US History for Kids | Social Studies for Grade 3 | Kids Academy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

US History for Kids | Social Studies for Grade 3 | Kids Academy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

US History for Kids | Social Studies for Grade 3 | Kids Academy - By Lumos Learning

00:03 Hello . Let's get started on the lesson . Native
00:12 Americans are the original people who lived in the United
00:15 States . Mhm Native Americans lived in tribes and nations
00:22 that had their own religions , traditions and languages .
00:28 Yeah , among the famous Indian nations , there are
00:32 Cherokee . Yeah . Sue . Yeah . Navajo .
00:46 Yeah . Eric Oy and Apache . Today there are
00:59 more than 500 Native American tribes and nations . Let's
01:04 take a look at the worksheet . Can you find
01:09 the names of five Indian tribes or nations in the
01:11 word search ? We're looking for Cherokee , Sioux ,
01:18 Navajo , Iraq , Oy and Apache . The words
01:25 are written horizontally and vertically . First , let's find
01:32 the name Cherokee . It begins with the letter C
01:36 Cherokee means people with another language . Do you see
01:41 it in the word search ? There it is .
01:50 C h e r o K e . Awesome job
02:03 . Now let's look for Sioux . Native Americans of
02:07 the Sioux tribe were known as warriors and hunters .
02:11 Mhm . Can you find this name ? It's spelled
02:16 S I O U X . Yeah . Found it
02:27 . I s I o i O U x great
02:35 work . The next name is Navajo . It begins
02:39 with the letter n The Navajo tribe originally lived in
02:44 the southwest region of the United States . Let's find
02:49 the tribal name in the word search . N a
02:58 v a j o Correct . Native Americans of the
03:08 Iroquois tribe lived in the Northeast region . They were
03:13 known for fishing and agriculture . Agriculture is another word
03:18 for farming . Do you see the name Eric Oy
03:22 . It starts with the letter . I It's right
03:29 here . I r o Q U O I s
03:40 good job . The last name that we need to
03:44 find is Apache . The Apache Indians built shelters called
03:49 wigwams from branches , leaves and grass . Let's find
03:55 the name Apache . Yeah , Here . A P
04:04 E A C H E . Excellent . Let's review
04:17 Native Americans are the original people who lived in the
04:21 United States . The five largest tribes and nations are
04:26 Cherokee , Sioux , Navajo , Eric Oy and Apache
04:34 . Each tribe has its own unique culture and traditions
04:38 . They were known for unique skills such as hunting
04:42 and fishing . Agriculture is another word for farming .
04:51 A wigwam is a Native American shelter built from branches
04:56 , leaves and grass . Thanks for watching Goodbye .
05:06 Hello . Let's get started on the lesson . Jamestown
05:16 was the first English settlement in North America . Mm
05:22 Hmm . A settlement is a colony or a small
05:26 community of people . Yeah . English settlers began their
05:32 journey from London in December of 16 . Oh ,
05:35 six . Mhm . Mhm . They traveled aboard three
05:41 ships . Discovery ? Yeah . Susan Constant . Right
05:51 . And godspeed . The discovery was the smallest ship
05:58 , while the Susan Constant was the largest . These
06:04 ships carried nearly 150 people on a voyage to North
06:08 America . A voyage is a long trip taken by
06:12 sea or air . The English settlers were in search
06:18 of new land . First , they stopped at the
06:24 Canary Islands for water and rest . Yeah , they
06:33 also made a stop at the Caribbean Islands . Yeah
06:43 . Finally , after four long months , they reached
06:46 America in April of 16 . Oh , seven .
06:54 They would soon begin to explore land in Virginia .
07:01 Jamestown was the perfect location for a new settlement .
07:07 It was surrounded by water , which made it easy
07:10 to escape from attacks by boat . Mm . The
07:15 area was also uninhabited . Which means that no one
07:18 lived there While Native Americans lived in nearby areas .
07:24 Jamestown was free to colonize . Yeah , the settlers
07:29 long voyage had finally come to an end . Let's
07:34 reveal Jamestown was the first English settlement . In North
07:39 America , a settlement is a colony or a small
07:44 community of people . English settlers went on a four
07:50 month voyage from London to America . And 16 oh
07:53 , six . A voyage is a long trip taken
07:57 by sea or air . They selected Jamestown because it
08:04 was uninhabited and surrounded by water . An area that
08:08 no one lives in is uninhabited . Thanks for watching
08:15 . Goodbye . Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah
08:26 . Mhm . Hello , boys and girls . Let's
08:30 talk about Thanksgiving , which is a very important holiday
08:33 in America . On this day , we watch parades
08:37 , decorate our houses and have a big family dinner
08:44 . Yeah , really ? But do you know where
08:55 this holiday came from ? Let's learn more about the
08:59 first Thanksgiving Day . Yeah . Yeah . Many years
09:13 ago , in 16 . 20 a group of brave
09:17 Englishman got off their ship in America . They were
09:21 called pilgrims . Yeah , it was a tough cold
09:42 winter , and they did not have enough food .
09:45 Many people got very sick . When the spring came
10:00 . The pilgrims had to learn how to feed themselves
10:07 . Yeah , Native Americans showed them how to grow
10:13 plants such as corn . Native Americans were the people
10:18 who had long lived in America . They knew how
10:24 to survive and grow food on this land . In
10:30 the fall , the pilgrims gathered a big harvest .
10:34 This means that they had plenty of food to eat
10:42 . They decided to have a fancy dinner . Their
10:49 native American neighbors were invited to the celebration . The
10:55 Pilgrims were thankful that they had settled in a new
10:58 place and started a new life . Mhm . Yeah
11:04 . Since then , Americans come together on Thanksgiving to
11:08 celebrate the things that they are thankful for . Family
11:14 , food , shelter and good health are just a
11:17 few things that many people give . Thanks for this
11:20 day , right ? Yeah . Hello . Let's get
11:33 started on the lesson . There are 50 states in
11:38 the United States of America . If you look at
11:44 the American flag , you will see 50 stars .
11:48 One for each state . Mhm . Yeah , But
11:53 many years ago , there were only 13 stars .
11:58 Mm . These stars represented the original 13 American colonies
12:05 New Hampshire , Massachusetts Bay , Rhode Island , Connecticut
12:13 , New York , Pennsylvania , New Jersey , Delaware
12:21 , Maryland , Virginia , Mhm , North Carolina ,
12:29 South Carolina . Yeah and Georgia . Mhm . Mhm
12:37 . Back in the early 16 hundreds , English settlers
12:40 came to America seeking independence from British rulers . They
12:45 founded Virginia , the first American colony in 16 oh
12:52 seven Settlers for many different nations , such as Sweden
12:59 and France , continue to form colonies for many years
13:04 . The 13th colony , Georgia , was founded in
13:07 17 32 . Yeah , American colonies were divided into
13:13 three regions . The New England colonies , the middle
13:19 colonies and the southern colonies . Each region had a
13:24 different way of life . Um , mhm . The
13:33 New England colonies were good for fishing and for trading
13:37 , but there was very little farmland . Mhm .
13:47 The middle colonies were better for growing crops and raising
13:51 farm animals . Mhm , mhm . People in the
14:01 southern colonies made money from cash crops such as rice
14:05 and cotton . Cash crops were grown for the purpose
14:09 of selling mhm . After the Revolutionary War colony started
14:15 to become states . This would give them independence from
14:19 Great Britain to start a new government . Mm .
14:24 Let's review . Before there were 50 states , there
14:28 were only 13 colonies in America . Yeah , colonies
14:36 were founded by settlers in the 16 hundreds and 17
14:40 hundreds . American colonies were divided into three regions .
14:49 New England , middle and Southern . Each region had
14:57 a different way of life . Mhm Mm . The
15:04 13 colonies became states after the Revolutionary War gaining independence
15:09 from Great Britain . Thank you for watching . Goodbye
15:20 . Mhm . Mhm . Mhm , Grandpa . Why
15:37 do we celebrate the Fourth of July ? Well ,
15:41 you see , July 4th 17 76 was a very
15:45 special day in America . 17 . 76 . That
15:51 sure was a long time ago . So what makes
15:55 that day so special ? This was the first Independence
16:00 Day in America . Independence . What does that mean
16:06 ? Independence means freedom . For many years , American
16:12 colonies were ruled by British leaders . They had to
16:15 do what the British rulers told them to do .
16:19 They could not make up their own laws . Congress
16:23 leaders wanted to change this . They wrote the Declaration
16:28 of Independence explaining why America should be free from Great
16:32 Britain . On July 4 , 17 76 the Declaration
16:38 of Independence was approved by Congress . America was finally
16:44 free . Hooray ! Now Americans could do whatever they
16:50 wanted . Oh , no , Dear America was free
16:55 from British laws , but they had to make up
16:59 new ones . Years later , in 17 87 the
17:04 Constitution was written . The framers of the Constitution had
17:09 a meeting at Independence Hall in Philadelphia . Some famous
17:14 framers were Benjamin Franklin and George Washington . Together 39
17:21 framers signed and agreed on the rights that American citizens
17:25 should have . Right ? What are right ? These
17:30 are things that people have the freedom to do .
17:34 You mean , like the Bill of Rights ? I
17:38 remember we learned about that at school . Exactly .
17:42 The Bill of Rights were amendments or small changes made
17:47 to the Constitution in 17 91 . They were added
17:51 to protect certain rights of American citizens , like freedom
17:56 of speech and religion . Right , You've got it
18:01 . And freedom of the press and many other rights
18:06 . So Americans have all these rights because of what
18:10 happened on July 4th , 17 , 76 . This
18:16 was the beginning of it all . And we celebrate
18:20 the Fourth of July to show how much we appreciate
18:23 our freedom . Absolutely , Grandpa . I think Independence
18:30 Day is my new favorite holiday . Me too ,
18:35 dear . Me too . Mhm . Mhm . Hello
18:55 . Let's get started on the lesson . Um ,
19:01 an inventor is a person who creates something new .
19:05 American inventors changed the way people live . Many years
19:11 ago , in 18 38 Morris introduced an electric telegraph
19:21 with a special code system to help people send messages
19:25 . He invented morse code messages sent by Morse code
19:42 contained dots and dashes to show the alphabet letters ,
19:46 numbers , punctuation marks and other special characters . Yeah
19:54 , for example , this is how you would say
19:59 hello in Morse code . Mm . Years later ,
20:17 in 18 76 Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone
20:23 . He discovered a way to transmit or send sound
20:27 across electrical lines . People could now use the telephone
20:43 to talk to each other from long distances . Yeah
20:52 , yeah . Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in
21:02 18 79 . Until then , people used fire as
21:09 a main light source . Edison's bulb used electricity to
21:14 create light . It was more powerful and less expensive
21:18 than candles . This is because one light bulb could
21:24 illuminate or light up an entire room . Centuries later
21:32 , the light bulb is still a common household item
21:34 all over the world . Yeah , Orville and Wilbur
21:56 Wright invented the first successful airplane in 19 oh three
22:02 . Yeah , Early inventions such as gliders and aerial
22:07 steam engines failed . Thanks to the Wright brothers and
22:13 their clever design , people can travel the world by
22:16 air . Mm . Let's review . An inventor is
22:26 a person who creates something new . Samuel Morris was
22:32 the inventor of the telegraph system , called Morse Code
22:35 . People could use these codes to send messages to
22:38 one another . Alexander Graham Bell discovered a way to
22:43 transmit or send sound across electrical lines . This led
22:48 to his invention of the telephone . In 18 76
22:53 . Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 18 79
22:59 . It was powerful enough to illuminate or light up
23:02 an entire room . Mm . After many failed attempts
23:08 , the Wright brothers invented the first successful airplane in
23:11 19 . Oh , three . Mhm . Thanks for
23:21 watching . Bye . Yeah . Subscribe to our channel
23:28 to stay updated on new videos . Find links to
23:31 our apps In the comments below No oh .


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