Revision and Editing - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Revision and Editing - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Revision and Editing - By GC Writing center

00:04 what are revision and editing ? If you think they
00:07 have something to do with fixing your paper , you'd
00:09 be correct . Revision and editing our steps in the
00:13 writing process that address the what , where , why
00:16 and how of fixing an essay . Good revision and
00:18 editing can transform a mediocre first draft into an excellent
00:22 final paper . So how is revision different from editing
00:28 ? Well , revision is more concerned with content and
00:31 organization , whereas the focus of editing is on style
00:35 and grammar revision deals with the paper as a whole
00:38 . Considering strengths and weaknesses , Arguments , focus and
00:42 support . Editing occurs on a sentence level addressing problems
00:47 with spelling , grammar , punctuation or word choice .
00:52 Now , how do we accomplish good revision ? It's
00:55 helpful to keep a check list of important areas in
00:58 your paper to revise . Here's some prompts to include
01:01 on a checklist . Check the focus of the paper
01:04 . Is it appropriate to the assignment ? Do you
01:06 stay on track through the entire paper ? Think about
01:10 your thesis . Do you still agree with it ?
01:12 Should it be modified in light of something you discovered
01:15 as you wrote the paper ? Does it make a
01:17 sophisticated , provocative point , or does it just say
01:21 what anyone else would say if given the same topic
01:24 . Think about your purpose in writing . Does your
01:27 introduction state clearly what you intend to do ? Will
01:30 your aims be clear to your readers ? Examined the
01:34 balance within your paper . Are some parts out of
01:37 proportion with others ? Do you spend too much time
01:40 on one trivial points and neglect ? Um , or
01:42 important point . Check the organization . Does your paper
01:46 follow a pattern that makes sense ? Do the transitions
01:49 move your readers smoothly from one point to the next
01:53 ? Do the topic sentences of each paragraph . Introduce
01:56 what that paragraph is about . Check your conclusion .
02:01 Does the last paragraph tie the paper together smoothly and
02:04 point back to the thesis ? Are you adding any
02:06 new material in the conclusion ? Ah , place where
02:09 new material doesn't really belong ? Does the paper end
02:12 on a stimulating note ? Or does the paper just
02:15 die a slow , redundant , lame or abrupt death
02:20 ? Think of revision as a building process . Look
02:23 at this picture of a house under construction . Much
02:26 work must be done for this house in progress to
02:28 become a finished product , and the same is true
02:31 of the papers . You right now , how about
02:34 editing like revision ? It's helpful to use a checklist
02:38 to make sure you address all areas of grammar and
02:41 mechanics that may need improvement . The following questions would
02:45 be helpful on such a checklist . Is each sentence
02:49 clear and complete ? Can any short , choppy sentences
02:53 be improved by combining them ? Can any wordy since
02:57 be made mawr concise or clear ? Can any run
03:00 on sentences be corrected by breaking them apart or combining
03:04 them ? Are there any sentence fragments that need to
03:07 be made into complete sentences ? Does each verb agree
03:11 with its subject ? Is each word spelt correctly ?
03:15 Do your pronouns and antioxidants agree ? Is all punctuation
03:19 used correctly in keeping with our house analogy ? If
03:24 revision is like building the house , then editing is
03:27 like giving it a fresh coat of paint . The
03:29 house can stand without it , but redecorating with a
03:32 new color can really make it a total package .
03:36 In conclusion , I'd like to leave you with some
03:38 valuable tips . As you embark on your revision and
03:41 editing journey . Try not to overwhelm yourself by tackling
03:45 all areas at once . Focus on two or three
03:48 areas at a time . Read your paper numerous times
03:51 at different times . Wait a while before re reading
03:55 and each time focus on a different area of revision
03:58 or editing . Read your paper slowly and out loud
04:02 . Many times we read what we want to see
04:05 on the paper , but not what is actually written
04:08 on the paper . Enlist appear or a friend or
04:11 the writing center to help you with your revision and
04:14 editing process . Read the paper to an audience and
04:17 be receptive to feedback . Read and learn . The
04:21 more you read , the more you learn about writing
04:24 . The more you learn about writing , the better
04:26 you'll be at revision and editing .


What are the differences between revision and editing?


Revision and Editing is a free educational video by GC Writing center.It helps students in grades 2 practice the following standards W.2.5.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Revision and Editing but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. W.2.5 : With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.





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