The Fully Informed Administrator: Distance Learning Basics and Best Practices - Session 1 (part 2) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Fully Informed Administrator: Distance Learning Basics and Best Practices - Session 1 (part 2) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

The Fully Informed Administrator: Distance Learning Basics and Best Practices - Session 1 (part 2) - By Lumos Learning

00:0-1 that regard . Okay , so let's move ahead .
00:03 Now . Let's get into the meat off . This
00:07 this is the beast . This is what you need
00:11 to master Andi . Uh , this is not easy
00:17 . So let's take a look . Um , hold
00:22 on one second . Okay ? So , distance learning
00:26 , this is our subject . And we've got five
00:30 spokes on this wheel learning systems delivery systems , instructional
00:35 and curriculum system management systems and security , cybersecurity and
00:40 support systems . So we're gonna through the next 30
00:45 minutes , we're gonna take them one by one ,
00:47 and we're gonna go through . What do they do
00:50 ? Who are the providers of this ? What are
00:53 the key management issues that you need to address ?
00:58 Um , so , you know , just to give
01:02 a little bit of a preview , you know ,
01:04 learning systems or learn learning management systems . You know
01:07 , digital assistance , professional development programs , the delivery
01:13 systems or classroom management . Virtual classroom . So we're
01:17 using zoom here . That's one of these things .
01:20 Uh , instructional and curricular systems of curricular management ,
01:26 instructional design tools , management systems . This is keeping
01:32 the school running , keeping track of attendance and grades
01:38 . Um , commute , setting up a system where
01:40 everybody can communicate with each other and cybersecurity and hardware
01:45 cybersecurity to keep you out of trouble . Hardware systems
01:49 so that everything works . Uh , everything works beautifully
01:54 . So what if people used as they've made the
01:59 the switch ? Um , during the co vid ,
02:04 uh , epidemic recently ? You know , the recent
02:08 switch Thio Thio online classes is the most common tools
02:14 were operational , and this kind of makes sense .
02:19 So , you know , 50% were using these kind
02:21 of operational tools . So this is sort of along
02:24 the idea of we're going to just take our class
02:27 and move of it online . So now , instead
02:30 of meeting in room 204 at nine o'clock , we're
02:35 going to meet in a zoom meeting A to that
02:40 time . And so there was more focused on that
02:45 than there was on none . The curriculum developing new
02:49 curriculum , changing the curriculum , adapting the curriculum .
02:52 And it makes sense , right ? This was I'm
02:54 sure this , you know , for you to this
02:57 was the system . You have to just get it
02:59 working in some regard . But I think as the
03:03 system develops as we spend more time online , the
03:08 effort is gonna The technol technology system is going to
03:14 get less focus and the curriculum and , uh ,
03:19 learning tools are gonna get mawr focus . So let's
03:23 take a look . Learning Management Systems is the first
03:28 module . Um , it's for both students and teachers
03:33 , and it creates a central hub where educators can
03:37 upload organized , of course , material for student access
03:41 . Um , usually does not include the content on
03:46 bond . You know it provides you with the ability
03:50 to integrate content creation platforms . It generates reports on
03:55 participation , grades , quizzes , course activities , etcetera
04:00 . And here are some of the big providers of
04:03 this so Google classroom least what I've seen . Maybe
04:08 some of you can comment on this . If you're
04:09 currently using Google Classroom , Google has made this free
04:14 Andi . They have a very particular strategy in mind
04:19 . This is they want to get you and the
04:21 students and everybody and for the whole world , for
04:24 that matter , into their ecosystem . And this is
04:26 a tool to do that . So it integrates Google
04:30 documents , it integrates Gmail . It integrates , You
04:35 know , I don't know everything else that Google does
04:38 . YouTube , obviously . And so this is a
04:41 strategy that technology companies have used for decades , starting
04:46 with IBM , so I B M gave mainframe computers
04:54 to universities when they got going with that product in
04:58 the 19 sixties and seventies . And the idea was
05:02 , they want students and teachers so learn on their
05:06 platform so that when they left school they would go
05:09 out and they would buy IBM computers for businesses and
05:14 government wherever they were working . Apple did the same
05:17 thing with giving giving schools , um , pro giving
05:21 schools there , uh , Mac on earlier than Mac
05:27 , whatever Apple something or other . And so ,
05:30 you know , Google is just taking a page out
05:33 of their book and doing something similar . You know
05:36 , it's a good program . There's no , you
05:38 know , no way around it . I've used blackboard
05:41 in canvas . Very similar blackboard . Um , I
05:47 find sort of uh huh . I don't know ,
05:51 overly confusing . I mean , it has every functionality
05:54 , but it z a little bit confusing . It's
05:57 not free . It's not cheap . Um , they've
06:00 just come out with a new version 9.1 . Um
06:03 , is much more like canvas , which is a
06:05 cleaner version of it . So these air , you
06:09 know , mood Eliza is a Google product , a
06:12 z well , and , um , but Google classroom
06:17 , a school can get an account and then it
06:19 sort of integrates with the whole school . That's what
06:22 they're looking to dio to get everybody . Okay ,
06:28 so digital learning programs , eso these deliver content online
06:36 . They're interactive . They have a large range of
06:38 learning . Resource is , um they integrate with the
06:42 learning management system and the curriculum management system to supplement
06:48 students needs . They track progress on bond on you
06:55 know , these air . Also , some of these
06:57 names will be familiar to you , and so they're
07:01 basically focused on the content that's going in the system
07:07 . Yeah . Um , let me stop here to
07:11 take a look at the chat , see if anyone's
07:15 had any questions , comments , um , and yes
07:21 . So let's see . Julie said yes . She's
07:22 a G suite school , so they use Google classroom
07:26 for everything . So that's great . We'll call ,
07:29 you know ? Well , you know , look for
07:31 you and others to tell us how that experience has
07:35 has been . Um , Okay , so next let
07:43 me just go back . Where are we on our
07:45 clock here . So you know , we started here
07:48 . We're talking about delivery systems now . We're getting
07:51 into this area . Curricular curriculum management , digital learning
07:57 , um , programs , uh , digital learning programs
08:03 . So This is for teachers and students . And
08:06 what does it dio ? It makes virtual lessons engaging
08:09 . It's adaptive . It assesses students performance . It
08:13 tracks progress online . Um , they integrate with less
08:17 , um , and curriculum management systems . And here
08:21 are Oops , I did this already . I'm sorry
08:24 . I'm one slide behind . Okay . Sorry .
08:28 Digital Assessment Solutions Serves me right for rolling back the
08:35 slides . Digital Assessment solutions . This is for school
08:41 leaders , for for district superintendents , for teachers ,
08:47 for parents . So , basically , for everybody ,
08:49 it creates customized tests incorporating a variety of questions that
08:54 administers the tests that provide security systems for this for
08:59 these tests , such as rotating the way the questions
09:02 are providing a rigid clock to answer the questions ,
09:08 minimize the ability for students . Thio , get outside
09:15 ball . They're doing a test . And who were
09:19 some of the companies that do this ? You know
09:22 , Renaissance Study island . And you elastic Ramos .
09:27 You know , I ready , which is a big
09:29 one . So online programs for teacher training as we
09:34 move along online training for teachers . So obviously we
09:39 want to expand teachers skill sets . We can't bring
09:43 all the teachers together in a class for an hour
09:47 a day . of training in a computer room .
09:51 Eso we need to use online tools for this ,
09:55 and so we want to expand their skills . We
09:59 need to do this constantly , Absolutely constantly . Um
10:04 , it boost their productivity's and performance . The more
10:07 they know , the more depth they are . The
10:09 Mawr this gets wired into their thinking , and the
10:12 more it gets wired into their into their hands so
10:16 that they do this all automatically without without thinking about
10:21 it . And these online programs can be done anywhere
10:25 , right ? They can be , you know ,
10:27 done while you're riding the bus . So here a
10:30 few of them , Um course Sarah , which I
10:34 mentioned or , you know , has a bunch of
10:36 them , um , Otis for educators Simple k 12
10:41 . There's a bunch of these Andi , uh ,
10:46 you as as a leader , need toe . Have
10:50 an opinion about which one you think is best for
10:54 your teachers in the system that you're using . Okay
11:00 . Delivery systems were moving along virtual classroom tools ,
11:04 so this is like zoom live video streaming . This
11:09 creates is much interaction is possible between the teachers on
11:16 the students and also between the students and each other
11:19 . So live video screen sharing , um , rich
11:24 media interactive presentations . Uh , students can collaborate online
11:30 by using , you know , side rooms or other
11:33 tools . You can record a session , which then
11:37 students who couldn't attend class or students who want to
11:40 review it , or parents who want to go back
11:43 to find out what something meant can access it .
11:47 Onda . It can also be used for real time
11:50 . This is an interesting , you know . So
11:53 these air names you all should know , right ?
11:55 Google meat , which is , um , you know
11:58 their competitors to Zoom Zoom , which we're using now
12:02 Cisco Wet X , go to meeting . I think
12:05 this is one that is becoming a , uh ,
12:11 commodity . So in the beginning , with Skype ,
12:15 this was novel Theo . The the hardware systems didn't
12:21 handle it very well . Those of you who were
12:24 early Skype use ALS users will knows extremely frustrating to
12:28 use . And the pictures were very fuzzy and you
12:31 lost connections . Often , this has all gotten better
12:35 partially because of these programs and partially because of the
12:38 Internet backbone has gotten more robust . Um , I
12:42 think basically we're going to a point where any ,
12:46 uh , classroom management software that you use is gonna
12:49 have this already built into it . But in the
12:52 meantime , you may have to use one of these
12:55 one of these systems as a separate , Um ,
12:59 you know , separate platform . Um , one of
13:04 the things we've provided for you is a list of
13:09 , you know , we call it in the slide
13:11 collaborative learning tools . You know , this is because
13:13 we want to sound very professional , but I think
13:17 really these air , like cool learning tools . Um
13:20 , these are little things . Widgets , apple .
13:24 It's , um , uh , specialized things that really
13:30 can create personality in an online learning environment . Um
13:35 , most of them are quite simple . They're not
13:38 essential . I think teachers who are mawr comfortable with
13:44 technology and who wanna put mawr of their own personality
13:48 into it will be more likely to use these .
13:53 This is also a great way for you as a
13:55 manager to suggest something to a teacher that simple and
14:00 easy . And then when they use it to give
14:04 them praise and reinforcement for for doing that . Um
14:14 Okay . Okay . Okay . Some other . Okay
14:24 , let me move ahead . Okay . Instruction and
14:26 curriculum design systems . So , uh , these air
14:35 for teachers and department heads and curriculum . Uh ,
14:41 and instructors and developers on . Do you know these
14:47 handle the development and implementation so you can map your
14:51 curriculum you can create . They provide you with lesson
14:53 planning templates . They have standard alignment guides . They
14:57 have a resource library . That's part of their system
15:01 on bond . Here are some of them , uh
15:07 , that you can use the links toe . All
15:10 of these things that we provide here are in the
15:13 notes on the slides , which you'll have access to
15:18 . So if you want to go through and and
15:21 and look at their websites and see some demonstrations ,
15:25 you can just , uh , you know , scroll
15:27 through that that list . Okay . Management systems us
15:35 for this is , you know , basically for running
15:39 your multiple subsystems . Andi , uh , for maximizing
15:44 stakeholder information and making communication as easy as possible .
15:51 One thing I've seen as a manager is that if
15:55 you don't communicate with people , they assume the worst
16:00 . So if they haven't heard from you in a
16:02 while , they assume things were not going well ,
16:05 and it kind of triggers fear with them . It
16:08 triggers the lack of confidence . So these communication tools
16:13 are valuable to you as a manager , a za
16:17 leader you wanna be on these all the time ?
16:21 You wanna be communicating with parents ? You wanna be
16:25 coordinating with teachers with your management team ? Eso these
16:32 , um , these systems , you know , create
16:35 report card . They managed Karen access basically their communication
16:40 managers , um , in a school setting . Here's
16:44 a bunch of them . I'm sure you've heard of
16:46 a bunch of these , Um and this is an
16:51 essential part of your playbook . Student information systems .
16:57 So some schools prefer integrating with enhanced student information systems
17:03 to take advantage of additional features . But what Basically
17:11 doing Milan Probably not relevant . If you are moving
17:15 totally to an online , um , online environment ,
17:18 they the attendance management records , great book management .
17:26 Some other systems have great books , you know ,
17:29 built into them is well , ah , compliance in
17:31 reporting . Maybe we'll talk about more of this in
17:34 a later class . Um , what I've seen is
17:38 that during this time , government required compliance and reporting
17:43 gets more onerous on , But at the time when
17:47 when you really don't have the time your own time
17:50 Thio work on this , the government is asking form
17:55 or , you know , this is sort of unfunded
17:58 government requirements and eso these systems . These student information
18:04 systems interface with that . Here are a bunch of
18:08 them . Great link . Um , Alma . Infinite
18:13 campus . All right . Um , are you regretting
18:19 having become a , uh , education administrator yet ?
18:24 All of this stuff , it's a lot other communication
18:28 platforms . This is , you know , automate reminders
18:32 . Set up parent teacher meetings , allow for reporting
18:36 of problems , allow for messaging . Um , on
18:42 collaboration available to basically everybody in the system . Um
18:49 uh , generally not for students . And here's a
18:53 bunch of these , um , you know , so
18:59 again , part of your your tool , kid .
19:03 All right , let's talk about security . Um ,
19:08 security is no joke . So the data we had
19:16 is that a couple of years ago , there were
19:19 712 reported cyber attacks on schools in the United States
19:26 . That number is certainly low . A lot of
19:29 people don't report them . Um , all kinds of
19:32 problems from them . Um , data breach . Right
19:36 . You have a responsibility to keep your data confidential
19:39 . This is for pa . You people can use
19:42 ransom , your system and your data , and you
19:45 can see this is not rare . Accidental disclosure ,
19:50 right ? Somebody sends the wrong file to the wrong
19:53 computer and you've got a problem . People fishing .
19:57 Um , in your admitted with administrators looking to get
20:02 to get into into their into the access to their
20:06 system through them etcetera , you know , other malware
20:11 eso This is no joke . Um , so let
20:17 me say this about it is that if you end
20:20 up having a cyber security problem , this will be
20:25 laid at your door . Eso you need to focus
20:29 on it . This may not be what you care
20:34 much about , but it's important . You need to
20:37 have a team that handles it . You need to
20:40 charge them with the mission of keeping current on tools
20:45 and making sure that there's cybersecurity every step of the
20:50 way . So , fundamentally , there are two types
20:53 of security systems and encryption systems , and this is
20:57 data that's sitting in a file could be encrypted ,
21:01 and data that's moving between systems can be encrypted when
21:06 it leaves and then de encrypted when it arrives .
21:10 Onda . So there are systems for each of these
21:15 , and you need to make sure that all of
21:18 these are in place . Um , like I say
21:22 , you've got a major problem . You'll have parents
21:24 screaming . Um , you'll have students who tell you
21:27 . They can't do any work . They can't get
21:28 onto their system and you'll have , You know your
21:33 boss is all over you . So here's a bunch
21:37 of these that provide cybersecurity solutions . Some of them
21:42 are built into other systems that you might use .
21:45 But I would say you need to be at least
21:49 familiar with what the's cybersecurity issues and solutions are ,
21:55 and you need to manage the process on and on
00:0-1 .



The Fully Informed Administrator: Distance Learning Basics and Best Practices - Session 1 (part 2) is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.

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