Grade 9 Chemistry Lesson 1 - Matter and the Particle Theory - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Grade 9 Chemistry Lesson 1 - Matter and the Particle Theory - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Grade 9 Chemistry Lesson 1 - Matter and the Particle Theory - By Lumos Learning

00:00 Hi there . Welcome to Mr Lee Han teaches you
00:03 stuff . This is grade nine chemistry lesson one matter
00:06 and the particle theory . So first thing we want
00:09 to look at is what is matter and matter is
00:12 anything that contains both mass and the volume . So
00:16 we might as well define those as , well masses
00:19 . How much matter is in an object we measure
00:22 mass in grams kilograms milligrams , stuff like that .
00:27 Um , it's very important that we don't get mass
00:29 confused with weight . Um , so you may weigh
00:34 £100 and when you go into space , let's say
00:38 you don't weigh £100 . You're floating around weightless ,
00:41 but you're not floating around massless . You still are
00:44 made up of the same amount of matter . Similarly
00:48 , if you step on a scale on the moon
00:53 , uh , it'll say that you weigh less right
00:55 because you're not pushing down as hard on that scale
00:57 because gravity is not as hard are not as strong
01:00 , but you will not have less mass . You'll
01:03 have the same amount of mass . Volume is how
01:06 much space something takes up . We measure volume and
01:10 leaders and middle leaders etcetera . So the three states
01:14 of matter are solid , like this rock liquid like
01:19 a glass of water and gas , like the gas
01:22 inside this balloon , or possibly the gas in the
01:25 air that that balloon is floating through . There are
01:30 several changes in state , so melting is when something
01:32 goes from a solid to a liquid , so there's
01:35 an example of some ice cubes . Melting freezing is
01:40 when a liquid turns into a solid , like this
01:43 water that I left in the freezer , and it's
01:48 important to note that the melting point is the same
01:50 as the freezing point . So for water , for
01:52 example , that's zero degrees Celsius , so the same
01:58 temperature at which something melts is the same one ,
02:00 which will start to freeze . Mhm . Evaporation is
02:05 when something goes from a liquid to a gas .
02:08 So when you've got water boiling on the stove ,
02:10 some of that water will evaporate condensation . That's when
02:14 something goes from a gas to a liquid . If
02:16 you ever get cold pop , for example , out
02:20 of the fridge , you might notice that this condensation
02:24 around it , uh , now for two that you
02:28 may not have heard of sublimation and deposition sublimation is
02:31 when something goes from a solid to a gas ,
02:35 so an example of that would be dry ice ,
02:38 which is basically solid carbon dioxide . It changes directly
02:42 into a gas deposition . Gas to a solid .
02:46 This is more common . Then you might think that's
02:50 what Frost is . So if you ever see frost
02:52 on a pine branch like this , or frost on
02:56 a window , that is solid water that has just
03:02 come out of the air , it went directly from
03:04 gaseous water to solid water . Now how does this
03:09 all relate to ? The part of the particle theory
03:11 was created to describe the structure and behavior of matter
03:15 . And there's five main points to the particle theory
03:18 , So we'll take a look at those . First
03:22 point is that all matter is made up of tiny
03:24 particles , and all of those particles have spaces in
03:29 between them . So there's a little bit of room
03:32 between each one of those particles . Point number three
03:35 . All particles of one pure substance are the same
03:38 . Different substances are made of different particles . So
03:42 if we've got to substances here , they're both pure
03:45 substances . They're all made of the same type of
03:47 particle . Um , but since there are different types
03:50 of substances . They have different types of particles making
03:53 them up . One in this case is green ,
03:55 and one is blue . Uh , number four .
03:58 The particles are always moving . The more energy the
04:00 particles have , the faster they move . So even
04:04 for a solid object . So the computer you're watching
04:06 on this on your hand , your desk , all
04:11 the particles that make up that desk or hand or
04:14 computer are moving a little bit to the extent or
04:19 the extent to which they move around determines whether a
04:22 solid liquid or gas . But they're all moving a
04:25 little bit . And there are attractive forces between the
04:29 particles . These forces are stronger when the particles are
04:33 closer together . So the three particles here they're fairly
04:36 close together there , very attracted to each other ,
04:39 whereas this one off by itself at the bottom is
04:42 not as attracted to the other ones . So how
04:46 does the particle theory relate to the states of matter
04:50 ? As energy is added to particles , they move
04:53 around more . This causes the bonds between the particles
04:56 to weaken . So here we have some very low
04:59 energy particles . This is a solid . Now ,
05:04 if this solid is an absolute zero . Um ,
05:07 then it's not gonna be moving around at all .
05:10 But as we add a little bit of energy to
05:11 it , a little bit of heat , um ,
05:14 those particles will start to jiggle around more , so
05:16 it's still a solid No . One . None of
05:18 the particles have are moving past each other , but
05:20 they kind of shake in place . Now , when
05:24 you add even more energy , the particles get so
05:27 much energy that they move past each other . So
05:30 if they can slide past each other and move around
05:33 , that substance is now a liquid . Then ,
05:37 as you add even more energy , uh , the
05:40 particles are no longer bonded to each other , so
05:43 they're flying around randomly . The substance is now a
05:46 gas . These are very high energy particles . You
05:49 can tell by the looks on their faces . Now
05:53 , evaporation is when something turns from a liquid to
05:57 a gas , and that happens at 100 degrees Celsius
06:01 . But you may think , Well , why is
06:03 it that puddles disappear ? Puddles evaporate , but it's
06:06 not 100 degrees out . And the reason why is
06:09 because when those particles are just randomly moving around in
06:12 a puddle , um , some of them will be
06:15 close to the air , and some of them have
06:18 randomly just enough energy to pop up into the air
06:22 and start floating around and be a gas . Um
06:26 , so although the temperature of a puddle is determined
06:29 by the average temperature of all the particles , um
06:33 , some particles have more energy than others . And
06:35 if those particles are found at the top of the
06:37 puddle right next to the air , they may have
06:40 enough energy to sort of just sort of bounce off
06:42 the puddle and disappear into the air . So that's
06:45 why puddles evaporate , if you were wondering , right
06:48 , so that's it for this video tune into the
06:50 next video , which will be mixtures and pure substances
00:0-1 .



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