In conversation with Arielle Haughee | Lumos Reading Buddy Partnership - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

In conversation with Arielle Haughee | Lumos Reading Buddy Partnership - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

In conversation with Arielle Haughee | Lumos Reading Buddy Partnership - By Lumos Learning

00:02 Hello , everyone . I'm Jake Dee Batista from Loomis
00:06 Learning . Today we have a special guest . Aerial
00:09 . Holly . Welcome , Mario . How are you
00:11 doing today ? Thank you so much . I'm doing
00:13 great . Great Aerial is the CEO of Orange ,
00:16 Boston Publishing Orange . Boston Publishing is a small press
00:20 located in Central Florida that publishes adult and Children's books
00:24 . There focuses on stories about love , wellness and
00:27 humor . I'm looking forward to learning more about you
00:30 and Orange Boston today . Before we jump to that
00:33 , I'd like to learn a little bit more about
00:34 you , though . Could you please tell us about
00:37 yourself and why you decided to become a publisher of
00:39 stories for kids ? Well , um , so I
00:43 started out as a teacher and had a great passion
00:45 for teaching . Um , I worked specifically with kids
00:49 with special needs . Um , and a lot of
00:52 times , the brain works better when you can form
00:56 information into a story . So I kind of got
00:58 in the habit of doing that for some of my
00:59 kids who had a harder time learning things , Especially
01:01 with math . You can turn it into a story
01:03 . They learn it easier . Um , so after
01:06 I talked for a few years and a few different
01:08 districts . I had my first child . I was
01:11 staying home with him . And , um , I
01:16 just started writing , and I loved it writing some
01:18 of these stories down . And then after I had
01:20 my second son , I decided , Hey , I
01:23 really want to do something with this . Which is
01:25 when I started getting into , you know , learning
01:28 about the publishing industry , learning about writing professionally ,
01:32 um , spent a good good year learning all about
01:35 Children's books and and and how they're written specifically picture
01:39 books . And then I started publishing them . Um
01:42 , so that's kind of what brought me here today
01:45 , um , is starting out teaching and then kind
01:48 of incorporated my love of writing and storytelling and turning
01:51 it into a job . Wow . So why did
01:54 Orange Boston decided to focus on the theme of love
01:57 ? And how is this complex message conveyed to Children
01:59 in your stories ? Um , so this is this
02:03 is a kind of a personal thing . Um ,
02:06 for me , I just wanted to put more love
02:10 out into the world . I'm I worked with a
02:12 lot of kids who came from , um , not
02:18 the best homes . Um , I worked with kids
02:20 who , you know , their parents were , um
02:23 , in prison . Their parents had drug issues .
02:26 Um , parents who who weren't as loving I had
02:30 , you know , students who were homeless students who
02:34 who actually left at the school and their parents didn't
02:36 come back . So I had some really , really
02:40 heartbreaking situations with kids . And I just wanted to
02:45 kind of find a way to share some of the
02:47 love that , you know , I have for Children
02:49 in general . Um , out with the world .
02:52 Um , so that's kind of why I focused on
02:54 love . My first picture book was grumble , er
02:57 and it's all about a grumpy character who keeps getting
03:00 love , um , stuck to him . And in
03:03 this book , um , the love actually is almost
03:07 like little characters because their little hearts So Children ,
03:11 you know , they understand , you know , kind
03:14 of that warmth in that fuzziness . And when you
03:16 may turn love into a character itself , it makes
03:18 it even more even easier to understand . So personifying
03:22 love helps with with kids and and showing , you
03:26 know , showing loving actions and and loving words .
03:30 I think our our ways that you communicate the message
03:32 of loved kids to , um , Well , that's
03:36 thank you for sharing that . That's definitely personal and
03:38 an awesome message of your brand . So , you
03:42 know , with the with that mind , why are
03:44 you passionate about helping kids become fluent readers ? And
03:46 how important are these reading skills for Children's overall development
03:50 ? Oh , boy , huge huge reading is is
03:53 the key that unlocks , you know , so many
03:56 opportunities in life being in fluent reader and once again
04:00 , kind of getting back to some of the kids
04:01 that I worked with . They didn't have the support
04:03 at home , um , either because their parents worked
04:06 a lot . Or sometimes their parent maybe wasn't ,
04:08 um they didn't have a good experience in school or
04:11 they were uncomfortable , or , um , they needed
04:15 something else to kind of help . That's why I
04:16 think programs like this are great . Um , that
04:19 can kind of help parents , um , teach kids
04:22 . Um , but yeah . So learning how to
04:25 read is what can help , you know , kind
04:28 of set set you on your path in life and
04:31 open up so many different opportunities . And it starts
04:34 out really young . Um and and it's almost like
04:38 you want to catch the kids young because the the
04:41 if they are behind in reading , and you don't
04:44 catch it when they're younger , The older they get
04:46 , the more behind they are . Each year they'll
04:47 get more and more and more behind . So ,
04:49 um , helping helping these kids with , you know
04:52 , some sort of supplemental , um , curriculums supplement
04:56 software , supplemental . Anything to help catch them up
05:00 and help bring them up to speed earlier is fantastic
05:04 . Um , so that's that's kind of where my
05:06 passion is . I I want I want as many
05:07 kids as possible to have all the opportunities in life
05:10 . You know , I don't want to have a
05:11 kid have a closed door because because of , you
05:14 know , struggling with reading when they were young .
05:17 Yeah . Wow . Well , thank you . That
05:18 that definitely , uh , is a great stance .
05:21 Um , so , you know , falling up on
05:23 that . I see that several of your titles are
05:25 now available on the Loomis reading buddy platform . Uh
05:28 , what motivated you to bring those stories onto our
05:30 medium ? Um well , you know what ? Um
05:34 I enjoy being able to get my stories out in
05:38 all kinds of avenues , so I like having them
05:41 available . All you know , in in stores and
05:44 online , and also through , um , different websites
05:47 and different Softwares . Um , and I really enjoyed
05:50 what I liked about the Loomis software is how well
05:53 thought out it was as far as fluency is a
05:56 really important element of , um , learning how to
06:00 read . Um , And so this is a really
06:03 great guided program for building fluency , um , in
06:07 particular . And it also uses repeated reading , which
06:10 is a huge , uh , teaching strategy . Um
06:14 , for improving readers . Most most reading curriculums are
06:18 built upon repeated reading . Um , so I was
06:23 really impressed with how everything was laid out with Loomis
06:26 . And I wanted to , you know , participate
06:28 in it and get my titles out there and have
06:31 my titles help . You know , kids , kids
06:34 with fluency and help them help them become better readers
06:37 . Absolutely , absolutely . And what role does vocabulary
06:40 practice play in improving reading ? Fluency ? Um ,
06:44 so vocabulary practice is another element of core reading skills
06:49 . Um , and you'll if you'll notice you think
06:52 about , you know , uh , being able to
06:55 understand the next level of text and and a lot
06:59 of times that has to do with vocabulary . Um
07:01 , just bumping up to the next level improving in
07:04 your in your reading and your overall word knowledge .
07:07 Um so fluency helps you understand the words better ,
07:11 but vocabulary is what kind of can push you up
07:14 to the next level . Um , so I think
07:17 it's incredibly important to do those word word understanding practices
07:22 in order to gain those skills and improve your overall
07:25 word knowledge . Okay , Yeah , that makes a
07:28 lot of sense . And I see that Children can
07:29 access to read along in the online program . How
07:32 does read along help Children become better readers ? Well
07:36 , you know , it's it's great because it gives
07:38 feedback . Um , and kids are able to see
07:43 how they're doing almost in real time . Um ,
07:46 it's really hard as a teacher to do that with
07:49 every single kid . Um , so I think that
07:52 particular part of the program is wonderful for giving feedback
07:56 to kids . Great . Yeah . And that teacher
07:58 modeling definitely a strong attribute of our program . Um
08:02 , as a publisher , how does listing your title
08:04 and Loomis reading buddy help you ? Um , well
08:08 , it helps me because I get my books and
08:10 more different and in more places in a different ,
08:12 uh , different avenues . Um , it's also another
08:16 way for me to earn additional income . Um ,
08:20 it's important , I think , to try to ,
08:23 you know , jump on every opportunity you can as
08:26 far as is making income , especially because Children's books
08:30 can be expensive to make . So you want to
08:31 make sure that you can give your book every opportunity
08:36 for success . And I think this is another opportunity
08:38 for your book to have success . Great final question
08:43 . Just looking forward a little bit . Are you
08:44 and your team working on anything new right now that
08:46 you'd like to share or talk about ? Yes .
08:49 So , um , we have , uh my best
08:52 selling picture book is grumbling . Um , the one
08:55 where it's a grumpy character and the love gets stuck
08:57 to him . Um , he keeps trying to get
08:59 it off and get it away . Um , I
09:01 decided to do another book kind of in this series
09:05 with the same illustrator , but switching it and having
09:08 it be the opposite . So now it's a really
09:10 happy character called Piper and instead of , you know
09:13 , love getting stuck to her , Um , I
09:16 mean , mean things get stuck to her . I
09:18 call them the Uglies . So it's the reverse of
09:21 grumblers . And so that is what the illustrator now
09:23 she's working on the artwork . It's really cute .
09:26 I'm the biggest fan of Marina . She did grumblers
09:29 . So I'm really excited about this next title coming
09:31 up because it's about being happy and being cheery and
09:36 not letting other people dim your glow . Um ,
09:40 and I think that's , you know , something that's
09:42 important for kids to learn because you know , kids
09:44 are mean . Sometimes you've got to learn to ,
09:47 you know , keep moving on , and the sooner
09:50 you can learn to just brush people off and they're
09:53 nonsense . The younger you learn that the better .
09:55 Absolutely , absolutely . Well , this is very informative
09:58 . I really appreciating the time tacos today . Best
10:01 of luck with your new releases as well as the
10:04 reading body platform . All right . Thank you so
10:06 much . All right ,


"Two award-winning stories by Arielle Haughee are live on the Lumos Reading Buddy platform! Joy Ride and Grumbler perfectly align with the core mission of Orange Blossom publishing - ""We want a story to stay with us after the reading is long finished"". During the interview, Arielle shares her passion for helping kids become fluent readers and how bringing two of her most successful children's storybooks to the Lumos Reading Platform allows her to create an additional revenue source and offer an interactive learning experience to her young readers. The Lumos Reading Buddy is an industry-first oral reading digital fluency program that integrates speech processing technologies with machine learning to provide empathetic oral reading fluency support for young readers. By bringing their stories to the Reading Buddy platform, children's book authors and publishers can benefit from the Lumos Platform, Audience, and Technology!"


In conversation with Arielle Haughee | Lumos Reading Buddy Partnership is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.

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