Home Is The New School: Expert Insights from Home Schooling Mom (Webinar for Parents) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Home Is The New School: Expert Insights from Home Schooling Mom (Webinar for Parents) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Home Is The New School: Expert Insights from Home Schooling Mom (Webinar for Parents) - By Lumos Learning

00:06 So , um , whenever you're ready . Uh ,
00:10 Megan , welcome to the program . Thank you so
00:13 much . And hello , everybody . Um , I
00:17 think if we want to skip to maybe the next
00:19 slide , it's got mhm hope . Next 11 more
00:26 . That's me . And that's my family . Um
00:29 , and I'm really excited to chat with you a
00:31 little bit today about our story . We have kind
00:34 of a unique perspective on the whole distance learning situation
00:39 . So I'm just going to kind of dive into
00:41 our story and let you know what ? Um ,
00:43 what we're up to . So we are a full
00:46 time traveling family . Um , we've been doing that
00:50 for two years now , and this is not so
00:54 . I know . You know , sometimes you might
00:55 have thoughts that come into your head About what a
00:57 what a homeschooling family might look like , what a
00:59 full time traveling family might look like . Um ,
01:01 this is not something that was on our radar two
01:03 years ago . My husband and I are actually both
01:07 recovering classroom teachers , so our kids are older .
01:11 Kids were in traditional school . We did not plan
01:13 to be home schoolers , but we were kind of
01:17 miserable . We were overcommitted we were over scheduled ,
01:21 unfulfilled , just adding things to our plate to try
01:25 to . I feel like we were fulfilled and nothing
01:27 was working . And so one day I said ,
01:29 You know what ? I just I'm from the East
01:31 Coast and we were living in Arizona and I was
01:33 like , I just want to go back home .
01:35 I just want to go back to the beach .
01:36 I want to be on the East Coast . Um
01:39 and my husband said , Sounds good . So our
01:43 plan originally was Let's just move back to the East
01:45 Coast And in the meantime , we thought , Well
01:47 , if we're going to sell our house anyway ,
01:50 why don't we take our time getting there and so
01:52 that you know , one idea led to the next
01:54 , and here we are two years later , we've
01:57 been traveling the States full time since then . Um
02:00 , we did have plans to go overseas , which
02:02 have been pushed back because we were supposed to go
02:04 last April in . Nobody was really traveling anywhere this
02:08 past April . So hopefully we'll be able to do
02:10 that next year . But in the meantime , we've
02:12 been travelling around the US We've been to 43 states
02:16 so far . And next week we're going to add
02:17 two more . Um , so and of course ,
02:20 we've homeschool their kids along the way , and my
02:23 husband and I both work online . That's how we
02:24 make it work . A lot of people say ,
02:26 How do you live in an RV ? And I
02:28 say , Well , we don't live in our in
02:30 an RV . We travel in a minivan and we
02:32 book Airbnb s , um , sometimes we have stayed
02:36 with family , Um , and occasionally in a hotel
02:38 , if we're somewhere just really briefly So it's a
02:41 It's a unique lifestyle . Um , and , uh
02:44 So when covid kind of came along , it affected
02:47 us , affected our travels a bit , but as
02:50 far as schooling at home , we were already doing
02:52 it , So it wasn't a big a big change
02:54 for us . Um , so I want to share
02:56 a little bit about how we home school . Um
02:58 , I think it can be applicable to you ,
03:00 even if you are doing just since learning along with
03:03 a more traditional school . So as we've gone out
03:10 along the past two years , we've kind of developed
03:12 our own system of home schooling , pulling together resources
03:16 from a lot of different places . Online workbooks ,
03:20 um , free resources , paid resources . And we
03:23 just kind of figured out what works for us .
03:24 We pulled together everything that gives us the best bang
03:26 for our book . Um , and in our case
03:28 takes up the least amount of space because again ,
03:30 we're traveling in a minivan . Um , so let's
03:33 go to the next slide , and I want to
03:36 introduce you to Harrison . We also call him Harry
03:39 . He's my third child and he was five when
03:43 we started out . So here in this picture ,
03:45 he looks so young to me because he's seven now
03:48 . Um , but when we were the summer ,
03:49 we were deciding whether or not we were going to
03:51 do this . Take this big trip . He was
03:53 headed for kindergarten , and it was really difficult to
03:57 say , Um , you know , are we going
03:59 to pull him out of school ? Is he going
04:00 to miss ? And I know that's probably heading home
04:03 to a lot of you right now . You're missing
04:05 out on experiences . Maybe that's kindergarten . Maybe that's
04:07 high school graduation . Whatever it is , it's It's
04:10 difficult . It's difficult for you as a parent ,
04:12 I think , more so when , when they're in
04:14 kindergarten . I think it's more the parents that feel
04:16 they're missing out , then maybe the actual child .
04:19 But we were deciding at the last minute he was
04:22 signed up for kindergarten , he had a teacher .
04:24 And the night of when he was supposed to go
04:27 meet his teacher , we were like , No ,
04:30 we're going to travel . We're going to do this
04:31 . So let's not take him , um , and
04:34 confuse him . So and I cried . I cried
04:37 all night like it was it was so difficult to
04:39 think about . There was this little desk somewhere that
04:41 said Harrison and , you know , the kindergarten graduation
04:44 graduation ceremony that he wasn't gonna get to have ,
04:47 um , So I'm going to stop that story there
04:50 were going to come back to it at the end
04:51 , and But I'll give you a spoiler does have
04:53 a happy ending . Um , we'll come back to
04:55 him . So on the next slide , um ,
04:59 from everything that we've learned over the past few years
05:02 , I've actually developed an online course called Home School
05:05 made simple . Um , and in it , I've
05:08 broken down kind of the system into seven really simple
05:12 steps to go from . I have no idea What
05:14 is homeschooling ? How do I get started to a
05:16 successful home schooler ? Um , just to kind of
05:18 simplify it for today . There's three main parts of
05:21 that , and the first one is just the prep
05:23 work , like legal requirements and the standards . And
05:26 what do I teach for each grade level , and
05:29 then the second part is planning your resources . How
05:32 am I going to teach ? What ? What's out
05:33 there online for me to use ? What can I
05:35 order off Amazon ? Um , a lot of people
05:38 ask us , How do you get your mail ?
05:39 Um , and we haven't sent to family , But
05:42 also , Amazon lockers are an awesome way to go
05:45 . You can order just about anything , and as
05:47 long as you're not in a super rural area ,
05:49 you can you can get to it . So ,
05:52 um , that's step two . And then step three
05:55 is basically day to day , you know ? What
05:56 are we going to do ? How do I teach
05:58 kids that are in different grade levels ? And how
06:02 do we structure our time ? How do I keep
06:04 everybody on task ? So I'm going to focus a
06:07 little bit on that third step and just give you
06:09 an insight into something that's worked really well for us
06:12 . So in the next slide , you're going to
06:14 see , um , this is a more traditional ,
06:16 time based schedule that a student might see if they're
06:19 going into a regular traditional school . And this makes
06:22 sense because the teachers are coordinating with the lunch room
06:25 schedule and they're coordinating with the music teacher and they
06:29 have 30 students , you know , Um , so
06:32 it makes sense . We have to be on this
06:33 kind of time schedule . Well , when you're at
06:36 home , we learned that that doesn't work . That's
06:40 not necessarily the best way to go about things .
06:42 Um , and , you know , depending on your
06:43 situation , you may actually have some time based things
06:47 right now where the students have to be online .
06:49 Um , and that's okay . You might also have
06:52 some time on your hands where you're able to structure
06:54 the learning . So let's look at the next slide
06:56 , and I'll show you kind of what we came
06:58 up with . And that is the idea of basically
07:00 task , a task based system . We call this
07:04 our school tracker , and it's a in Google sheets
07:08 . So in within Google Drive so that our kids
07:11 can access them . My husband and I can both
07:13 access them , and this is a constantly , um
07:17 , evolving document . And you can say , See
07:20 , this one was for Vanessa . She's our nine
07:21 year old and we have a different one for each
07:25 student , although there is some overlap as well .
07:27 Um , they I'll start their day writing in a
07:30 journal . Um , and basically , like I said
07:33 , it's just a list of the tasks that they
07:34 need to go through each day , and this can
07:38 change , and this has changed over time . It's
07:40 also an easy way for them to go in ,
07:42 and each column is a day , and they record
07:44 what they have done . Um , it's an easy
07:46 way to link to resources , and again we can
07:48 come in and see exactly what they've worked on .
07:51 Um , so this one example right here for Vanessa
07:56 was from March of this year , and she started
07:59 her day writing in a journal . She did sometimes
08:01 table practice that links out to a website where she
08:05 could practice her times tables . She would do a
08:07 math lesson onto science , um , and so on
08:09 , and you can see we have some kind of
08:10 unique things that we've added in , like typing practice
08:13 , certainly something that , in this day and age
08:15 , is going to benefit even the young ones .
08:18 And she had a recorder , so she was practicing
08:20 music . And under number nine there you see Grandma
08:23 Isla questions . At that time , we were living
08:25 with my mother in law , Um , and each
08:27 kid would go in each day and ask her two
08:29 or three questions about her life . Um , and
08:30 they learned lots of really cool things about their grandma
08:34 . And so if we want to go ahead to
08:36 the next slide , I'll just show you a slightly
08:37 different version , which was actually from last year .
08:40 This was Carter's . He's he just turned 12 .
08:43 Um , but he was 10 or 11 at this
08:46 time . So again , he would start with his
08:49 journal . He would do math science . Um ,
08:52 they were learning French because we still hopefully we'll make
08:54 it France eventually , Um and maybe by then they'll
08:57 be fluent . Who knows ? We'll see . Uh
08:59 , we have been traveling , um , with his
09:02 trombone because he was playing in the school band before
09:04 we left . And so he's been able to keep
09:06 up with that and you know , eventually we do
09:08 actually plan to settle down and probably put our kids
09:12 back in traditional school . But we'll just play it
09:14 by ear and see how that goes . Um ,
09:16 it's funny because when you have your kids at home
09:18 and we thought originally our older kids that were already
09:22 in school were in accelerated classes . So we thought
09:26 , Well , worst case scenario . We travel for
09:29 a year . They learned nothing . They're not behind
09:31 because they were ahead . Um , but we really
09:34 underestimated when you're one on one with a student or
09:37 in this case for you know , one on four
09:40 . Um , you can just move so quickly .
09:42 And I think Maureen was pointing at that out to
09:45 that . You know , we don't need six hours
09:47 of school a day , especially at the at the
09:49 younger levels . Um , but when you have that
09:51 one on one personal attention , you can just I
09:53 mean , my son , who was in sixth grade
09:55 , was doing high school chemistry , and my husband
09:57 said , Don't tell him it's high school . He's
09:59 not going to want to do it . Um ,
10:02 so it's just been really , really great in that
10:04 sense . Um , another really cool thing about the
10:07 tracker is if they have an area that you're like
10:11 , Oh , they really need some extra practice on
10:12 this . You just you just change up the tracker
10:15 and you add it in there . Um , my
10:16 oldest has atrocious handwriting , and I can identify ,
10:21 because mine is probably worse . Um , but ,
10:24 you know , we wanted him to practice that .
10:26 So we added it to his tracker , and he
10:27 practiced handwriting every day . Um , you can see
10:30 we have some fun things on there , like chess
10:32 , um , and writing an email to someone just
10:35 to kind of get those life skills in there as
10:37 well . And in this at this time , we
10:40 were doing specials . So every Monday , they would
10:42 do computer programming , And , um , on Friday
10:45 they would watch an episode of Mythbusters to learn something
10:47 about science . And there's some , you know ,
10:49 you can think outside the box . And is that
10:52 school absolutely that school . And so this has been
10:55 a really cool way for us to just structure are
10:58 learning . Um , it's really a glorified spreadsheet .
11:01 So you can absolutely make this yourself . I have
11:04 a download if you , uh it's I don't remember
11:09 this , but family gap . Your guide . That's
11:11 my kind of my brand when I teach other families
11:14 how to travel full time Family gap year guide dot
11:17 com slash tracker And I'm sure we can send that
11:19 out later on as well , but that you can
11:22 get your own download . Um , so on the
11:25 next slide , just a few more quick tips to
11:28 kind of wrap up a few things like you saw
11:31 in the Tracker . If you front load your day
11:33 with the most important things , it's okay if you
11:36 don't get through everything on that list every day .
11:38 So if they read and they write and they do
11:40 some math like those are those are what we would
11:42 put at the top as as maybe the most important
11:45 things to get done . Then your everyday is a
11:47 success if you get through those things , especially if
11:51 the rest of the day is used for family time
11:54 or in our case , traveling and going out and
11:56 seeing the local area that we're living in at that
11:58 point in time . You know , however you can
12:00 use or learning the life skills you're cooking a meal
12:02 together . That's a successful day , and then um
12:06 , like I just said , looking for opportunities to
12:07 learn about your local culture and history . Even if
12:09 you don't travel wherever you happen to be , There's
12:12 lots of outdoor free activities that , um that ,
12:15 you know , I feel like we're the worst at
12:17 exploring our own neighborhood . So there's probably lots of
12:19 things out there that you're not even aware of .
12:22 Make it a game . So when my son was
12:24 starting to Harrison , my kindergartener when we started ,
12:28 he was still learning to read and working on sight
12:30 words . So we found this game online where you'd
12:33 make little circular pieces of paper and write the words
12:35 on them , and they were pancakes , and you
12:37 would hand him a spatula and had flipped him over
12:39 as he learned them . And all of a sudden
12:41 it was a game . And he was having fun
12:42 learning his words . Um , to the point of
12:45 you know , I have kids that are all at
12:46 all different levels . Have them teach one another .
12:49 Um , you know , while you're working with one
12:51 kid , have another one . I don't know how
12:54 many you have . I've got four . So you're
12:56 working with one ? Have one read a book to
12:58 the other . And then everybody's learning . Everybody's ,
13:01 um , you know , doing something to move forward
13:06 or help somebody else out . And then , lastly
13:08 , always be adapting . Like I said with our
13:10 school tracker , Um , we change that up any
13:13 time we need to . We we actually keep it
13:16 going through the summer just because we know if we
13:18 don't , our kids will just want to play Minecraft
13:20 for seven hours a day . So we do a
13:22 lighter schedule . This past summer , we added learning
13:25 patriotic songs and , um , Shakespeare quotes and learning
13:29 . You know , the preamble and things like that
13:31 that were a little bit different for are for summertime
13:35 . So , um , to wrap up our story
13:38 from the beginning if we want to look at the
13:39 next slide . Remember , Harry Harry missed out on
13:45 traditional kindergarten , but let's look at the next slide
13:49 , and I'm not going to read every single thing
13:54 . But the next slide shows a whole list of
13:58 all of the not all of the things some of
14:00 the things that we've done in the past two years
14:02 , and if you just kind of glance through that
14:04 , there's some really incredible things that are in there
14:06 . Um , and , you know , he missed
14:09 out on a desk with his name on it ,
14:10 but he got to see the pandas at the National
14:13 Zoo , and we saw a sea turtle being released
14:16 back into the ocean . And we did a sandcastle
14:19 building lesson on the beach and visited Independence Hall .
14:23 And all these really , really need experiences that that
14:26 he wouldn't have had in a traditional classroom . So
14:28 that's really cool . And he did one more thing
14:31 , and you'll see that on the next slide .
14:40 He graduated kindergarten . So even though we were sad
14:44 that he wasn't seen out on certain traditional things ,
14:47 you know , there was so much more to be
14:48 gained , and we got on Amazon . We ordered
14:51 him a cap and gown and darn it , we
14:53 had our own little family , um , celebration where
14:56 we gave him a diploma . And he gave a
14:59 little speech , and it was just adorable . So
15:01 I think it's safe to say that he didn't miss
15:03 out on anything . Um , so , yeah ,
15:05 just to wrap up when it comes down to it
15:07 , You know your child better than anybody else .
15:09 So you can be their best teacher . So whether
15:11 you're loving this time at home or struggling , Uh
15:15 , you know , just do your best to make
15:16 the best of the situation . And hopefully what we've
15:19 shared today has has helped out , so thank you
15:21 so much . Wow . Thank you . This I
15:25 got really inspiring . Amazing , uh , story .
15:31 Um , uh , so there's a couple of questions
15:34 . Do you stay in touch with their teachers at
15:38 school ? You know that there . And , um
15:42 , you know , you know where you were living
15:44 when the school that you were registered in , we
15:48 don't We officially pulled them out . We were in
15:50 Arizona , and Arizona has certain requirements Where basically ,
15:53 you just have to file an affidavit to say I'm
15:54 going to home school , which we did . So
15:56 they . And because we didn't plan on going back
15:59 to Arizona , we don't , um , like I
16:01 said , we want to move to the east Coast
16:03 . Um , it we didn't feel like we needed
16:05 to , so we just said Well , home school
16:06 for originally it was just a year now it's been
16:08 we're moving into our third year , and eventually ,
16:10 when we do , um , settle down , we'll
16:12 just sign them up , probably with their local school
16:15 district . So and and so I mean , you
16:19 and your husband are teachers , so you're familiar with
16:23 the traditional curriculums and such , Um , are you
16:28 structuring what you do with them related to to sort
16:34 of traditional regular school curriculum ? Or , um ,
16:40 you feel you feel comfortable ? It's more productive to
16:43 sort of go off on , you know , ways
16:45 that you feel are , you know , useful and
16:49 educational for them . I think it's a real good
16:51 mix of both . Um , certainly . We ,
16:54 um , use online courses where , for example ,
16:58 you know , someone might , um , Harrison would
17:00 have jumped on early on and done kindergarten math .
17:03 And now he's technically a second grader , and I
17:06 think he's in the fourth grade math . So we
17:09 are following what traditionally would be taught from grade to
17:11 grade . But like I said , we found out
17:13 that they can move so quickly that my daughter ,
17:17 who's in fourth this year , has finished ninth grade
17:20 , um , an English language English language arts course
17:23 online . And sometimes we actually have them go back
17:26 . Just because they're so far ahead were like Go
17:29 back to kindergarten . You know , my daughter is
17:30 in fourth , go back and do all the kindergarten
17:32 lessons . You know , maybe it's a math just
17:34 for that . Like , um , to solidify it
17:37 , you know , to make sure , you know
17:38 , you know all of these things , and and
17:39 it's fun for them because it's easy , you know
17:41 ? And then they work back up to where they
17:42 are . Um , so , yeah , there's a
17:44 lot of traditional learning in there , and and a
17:48 lot of fun , too . Yeah , that's ,
17:51 you know , fantastic . And , um , let
17:54 me just see other questions . Um , So one
17:57 question is , um can you work out socializing with
18:02 other kids ? Or do you do that in person
18:05 ? Do you do it virtually , Um , you
18:08 know , how does that , uh , how does
18:10 that work ? That's a great question . Um ,
18:12 I can't say we've done a whole lot intentionally .
18:16 There are four of them , so they , um
18:19 it's kind were always a party . You know ,
18:20 we joke sometimes the parties here because there's six of
18:22 us . Um , and like I said , sometimes
18:25 we stayed with family . So when we're in Arizona
18:28 , my we stay with my mother in law and
18:30 her , um , we have cousins right next door
18:33 , so they love seeing their cousins . And there
18:36 have been certain , um , Airbnb s where there
18:39 was one in Florida . We stayed at where the
18:41 owners owned the house . It was a house on
18:43 their property , so they were right there and they
18:45 had a couple of kids . And my goodness ,
18:47 our kids live with them every single day . They
18:49 were like , Are we done with school ? Are
18:50 we done with school ? Because we want to go
18:51 play with our friends ? Um , I happen to
18:53 have kids that are just ridiculously outgoing . So if
18:56 we take them to a playground , Yeah , you
18:58 know , 30 seconds later , they've each attached themselves
19:01 to a kid their age , and they've made a
19:02 friend , um , so we're lucky in that respect
19:05 . But there's definitely ways that you can meet up
19:08 with other parents . There's lots of Facebook groups out
19:10 there of other families that are traveling that will do
19:13 meet ups . Um , there's , you know ,
19:15 museums and science centers that will do home school ,
19:19 um , days where you can , you know ,
19:21 it's a special for home schoolers , and you can
19:23 meet other homeschoolers there . So there's a few ideas
19:26 . Do you feel a question ? Do you feel
19:29 that you that you can sort of see the direction
19:33 , the academic interests , the thought processes , the
19:37 interests in the world that your kids , um ,
19:41 are likely to follow , given that you work with
19:44 them so closely on on learning . So my oldest
19:49 , who just turned 12 wants to be a Disney
19:52 Imagineer . Um , he's very interested in , um
19:57 so , like the the intersection of engineering and computer
20:01 science and video games and theme parks . And we're
20:05 like , Well , we can see a very direct
20:06 group path . Rio . Um , so , yeah
20:10 , definitely . My daughter is more artistic . She
20:12 loves she loves to dance and sing . Um ,
20:15 and that's my well , actually both of us that
20:17 were performing arts T shirt so we can help out
20:20 with that for sure . Um , yeah . I
20:21 mean , there's no question if you're if you're there
20:23 working with your your child day in and day out
20:27 , you're definitely going to know them much better for
20:30 sure . Yeah . Fantastic . Well , you know
20:34 , I set the bar high for our three Panelists
20:38 at the beginning of this hour , and I can
20:41 say , um , with certainty that they all yeah
20:45 , comfortably cleared that bar . Um , these people
20:49 are experts . They're thoughtful . They gave us all
20:52 practical . Um , useful , constructive , relevant advice
20:58 for this time . Um , if , uh ,
21:01 does anyone want to unmute themselves and ask any other
21:06 questions ? You know , the slides will be available
21:10 . Um , the , you know , links to
21:12 their materials will be available . Um , the pictures
21:19 of Harry will be available . Such a cute picture
21:23 of , uh , Harry graduating . Um , so
21:27 anyone have anything they want to say ? Otherwise ,
21:30 uh , we can bring this program to a successful
21:36 conclusion , thanks to our , you know , terrific
21:39 speakers . All right , I think Hopes . Oops
21:46 . Oops . Wait a second . Is some other
21:49 chad things . Uh uh . So one person asked
21:59 , Do you have any ? This is for Megan
22:01 . Do you have any recommendation for trying to work
22:03 with Children who are reluctant to take direction from Mom
22:07 ? That is , Mom as a teacher ? A
22:11 really good question . Um , and actually , in
22:14 our situation , my husband actually does most of the
22:17 home schooling because I have a 8 to 5 job
22:22 . I think , honestly , a part of that
22:26 goes back . You know , even further to have
22:29 you established a relationship where there is a respect there
22:34 , and there's an understanding . Um , but yeah
22:40 , I mean that that that can be tricky .
22:42 Um , I think the more structured you can be
22:46 from day to day , you know , for example
22:49 , we have a morning routine , and they do
22:50 the same . They know we get up , we
22:53 shower , we have breakfast , we get started on
22:54 school . And that's just , um , non negotiable
22:57 every day . And so , you know , we
23:00 don't have to fight it every day . Um ,
23:02 I guess maybe fight it early on , and then
23:04 make sure those expectations are kind of lined up ,
23:07 and the more consistent you can be from day to
23:10 day , I think the less push back you'll see
23:14 , But everyone's everyone's different . And , uh ,
23:17 you know , that's true . Yeah . You know
23:19 , fantastic . Let me just ask Dr Miller .
23:22 I mean , in a in a sense , Megan
23:24 and her family are applying your tools . You know
23:29 , they're setting goals that creating structure . Um ,
23:32 they have , you know , they have accountability for
23:35 what they're doing . Um , you know , so
23:39 you know they have a version of your approach .
23:43 You think that's a fair way to characterize it ?
23:46 Yes , I do . And I wanted to piggyback
23:49 off for what Megan just said in response to the
23:52 question So , uh , most of my experiences in
23:57 again . Like I said , that potential population is
24:00 marginalized , underserved arena . So I've worked with parents
24:04 and still do now because my art colleges 100% virtual
24:08 Um um , where there's I'm going to say ,
24:13 a clash between the parent and the child because it's
24:16 evident and just being transparent as possible that the parent
24:20 does not have . I'm gonna say the content that
24:25 the grasp of the content that the child is learning
24:28 . So , for instance , middle school high school
24:30 , the child is learning . Don't really say algebra
24:32 two . And that parent in this urban arena might
24:36 have dropped out of school . So now the child
24:39 is saying , Well , you can't tell me ,
24:41 um , kind of how what to do So they
24:43 won't you know , necessarily want to listen . Um
24:46 , so what ? What we have suggested that have
24:50 seen and saw is that hold the goal setting piece
24:54 . Um , there's a part of that where the
24:57 parent and the child are talking conversating what Megan was
25:00 saying . The relationship is built together , and that
25:03 relationship has ownership on both sides . That's the beauty
25:07 of of the whole goal setting . It's not just
25:10 the child , the parent telling the child what's going
25:12 to happen or the child telling the parent . There's
25:15 a discussion and there's a you know , a contract
25:19 , whether it's , you know , uh , written
25:21 or it's , you know , just understood . Unspoken
25:24 . That contract now puts them both in charge They
25:27 both own . You know what is being measured ,
25:30 how it's being rewarded . And that's one of the
25:33 suggestions that I always make with parents . Start there
25:36 first , backtrack and have a conversation and and and
25:40 start to , you know , give up ownership and
25:42 and and add ownership and work on something together .
25:44 And I and I believe you'll see your child is
25:47 a little more , Um , I'm willing to comply
25:52 and work towards the goal because it's not just yours
25:54 . Stairs as well . Fantastic . And and ,
25:59 uh , Megan posted in Chat the link to a
26:05 Family gap year guide dot com , which is fantastic
26:11 . And , you know , and like I said
26:13 , we will get back to everybody with , you
26:16 know , slides and you know we're available any you
26:19 know , any other participants ? Any of the attendees
26:22 , you know , have any further questions . So
26:25 I want to thank everybody very , very much for
26:27 participating . You know , our Panelists , you're amazing
26:31 . Fantastic . And , um and I think you
26:34 give everybody reasons for optimism that they can manage this
26:39 process . And , uh , people need that ,
26:42 you know , not to descend into , uh ,
26:44 hopelessness about this . That's not going to get you
26:47 anywhere . So your you know , your great models
26:50 for us and great advice . So thank you all
26:53 . And thank you , everyone who's , uh ,
26:56 who attended and all of those who will attend When
27:00 you as you visit the , uh , you know
27:03 , Lou most side to watch the program ? Um
27:05 , a synchronously . So with that , Thank you
27:09 all . I'm gonna sign off . Thanks again .
27:12 Um and , uh , be well , be healthy
27:16 . Stay safe . Take care , everyone .



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