Session 3: Fully Informed Administrator- A Hands-On Workshop on Distance Learning Challenges(Part-2) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Session 3: Fully Informed Administrator- A Hands-On Workshop on Distance Learning Challenges(Part-2) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Session 3: Fully Informed Administrator- A Hands-On Workshop on Distance Learning Challenges(Part-2) - By Lumos Learning

00:0-1 Let me ask Jan Perry Thio Thio mute herself and
00:09 let's see if we can highlight you And let's see
00:15 . Give it a second . So let me just
00:20 see . I'll check the chat room here . Uh
00:26 , eso sandy said ideas on how to build teacher
00:28 efficacy and virtual teaching and learning . Yes , Absolutely
00:34 . All right . A Janu there ? Yes .
00:38 Hi . My name is Jan Perry , the executive
00:41 director of America's finest Charter school . Were in San
00:44 Diego . We've served title one kids , grades K
00:47 through 12 . We have about 500 students . Welcome
00:51 . Yeah , the reason why I brought that up
00:53 was I remember , like , some things I would
00:56 like . How do you do this ? We were
00:57 trying to take attendance during a staff meeting . And
01:00 I go , How do you do this ? And
01:02 then so much is in the Google . The Google
01:04 Chrome . What do you call it ? Store where
01:09 you can go in and that you say attendance tracker
01:12 ? Well , you go in there and then you
01:13 load it into your Google , which we use Google
01:16 Chrome for everything we loaded in there . Hey ,
01:18 it works now . I see the tracking of attendance
01:21 during a meeting or how do you ? It was
01:25 another one . How do you use your white board
01:26 ? How do you make a a white board during
01:30 your presentations ? You know , we figured it out
01:32 through that . There's there's so many things and you
01:35 don't realize how maney things . Oh , the other
01:37 one . How do you change the document into a
01:41 rideable Google doc ? From you know , a pdf
01:44 , you do the same thing . There's a Google
01:46 chrome , um , thing that you add to your
01:50 suite , and it's like now you can do it
01:52 . So it's like that that are really helpful .
01:56 And I don't think you just put the question in
01:59 and how do you do it in Google ? And
02:00 then it tells you how to get into that your
02:02 chrome and you're automatically added to your and you know
02:06 , I'm 62 . I'm not really young as faras
02:09 , you know , technology . But I've learned a
02:11 lot by just asking the question in Google and saying
02:15 , How do you do it in Google Chrome ?
02:16 And it's like for us , that's like the best
02:18 way toe get information and then we just we did
02:22 what I thought was really great is we have Google
02:25 classrooms for all of our teachers . But we also
02:28 did a Google classroom for the whole staff where people
02:32 can put resource is and videos in there and just
02:36 things that are working for them . So the whole
02:37 staff could share it . So it's like a whole
02:39 staff Google classroom that's really been helpful for us because
02:43 a lot of it is , You know , that
02:45 was the first step getting people really comfortable with online
02:48 learning , you know , Now I think with Sandy's
02:51 are my principal at the K A . I think
02:53 now really looking at standards and picking up what's really
02:57 important would be our next step is really streamlining the
03:00 teaching what we're doing . But the one thing we
03:03 do have good is the majority of our teachers are
03:04 younger , which is great . Makes it a little
03:07 bit easier . So But I'd have to say ,
03:10 you know , if you have a question just asking
03:12 Google and you know you'd be surprised how many people
03:15 are down putting out tutorials to help , and you
03:19 could just go along with the tutorial while you're on
03:21 your phone while you're trying to do it on your
03:23 computer . So , yeah , you can even change
03:25 the engine on the car . Uh , Google .
03:30 Like I mean , I had a group of instructional
03:32 aides were trying to put together a an eight week
03:35 curriculum for the after school program , and they one
03:38 of the teachers said , I don't know how to
03:40 do presenting . And another teacher showed them all how
03:43 to do the , you know , presenting on a
03:45 zoom lesson or Google meets lesson , and you know
03:48 how to do it now . It was just very
03:50 , you know , very small thing that they have
03:52 to learn . I think that's important . Not like
03:54 teaching them a whole bunch of stuff . What do
03:57 you specifically need to learn for the task at hand
04:01 ? Yeah . And who did ? Who did the
04:03 teacher go to with that question ? Um , I
04:06 purposely put a had a teacher at the meeting that
04:09 I knew was good with technology because we were putting
04:11 together eight week curriculum and they told me Hey ,
04:15 we don't know how to do this . So I
04:17 had that teacher explain it to them . Yeah ,
04:19 so it's sort of like a mentor . Yes .
04:22 No . Yeah . Tell us a little bit about
04:25 your school . Give us a little background on your
04:28 school . We were founded and I founded it in
04:31 2000 and 10 . It's been going on , is
04:34 going on . It's on 11th year . Um ,
04:37 it's in the poorest area of San Diego . We
04:40 have about 96% of our kids are free and reduced
04:42 lunch kids , which really caused a big issue for
04:45 us during distance learning if you want me to share
04:48 . But I feel like I'm very well academically .
04:51 You know , we have always a long way to
04:52 go , but we're really focused on instruction and on
04:56 making sure students learn . We also have an engineering
05:01 , um , pathway for the high school and in
05:03 international studies , pathway for the high school . And
05:06 most of our eighth graders go on to the high
05:08 school . So we had our first graduating class this
05:11 year . We had only 15 kids graduate . They
05:13 weren't kids that were from our original school . They
05:16 were kids that were really high needs . We're going
05:18 to drop out . You know , they were at
05:21 other schools that unfortunately had closed . So we had
05:24 the 15 kids , and I think all of them
05:26 had gone on either college or a trade school .
05:30 So that was really exciting . And how did you
05:33 use technology before the co vid shutdown ? Um ,
05:39 we did use it quite . I mean , we
05:41 have one on one chromebooks for quite a long time
05:44 , so it was easy to deploy them out to
05:46 the community . And we have ah tech support for
05:49 It's a small school , but we have tech support
05:51 three days a week , so they're invaluable is fixing
05:54 up Chromebooks . I don't know if anyone else has
05:56 the same issues , but they break easily . Keys
05:59 get lost things . Cameras don't work . So it's
06:03 really important to have someone on staff that could do
06:05 all that quick . Let's fix it , get it
06:08 out to you , you know ? So we do
06:09 have that as an advantage . We've had that always
06:11 has an advantage . No , we did tutorial programs
06:15 like Sort of like Math Wiz , which is a
06:17 tutorial program in math . E think it's out of
06:20 the United Kingdom , but anyway we've done that were
06:23 it's adapted where the kids will do it as extra
06:26 support for math and we have the same thing called
06:29 reading a Dizzy , which we do for reading ,
06:31 which is the kids can read up their reading levels
06:35 and move up accordingly . So we've always had those
06:37 programs . But we've also had the online components to
06:41 a lot of our curriculum . Eso once we when
06:45 we went into distance learning , of course we went
06:47 into the online curriculum , which it's good in some
06:50 respects because they've really ramped it up . But I
06:52 feel also like the superintendent , Peterson said . Peterman
06:56 said Peter , which pursuant to his grandfather's requirements PTO
07:04 yeah , I think there we have to learn to
07:08 strength . We have to start streamlining it down and
07:11 making it more , um , exciting and accessible for
07:14 kids . I also feel like starting in middle school
07:17 . The teachers really are more taskmasters . They want
07:20 them to get homework done . And that doesn't really
07:23 work for inner city kids because they don't have somebody
07:25 to help them sit on them to get their homework
07:27 done . So e feel like giving them time within
07:30 their justice . Learning to do their work is gonna
07:33 I don't know . We're gonna talk about it more
07:34 , but they need to have time to practice and
07:37 do the work within the time that they work with
07:39 the teacher or in one on one time we had
07:41 quite a few kids that would sit in and be
07:43 there but would not turn in any assignments on .
07:47 It wasn't really their fault . I think a lot
07:49 of them don't have the study skills or the place
07:52 at home toe work or they don't have the motivation
07:57 . A lot of them , you know , it's
07:58 just not a priority for them to sit down and
08:00 do their work . So I feel like it wasn't
08:03 as much with K six teachers as it was with
08:10 the seventh through 12th grade . Teachers were like ,
08:13 Oh , they didn't do that assignment . They're going
08:14 to get a D or an app in I don't
08:16 know . That's like , Where are my focus is
08:18 now on how toe put the assignments within the class
08:21 , have it more meaningful . Don't make it such
08:24 a deterrent for kids and , you know , so
08:26 that that's where we're at with the distance learning .
08:29 We're gonna have meetings starting next week . Getting teachers
08:31 to help us like streamline this curriculum , make it
08:34 exciting . So , you know , I think we're
08:36 going to be at it for a while in California
08:38 . I don't really know how long it's going to
08:40 be that we Yeah , that's right , I think
08:42 . Right . No question about it . Uh ,
08:46 yeah . You know , one of the things that
08:47 you know studies that air starting to come out about
08:51 school and work people doing it from home is that
08:55 productivity and satisfaction with working from home is one of
09:01 the biggest factors is having reasonable space to do it
09:07 . So if you have to work from your you
09:09 have to work from home and you have to do
09:12 this on your bed . Uh , you know ,
09:17 because there's no desk in your house or you have
09:20 no private space other than a small bedroom , um
09:25 , people's productivity and their satisfaction with working from home
09:28 goes way down . So , you know , I
09:30 think your point , you know , extremely well taken
09:33 . Um , you know , one of the things
09:35 we talked about last week , I believe , were
09:39 a bunch of tools that are available to make lessons
09:44 more fun , you know , turning them into games
09:47 , turning them into contests . Um , some add
09:50 ons that you know could go on Google classroom or
09:53 go on other systems , but I think that's definitely
09:56 , you know , a major factor . So when
09:59 you look at when you look out at your time
10:02 horizon now . And you say , you know ,
10:05 we may be distance learning for the entire term .
10:10 What ? You know what gives you the most anxiety
10:16 ? I just know like we have first graders that
10:19 Okay , we have first graders that were already ,
10:22 you know , far behind that weren't really , you
10:24 know , getting the reading going . And I feel
10:27 like , you know , how do you push them
10:30 forward and make them readers ? And , you know
10:32 , we've had meetings with parents . I think what
10:34 , Really getting some kids on like , um in
10:38 person tutoring is gonna be the way to go because
10:42 , you know , I mean , when you have
10:43 kids that are so far behind and there's the families
10:45 can't really do much to help them . Even if
10:48 they're in a small group reading a little bit with
10:50 a teacher or a nay , that's not really giving
10:52 them enough practice with reading . So I feel like
10:54 the very beginning graves as faras . Getting them to
10:57 become readers is crucial . And , uh , also
11:02 , like you said , it is a good point
11:03 . We have somebody but somebody desk . If if
11:05 a family needs a desk , Hey , we'll let
11:07 you have a desk . I think that I just
11:09 thought of that since you said it because they might
11:12 , because there were so many kids that were doing
11:13 their lessons on their beds . Kid was actually in
11:17 the bathroom because it was the only place that she
11:19 could work where nobody would . It was a big
11:21 family . E think that's a good idea to give
11:24 them the tools they need . But I don't know
11:26 . I feel like it has to be some kind
11:29 of with safety . Have some groups of kids or
11:31 some kids come in for more , um , in
11:35 person instruction . Yeah . So you're sort of your
11:39 your your idea is to sort of migrate towards a
11:42 little bit more of a hybrid model . Um ,
11:46 I don't know if the government house it , but
11:48 I don't know . We might just want to say
11:50 , you know what with with distance learning , I
11:52 think you know , it's gonna be a whole group
11:54 of kids that are gonna be not reading . It's
11:58 hard to catch kids up at a certain point ,
12:00 you know , this is gonna be almost yours for
12:02 some kids , so , yeah , I think that
12:07 maybe one of the legacies of this whole . Oh
12:10 , period . Right . Uh , where were you
12:14 going ? To try to get , you know ,
12:16 maybe the lessons shortened up and more time within small
12:19 groups working with them . Yeah . Yeah . Um
12:25 , yeah . Do you have tutors ? Who will
12:27 go to students , homes ? We probably could make
12:31 it happen . We have a lot of , you
12:34 know , young paraprofessionals that could probably do that .
12:37 But I think the experience of a teacher teaching reading
12:40 is really important . Now , we also have a
12:42 program that through the ASIS program and hasn't launched yet
12:46 . But it's AARP volunteers that read with kids on
12:49 , and it's gonna be on virtually online . So
12:51 we'll see . There's different ways . It's just a
12:54 matter of I felt like the teachers handle the majority
12:59 of the brunt work . And the parents did not
13:01 really come forward as's faras . Okay , You know
13:05 , we need you to help with this , you
13:07 know , some of them did majority of them .
13:10 We're not that involved , you know , And so
13:13 I think it has to be on the school .
13:14 The school has to be the place where the kids
13:16 learn to read , At least in my community .
13:18 Well , the kids , I would say about 75%
13:22 . Yeah . Interesting . I mean , just go
13:26 back to for a second to Dr Pedersen . So
13:28 you're teaching very specialized subjects , Which the parents ,
13:32 I mean , teaching , reading . You know ,
13:35 almost every parent can do that . But teaching ,
13:40 you know , a Tektronix cosmetology . Uh , culinary
13:47 arts . What ? We started to think about what
13:51 we tried our best . Thio bless you . We've
13:54 tried our best to to provide some of the resource
13:59 is to the students . Like having the mannequins for
14:02 cosmetology , working on some basic Lego sets for some
14:08 robotics . But that was that was a real challenge
14:13 . Yeah , especially when in , uh , we
14:16 were We were fortunate because in the state of New
14:18 Jersey , they allowed virtual hours because we actually licensed
14:22 by our students . They become licensed for licensed cosmetologist
14:26 in the state of New Jersey . So and it's
14:28 based on hours . So they allowed us to use
14:30 virtual hours , But some of the other vocations ,
14:34 not so much . I mean , you still need
14:36 time , you know , to become certified in a
14:39 break specialist or even our certified nursing assistants . We
14:43 had a c n A program . They weren't able
14:45 to get their time , so we had to find
14:47 creative ways , and they're gonna have to do that
14:49 to in order to just satisfy those requirements . Yeah
14:55 . How do you ask parents to be involved with
14:58 this kind of education ? But when I was listening
15:01 to Jan speak , I realized , too , that
15:05 we were talking about that . This is a challenge
15:07 for teachers . This is a challenge for some parents
15:10 because they've never learned this way and already , you
15:13 know , the math is different than probably most of
15:15 us have learned when we were kids . Eso that's
15:18 already that looks different , Andi , some of the
15:21 subjects because we have diversified our curriculums to try to
15:26 be , you know , you know , to try
15:28 toe B'more all encompassing all the good old stories that
15:32 we that everyone read before it's not . They don't
15:35 even have a base for that anymore . So So
15:37 I think it z it's very foreign for some of
15:40 our parents . And , uh , what we did
15:44 was we tried to just and I think we're gonna
15:46 We need to do a better job with it .
15:48 But we had a bunch of parent meetings . Yeah
15:52 , and just to hear what they had to say
15:55 somewhere one of the some of the feedback that we
15:58 got was they were uncertain of our schedule . So
16:02 therefore , when Because when we had a student who
16:05 didn't sign in , we had secretaries and paraprofessionals calling
16:10 that home repeatedly until they got somebody because we didn't
16:14 know what was going on with that child . So
16:15 we were trying to make sure that we knew what
16:18 was going on And , you know , in one
16:19 of the scary things that I say not toe ,
16:22 um , not to be too scary , But I
16:24 remind our teachers that , you know , when we
16:27 went into lock down , you know that the numbers
16:30 of child abuse and sexual abuse , you know ,
16:32 went toe almost near zero . It's not because people
16:34 were acting better , but because those mechanisms to report
16:39 those things which are us weren't available . And I
16:42 know that's a little That's a rough thio here ,
16:45 but I think it's powerful . I mean , not
16:47 that I'm tryingto rush anybody back , but it's important
16:51 because that's a serious . That's a real serious thing
16:55 . So we try to make sure that our that
16:58 we communicated to the parents . But we found out
17:00 , though , that they didn't know our schedule enough
17:03 . So we had to do a better job with
17:04 that , but also that they didn't know what their
17:06 expectations were . And we have to make that clear
17:08 . To have a parent academy to say This is
17:11 what we expect you to do . You need to
17:12 make sure your child gets up to check in the
17:15 homeroom Everyday . Your child needs to do this ,
17:18 the homework every day and what that is and what
17:20 that looks like . And no , it's not whenever
17:23 he or she wants it . It has to be
17:25 done at this time or that time and just be
17:27 , ah , lot clearer with all of those instructions
17:30 , because the parents were home and they were Most
17:33 of them were doing work that they had to do
17:35 . Yeah , yeah , yeah , Anyone else want
17:40 to share their experience relative to these subjects ? You
17:45 know , these air , you know , fantastic fundamental
17:48 questions that I think everyone is dealing with , and
17:50 unfortunately , everyone's gonna continue to deal with anyone else
18:10 . Give it a second Jan . I think you
18:12 and I did a great job . E . I'll
18:17 just I'll share with you . Great . This is
18:20 Dave , from lemons to Mass and We're under a
18:25 crazy situation here . I'm gonna put my here .
18:29 You are ? I'm on the beach , up in
18:31 Maine right now . We're on vacation like Alright ,
18:35 alright , we're cutting . We're cutting you off right
18:38 now , but Okay , go ahead . We'll let
18:42 you will let you through this time . Go ahead
18:44 . Look at that beautiful beach behind . Yeah ,
18:47 there it is . So keeping social distancing . Yeah
18:53 , we're at least 20 ft apart . Yeah ,
18:55 but the problem here in Massachusetts , we're seeing a
19:00 rise now again , Cove in instead of to increase
19:03 again . So they're thinking of going back to stage
19:06 two . You know , they were at a different
19:08 stage , and now they're thinking of reverting back as
19:11 superintendent . Our school committee have still not decided .
19:14 Are we going remote learning ? Are we going ?
19:17 It was gonna be a hybrid . Are we going
19:20 bit ? And without that , you know , our
19:22 schedule isn't even done in the high school . So
19:24 I'm a high school assistant principal of 1800 kids and
19:28 we don't even have a schedule yet , so I'm
19:32 starting to think we're probably go back remote again .
19:34 The problem I saw with it all is they didn't
19:37 know what to do when they first sent us off
19:39 around . You know , ST Patrick's Day . Everyone's
19:42 going remote , learning for a couple of weeks plan
19:44 for a couple of weeks . Then it turned into
19:47 the rest of the school year and nobody really knew
19:52 the right or wrong way toe handle it . And
19:56 now I'm looking at We're going back without a plan
20:01 and everybody just got credit or no credit . We
20:04 can't go back like that because as soon as the
20:06 kids here credit no credit , they do two or
20:09 three assignments . They know they're going to get some
20:10 form of credit . And and our superintendents directive was
20:13 , if they do something , they're getting credit .
20:16 We're not gonna hold it against anybody , And that
20:18 really came down from the state . So now ,
20:20 going into this year , way can't go on credit
20:24 . No credit . There's gotta be some grading .
20:26 They've got toe because , like I heard a woman
20:29 from San Diego , she's saying kids with some some
20:33 disabilities that have fallen behind same here , you know
20:37 , K to 12 kids that aren't getting the services
20:39 that they need . Uh , and I don't know
20:43 . I don't know what the answer is because we
20:44 have no direction from the state all the way down
20:47 . It's a nightmare . Yep . And I don't
20:50 know where we stand . Nobody does . And everyone's
20:54 I'm getting phone calls and emails . The other administrators
20:57 , uh , nobody has an answer . Nobody knows
21:00 who's driving the truck right now . It's crazy .
21:02 So it is the racket . Yes . Edward ,
21:05 do you mind if I follow up with David Eso
21:09 David ? One of the things that's happening in New
21:11 Jersey just today they're having a bill to do remote
21:14 learning for everybody . But those specialized populations , like
21:17 special needs students because we know that for the certain
21:21 populations , if they don't have contact on some kind
21:23 of regular basis , they will . They will definitely
21:27 fall behind one of the things that we're doing here
21:30 And what this is why I planted this way .
21:33 We use that half day schedule . Yeah , And
21:36 then what we're gonna do is so this way you
21:38 get to see every you follow your schedule , you
21:41 could still create your schedule the same way that you
21:43 would . Anyway , here's your half day schedule and
21:46 then building in the afternoon all of the individual time
21:49 , so there's some There's actual contact time virtually during
21:54 that half day until 12 30 . And then they
21:56 have the students have more time to actually do the
22:00 independent lessons afterwards , my feeling was , this Is
22:03 that because I don't know and I'm telling my principles
22:06 this because we don't know what to expect . Let's
22:09 expect everything . So let's let's have a schedule .
22:12 So that this way , right now , we're using
22:14 , like , a modified half a baby schedule .
22:17 But what if we were told that we have to
22:19 come back ? 100% will follow that schedule . But
22:22 if we were told that maybe , God forbid ,
22:25 we have one of our students could or somebody gets
22:28 contracts and we had to shut down for two weeks
22:30 , we could go full remote and still follow the
22:32 same schedule so that it doesn't matter whether we're in
22:36 or not . It's gonna look the same , and
22:38 it will be less work because at least you'll have
22:40 that master schedule done way . Also went through Budget
22:44 cuts were one of the one of the few district's
22:47 in Massachusetts that cut Danny . How many teachers that
22:50 we got from the district ? How many teachers in
22:53 the district ? Yeah , weight , 168 teachers lost
23:01 their jobs ? No , about a month and a
23:04 half ago , they cut . Uh , we're still
23:09 , you know , I hate toe stay things ,
23:11 but it's like a micro management up at the top
23:14 . People up there , the curriculum coordinator in the
23:17 super telling us , you know , just count the
23:19 number of students divided by the teachers . That's how
23:22 many staff you need . They still want to cut
23:24 some staff at the high school to use at the
23:27 lower levels . And I'm like , how do we
23:30 not have these answers yet ? I mean , I
23:33 guess first is around the corner and we're trying to
23:36 build a hybrid . We've been asked to build a
23:37 hybrid model , so we're gonna go a week ,
23:39 be weak . So a week was gonna be freshmen
23:42 in juniors and be week was gonna be sophomores and
23:46 seniors . So a week freshman and juniors are in
23:50 the classroom and the sophomores and seniors remote learning .
23:56 Then the following week , it flips . That's the
23:59 plan that we've come up with , and we're still
24:02 , but they want 30 kids in a class .
24:04 It za lot for online learning , baby have a
24:07 lot of issues , David . If it gets too
24:09 frustrating . Come down to New Jersey , I'll take
24:11 care of you . We have beaches here , too
24:13 . A . And this is my one week ,
24:18 a year , one week a year that Z lobster
24:21 rolls got tread . I have graduation Friday , Saturday
24:26 eso I'm going . I'm going home tomorrow because we
24:29 have graduation rehearsal Friday . That's gonna be a We'll
24:33 be back to your principal , go back to your
24:35 principal and threaten him , say , or threaten him
24:37 or her and say , Listen , you just got
24:38 a job offer from the Superintendent , New Jersey So
24:40 maybe they'll be Oh , hey , I might take
24:45 you up on that . I might take you up
24:47 on that . Thank you so much . You know
24:50 , I'll say , this is an issue where the
24:55 people in the , you know , the top administrators
24:59 and state level . They're really not experts who are
25:05 prepared to make these kinds of decisions . Andi think
25:10 they're afraid to make them , because if something happens
25:13 , they don't wanna be said . It's your fault
25:16 . Exactly . Exactly . So you know your you
25:21 in this in this situation at the school level ,
25:25 you're like lieutenants who are leading a platoon where you're
25:29 like connection with the headquarters , and there's a war
25:34 going on . Well , what do you need to
25:35 do there ? You need to make the decisions that
25:38 you're gonna be left with . No , you're listening
25:41 to you . I can hear it . You're thinking
25:43 , What am I gonna do ? I'm gonna make
25:45 these decisions . I'm gonna do the best I can
25:47 in this situation . You know , I'm gonna take
25:50 care of my platoon the best way I can .
25:52 Uh huh . You know , when you get back
25:55 , you know , and the general tells you what
25:57 a great job he or she did , You know
25:59 , you're going to say , you know , you
26:01 did nothing . I did it , I did it
26:03 . And I really think that as a management matter
26:08 , you know , here's a system that's set up
26:11 is a bureaucracy with all this central theoretically , all
26:14 this centralized control . And yet now they've , like
26:17 , cut the strings and it's , you know ,
26:22 not you know , not good . That's the bad
26:24 news . The good news is , most of you
26:26 people are highly prepared . You know , you're very
26:29 experienced , you know . You understand the situation ,
26:32 you know you you know , you know , the
26:35 ins and outs of the educational system and you could
26:38 do a good job , but it would really be
26:42 better if they would just say , Hey , look
26:44 , here's a budget . Do the best you can
26:46 with this , but they're going to continue to micromanage
26:49 on the one hand , and on the other hand
26:52 , you specific instructions about how to proceed . You
26:57 know , Jan What ? You know , how does
26:58 this discussion what we have to do ? A continuation
27:04 of learning plan , that is , We used to
27:07 have something called the Elk Calf , which was our
27:09 plan with our goals and how the budget connects to
27:12 it . So we have this major plan that we're
27:14 gonna be . Sandy is the principal at the cage
27:16 she's onto , but we're trying . We're gonna put
27:18 together a major plan with stakeholder input and everything to
27:22 get , you know , the distance learning up The
27:25 federal funds also are about how to get kids Thio
27:31 make up for the lost time . There's a lot
27:34 of funding coming out , but it is being managed
27:36 where you have to come up with major plans to
27:38 do it . It's a lot of work , So
27:42 , yeah , I don't think any of us have
27:43 had a vacation this year , so we're just pumping
27:46 it out . But I also feel like three other
27:49 people were saying it's very important to be flexible with
27:53 the schedule . So we've , like , knocked an
27:56 hour off of the day . Maybe we need to
27:57 not even more time , like off a little more
28:00 time off . So the afternoons could be spent on
28:03 doing a lot of this re teaching and support for
28:06 students and special ed support . And you know all
28:09 those things you need time to do it . And
28:11 I don't think teachers should be expected to go past
28:15 the workday . You know , I think in the
28:17 last year these kids were like , emailing texting teachers
28:21 till all hours of the night . And I feel
28:23 like we have to set a standard to say ,
28:25 you know what ? This is your work time .
28:26 This is the time you need to do this ,
28:28 and you're that's it because I feel teachers Also ,
28:30 we're getting really burned out by the zoom meetings and
28:33 by all the things going on . So I like
28:36 the fact of keeping the day a little shorter and
28:39 then keeping the afternoon more for enrich academic , um
28:42 , you know , intervention , right ? Yeah .
28:45 Edward , another sobering foot . May I ? Please
28:49 , please ? Another sobering thought way lost one of
28:52 our power professionals who have been in the district for
28:55 40 years . Miss Marquita Hobbs . And we were
28:59 already in quarantine . But as we're talking to some
29:03 of our students and my director is talking , we
29:04 have some of our classified students who are very well
29:08 are very vory upset and concerned about coming back .
29:14 Could you imagine ? And this is something I think
29:16 we everybody , every leader has Thio keep in mind
29:20 what would occur . And you talk about the social
29:24 emotional learning and talking about the emotional impact that would
29:27 have if we went back . And one of our
29:31 teachers or one of our students contracted the virus and
29:36 passed away from it . You know , once again
29:40 you said I'm a lieutenant , so we do our
29:42 jobs . But that is something that that weighs on
29:45 me every single day . That what you know ,
29:49 And you know , all the the rippling effects of
29:52 what ? That what that does and how that would
29:55 . That would just be a devastating blow for any
29:58 any school community . Yeah . No , that's I
30:02 am , Yeah , it's just such a powerful point
30:05 . and it's absolutely true . Andi , uh ,
30:11 it would forever , um , affect the reputation of
30:15 that school . People would know it . That's the
30:17 school where this teacher , you know , got sick
30:21 , blah , blah , blah , you know .
30:22 So , anyway , yeah , the powerful point ,
30:25 which I think is the reason you're seeing now is
30:27 more schools based . This issue of actually making specific
30:31 This is also the , you know , with the
30:33 higher ed level and K through 12 , as more
30:35 than just more of them are deciding not to go
30:38 back for in person classes . There's a million logistical
30:42 problems which you you know , you've touched on many
30:45 of the good ones . So I promised people we
30:48 keep this to a Knauer . Were a minute over
30:50 an hour . You've been fantastic . I gotta say
30:54 , I mean , so you know , thank you
30:57 very much . You know , Jan and David and
31:01 Dr Peterson and I really appreciate your your willingness Thio
31:08 talk candidly on bond shared your you know , your
31:13 knowledge and your wisdom about all this . So that's
31:16 been great . Eso we're gonna wrap it up ?
31:19 We're gonna be back . So we've a for some
31:23 stuff , focused on training and most asked , or
31:27 your participation then . So everybody have a wonderful rest
31:31 of the day and a good week . And And
31:34 I hope the federal government sends you a giant check
31:37 . And , uh , so that thank you very
31:42 much . And , uh , thank you , Professor
31:47 . Thank you , Mike Honda . Thank you very
31:50 much . Yeah , Thanks . Everybody hope everyone has
31:53 a great rest of the week . I'll try one
32:03 more day , one more day . Take care ,
32:07 guys . And thank you . Thank you , sir
32:33 . Thanks . That beast picture just ain't fair .
32:39 It ain't right . Yeah . Yeah . Where you
32:44 It looks like you're in , uh , hunting and
32:46 fishing the world there . Find bluff , Arkansas .
32:51 Oh , wow . Wow . All right , well
32:54 , have a good day . Go fishing . Take
32:58 care .



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