Grade 6 Math | Learn On Your Own Feet With Max | Lumos Learning - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Grade 6 Math | Learn On Your Own Feet With Max | Lumos Learning - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Grade 6 Math | Learn On Your Own Feet With Max | Lumos Learning - By Lumos Learning

00:01 Hello , everyone . My name is Max from limos
00:06 Learning and welcome to your learn on your feet class
00:08 today is gonna be for our sixth grade math lesson
00:10 and for our dance portion is the kick and touch
00:12 . That's a movie that we're doing . So let's
00:14 take a look at it . You're gonna kick your
00:16 foot out . Either way , that you want to
00:17 go right or left , you're gonna kick out to
00:18 the side . You're gonna You're gonna jump over to
00:20 it going up and over . So let's give it
00:23 a try writing . So you have kick and touch
00:27 together . Let's try it again . 5678 Kick and
00:30 touch one more time . 5678 Kick and touch .
00:35 Great . Let's try the other way Real quick .
00:37 Ready ? 5678 Kick and touch again . 5678 Kick
00:44 and touch . Awesome . So let's go back and
00:47 forth and see how it feels . Ready ? 56781
00:52 and 23 and 45 and 67 and eight . Awesome
00:59 job as you guys see when I land , I
01:00 really use my knees to bend because you don't want
01:03 to stand on straight legs . It doesn't make it
01:05 look good at all . So let's try it again
01:07 one more time , making sure that we bend our
01:08 knees to its fullest ready . 56781 and 23 and
01:14 45 and 67 and eight . And there you have
01:19 it . That finishes up our dance portion of today's
01:20 lesson , and let's get into our question portion .
01:23 Here's your question . When two fractions with different denominators
01:28 are to be added using the standard procedure . Which
01:31 of these must be first found ? Is it a
01:34 , B , C or D ? I'll give you
01:37 guys a couple of seconds to find the best solution
01:42 . Yeah , if you answered c the L c
01:46 D . Then you're correct . Great job . And
01:48 there you have it that finishes up our question portion
01:50 and dance portion of today's learn on your feet video
01:53 Once again , my name is Max from the most
01:55 Learning . If you want to find out more or
01:56 see what our next lesson is , please check out
01:58 Lou's most learning dot com and I'd love to see
02:00 you there . Bye . Mm , mhm . Yeah
00:0-1 ,


Join Max in our new 'Learn On Your Feet' session for 6th-Grade Math practice. This fun and interactive session is sure to get kids active and excited about learning with cool dance moves!


Grade 6 Math | Learn On Your Own Feet With Max | Lumos Learning is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.

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