Managing Distance Learning Assessments and Student Performance Data - A Webinar for Educators - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Managing Distance Learning Assessments and Student Performance Data - A Webinar for Educators - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Managing Distance Learning Assessments and Student Performance Data - A Webinar for Educators - By Lumos Learning

00:0-1 Hello , everyone . Welcome , Thio , You saw
00:01 2021 be boldly unscripted virtual event were so excited to
00:06 host you next week and before we dio when we
00:09 wanted to make sure that you feel completely comfortable on
00:13 the conference platform . So today we're going to be
00:15 walking you through how to log in and how to
00:19 look through the agenda and join session day of So
00:22 first we'll talk about logging in . I want to
00:25 note that if you are a speaker , a moderator
00:29 , presenter of any kind , you will be logging
00:32 in through a different portal for your session on Lee
00:36 . So if you are joining in , you will
00:38 be going through your session portal which was sent to
00:40 your email and it should look something like this .
00:43 You would click in the session portal and you would
00:45 just click on the session that you are . You
00:48 are about to present in an intra virtual room .
00:51 This is on Lee . When you are presenting when
00:53 you are attending the conference along with any other attendees
00:56 , um , you will actually be going through the
00:59 conference website . The conference website is where you actually
01:03 registered for the event . So on the day of
01:07 you will come into here , you would click on
01:09 this person's the top person to the right . This
01:12 would say , Sign in once you click . Sign
01:15 in . It would look something like this If it
01:18 was your first time signing in , um , all
01:20 you would have to do is enter the emails that
01:22 you registered with and click send . Um , if
01:26 you did that , then it will just ask you
01:28 to confirm that it's you , and then it will
01:30 open up the agenda for you . Otherwise , you
01:34 could put in your email and then your ticket number
01:37 . Now , if you don't have your ticket number
01:39 , it would look something like this , and it
01:41 was sent to your email after you registered . You
01:45 can look up registrations at visible dot com . Um
01:48 , and you can look through here . You can
01:51 either complete your sign up to get logged in ,
01:53 or you could get your registration number right here ,
01:57 and then you could just put that registration number right
02:00 into here and then log in . Once you do
02:02 that , the whole session will be open for you
02:06 . Once you're logged in , you can go into
02:09 agenda , and we would suggest that you start to
02:12 log in now , just to make sure that the
02:14 log in works , the registration works and everything like
02:17 that , letting us know if there's any issues at
02:19 all , you can start to look through the agenda
02:22 here . Morning sessions are more content based . Keynote
02:26 speakers . Presenters afternoon is more collaboration and networking .
02:31 If you go through the if you go through the
02:34 agenda , you can actually star different sessions that you
02:38 think you might like . And then my interest right
02:41 here will show all the stars um , all the
02:44 star concessions that you might like to go Thio here
02:47 , All organized . Now , if you know you
02:49 want to go to a specific session and you just
02:51 want to register for it , uh , you can
02:53 just click here added to calendar once you added to
02:56 calendar , Um , you just click on my registered
03:00 sessions and they will have it all here for you
03:03 for the day of now . The day of the
03:06 conference , Um , you The sessions will actually look
03:10 live if they are live . So this is what
03:12 it would look like if the session is actually going
03:14 on at the time . You are not able to
03:16 join the session until two minutes before the actual session
03:19 time . So once that that time is on ,
03:22 you can actually join , click on , join now
03:25 , joined the session , and then , um ,
03:31 go in here and you'll be able to check out
03:33 the session . Make sure that you are muted if
03:36 this is a muted . But if your video camera
03:38 is working , then you can use that . We
03:43 also suggest that on Monday January Force , we are
03:46 actually going to be holding a session called How to
03:49 Prepare for your unscripted experience at You Saw 2021 .
03:53 And there you'll be able to hear more ways that
03:56 you can take advantage of the conference and really get
03:58 the value the most value out of it . So
04:02 we hope that this conference video was very helpful for
04:05 you . We do want to note that the conference
04:07 is only gonna be played on desktop and desktop laptop
04:12 , but not on the phone . So thank you
04:15 so much , and we look forward to seeing you
04:16 next week



Managing Distance Learning Assessments and Student Performance Data - A Webinar for Educators is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.

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