Learn Division for Kids - 2nd and 3rd Grade Math Video - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Learn Division for Kids - 2nd and 3rd Grade Math Video - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Learn Division for Kids - 2nd and 3rd Grade Math Video - By Lumos Learning

00:0-1 Mm , yeah , yeah . Hello , kids .
00:06 And welcome to the division gym today . I need
00:09 your help to learn about the vocabulary used when we
00:12 talk about division . Can you guys help me ?
00:16 Great . Let's get started as soon as I o
00:22 Ouch . I'm okay . Here is a division problem
00:27 . And just like multiplication , the numbers used in
00:30 division have certain names . Today we are going to
00:33 learn the names we use to describe these . But
00:35 unlike multiplication , all three numbers have separate names .
00:40 Do not worry , though , because we will practice
00:42 with all three . The 15 in this equation is
00:46 called the dividend . The dividend is the number you
00:51 are dividing . So in this example , let's say
00:53 we have 15 balls . The 15 balls are the
00:58 dividend . The number three in the problem is called
01:01 the divisor . This is the number we are dividing
01:04 by . The divisor takes the dividend and breaks it
01:07 into smaller groups . In this problem , let's say
01:11 we have three kids that want to share the 15
01:13 balls . The three and the problem is the divisor
01:18 . The number five is the answer and we call
01:20 this the quotient . This is the number that we
01:24 get after dividing the dividend by the divisor . So
01:29 in this example , the 15 balls are the dividend
01:32 , and we need to split them between three kids
01:35 . The three kids are the divisor and are the
01:38 ones breaking the 15 balls into smaller groups . The
01:43 balls are now split evenly into groups of five .
01:46 Do you remember what the answer is called In a
01:49 division problem ? It is called the Quotient . Great
01:53 job kids . There are several ways to write a
01:57 division problem . Let's take a quick look here .
02:02 We have three ways to write a division problem .
02:06 This division problem is exactly the same as the one
02:09 above . The 15 is the dividend and is found
02:12 inside this division box . The three is the divisor
02:16 , and the five above the division box is the
02:18 quotient also known as the answer . Let's look at
02:21 one last way to show a division problem again .
02:27 This problem is the same as the one above .
02:30 The 15 is the dividend and is on top of
02:33 a division bar . The three is the divisor in
02:36 the problem , and the number five is the quotient
02:40 mhm . Today we learned a lot of new vocabulary
02:43 with division and you guys did . Awesome . If
02:46 you ever forget any of these terms , watch the
02:48 video again . Hope to see you on the next
02:51 division adventure . Goodbye . Okay , guys , you
02:55 have a few options here . You can click the
02:57 video on my right or on my left to watch
02:59 more awesome stuff . If you want to subscribe ,
03:02 click the big Red subscribe button below . You might
03:05 want to hurry and choose , though , because I
03:07 can't hold on forever . Hurry , Choose . Uh
03:13 oh , wow .


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