 , the students reaction to it from Nandhini in face
26:50 to face , you can give direct feedback . What
27:02 else do you think online assessments are more difficult to
27:05 check from aura ? I think that's very true .
27:07 A lot of people feel that way . Great point
27:10 . Mhm . In face to face there is more
27:13 interaction from daisy . Online assessments are flexible from lots
27:20 of comments coming into its heart . Leila . Great
27:23 Online is more formal from Angelina and you use different
27:27 strategies for these different assessments from Jose luis . So
27:31 those are great responses . Thanks so much . Yes
27:34 . And I wanna says some students might cheat .
27:35 I think she probably is referring to the online environment
27:38 . I know a lot of teachers . We'll have
27:40 that fear . So definitely . Thanks for sharing everyone
27:44 . Yeah . Thank you . And I'll give you
27:45 some tips about how to um avoid um or help
27:50 your students encourage your students to avoid cheating in the
27:53 online assessment environment . All right , let's go ahead
27:57 and look at another question . Some other information I
28:00 would like to hear about from your own experience ,
28:02 what our in person classroom assessment practices . Yeah .
28:07 So when you're able to be in person with your
28:09 students , what are some classroom assessment practices that you're
28:13 able to incorporate into your teaching and assessing do you
28:20 think everybody in classroom in person classroom assessment practices ?
28:27 Let's see , face to face allows the teacher to
28:29 observe some behavior . So you can do lots of
28:32 observations . That's great . You can do role play
28:36 from you chain and face to face . You are
28:42 sure that it is the students work and not being
28:45 helped by another student . So you can check that
28:47 and observe . You can use review sheets or checklists
28:51 from june lee . You can do oral presentations ,
29:00 you can give direct feedback , you can read the
29:05 text out loud for the students . That's a great
29:07 practice . And you can do cooperative learning groups from
29:13 gina . So those are great . Thanks for sharing
29:15 everybody . Yeah , Thank you . Another question I
29:20 have for you are about the benefits of transitioning assessments
29:25 to the online environment . There are some positive things
29:28 . Right , What are the benefits ? Yeah .
29:31 So we talked about our in person practices , but
29:33 what are some benefits of the online um of assessing
29:37 in the online classroom ? What do you think or
29:41 maybe what has um , when you have done ,
29:44 hazel says you can do some dynamic activities . That's
29:47 great . So things that students really enjoy , a
29:50 lot of our students really like to use apps ,
29:53 use their phones , use there tablets or computers .
29:58 They can record their voice great from Hugh young eco
30:03 friendly . That's a great point . Yeah , we
30:05 need to go anywhere . We don't have to use
30:07 paper . All the results can be recorded in a
30:13 google sheet or another type of online form . Less
30:18 stress for some students . Yeah , I think that's
30:21 true from Gil and students get used to different ways
30:26 of assessing which is great from robert and were able
30:29 to make our students more independent . That is from
30:31 jennifer Great . And you don't have to bring tons
30:35 of paper home . That's from Lynn . Good point
30:39 . Alright . Thanks for hearing everyone . Yeah ,
30:42 I love the ecofriendly one . That is something that
30:44 we might not think about , right is saving paper
30:47 , right ? Or the gas for transportation and all
30:49 of that . Nice . All right . Now ,
30:52 let's , let's focus on the challenges . So what
30:54 are the challenges of transition assessments to the online classroom
30:58 ? What have you found for yourself for your students
31:02 ? Yeah . So we talked about some benefits .
31:04 But what are some challenges of transitioning assessments to the
31:08 online classroom ? Again , cheating problems . See lack
31:20 of media literacy from students . That's a great point
31:23 . Eyestrain , yep . Internet issues , definitely some
31:29 students are not too tech savvy the point , lack
31:36 of availability of resources from Priyanka . It sometimes might
31:43 take a little bit longer to set up or to
31:46 assess and maybe lack of interaction , especially if students
31:51 don't have their cameras on Good point . Alright ,
31:53 thanks everybody . Mm Nice . And I see screen
31:57 fatigue . That's also really um that's a very valid
32:00 point . For sure . Um Okay . So I
32:02 would like to summarize some of my own ideas about
32:05 these questions that I just asked you . I got
32:07 some really great responses from everyone . Um So first
32:10 I would like to just review with EU assessments and
32:13 face to face learning . So here's some characteristics .
32:16 We oftentimes have individual um classroom based . Maybe you
32:21 recognize this photo on the scene this environment here .
32:24 It's in a classroom , person by person . Paper
32:26 based . Strike that feeling of answers on a sheet
32:29 of paper . Synchronous , right ? It's all together
32:31 and it's controlled by the teacher , by the school
32:34 or the institute . And then looking at some differences
32:38 with online assessment . Some of those characteristics um are
32:45 unlimited access to information at any time . And some
32:48 of these you might think they're positive or negative depending
32:52 on your experience on on the situation , possibly even
32:55 the day . Maybe it's good to have a lot
32:58 of access to information . Maybe it's overwhelming , Right
33:02 ? Um there's an easy and instant connection to peers
33:04 and information and teachers . Again , it's great because
33:07 your students can work together and they can contact you
33:10 whenever , but maybe sometimes you would like to have
33:13 some privacy or to be left alone , right ?
33:15 That can be overwhelming . Um There is an increased
33:18 likelihood of plagiarism . People have talked about that already
33:21 increased chance of cheating , um , and there's really
33:25 a need for clear instructions and guidelines um , on
33:28 the teacher's part , right ? Because we don't have
33:30 that face to face where you can tell looking at
33:33 your students , write their faces , are they confused
33:36 or do they understand ? Um and maybe the internet
33:40 connection , and it's good enough that you can see
33:42 their faces but sometimes they can't use the video or
33:44 maybe you're using an app to deliver the class right
33:48 ? WhatsApp or telegram whatever it is . Um So
33:51 instructions really have to be more clear than they do
33:54 and face to face classes . Um And then some
33:58 online test security tips that I have for you again
34:01 because treating and plagiarizing is a larger possibility with online
34:06 learning or online assessment . So there's some specific ideas
34:09 only have the assessment available for a designated or limited
34:14 time . Now if you're using a platform like google
34:17 classroom um model something like that , you can have
34:20 the time frame set canvas right where you can only
34:24 have a quiz er assessment for a particular time and
34:26 that's helpful . Um You can do parallel forms with
34:29 randomized items . So what that means is you have
34:32 the same quiz but you've got quiz A . And
34:35 quiz bee . And on quiz A . Maybe question
34:38 one is questioned three on form B . Or maybe
34:41 the options A . B . C . And D
34:43 . Are moved around . So option A . On
34:46 the first form is option D . On the second
34:48 form , so just rotating the information so it's not
34:51 quite as easy um for students to cheat having higher
34:56 order thinking questions to reduce plagiarism . And this is
34:59 really one thing that I think is the most important
35:03 for online learning is try to move away from just
35:06 A . B . C . D . Right or
35:08 true false ? Have students have to produce information ,
35:11 share their opinion , Synthesize , take information ideas from
35:15 different sources of video or reading and then tell you
35:19 um what they think have them compare and contrast and
35:22 it's much harder to plagiarize that way and it's much
35:25 more authentic . Right ? Um than just sort of
35:28 repeating information that they've read or that they've heard .
35:31 Um So that's one of my biggest tips for you
35:33 in terms of avoiding plagiarism also have a low percentage
35:37 of course graded quizzes . So if you make quizzes
35:40 um only a few points , students won't be as
35:43 likely to want to cheat , right ? That reduces
35:46 the motivation , allow students to do multiple quiz retakes
35:50 . And again , that motivates them to try to
35:52 keep learning the information and then use time test using
35:56 the course management system . And here's some more tips
36:01 for use and best practices for online assessments . Make
36:05 sure that the exams are relevant and appropriate for the
36:08 objectives . So again , like we talked about before
36:10 , the guidelines , what are you trying to teach
36:13 your students ? Are you testing them and them that
36:16 in a relevant way ? And some people mention this
36:19 before . If your students face technical difficulties , make
36:23 sure that they have instructions on what to do .
36:26 Okay . What do you do if you were doing
36:27 an assessment and you lose connectivity ? Okay . And
36:31 it could be right if they're writing something by hand
36:34 , take a photo and send it to you if
36:36 they can't fill out the google form . Right ?
36:38 So make sure that you have um a backup .
36:42 Um and that will help reduce their anxiety . Right
36:44 ? And also your frustration as a teacher . If
36:47 your students disappeared in an assessment , make sure to
36:51 give them frequent feedback to maintain student motivation because we
36:55 don't have that face to face um in person interaction
36:58 with our students where we can really give them a
37:00 lot of feedback , even a smile , right .
37:03 Things like that . It's important to do frequent feedback
37:06 in other ways . That could be a text message
37:09 . Um something like that . Make sure to give
37:12 individualized feedback . So instead of just good job right
37:16 on an assignment or an activity , say you did
37:19 a really good job with this or I like how
37:21 you said that or you phrase this in a really
37:24 good way . So something very specific and again that
37:27 will help with their motivation . Make sure students have
37:30 chances for self testing . That's really important and they
37:34 can do that of course with practice quizzes , activities
37:36 on quiz . Let kohut as many of you have
37:38 mentioned and of course always make sure you have variety
37:41 of question types if you do do um that sort
37:45 of exams , right ? Multiple choice fill in the
37:47 blank and short answer . So I would like to
37:51 hear from you before I share some of my ideas
37:55 like to hear from you first . What apps ,
37:57 tools and websites have you used for online assessments ?
38:02 Yeah , Great question . I know . We've all
38:04 had a lot more experience with different apps or tools
38:07 . Um , Miguel says , um , what I
38:09 like about model is that you can randomize your questions
38:12 and answers . That's great . It's a great tip
38:14 . So model sounds good . Secretive is something Nala
38:18 uses near pod from amazon had lit google classroom and
38:23 google forms . Sonja says , google forms . See
38:29 a teacher made app , wow , Melody sounds good
38:33 . Let us know your about that . That sounds
38:36 awesome . You can use mental meter from hazel .
38:40 Yeah . Jam board pilot , google classroom and school
38:43 ology from LeN and it depends on the availability of
38:48 the app for learners . Great point from santiago and
38:53 with grid Microsoft teen zoom cahoots awesome . Thanks everybody
39:00 . Great . And a few that I've never heard
39:03 of like with Wiser me . That sounds cool .
39:06 And also what's up ? Great . That's a very
39:08 popular one , awesome guys . Yeah , Nice .
39:11 I'm a big fan of um Oh no , I'm
39:15 forgetting right now I'm flip grid and then jam board
39:17 . The jambo was really fun . I like the
39:19 little kind of sticky note kind of color thing for
39:22 brainstorming , writing group work . These are great .
39:25 All right , everybody . So next we're going to
39:26 examine to practical applications for formative assessments . Um and
39:33 you all have given me really great ideas of different
39:35 websites and apps and I don't think that there is
39:38 a perfect app right ? Or perfect website that's going
39:41 to make assessment um easy for you and your students
39:43 and everything is going to be wonderful and fine .
39:45 Right ? Just like there's not the perfect textbook ,
39:47 right ? We know that is as teachers , we
39:49 have to adapt . We have to decide what's best
39:51 for students or context . So I'm going to give
39:54 you some assignments . Um , our assessments that you
39:57 could do with your students and talk about different ways
40:00 that you could do that with them depending on the
40:03 age of your students , depending on the connectivity that
40:06 you and your students have because people , you already
40:09 know a lot about these different apps , right ?
40:11 You know about them . So I'm not going to
40:13 focus on a lot of different apps , but more
40:14 the sort of activities that you could do for assessments
40:18 I used to , the first one I'm going to
40:19 talk about is reflection , journals , benefits . We
40:23 can grass students understanding of textual or audio input .
40:28 We can encourage critical thinking . Again , that's really
40:30 important . And it's a real life skill , right
40:33 ? It's the 21st century skill , um , can
40:35 connect material to students lives . We know how important
40:38 that is as teachers . Um if students um don't
40:42 care about the material , then they don't want to
40:43 focus on it , they don't want to learn .
40:45 And we're like that as well , right ? Everyone's
40:47 like that . Um , and then to learn about
40:49 our students as people . And again , this is
40:51 one of my favorite ways to really learn about my
40:53 students is as through reflection journals . And so some
40:57 different ways that you can do that . I'll list
41:00 some steps for you . So the first step ,
41:05 you want to provide visual auditory are written input .
41:08 And again , this is up to you as the
41:10 teacher . Um , it depends on what you're covering
41:12 with your students . A theme or the topic .
41:15 Visual could be a photo , right ? Have a
41:18 bird and animal . If you're working with Children ,
41:20 right ? It could be a landscape , maybe the
41:22 mountains , it could be auditory . So maybe there's
41:25 a link to a radio station or there's a podcast
41:29 that you want them to listen to . Or it
41:31 could be a Youtube or ted talks , right ?
41:34 Or maybe written input , Maybe an article , um
41:38 a blog , something like that . So you provide
41:40 the input and then the second step you want to
41:42 give them a prompt or the question right to reflect
41:45 on . And there's different ways that they can submit
41:48 the reflections so they can take a photo of a
41:51 handwritten response , right ? Maybe you have students that
41:53 don't have great internet connectivity most of the time .
41:56 Um and so even trying to use a google doc
41:59 wouldn't work for them , but they have paper and
42:01 pencil . Right ? Let them write it out and
42:03 take a photo and send it to you . That
42:05 doesn't take nearly as much data . Right ? Um
42:08 or for someone who is not very good with technology
42:11 , right . Maybe they're scared to use technology or
42:14 takes them a really long time to use technology .
42:17 You can do a visual or audio recording . I've
42:20 spoken response . So people have mentioned some different audio
42:24 recordings that you can do flip grid , right ?
42:26 You can do zoom . There's many different apps you
42:28 can use and this is really nice for students who
42:31 feel more comfortable speaking . Um , and if you
42:34 have students with special needs , right ? And they're
42:35 not very good at writing , they might prefer to
42:37 speak or vice versa . You can do text message
42:41 may be the only way you're able to work with
42:44 your students is through text message . That's also a
42:46 possibility a typed response , right ? Maybe they can
42:49 do google docs and submit it to you with a
42:52 link that way . And then you can give them
42:54 pierre a teacher feedback . Again , if you are
42:57 having your students to work with peers , you want
43:00 to give them instructions , Right . Focus on the
43:02 content . Or did they use articles or what was
43:06 the verb tense again ? Help them focus on the
43:09 kind of questions and the kind of feedback to give
43:13 them . All right . Let's go back to those
43:15 guidelines that we talked about earlier . Right . We
43:17 had our five things that we were thinking about .
43:20 So how do reflects journals ? Meet the guidelines shared
43:24 earlier ? Just to remind you of those guidelines ,
43:27 we were talking about , let's see if people can
43:30 get to it faster than me and the chat box
43:32 . We've got practicality , validity , reliability , authenticity
43:36 and wash back . So how do you reflection journals
43:39 ? Meet those guidelines ? Right . Yeah . What
43:43 do you think about the guidelines that we reviewed for
43:46 assessments earlier ? How to reflective journals ? Um ,
43:50 meet those guidelines . So aura says they're authentic .
43:53 Great . Because you're asking students to share their ideas
43:57 and thoughts . Um , They help with higher murder
44:02 thinking skills . Great , Joey says they have to
44:06 reflect and see what went well and what went wrong
44:09 for them when they're during their learning . Let's see
44:17 they're very valid and promote higher order thinking skills .
44:20 Great . They include all of them for some folks
44:24 . Um maybe the practicality is a little bit harder
44:27 . If you have a lot of students , it
44:29 might be hard to assess all of their um ,
44:32 reflective journals if there are lots of classroom , the
44:38 influence on your teaching . So wash back . That's
44:41 great . Yeah , it can be time consuming .
44:48 See all of them except maybe validity , says J
44:53 . Ron , but maybe it might be a valid
44:56 way of seeing where they're at in terms of their
44:58 grammar , their vocabulary , writing style and Catherine says
45:03 reflection journals are real or authentic . So . Great
45:06 point . All right , thank you , cheering definitely
45:10 the wash back , right . It's really important for
45:12 wash back , but I would agree about practicality anytime
45:15 we have to give feedback on writing that's very time
45:18 consuming for the teacher . Right ? All right ,
45:21 let's go ahead . I want to share with you
45:23 another formative assessment . That would be student observations .
45:27 Again , we do this all the time in the
45:28 face to face classroom . So how do we adapt
45:31 that to the online learning environment first , let's look
45:35 at some benefits . We can check student comprehension of
45:38 the material and the skill . We can notice student
45:41 to student dynamics . That's important in terms of future
45:45 pairings or group work , right ? We know as
45:47 teachers that were not just teaching a language right ?
45:50 Particularly with younger learners were teaching social skills , right
45:54 ? How to interact with other people . And that's
45:57 also really important . Um observe student to student production
46:01 of the language . Again , it shouldn't just be
46:03 us talking all the time or us writing right ,
46:06 it should be students interacting to produce the language and
46:09 then having students practice practice different roles within a group
46:13 . I think this is really important when I do
46:15 different activities , all assigned roles . So maybe someone
46:18 will be the note taker , someone will be the
46:20 researcher , someone will write vocabulary , new vocabulary and
46:24 definitions . Someone will present the ideas and that it
46:28 sounds responsibility and make sure that students are sharing the
46:31 workload and they're practicing different skills at the same time
46:35 . So there are some benefits to student observations .
46:38 Now , how do we do that ? So the
46:40 first step , what we want to do is to
46:43 groups students according to the purpose . And so again
46:47 , what do you want students to do ? What
46:48 is the task ? And also think about the group
46:51 dynamics ? Right . So do you want to have
46:53 um a genius grouping ? So do you want to
46:55 have all of the stronger students together ? Do you
46:58 want to have , you know , the lower level
47:00 students together ? Or do you want to do heterogeneous
47:03 grouping ? So you might know , okay , these
47:05 students are stronger , I'm going to pair them or
47:08 put them into a group with these students who I
47:10 know need a little extra support . Give them a
47:13 task to complete . Again , it's tough to use
47:15 the teacher whatever task you want them to do ?
47:18 Writing , listening , speaking , grammar , vocab ,
47:20 whatever it is and insight really observe the students interacting
47:24 with the task . Um Right . Are they actually
47:26 doing it ? It could mean that they don't understand
47:28 your instructions . Right . The material is a material
47:31 at their level , Is it too easy ? Is
47:33 it too hard ? And then each other again ?
47:35 So just known to seeing those social skills , the
47:37 social interactions , And then you can offer you can
47:41 clarify questions when that's needed . All right . So
47:43 , we know the benefits . We know the steps
47:45 . So how can you do that in the online
47:46 environment ? You can put students into breakout rooms in
47:50 zoom Again , it takes a little bit longer to
47:52 sort of organize those and then you have to jump
47:54 around to the different rooms . But you can still
47:56 get um the same observation , same student observation .
48:00 If you're not able to do video , right ?
48:03 You can still do messaging groups , you can do
48:05 WhatsApp here in Uzbekistan telegram is really popular . You
48:09 can do line , I've used that before , um
48:11 and you can put students into groups . Again ,
48:14 some of that you would have to do in advance
48:15 as the teacher , or it could be for longer
48:17 term projects right where they're working together um and you
48:20 wouldn't participate necessarily , but you can just see how
48:23 they're interacting and again clarify if that's needed . Right
48:28 ? And also a group text messages . Right .
48:32 All right . So let's go ahead and um analyze
48:35 this activity . The student observation as a formative assessment
48:39 . How do student observations meet the guidelines that we
48:42 talked about earlier ? So again , we've got authenticity
48:46 , reliability , validity wash back practicality . Great ,
48:52 yeah . How do student observations meet those guidelines ?
48:55 Everybody , we have some nice comments from participants ,
48:59 Esma agrees with you in terms of um the online
49:04 format of student observations and says using the chat box
49:07 , you can clarify questions . So that's a great
49:09 point . Let's see as Ron says , it's very
49:15 practical because you can look at all of the students
49:18 , it's authentic from hazel practical and authentic . A
49:26 lot of people are saying like to we um ,
49:30 who else you're ? Carlos says it's very practical .
49:38 It has great wash back and practicality from Pat and
49:45 daisy says it's very authentic . So those are great
49:47 responses . Thanks for sharing . Yeah . Good .
49:51 All right . So we've talked about two um formative
49:54 assessments . Now let's go ahead and look at two
49:57 practical applications for some motive assessments . So the first
50:03 one that I'll talk about is performances . Again ,
50:06 this can be done as an individual or could be
50:08 done as groups would showcase what they've learned throughout your
50:12 course or throughout the week or the unit . Um
50:15 , and it's collaboratively right . They would create a
50:17 spoken project product here and so looking at the steps
50:23 again , what you would do first I send students
50:26 a task and again , this is up to you
50:28 as the teacher and for your students , what that
50:30 task would be , it could be a play ,
50:32 it could be a role play , a dialogue ,
50:34 maybe a prequel . Right , So that's something that
50:37 comes before um or a sequel . Something that comes
50:41 after . That could be a movie or a book
50:44 that you've rather discussed . And so the students have
50:46 to create , what do they think happened before that
50:49 book or that movie or what will happen afterwards ?
50:53 Um Then students would choose their roles and responsibilities again
50:57 as the teacher , you are sort of observing um
51:00 to make sure that the social interactions are going well
51:03 , everyone has the role and the responsibility . They
51:06 could perform the synchronously right . They could you zoom
51:09 , they could use Skype , they could use Messenger
51:12 , right ? Any sort of whatever app is ,
51:14 what is most useful in your context . They could
51:17 do it a synchronously right ? They could video it
51:20 and then they could share it , right ? A
51:22 link um where they could post it like on google
51:24 classroom , um whatever format it is that you're using
51:28 with your students . And again , you can do
51:31 clear and teach your feedback um where students give each
51:34 other advice about what was the strength or how they
51:37 could improve it . And then students could revise what
51:40 they did and the same as the teacher . Right
51:42 ? And again , rubrics are always great . So
51:45 students know what , what they should be doing .
51:47 And the nice thing about performances is it's collaborative and
51:51 it's creative and this is a really a chance to
51:53 let let your students shine and we're going to see
51:55 who they are as people . Right ? Alright .
51:58 To begin , let's go ahead and look at those
51:59 guidelines that we talked about earlier . How do performances
52:03 meet the guidelines that were shared earlier ? What do
52:08 you think ? How do performances meet the guidelines ?
52:11 And maybe you can share Also in your comments ,
52:14 you can let us know why you think um something
52:17 is authentic or practical or reliable or whatever you like
52:21 . We'd love to see those responses hazel . Yeah
52:25 , loves to doing the prequel during the face to
52:28 face , but she hasn't done it in online .
52:29 Yeah , maybe try giving it a , giving it
52:32 a try . Yeah , I think you brought up
52:35 a great point Kendra about the seeing our students as
52:39 people and a lot of people are saying authentic .
52:41 I think that's a really good point . You see
52:43 um your students , true personalities come out which is
52:46 kind of read um maybe reliability would be a lower
52:53 one and depending on students moods or that type of
52:57 thing , they might be anxious or they might have
52:59 a good day or a bad day , that might
53:01 be that contribute to their performance . Um reliable and
53:08 authentic from grace . Good wash back from Leila authentic
53:13 . Lots of people saying authentic , So great .
53:15 Thanks everybody . Yeah . Nice . And I like
53:18 how someone talked about performances , make students enjoy and
53:21 learn through doing right when they they sort of forget
53:24 that there are many english class . So they forget
53:27 that they're doing an assessment because they're having fun .
53:30 Then uh , that's a win for everybody . Right
53:32 ? Then we've we've done a great job as teachers
53:35 . Right ? All right , let's go ahead .
53:36 We've got one more someone to assessment that I would
53:39 like to share with you . Um again , I'm
53:41 sure you know about this , right ? So looking
53:43 at paragraphs and essays and the nice thing about this
53:46 is that demonstrates their abilities to write , think critically
53:49 , analyze and evaluate . Um , students can highlight
53:53 the comprehension of paragraph in essay writing organization and correct
53:57 grammatical structures . Again , this all depends on what
54:00 it is that you're teaching them and their level ,
54:02 they're beginners , intermediates , more advanced students . So
54:06 again , let's review the steps that you would give
54:08 your students . So first you would assign a writing
54:11 topic and again , that depends on what it is
54:13 that you're studying with your students could be any topic
54:17 and then the purpose is an informative is that persuasive
54:21 compare and contrast cause and effect . Um and then
54:24 assign the writing length . And again , this could
54:26 depend on the level of your students , but you
54:28 can also differentiate here . So if you have a
54:31 lower level student , maybe you just have them write
54:33 a paragraph and that is sufficient enough for them to
54:36 demonstrate what they can do if you have a more
54:39 advanced student , even within the same level . Right
54:41 ? We always have multi level classrooms . There are
54:44 classes . We all know that maybe you challenge a
54:46 student to write an essay instead of a paragraph .
54:49 And again , like the journals , right ? The
54:51 students can write by hand and then take a photo
54:54 . They can do it on their computer using google
54:56 docs , They can use their phones , they can
54:57 do text message or messaging apps and then they submit
55:01 their writing um for evaluation and feedback to you .
55:04 Um The teacher and the journalists can be sort of
55:07 a formative um sort of preparation right to get your
55:11 students ready for the essay . Um Or you could
55:14 have them write an email , right ? Is the
55:16 final um writing task ? So again there's a lot
55:19 of flexibility there . Uh So again , returning to
55:23 our guidelines . So how do paragraphs and essays meet
55:26 the guidelines that we shared earlier ? Yeah . For
55:31 this assessment , how do these two paragraphs and essays
55:34 meet those guidelines , practicality , reliability , validity ,
55:40 authenticity . And wash back , what do you think
55:48 authenticity ? And wash back from shining Roger has a
55:53 question . Do you usually use checklists for these two
55:58 types of assessments ? The observations and the essays ?
56:02 Um observations ? Not so much because I feel like
56:05 that's pretty informal , you know ? Um But definitely
56:08 for the essays I um I like to show my
56:10 students the rubric that I will use to grade them
56:12 on and then we'll go over the rubric so they
56:15 know exactly what I'm trying to focus on . Um
56:18 I like to do a lot of air correction with
56:19 them as well and then have them sort of keep
56:21 track of their common errors and their strengths and weaknesses
56:25 . And we revisit that after every assignment and I'm
56:28 just having them point out , I'm doing some self
56:31 reflection I've seen makes a huge difference . And students
56:34 being able to improve their writing , you can do
56:36 that with speaking of speaking task as well . Of
56:38 course . Yeah . Great . Um , yeah ,
56:43 it's a valid way of um correcting their grammar forms
56:47 from free dot Hidden . It's authentic and reliable from
56:50 Montero and a lot of people saying authenticity . So
56:56 great . Thanks to everybody for those responses . Yeah
56:59 . Again , all right , moving on . So
57:03 the last thing that we'll do together today is to
57:05 summarize the main points from the webinar . Alright ,
57:10 so again , refer to those guidelines , right ?
57:12 As we've seen some assessments are meet them better or
57:16 in better ways than others and you don't have to
57:18 do all five really high every single time . Right
57:22 ? So be kind to yourself , right . Be
57:23 kind to your students as well . Um and then
57:26 test receptive skills . Again , this is one of
57:29 the bigger biggest things I think . Um , that's
57:31 helpful is to think about authentic language use . And
57:35 so have students , um , you know , if
57:37 they're doing listening , have them speak about it ,
57:40 if they're doing read and have them write about it
57:42 , um , and mix them up . Right ?
57:43 And so that they're using all skills . It's um
57:46 , it's authentic like we've been talking about , um
57:49 , and then use higher order thinking skills . Um
57:52 , and the different assessments that I've showed you the
57:55 formative and some motive assessments . None of those are
57:57 like how to do an online multiple choice exam ,
58:00 right ? You can find lots of absent websites and
58:03 I think they're fine . They're great . Um ,
58:05 but what is more important ? And if we want
58:07 to help our students not fall into the trap of
58:10 plagiarism were copying , right ? It's really have them
58:12 produce language for a spoken language , try to be
58:15 creative , you know , the different presentations , the
58:18 journalist , things like that , um and you know
58:21 , that's the way that they learn and improve their
58:23 language and incorporate more formative assessments . Again , the
58:27 small check ins with them is how we see that
58:30 they're really learning . Um as we know , it's
58:32 not the huge examine the in the final exam that
58:35 shows us what our students have learned , there's my
58:45 references . All right , well , thank you so
58:50 much , Kendra . That was a wonderful presentation .
58:53 We're seeing so many great comments in the chat box
58:56 of appreciation and um excitement for using some of these
59:00 practical ideas in the online or in person classroom .
59:04 Like Conan says , we thanks for your sharing ,
59:06 we love the things you've shared with us practical and
59:10 effective ideas to enhance both spoken and writing skills .
59:13 Thank you , Kendra from paris set . Great talk
59:16 from Deana . Um , thanks for today's webinar and
59:19 sharing from the act . So awesome . Thanks so
59:21 much for every , all of those wonderful comments ,
59:23 Everybody . Um , and again , thank you so
59:25 much , Kendra for this wonderful presentation . Yeah ,
59:28 of course , it was so nice to interact with
59:31 all of you .



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