Twelve Years a Slave

Twelve Years a Slave

- By Solomon Northup
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Free-born African American kidnapped by slave-traders Solomon NorthupEngraving from his autobiographyBornSolomon Northup[a]July 10, c. 1807–1808Minerva, New York, U.S.Diedc. Between 1863 and 1875 (aged 55–68)OccupationsAuthorabolitionistraftsmanfiddlerlaborercarpenterKnown forWriting Twelve Years a SlaveSignature Solomon Northup (born July 10, c. 1807–1808; died c. 1864) was an American abolitionist and the primary author of the memoir Twelve Years a Slave. A free-born African American from New York, he was the son of a freed slave and a free woman of color. A farmer and a professional violinist, Northup had been a landowner in Washington County, New York. In 1841, he was offered a traveling musician's job and went to Washington, D.C. (where slavery was legal); there he was drugged and kidnapped into slavery. He was shipped to New Orleans, purchased by a planter, and held as a slave for 12 years in the Red River region of Louisiana, mostly in Avoyelles Parish. He remained a slave until he met Samuel Bass, a Canadian working on his plantation who helped get word to New York, where state law provided aid to free New York citizens who had been kidnapped and sold into slavery. His family and friends enlisted the aid of the Governor of New York, Washington Hunt, and Northup regained his freedom on January 3, 1853.[1] The slave trader in Washington, D.C., James H. Birch, was arrested and tried, but acquitted because District of Columbia law at the time prohibited Northup as a black man from testifying against white people. Later, in New York State, his northern kidnappers were located and charged, but the case was tied up in court for two years because of jurisdictional challenges and finally dropped when Washington, D.C. was found to have jurisdiction. The D.C. government did not pursue the case. Those who had kidnapped and enslaved Northup received no punishment. In his first year of freedom, Northup wrote and published a memoir, Twelve Years a Slave (1853). He lectured on behalf of the abolitionist movement, giving more than two dozen speeches throughout the Northeast about his experiences, to build momentum against slavery. He largely disappeared from the historical record after 1857, although a letter later reported him alive in early 1863;[2] some commentators thought he had been kidnapped again, but historians believe it unlikely, as he would have been considered too old to bring a good price.[3] The details of his death have never been documented.[4] Northup's memoir was adapted and produced as the 1984 television film Solomon Northup's Odyssey and the 2013 feature film 12 Years a Slave. The latter won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture, at the 86th Academy Awards. Early life[edit] Part of a series onForced labour and slavery Contemporary Child Labour Child soldiers Conscription Debt Forced marriage Bride buying Child marriage Wife selling Forced prostitution Human trafficking Peonage Penal labour Contemporary Africa 21st-century jihadism Sexual slavery Wage slavery Historical Antiquity Egypt Babylonia Greece Rome Medieval Europe Ancillae Black Sea slave trade Byzantine Empire Kholop Prague slave trade Serfs History In Russia Emancipation Thrall Genoese slave trade Venetian slave trade Balkan slave trade Muslim world Slavery in the Abbasid Caliphate Slavery in al-Andalus ‎ Baqt Contract of manumission Bukhara slave trade Crimean slave trade Khazar slave trade Khivan slave trade Ottoman Empire Avret Pazarları Barbary Coast slave trade pirates Sack of Baltimore Slave raid of Suðuroy Turkish Abductions Concubinage history Ma malakat aymanukum Avret Pazarları Harem Abbasid harem Ottoman Imperial Harem Safavid imperial harem Qajar harem Jarya/Cariye Odalisque Qiyan Umm al-walad Circassian slave trade Saqaliba Slavery in the Rashidun Caliphate Slavery in the Umayyad Caliphate Slavery in the Abbasid Caliphate Volga Bulgarian slave trade 21st century Atlantic slave trade Bristol Brazil Database Dutch Middle Passage Nantes New France Panyarring Spanish Empire Slave Coast Thirteen colonies Topics and practice Conscription Ghilman Mamluk Devshirme Blackbirding Coolie Corvée labour Field slaves in the United States Treatment House slaves Saqaliba Slave market Slave raiding Child soldiers White slavery Naval Galley slave Impressment Pirates Shanghaiing Slave ship By country or region Sub-Saharan Africa Contemporary Africa Trans-Saharan slave trade Red Sea slave trade Indian Ocean slave trade Zanzibar slave trade Angola Chad Comoros Ethiopia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Seychelles Somalia Somali slave trade South Africa Sudan Zanzibar North and South America Pre-Columbian America Aztec Americas indigenous U.S. Natives United States Field slaves female Contemporary maps partus prison labour Slave codes Treatment interregional Human trafficking The Bahamas Canada Caribbean Barbados British Virgin Islands Trinidad Code Noir Latin America Brazil Lei Áurea Colombia Cuba Haiti revolt Restavek (Encomienda) Puerto Rico East, Southeast, and South Asia Human trafficking in Southeast Asia Bhutan Brunei China Booi Aha Laogai penal system India Debt bondage Chukri System Indonesia Japan comfort women Korea Kwalliso Malaysia Maldives Slavery in the Mongol Empire Thailand Yankee princess Vietnam Australia and Oceania Australia Human trafficking Blackbirding Slave raiding in Easter Island Human trafficking in Papua New Guinea Blackbirding in Polynesia Europe and North Asia Sex trafficking in Europe United Kingdom Penal Labour Slavery Denmark Dutch Republic Germany in World War II Malta Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Spain Sweden North Africa and West Asia Afghanistan Algeria Bahrain Egypt Human trafficking in the Middle East Iran Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya Morocco Oman Palestine Saudi Arabia Syria Tunisia Qatar Yemen United Arab Emirates Religion Bible Christianity Catholicism Mormonism Islam Judaism Baháʼí Faith Opposition and resistance Abolitionism U.K. U.S. Brussels Anti-Slavery Conference 1889–90 Temporary Slavery Commission 1926 Slavery Convention Committee of Experts on Slavery Advisory Committee of Experts on Slavery Ad Hoc Committee on Slavery Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery Abolitionists Anglo-Egyptian Slave Trade Convention Anti-Slavery International Blockade of Africa U.K. U.S. Colonization Liberia Sierra Leone Compensated emancipation Freedman Manumission Freedom suit Slave Power Underground Railroad songs Slave rebellion Slave Trade Acts International law Third Servile War 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution Timeline of abolition of slavery and serfdom Abolition of slave trade in Persian gulf [fa] Related Common law Indentured servitude Forced labour Fugitive slaves laws convention Great Dismal Swamp maroons List of slaves owners last survivors of American slavery List of slavery-related memorials and museums Slave marriages in the United States Slave narrative films songs Slave name Slave catcher Slave patrol Slave Route Project breeding court cases Washington Jefferson J.Q. Adams Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation 40 acres Freedmen's Bureau Iron bit Emancipation Day vte Solomon Northup was born in the town of Minerva in Essex County, New York on July 10, 1807[5] or July 10, 1808.[6][7][b] His mother was a free woman of color, which meant that her sons, Solomon and his older brother Joseph, were born free according to the principle of partus sequitur ventrem.[8][9][c] Solomon described his mother as a quadroon, meaning that she was one-quarter African, and three-quarters European.[10] His father Mintus was a freedman who had been a slave in his early life in service to the Northup family. Born in Rhode Island, he was taken with the Northups when they moved to Hoosick, New York, in Rensselaer County. His master, Henry Northrop, manumitted Mintus in his will,[11][12][13] after which Mintus adopted the surname Northup. His surname was sometimes spelled Northrup in records.[a] Upon attaining his freedom, Mintus married and he moved to Minerva with his wife.[14] According to Northup, his father was "a man respected for his industry and integrity". A farmer, Mintus was successful enough to own land and thus meet the state's property requirements for the right to vote.[9][13][d] His sons received what was considered to be a good education for free black people at that time.[9][16] As boys, Northup and his brother worked on the family farm.[5][13] He spent his leisure time playing the violin and reading books.[17] Old Fort House is a historic house located in the town of Fort Edward, New York. The house, the oldest house in Washington County, New York, is operated as a local history museum. Solomon Northup lived in Fort Edward as a child, he was married there, and he started his family in the town. Mintus moved his family to Washington County, New York and worked on several farms owned by the Northups. From Minerva, they moved to the farm of Clark Northup near Slyborough (Slyboro) in Granville, Washington County for several years.[9][e] The family of four then lived at Alden Farm, a short distance north of Sandy Hill (now called Hudson Falls). They later moved to an area east of Fort Edward on the road from Fort Edward to Argyle, where Mintus lived until his death.[9][14] Mintus died at Fort Edward on November 22, 1829,[9][13] and was interred at the Hudson Falls Baker Cemetery.[19] His mother died during Northup's enslavement (1841 to 1852).[9][20] According to her daughter-in-law Anne and Nicholas C. Northup, she died around 1846 or 1847 in Oswego County, New York.[21][f] Marriage and family[edit] Solomon Northup married Anne Hampton on December 25, 1829, one month after the death of his father,[13][14][22] or on November 22, 1829, according to sworn depositions by Anne Northup, Josiah Hand, and Timothy Eddy, the latter of whom was the Justice of the Peace who performed the wedding.[23][24] They were married in Fort Edward. Anne, the daughter of William Hampton,[25] was born March 14, 1808.[26][g] She grew up in Sandy Hill.[25] A "woman of color", she was of African, European, and Native American descent.[5][10] They had three children: Elizabeth (born c. 1831), Margaret (born c. 1833), and Alonzo (born c. 1835).[14][27] At the start of their marriage, the couple lived at Fort House, "the old yellow house", in the southern end of Fort Edward. In 1830, they moved to Kingsbury,[28][29] both of which were small communities in Washington County, New York.[14] After selling their farm in 1834, the Northups moved 20 miles to Saratoga Springs, New York,[30] for its employment opportunities.[5][13] Anne was known for her culinary expertise. She worked for local taverns that served food and drink,[13] and at the United States Hotel. When court was in session at the county seat of Fort Edward, she worked at Sherrill's Coffee House in Sandy Hill.[31] After Northup was kidnapped, Anne and her oldest daughter Elizabeth went to work as domestic servants in New York City at Madame Jumel's Mansion on the East River in the summer of 1841. Alonzo was with them. Margaret, their youngest daughter went to Hoboken, New Jersey to live with a friend of Madame Jumel, who also had a young daughter.[25] After about two years, Anne brought the family back together in Saratoga, where she worked as a cook in hotels,[25] including in Glens Falls at Carpenter's Hotel. In 1852, she learned of her husband's fate and asked for Henry B. Northup's help to have him freed. A letter was prepared to the Governor of New York, Washington Hunt, based upon a deposition given by Anne Northup to Justice of the Peace Charles Hughes on November 19, 1852. He gathered the information to prove that Northup was free and went to Louisiana to bring him back to New York.[14][32] Solomon Northup returning home to his family, Twelve Years a Slave (1853), engraved by Nathaniel Orr, published by Frederick M. Coffin Northup returned to Sandy Hill on January 21, 1853, and reunited with his wife and children.[14] By 1855, he was living with his daughter Margaret Stanton and her family in Queensbury, Warren County, New York.[33] He purchased land in Glens Falls near his daughter.[14] In his memoir, Northup described his love for his wife as "sincere and unabated", since the time of their marriage, and his children as "beloved".[34] While Northup gave talks about his book around the country, Anne worked in Bolton Landing on Lake George at the hotel Mohican House.[25] Author David Fiske states that Northup seems to have had a difficult time overcoming the years in which he was enslaved. He was said to have drunk a lot and did not seem to spend a lot of time with his wife.[25] By the late 1850s, it was not known what had become of Northup,[4] and he was not listed with his family in the 1860 census.[35] After selling their land in Glens Falls, Anne Northup moved to the household of her daughter and son-in-law, Margaret and Philip Stanton, in Moreau, Saratoga County, where she again was recorded as married though Solomon was not with the family.[36] Anne did laundry, cooking and chores for a Moreau man.[25] In 1870, she worked as a cook in the household of Burton C. Dennis,[37] who kept the Middleworth House hotel in Sandy Hill.[38][h] Anne Northup lived in Kingsbury in Washington County, New York in 1875. By that time she was identified as a widow.[40] She died in 1876 while performing her chores in Moreau.[25] One obituary, while praising Anne, says of Solomon Northup that "after exhibiting himself through the country [he] became a worthless vagabond".[41] Life[edit] Canal worker, farmer, and violin player[edit] In the winter of the year that he married, Northup worked as a laborer repairing the Champlain Canal. He then bought two horses and contracted to tow lumber on rafts to Troy from Lake Champlain beginning the following spring. He employed two workers.[14][42] He worked on other waterways in upstate New York[5] and he traveled to northern New York and Montreal, Canada. When the canal was closed down, he cut lumber during the winter of 1831–1832.[43] He worked as a farm laborer in the Sandy Hill area.[5] He arranged to farm corn and oats on part of the Alden farm where his father lived in Kingsbury.[44] He built a fine reputation as a fiddler and was in high demand to play for dances in surrounding villages.[13][45] The couple had become prosperous due to the income Anne received as a cook and that Northup made farming and playing the violin.[45] The couple moved to Saratoga Springs in March 1834, where he drove a horse-drawn taxi for a businessman, and during the tourist season he worked for the United States Hotel,[14][45][46] where he was employed by Judge James M. Marvin, a part-owner of the hotel.[14][47] He played his violin at several well-known hotels in Saratoga Springs.[48][49] He also worked on the construction of the Troy and Saratoga Railroad.[14][50] He had become a regular customer and friend of William Perry and Cephus Parker, who owned several shops in town. Over the seven years that the Northups lived in Saratoga Springs, they had been able to make ends meet and dress their children in fine clothes, but they had been unable to prosper as hoped.[51] In March 1841, Anne went 20 miles to Sandy Hill where she ran the kitchen at Sherrill's Coffee House during the session of the court. She may have taken their oldest daughter Elizabeth with her. Their two youngest children went to stay with their aunt. Northup stayed in Saratoga Springs to look for employment until the tourist season.[52] Kidnapped and sold into slavery[edit] In 1841, at age 32, Northup met two men, who introduced themselves as Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton. Saying they were entertainers, members of a circus company, they offered him a job as a fiddler for several performances in New York City.[5][13] Expecting the trip to be brief, Northup did not notify Anne, who was working in Sandy Hill.[53] When they reached New York City, the men persuaded Northup to continue with them for a gig with their circus in Washington, D.C., offering him a generous wage and the cost of his return trip home. They stopped so that he could get a copy of his "free papers", which documented his status as a free man.[13] The city had one of the nation's largest slave markets, and slave catchers were not above kidnapping free black people.[54] At this time, 20 years before the Civil War, the expansion of cotton cultivation in the Deep South had led to a continuing high demand for healthy slaves. Kidnappers used a variety of means, from forced abduction to deceit, and frequently abducted children, who were easier to control.[55] It is possible that "Brown" and "Hamilton" incapacitated Northup – his symptoms suggest that he was drugged with belladonna or laudanum, or with a mixture of both[20] – and sold him to Washington slave trader James H. Birch[i] for $650, claiming that he was a fugitive slave.[13][27] However, Northup stated in his account of the ordeal in Twelve Years a Slave in Chapter II, "[w]hether they were accessory to my misfortunes – subtle and inhuman monsters in the shape of men – designedly luring me away from home and family, and liberty, for the sake of gold – those who read these pages will have the same means of determining as myself." Birch and Ebenezer Radburn, his jailer, severely beat Northup to stop him from saying he was a free man. Birch then wrongfully presented Northup as a slave from Georgia.[56] Northup was held in the Yellow House, the slave pen of trader William Williams, close to the United States Capitol.[27] Birch shipped Northup and other slaves by sea to New Orleans, in what was called the coastwise slave trade, where Birch's partner Theophilus Freeman would sell them.[5][13] During the voyage, Northup and the other slaves caught smallpox.[27] Northup persuaded John Manning, an English sailor, to send to Henry B. Northup, upon reaching New Orleans, a letter that told of his kidnapping and illegal enslavement.[57][j] Henry was a lawyer, a relative of Henry Northrop who had held and freed Solomon's father,[11] and a childhood friend of Solomon's.[59][60][61] The letter was delivered to Governor Seward by Henry, but it was not actionable because Northup's location was unknown.[62] The New York State Legislature had passed a law in 1840 that made it illegal to entice or kidnap an African-American out of New York and sell them into slavery.[14] It provided legal and financial assistance to aid the recovery of any who were kidnapped and taken out of state and illegally enslaved.[55] Record of sale from Theophilus Freeman to William Prince Ford of enslaved Harry, Platt (Solomon Northup) and Dradey (Eliza), June 23, 1841.[63] At the New Orleans slave market, Birch's partner Theophilus Freeman sold Northup (who had been renamed Platt) along with two other individuals, Harry and Eliza (renamed Dradey)[64] to William Prince Ford, a preacher who engaged in small farming on Bayou Boeuf of the Red River in northern Louisiana.[5][13] Ford was then a Baptist preacher. (In 1843, he led his congregation in converting to the closely related Churches of Christ, after they were influenced by the writings of Alexander Campbell.) In his memoir, Northup characterized Ford as a good man, considerate of his slaves. In spite of his situation, Northup wrote: In my opinion, there never was a more kind, noble, candid, Christian man than William Ford. The influences and associations that had always surrounded him, blinded him to the inherent wrong at the bottom of the system of Slavery.[13] At Ford's place in Pine Woods, Northup assessed the problem of getting timber off Ford's farm to market. He proposed and then made a log raft to move lumber down the narrow Indian Creek, in order to transport the logs more easily.[65] Northup built weaving looms, so that fabric could be woven for clothing.[66] Ford came into financial difficulties and had to sell 18 slaves to settle his debts.[67] In the winter of 1842, Ford sold Northup to John M. Tibaut,[13][k] a carpenter who had been working for Ford on the mills. He also had helped construct a weaving house and corn mill on Ford's Bayou Boeuf plantation. Ford owed Tibaut money for the work. Since the amount Ford owed Tibaut was less than the purchase price agreed upon for Northup, Ford held a chattel mortgage on Northup for $400, the difference between the two amounts.[67] "Chapin rescues Solomon from hanging", illustration from Twelve Years A Slave (1853) Under Tibaut, Northup suffered cruel and capricious treatment. Tibaut used him to help complete construction at Ford's plantation. At one point, Tibaut whipped Northup because he did not like the nails Northup was using. But Northup fought back, beating Tibaut severely. Enraged, Tibaut recruited two friends to lynch and hang the slave, which a master was legally entitled to do. Ford's overseer Chapin interrupted and prevented the men from killing Northup, reminding Tibaut of his debt to Ford, and chasing them off at gunpoint. Northup was left bound and noosed for hours until Ford returned home to cut him down.[68] Northup believed that Tibaut's debt to Ford saved his life. Historian Walter Johnson suggests that Northup may well have been the first slave Tibaut ever bought, marking his transition from itinerant employee to property-owning master.[69] Tibaut hired Northup out to a planter named Eldret, who lived about 38 miles south on the Red River. At what he called "The Big Cane Brake", Eldret had Northup and other slaves clear cane, trees, and undergrowth in the bottomlands in order to develop cotton fields for cultivation.[27][70] With the work unfinished, after about five weeks, Tibaut sold Northup to Edwin Epps.[71] Restored Edwin Epps House, a plantation house. Now located on the Louisiana State University of Alexandria campus Epps held Northup for almost 10 years, until 1853, in Avoyelles Parish. He was a cruel master who frequently and indiscriminately punished slaves and drove them hard. His policy was to whip slaves if they did not meet daily work quotas he set for pounds of cotton to be picked, among other goals.[72] In 1852, itinerant Canadian carpenter Samuel Bass came to do some work for Epps. Hearing Bass express his abolitionist views, Northup eventually decided to confide his secret to him. Bass was the first person he told of his true name and origins as a free man since he was first enslaved.[73] Along with mailing a letter written by Northup, Bass wrote several letters at his request to Northup's friends, providing general details of his location at Bayou Boeuf, in hopes of gaining his rescue.[74] Bass did this at great personal risk as the local people would not take kindly to a person helping a slave and depriving a man of his property. In addition, Bass's help came after passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which increased federal penalties against people assisting slaves to escape.[75] Restoration of freedom[edit] Bass wrote several letters to people Northup knew in Saratoga Springs: one went to his former employer Judge James M. Marvin[14] and another reached Cephas Parker and William Perry, storekeepers in Saratoga. Parker and Perry forwarded the letter to Northup's wife, Anne, who contacted attorney Henry B. Northup, the son of Solomon's father's former master. Henry B. Northup contacted New York Governor Washington Hunt, who took up the case, appointing the attorney general as his legal agent. In 1840, the New York State Legislature had passed a law committing the state to help any African American residents kidnapped into slavery, as well as guaranteeing a jury trial to alleged fugitive slaves. Once Northup's family was notified, his rescuers still had to do detective work to find the enslaved man, as he had partially tried to hide his location for protection in case the letters fell into the wrong hands, and Bass had not used his real name. They had to find documentation of his free status as a citizen and New York resident; Henry B. Northup also collected sworn affidavits from people who knew Solomon Northup. During this time, Northup did not know if Bass had reached anyone with the letters. There was no means of communicating, because of the secrecy they needed to maintain, and the necessity of preventing Northup's owner from knowing their plans.[13][49] Bass did not reveal his own name in the letter.[76][l] Henry gathered documentation and depositions and stopped off in Washington, D.C. to meet with Pierre Soule, a legislator from Louisiana, and the Secretary of War in preparation for his rescue effort in Louisiana.[14] Although he did not have Bass's name, Henry still managed to find him in Marksville (the postmark on the letters), and Bass revealed that Solomon Northup was held by Edwin Epps on his plantation. Henry had legal paperwork prepared based upon the documentation that proved that Northup was free.[76][14] The sheriff went with Henry to give the news to Epps and take Northup off the farm.[77] Northup later wrote, "He [Epps] thought of nothing but his loss, and cursed me for having been born free."[13][78] Attorney Henry B. Northup convinced Epps that it would be futile to contest the free papers in a court of law, so the planter conceded the case. He signed papers giving up all claim to Northup. Finally on January 4, 1853, four months after meeting Bass, Northup regained his freedom.[27][79] Twelve Years a Slave[edit] "Scene of the Slave Pen in Washington" after imploring that he was a free man, an illustration from Twelve Years A Slave (1853) After he made it back to New York, Solomon Northup wrote and published his memoir, Twelve Years a Slave (1853). The book was written in three months with the help of David Wilson, a local lawyer and writer.[3] Northup told the story of his kidnapping and enslavement with many verifiable details. Northup told the cruelty, treatment as chattel, and the appreciated acts of kindnesses that he received. "Its tone is much milder than we expected to see exhibited," according to the Rome Citizen of New York.[80] The detail that he provided helped illuminate the depth of his experiences, and allowed for verification of what life was like on a plantation. Sue Eakin and Joseph Logsdon researched the facts from Northup's book and were able to verify many of the events and people and published their annotated version of the book in 1968. Edwin Epps, his slaveholder, stated that a greater part of the book was the truth to soldiers from the 114th New York Infantry Regiment that Epps met during the Civil War. Northup was literate and provided the facts without hyperbole in "plain and candid language", while Wilson corrected style, grammar, and inconsistencies.[80] It was published by Derby & Miller of Auburn, New York.[81][14] In the period when questions of slavery generated debate and the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe was a bestseller, Northup's book sold 30,000 copies within three years, also becoming a bestseller.[3] Northup traveled and went on a lecture tour in Northeastern states to tell his story and sell books. The book became the backbone of other books about him, such as Solomon Northup: The Complete Story of the Author of Twelve Years a Slave.[80] Court cases[edit] "The Avoyelles Slave Case", The Times-Picayune, February 6, 1853 Northup was one of the few kidnapped free black people to regain freedom after being sold into slavery. Represented by attorneys Senator Salmon P. Chase of Ohio, General Orville Clark, and Henry B. Northup, Solomon Northup sued Birch and other men involved in selling him into slavery in Washington, DC.[1][3] The historian Carol Wilson documented 300 kidnapping cases in her 1994 book, and believes that it is likely that thousands more were kidnapped who were never documented.[82] As Solomon Northup and Henry Northup made their way back to New York, they first stopped in Washington DC to file a legal complaint with the police magistrate against James H. Birch, the man who had first enslaved him. Birch was immediately arrested and tried on criminal charges. However, Northup was unable to testify at the trial due to laws in Washington DC against black men testifying in court. Birch and several others who were also in the slave trade testified that Northup had approached them, saying he was a slave from Georgia and was for sale. No note of his purchase was made in Birch's accounting ledger, however. The prosecution consisted of Henry B. Northup and another white man asserting that they had known Northup for many years, and he was born and lived a free man in New York until his abduction. With no one legally able to testify against Birch's tale, Birch was found not guilty. However, the sensational case immediately attracted national attention, and The New York Times published an article about the trial on January 20, 1853, just days after its conclusion and only two weeks after Northup's rescue.[1] The New York trial opened on October 4, 1854. Both Northup and St. John testified against the two men. The case brought widespread illegal practices in the domestic slave trade to light. Through testimony during the court case, various details of Northup's account of his experience were confirmed.[13] The respective counsels argued over whether the crime had been committed in New York (where Northup could testify), or in Washington, DC, outside the jurisdiction of New York courts.[13] After more than two years of appeals, a new district attorney in New York failed to continue with the case, and it was dropped in May 1857.[5] Last years[edit] Northup worked again as a carpenter after he moved back to New York. He became active in the abolitionist movement and lectured on slavery in the years before the American Civil War.[5][14][83] In the summer of 1857 he travelled to Canada to deliver a series of lectures, however in Streetsville, Ontario a hostile crowd prevented him from speaking.[84] After 1857, he was not living with family[h] and there was speculation by family, friends, and others that he was enslaved again.[3][85][86][87] The 21st-century historians Clifford Brown and Carol Wilson believe it is likely that he died of natural causes,[3] because he was too old to be of interest to slave catchers.[4] According to John R. Smith, in letters written in the 1930s, his father Rev. John L. Smith, a Methodist minister in Vermont, had worked with Northup and former slave Tabbs Gross in the early 1860s, during the Civil War, aiding fugitive slaves on the Underground Railroad.[2] Northup was said to have visited Rev. Smith after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which was made in January 1863.[2] There is no contemporaneous documentation of his death.[4][88] It is believed by historians that he died in 1863 or 1864.[2][5][14][89] Historiography[edit] Although the memoir is often classified among the genre of slave narratives, the scholar Sam Worley says that it does not fit the standard format of the genre. Northup was assisted in the writing by David Wilson, a white man, and, according to Worley, some believed he would have biased the material. Worley discounted concerns that Wilson was pursuing his own interests in the book. He writes of the memoir: Twelve Years is convincingly Northup's tale and no one else's because of its amazing attention to empirical detail and unwillingness to reduce the complexity of Northup's experience to a stark moral allegory.[49] Northup's biographer, David Fiske, has investigated Northup's role in the book's writing and asserts authenticity of authorship.[80] Northup's full and descriptive account has been used by numerous historians researching slavery. His description of the "Yellow House" (also known as "The Williams Slave Pen"), in view of the Capitol, has helped researchers document the history of slavery in the District of Columbia.[m] Influence among scholars[edit] Ulrich B. Phillips, in his Life and Labor in the Old South (Boston, 1929) and American Negro Slavery (New York, 1918), doubted the "authenticity" of most narratives of ex-slaves but termed Northup's memoir "a vivid account of plantation life from the under side".[90] The scholar Kenneth M. Stampp often referred to Northup's memoir in his book on slavery, The Peculiar Institution (New York, 1956).[91][92] Stanley Elkins in his book, Slavery (Chicago, 1959), like Phillips and Stampp, found Northup's memoir to be of credible historical merit. Since the mid-20th century, the civil rights movement, and an increase in works of social history and in African American studies, have brought renewed interest in Northup's memoir.[93] The first scholarly edition of the memoir was published in 1968.[94] Co-edited by professors Sue Eakin and Joseph Logsdon, this well-annotated LSU Press publication has been used in classrooms and by scholars since that time and is still in print.[93][95] In 1998, a team of students at Union College in Schenectady, New York, with their political science professor Clifford Brown, documented Northup's historic narrative. "They gathered photographs, family trees, bills of sale, maps and hospital records on a trail through New York, Washington [DC] and Louisiana."[3] Their exhibit of this material was held at the college's Nott Memorial building.[3] In his book Black Men Built the Capitol (2007), Jesse Holland notes his use of Northup's account.[96][n] Legacy and honors[edit] In 1999, Saratoga Springs erected a historical marker at the corner of Congress and Broadway to commemorate Northup's life. The city later established the third Saturday in July as Solomon Northup Day, to honor him, bring regional African American history to light, and educate the public about freedom and justice issues.[97][98] In 2000, the Library of Congress accepted the program of Solomon Northup Day into the permanent archives of the American Folklife Center. The Anacostia Community Museum and the National Park Service-Network to Freedom Project[99] have also recognized the merits of this multi-venue, multi-cultural event program. "Solomon Northup Day – a Celebration of Freedom" continues annually in the City of Saratoga Springs, as well as in Plattsburgh, New York, with the support of the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Association.[100] Annual observances have been made to honor Solomon Northup. A 2015 conference at Skidmore College had a gathering of Northup's descendants, and the speakers included Congressman Paul D. Tonko.[101] Representation in media[edit] Former U.S. poet laureate and Pulitzer Prize winner Rita Dove wrote the poem "The Abduction" about Northup, published in her first collection, The Yellow House on the Corner (1980).[102] In 1984, Twelve Years a Slave was adapted as a PBS television movie titled Solomon Northup's Odyssey, directed by Gordon Parks. Northup was portrayed by Avery Brooks.[103] In 2008, composer and saxophonist T. K. Blue, commissioned by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), recorded Follow the North Star, a musical composition inspired by Northup's life.[104] The episode "Division" of the 2010 television miniseries America: The Story of Us depicts Northup's slave auction. Significant emphasis is placed on Eliza being separated from her children, and the actor portraying Northup does voiceover of direct passages from Twelve Years a Slave. The 2013 feature film 12 Years a Slave, adapted from his memoir, was written by John Ridley and directed by Steve McQueen.[105] British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor portrays Northup, for which he earned an Oscar nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role. The film was nominated for nine Academy Awards,[106] winning 3 – for Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, for John Ridley,[107] and Best Supporting Actress for Lupita Nyong'o, who played the slave Patsey in her debut film role.[107] See also[edit] History of slavery in Louisiana List of people who disappeared List of slaves List of unsolved deaths Slavery in the United States Reverse Underground Railroad Notes[edit] ^ a b In early newspaper articles, the name is spelled both "Northrop" and "Northrup", sometimes both spellings occurring in the same article. ^ Although Northup gives his year of birth as 1808 in his book, in sworn testimony in 1854, he said he had reached the age of 47 on July 10 that year, making his year of birth 1807, which is consistent with a statement by his wife in 1852 that he was "about 45". ^ His brother settled in Oswego and was still living there in 1853.[9] ^ From 1821 on, when it revised its constitution, the state retained the property requirement for black people, but dropped it for white men, thus expanding their franchise. It is notable that Mintus Northup was able to save enough money as a freedman to buy land that satisfied this requirement, and registered to vote.[15][13] ^ Clarke Northup's house still stands in the Slyborough (Slyboro) section of Granville of the north side of County Route 23. Nearby, Mintus lived on the south side of Aldous Road near a small pond. The house no longer exists.[18] ^ Five or six years before 1852.[21] ^ Buell states that she was born in or shortly after 1800.[25] ^ a b In 1870, Solomon Northup did not live 1) at the Middleworth House hotel in Sandy Hill,[38] 2) with his daughter, Margaret Stanton, and his son-in-law appear in Moreau, New York,[38] and 3) with his son, Alonzo in Fort Edward, New York.[39] ^ Birch is spelled as Burch in Northup's book ^ While on the brig Orleans he met John Manning, an English sailor who took an interest in him and agreed to get him a sheet of paper, ink, and a pen. At night, while Manning was on watch, he hid in a place where he could write a note to Henry B. Northup in secret. Manning posted the letter.[58] ^ The name is spelled as "Tibeats" in Northup's book, which is likely the way it was pronounced locally. ^ Unbeknownst to his friends in Louisiana, Bass had left a wife and children in Canada.[75] He also lived with a free woman of color in Louisiana.[75] ^ Northup described the slave pen owned by William Williams in Washington: "It was like a farmer's barnyard in most respects, save it was so constructed that the outside world could never see the human cattle that were herded there. The building to which the yard was attached, was two stories high, fronting on one of the public streets of Washington. Its outside presented only the appearance of a quiet private residence. A stranger looking at it, would never have dreamed of its execrable uses. Strange as it may seem, within plain sight of this same house, looking down from its commanding height upon it, was the Capitol. The voices of patriotic representatives boasting of freedom and equality, and the rattling of the poor slave's chains, almost commingled. A slave pen within the very shadow of the Capitol! Such is a correct description as it was in 1841, of Williams' slave pen in Washington, in one of the cellars of which I found myself so unaccountably confined." "Free blacks kidnapped, sold into slavery in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol", Washington Times October 20, 2013 ^ Another slave market was located at Robey's Tavern; these sites were located on what is now the Mall between the present-day Department of Education and the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, within view of the Capitol. References[edit] ^ a b c "Narrative of the Seizure and Recovery of Solomon Northrup". New York Times. Documenting the American South. January 20, 1853. ^ a b c d "John R. Smith letter" (1930s), Wilbur Henry Siebert collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University "Wilbur Henry Siebert Collection". Archived from the original on April 3, 2017. Retrieved January 9, 2014. ^ a b c d e f g h Genz, Michelle (March 7, 1999). "Solomon's Wisdom". Washington Post. Archived from the original on October 16, 2005. Retrieved February 19, 2012. ^ a b c d Lo Wang, Hansi. "'12 Years' Is The Story of a Slave Whose End Is A Mystery". NPR. Retrieved January 7, 2014. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Chisholm, Hugh (2019) [1911]. "Solomon Northup". Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 18–19. ^ Nelson 2002, p. 290. ^ Fradin & Fradin 2012, pp. 15, 100. ^ a b c d e f g h Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 19. ^ a b Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 21. ^ a b Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 18. ^ "Last Will & Testament of Henry Northrop" (recorded October 3, 1797), Rensselaer County, New York Will Book, vol 1, pp 144–145. Accessed October 22, 2013. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Smith, David Lionel. "Northup, Solomon". Archived from the original on January 16, 2014. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s "Man sold into slavery never gave up on freedom". The Post-Star. February 23, 1992. p. 16. Retrieved June 26, 2021. Referenced Twelve Years a Slave by Sue Eakin and Joseph Logsdon, published by Louisiana State University Press. ^ "Transcription of New York Constitution of 1821 excerpt". New York State Archives. Archived from the original on December 31, 2013. ^ Curtis, Nancy. Black Heritage Sites: the South, 1996, p. 118. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 20. ^ Fiske, Brown & Seligman 2013, p. 174. ^ Spangel, Beti (July 22, 2014). "New headstone unveiled to help tell story of Solomon Northup". Post Star. Retrieved June 26, 2021. ^ a b Fradin & Fradin 2012, p. 20. ^ a b Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 326, 331. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 20–21. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 325, 327–329. ^ Fiske, Brown & Seligman 2013, p. 175. ^ a b c d e f g h i Buell, Bill (May 4, 2014). "[David] Fiske looks at how family lived while Northup a slave". The Daily Gazette. Retrieved June 26, 2021. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 325. ^ a b c d e f Nelson 2002, p. 291. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 21, 325. ^ "Solomon Northup, Kingsbury, Washington, New York". United States Census, 1830, National Archives Microfilm Publications. National Archives and Records Administration. 1969. p. 714. Retrieved March 29, 2014. ^ "Solomon Northorp, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York". United States Census, 1840, National Archives Microfilm Publications. National Archives and Records Administration. 1967. p. 521. Retrieved March 29, 2014. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 24, 25. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 25, 289–309, 325. ^ "Solomon Northup, Queensbury, Warren, New York". New York, State Census, 1855. New York Secretary of State. Retrieved March 29, 2014. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 22. ^ "Ann Northup, Queensbury, Warren, New York". United States Census, 1860, National Archives Microfilm Publication. NARA, Washington DC. 1965. Retrieved March 29, 2014. ^ "New York, State Census, 1865 – Saratoga – Moreau". FamilySearch. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Images 21–22. Retrieved May 5, 2014. ^ 1870 Federal Census for Sandy Hill, Washington County, New York, Household #44 ^ a b c "Household #100, Moreau, Saratoga County, New York", 1870 United States Census, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration ^ 1870 Federal Census for Fort Edward, Washington County, New York, Household #662 ^ "Washington, Kingsbury, E.D. 03". New York, State Census, 1875. FamilySearch, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Image 16. Retrieved May 5, 2014. ^ "The venerable wife of Sol. Northup". The Buffalo Commercial. August 17, 1876. p. 2. Retrieved June 27, 2021. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 22–23. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 23. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 23–24. ^ a b c Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 24. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 24–25. ^ Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett (1878). History of Saratoga County, New York. New York: Everts & Ensign. p. 196. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 25, 28. ^ a b c Worley, Sam. "Solomon Northup and the Sly Philosophy of the Slave Pen", Callaloo, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Winter 1997), p. 245. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 25. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 25–27. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 28. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 29–30. ^ "Researching the African-American Experience in Washington, D.C." George Washington University. Gelman Library System. Archived from the original on June 7, 2010. Retrieved May 23, 2018. ^ a b Wilson, Carol (1994). Freedom at Risk. University of Kentucky Press. pp. 10–12. ISBN 978-0-8131-1858-1. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 41–46. ^ Northup, Solomon (1969) [1853]. Osofsky, Gilbert (ed.). Puttin' On Ole Massa: The Slave Narratives of Henry Bibb, William Wells Brown, and Solomon Northup. Harper & Row. p. 260. LCCN 69017285. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 73–75. ^ Quan, Douglas (May 24, 2019). "Unravelling the lives of the man who spent 12 years a slave – and the Canadian who saved him". National Post. Retrieved June 24, 2021. ^ Fiske, David. "How Solomon Northup was kidnapped and sold into slavery". National Museums Liverpool. Retrieved June 25, 2021. ^ Gates, Henry Louis Jr (November 1, 2013). "'12 Years a Slave': Trek From Slave to Screen". PBS. Retrieved June 25, 2021. ^ Douglass, Frederick; Northup, Solomon; Lynch, Willie; Turner, Nat; Truth, Sojourner; Jacobs, Harriet; Prince, Mary; Craft, William; Craft, Ellen (2017). Slavery: Hundreds of Documented Testimonies of Former Slaves, Influential Memoirs, Records on Living Conditions and Customs in the South & History of Abolitionist Movement. E-artnow. p. PT117. ISBN 978-80-272-2551-4. ^ New Orleans Notarial Archives ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 79, 85–86. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 98–99. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 102–103. ^ a b Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 105–106. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 114–116. ^ Johnson, Walter (1999). Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market. Harvard University Press. p. 80. ISBN 978-0-674-00539-6. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 153–156. ^ Rosenberg, Shimon (April 2016). Astor, Yaakov (ed.). "The Slave Story that Triggered the Civil War" (PDF). Zman Magazine. Retrieved August 19, 2024. ^ Northrup, Solomon (1968). Eakin, Sue & Logsdon, Joseph (eds.). Twelve Years a Slave. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. pp. 125–126. ISBN 0-8071-0150-8. ^ Northrup, Solomon (1968). Eakin, Sue & Logsdon, Joseph (eds.). Twelve Years a Slave. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. pp. 211–212. ISBN 0-8071-0150-8. ^ Fiske, Brown & Seligman 2013, pp. 15–18. ^ a b c Szklarski, Cassandra (November 15, 2013). "Canadian connection to 12 Years a Slave has descendants buzzing". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved January 9, 2014. ^ a b Northup & Wilson 1853, p. 298. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 299–307. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 184. ^ Northup & Wilson 1853, pp. 73–74, 270–273, 275, 292, 297–298. ^ a b c d Fiske, Davide (December 29, 2019). "Authenticity and Authorship: Twelve Years a Slave". New York Almanack, Jay Heritage Center. Retrieved June 27, 2021. ^ J.C. Derby (1884), "William H. Seward", Fifty Years Among Authors, Books and Publishers, New York: G.W. Carleton & Co., pp. 62–63 ^ Freedom at Risk: The Kidnapping of Free Blacks in America, 1780–1865[permanent dead link], University of Kentucky Press, 1994.[ISBN missing] ^ Fiske, David. Solomon Northup: His Life Before and After Slavery, 2012, Appendix A. ^ "Freedom in Canada". Boston Herald. August 25, 1857. p. 2. ^ American Union (Ellicottville, NY), November 12, 1858 ^ Mann, E. R. (1879). The Bench and Bar of Saratoga County. p. 153. ^ "Poor Sol. Northop". Columbus (Georgia) Daily Enquirer. October 16, 1858. p. 2, citing the New York News. ^ "Death of Solomon Northup, author of 12 Years A Slave, still a mystery". The National. March 17, 2014. Retrieved May 6, 2019. ^ "Solomon Northup". September 24, 2020. Retrieved June 27, 2021. ^ Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell (2007) [1929]. Life and Labor in the Old South. Southern classics series. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. p. 219. ISBN 978-1-57003-678-1. Retrieved May 5, 2014. ^ Silbey, Joel H. "Review of Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup, editors Sue Eakin and Joseph Logsdon", Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 63, No. 2 (Summer, 1970), p. 203. ^ Stampp, Kenneth M. (1956). The Peculiar Institution. New York: Vintage Books. pp. 60, 74–75, 90, 162, 183, 285, 287, 323, 336–337, 359, 365, 380. ISBN 978-0-394-70253-7. Presence of "Twelve Years..." usually revealed by unindexed footnotes. ^ a b "An Escape From Slavery, Now a Movie, Has Long Intrigued Historians". The New York Times. September 23, 2013. Retrieved September 26, 2013. ^ "Review: Twelve Years A Slave". Louisiana State University Press. Retrieved September 26, 2013. ^ Ernest, John (2004). Liberation Historiography: African American Writers and the Challenge of History, 1794–1861. Chapel Hill: Univ of North Carolina Press. p. 183. ISBN 978-0-8078-6353-4. ^ Holland, Jesse. "Black Men Built the Capitol", Democracy Now interview, January 20, 2009. ^ City of Saratoga Springs. "Solomon Northup Day, A Celebration of Freedom". Press Release Carried at Saratoga NYGenWeb. ^ Solomon Northup Day Archived February 14, 2020, at the Wayback Machine, in Saratoga Springs Heritage Area Visitor Center. ^ "Freedom Project". ^ "North Country Underground Railroad". ^ Don Papson, "Solomon Northup Day 2015 Closing Remarks", Skidmore College, July 22, 2015 ^ "Rita Dove" at Facts On File, Encyclopedia of Black Women in America. ^ "Solomon Northup's Odyssey". Fandor film site. Archived from the original on October 12, 2014. Retrieved November 16, 2013. ^ "Follow the North Star". ^ Kroll, Justin (October 11, 2011). "Fassbender, McQueen re-team for 'Slave'". Variety. Retrieved July 19, 2012. ^ "Oscars 2014: 12 Years a Slave must clean up. But that doesn't mean it will", Guardian, January 16, 2014 ^ a b Cieply, Michael; Barnesmarch, Brooks (March 2, 2014). "'12 Years a Slave' Claims Best Picture Oscar". The New York Times. Sources[edit] Fiske, David; Brown, Clifford W. Jr.; Seligman, Rachel (2013). Solomon Northup: The Complete Story of the Author of Twelve Years A Slave: The Complete Story of the Author of Twelve Years a Slave. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-4408-2975-8. Fradin, Judith Bloom; Fradin, Dennis Brindell (2012). Stolen into Slavery: The True Story of Solomon Northup, Free Black Man. National Geographic Books. ISBN 978-1-4263-0987-8. Nelson, Emmanuel Sampath (2002). "Solomon Northup (1808–1863?)". In Marsden, Elizabeth (ed.). African American Autobiographers: A Sourcebook. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 290. ISBN 978-0-313-31409-4. Northup, Solomon; Wilson, David (1853). Twelve Years a Slave. Auburn: Derby and Miller; Buffalo: Derby, Orton and Mulligan; London: Sampson Low, Son & Company. Further reading[edit] Lester, Julius (1968). To Be a Slave. New York. pp. 39–58. ISBN 978-0-590-42460-8.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link), Newbery Honor, ages 10 and up External links[edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Solomon Northup. Wikisource has original works by or about:Solomon Northup Works by Solomon Northup in eBook form at Standard Ebooks Works by or about Solomon Northup at the Internet Archive Works by Solomon Northup at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks) The Solomon Northup Trail, LSU's Acadiana Historical project: maps and descriptions of sites from Northup's memoir, based on Eakin's and Logsdon's 1968 research. Twelve Years a Slave: Analyzing Slave Narratives, National Endowment for the Humanities EDSITEment lesson plan Solomon Northup's Odyssey at the Internet Movie Database vteSolomon NorthupPeopleFriends and family Anne Northup Patsey Rescue Samuel Bass Victory Birdseye (NY kidnapping law) Judge James M. Marvin Pierre Soulé Governor Washington Hunt of New York Authors and historians Sue Eakin David Fiske Joseph Logsdon David Wilson Enslavers(chronological) James H. Birch William Prince Ford Edwin Epps Locations Edwin Epps House Old Fort House (Fort Edward, New York) Saratoga Springs, New York Booksand films Twelve Years a Slave (memoir - 1854) Twelve Years a Slave (Eakin, Logsdon - 1969) 12 Years a Slave (film) (2013) 12 Years a Slave (score) 12 Years a Slave (soundtrack) Solomon Northup's Odyssey (film - 1984) Topics Reverse Underground Railroad vteSlave narratives Slave Narrative Collection Individualsby continentof enslavementAfrica Robert Adams (c. 1790–?) Marcus Berg (1714-1761) Francis Bok (b. 1979) Isaac Brassard (1620–1702) Felice Caronni (1747–1815) James Leander Cathcart (1767–1843) Ólafur Egilsson (1564–1639) Petro Kilekwa (late 19th c.) Elizabeth Marsh (1735–1785) Maria ter Meetelen (1704–?) Mende Nazer (b. 1982) Hark Olufs (1708–1754) Thomas Pellow (1705–?) Joseph Pitts (1663 – c. 1735) Guðríður Símonardóttir (1598–1682) Antoine Qaurtier (1632–1702) Andreas Matthäus Wolfgang (1660–1736) Johann Georg Wolffgang (1644–1744) Asia Brigitta Scherzenfeldt (1684–1736) Europe Lovisa von Burghausen (1698–1733) Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745 Nigeria – 31 March 1797 Eng) Ukawsaw Gronniosaw (c. 1705 Bornu – 1775 Eng) Jean Marteilhe (1684-1777) Roustam Raza (1783–1845) Nunzio Otello Francesco Gioacchino (1792 – fl. 1828) Ottoman Empire Johann Schiltberger Konstantin Mihailović George of Hungary North America:Canada Marie-Joseph Angélique (c. 1710 Portugal – 1734 Montreal) John R. Jewitt (1783 England – 1821 United States) North America:Caribbean Juan Francisco Manzano (1797–1854, Cuba) Esteban Montejo (1860–1965, Cuba) Mary Prince (c. 1788 Bermuda – after 1833) Venerable Pierre Toussaint (1766 Saint-Dominque – June 30, 1853 NY) Marcos Xiorro (c. 1819 – ???, Puerto Rico) North America:United States Sam Aleckson Jordan Anderson William J. Anderson Jared Maurice Arter Solomon Bayley Polly Berry Henry Bibb Leonard Black James Bradley (1834) Henry "Box" Brown John Brown William Wells Brown Peter Bruner (1845 KY – 1938 OH) Ellen and William Craft Hannah Crafts Lucinda Davis Noah Davis Lucy Delaney Ayuba Suleiman Diallo Frederick Douglass Kate Drumgoold Jordan Winston Early (1814 – after 1894) Sarah Jane Woodson Early Peter Fossett (1815 Monticello–1901) David George Moses Grandy Lear Green William Green (19th century MD) William Grimes Josiah Henson Fountain Hughes (1848/1854 VA – 1957) Omar ibn Said John Andrew Jackson Harriet Jacobs Thomas James John Jea Paul Jennings (1799–1874) Elizabeth Keckley Boston King Lunsford Lane J. Vance Lewis Jermain Wesley Loguen James Mars (1790–1880) Solomon Northup Greensbury Washington Offley John Parker (1827 VA – 1900) William Parker James Roberts Moses Roper William Henry Singleton James Lindsay Smith Venture Smith Austin Steward (1793 VA – 1860) Venerable Pierre Toussaint (1766 Saint-Dominque – 1853 NY) Harriet Tubman Wallace Turnage Bethany Veney Booker T. Washington Wallace Willis (19th century Indian Territory) Harriet E. Wilson Zamba Zembola (b. c. 1780 Congo) South America Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua (1845–1847, Brazil) Miguel de Buría (? Puerto Rico – 1555 Venezuela) Osifekunde (c. 1795 Nigeria – ? Brazil) Non-fiction books The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (1789) The Narrative of Robert Adams (1816) American Slavery as It Is (1839) Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845) The Life of Josiah Henson (1849) Twelve Years a Slave (1853) My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861) The Underground Railroad Records (1872) Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881) Up from Slavery (1901) Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States (1936–38) The Peculiar Institution (1956) The Slave Community (1972) Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" (2018) Fiction/novels Oroonoko (1688) Sab (1841) Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) The Heroic Slave (1852) Clotel (1853) The Bondwoman's Narrative (c. 1853 – c. 1861) Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp (1856) Our Nig (1859) Jubilee (1966) The Confessions of Nat Turner (1967) Roots: The Saga of an American Family (1976) Underground to Canada (1977) Kindred (1979) Dessa Rose (1986) Beloved (1987) Middle Passage (1990) Queen: The Story of an American Family (1993) Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons (1996) Ama: A Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade (2001) Walk Through Darkness (2002) The Known World (2003) Unburnable (2006) The Book of Negroes (2007) The Underground Railroad (2016) Young adult books Amos Fortune, Free Man (1951) I, Juan de Pareja (1965) Copper Sun (2006) Essays "To a Southern Slaveholder" (1848) A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin (1853) Plays The Escape; or, A Leap for Freedom (1858) The Octoroon (1859) Omar (2022) Documentaries Unchained Memories (2003) Frederick Douglass and the White Negro (2008) Related Abolitionism in the United States African-American literature Anti-Tom novels Atlantic slave trade Captivity narrative Caribbean literature Films featuring slavery Slavery in the United States Songs of the Underground Railroad Treatment of slaves in the United States List of last surviving American enslaved people Book of Negroes (1783) Cotton Plantation Record and Account Book (1847) Slave-Trading in the Old South (1931) Sarah Johnson's Mount Vernon (2008) Slave Songs of the United States (1867) Amazing Grace: An Anthology of Poems about Slavery (2002) The Hemingses of Monticello (2008) vteUSC Scripter Awards – Film1980s Hugh Whitemore and Helene Hanff (1988) Frank Galati, Lawrence Kasdan, and Anne Tyler (1989) 1990s Steven Zaillian and Oliver Sacks (1990) Carol Sobieski and Fannie Flagg (1991) Richard Friedenberg and Norman Maclean (1992) Steven Zaillian and Thomas Keneally (1993) Frank Darabont and Stephen King (1994) Emma Thompson and Jane Austen (1995) Anthony Minghella and Michael Ondaatje (1996) Curtis Hanson, Brian Helgeland, and James Ellroy (1997) Steven Zaillian and Jonathan Harr (1998) Armyan Bernstein, Dan Gordon, Rubin Carter, Sam Chaiton, and Terry Swinton (1999) 2000s Steve Kloves and Michael Chabon (2000) Akiva Goldsman and Sylvia Nasar (2001) David Hare and Michael Cunningham (2002) Brian Helgeland and Dennis Lehane / Gary Ross and Laura Hillenbrand (2003) Paul Haggis and F.X. Toole (2004) Dan Futterman and Gerald Clarke (2005) David Arata, Alfonso Cuarón, Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Timothy J. Sexton, and P. D. James (2006) Joel Coen, Ethan Coen, and Cormac McCarthy (2007) Simon Beaufoy and Vikas Swarup (2008) Jason Reitman, Sheldon Turner, and Walter Kirn (2009) 2010s Aaron Sorkin and Ben Mezrich (2010) Alexander Payne, Jim Rash, Nat Faxon, and Kaui Hart Hemmings (2011) Chris Terrio, Antonio J. Mendez, and Joshuah Bearman (2012) John Ridley and Solomon Northup (2013) Graham Moore and Andrew Hodges (2014) Adam McKay, Charles Randolph, and Michael Lewis (2015) Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney (2016) James Ivory and André Aciman (2017) Debra Granik, Anne Rosellini, and Peter Rock (2018) Greta Gerwig and Louisa May Alcott (2019) 2020s Chloé Zhao and Jessica Bruder (2020) Maggie Gyllenhaal and Elena Ferrante (2021) Sarah Polley and Miriam Toews (2022) Cord Jefferson and Percival Everett (2023) Authority control databases InternationalISNI2VIAFFASTWorldCatNationalGermanyUnited StatesFranceBnF dataAustraliaCzech RepublicSpainPortugalNetherlandsNorwayKoreaPolandIsraelCataloniaBelgiumPeopleTroveOtherIdRefSNAC
Having been born a freeman, and for more than thirty years enjoyed the blessings of liberty in a free State-and having at the end of that time been kidnapped and sold into Slavery, where I remained, until happily rescued in the month of January, 1853, after a bondage of twelve years-it has been suggested that an account of my life and fortunes would not be uninteresting to the public.
Since my return to liberty, I have not failed to perceive the increasing interest throughout the Northern States, in regard to the subject of Slavery. Works of fiction, professing to portray its features in their more pleasing as well as more repugnant aspects, have been[Pg 18] circulated to an extent unprecedented, and, as I understand, have created a fruitful topic of comment and discussion.
I can speak of Slavery only so far as it came under my own observation-only so far as I have known and experienced it in my own person. My object is, to give a candid and truthful statement of facts: to repeat the story of my life, without exaggeration, leaving it for others to determine, whether even the pages of fiction present a picture of more cruel wrong or a severer bondage.
As far back as I have been able to ascertain, my ancestors on the paternal side were slaves in Rhode Island. They belonged to a family by the name of Northup, one of whom, removing to the State of New-York, settled at Hoosic, in Rensselaer county. He brought with him Mintus Northup, my father. On the death of this gentleman, which must have occurred some fifty years ago, my father became free, having been emancipated by a direction in his will.
Henry B. Northup, Esq., of Sandy Hill, a distinguished counselor at law, and the man to whom, under Providence, I am indebted for my present liberty, and my return to the society of my wife and children, is a relative of the family in which my forefathers were thus held to service, and from which they took the name I bear. To this fact may be attributed the persevering interest he has taken in my behalf.
Sometime after my father's liberation, he removed to the town of Minerva, Essex county, N. Y., where I[Pg 19] was born, in the month of July, 1808. How long he remained in the latter place I have not the means of definitely ascertaining. From thence he removed to Granville, Washington county, near a place known as Slyborough, where, for some years, he labored on the farm of Clark Northup, also a relative of his old master; from thence he removed to the Alden farm, at Moss Street, a short distance north of the village of Sandy Hill; and from thence to the farm now owned by Russel Pratt, situated on the road leading from Fort Edward to Argyle, where he continued to reside until his death, which took place on the 22d day of November, 1829. He left a widow and two children-myself, and Joseph, an elder brother. The latter is still living in the county of Oswego, near the city of that name; my mother died during the period of my captivity.
Though born a slave, and laboring under the disadvantages to which my unfortunate race is subjected, my father was a man respected for his industry and integrity, as many now living, who well remember him, are ready to testify. His whole life was passed in the peaceful pursuits of agriculture, never seeking employment in those more menial positions, which seem to be especially allotted to the children of Africa. Besides giving us an education surpassing that ordinarily bestowed upon children in our condition, he acquired, by his diligence and economy, a sufficient property qualification to entitle him to the right of suffrage. He was accustomed to speak to us of his[Pg 20] early life; and although at all times cherishing the warmest emotions of kindness, and even of affection towards the family, in whose house he had been a bondsman, he nevertheless comprehended the system of Slavery, and dwelt with sorrow on the degradation of his race. He endeavored to imbue our minds with sentiments of morality, and to teach us to place our trust and confidence in Him who regards the humblest as well as the highest of his creatures. How often since that time has the recollection of his paternal counsels occurred to me, while lying in a slave hut in the distant and sickly regions of Louisiana, smarting with the undeserved wounds which an inhuman master had inflicted, and longing only for the grave which had covered him, to shield me also from the lash of the oppressor. In the church-yard at Sandy Hill, an humble stone marks the spot where he reposes, after having worthily performed the duties appertaining to the lowly sphere wherein God had appointed him to walk.
Up to this period I had been principally engaged with my father in the labors of the farm. The leisure hours allowed me were generally either employed over my books, or playing on the violin-an amusement which was the ruling passion of my youth. It has also been the source of consolation since, affording pleasure to the simple beings with whom my lot was cast, and beguiling my own thoughts, for many hours, from the painful contemplation of my fate.
On Christmas day, 1829, I was married to Anne[Pg 21] Hampton, a colored girl then living in the vicinity of our residence. The ceremony was performed at Fort Edward, by Timothy Eddy, Esq., a magistrate of that town, and still a prominent citizen of the place. She had resided a long time at Sandy Hill, with Mr. Baird, proprietor of the Eagle Tavern, and also in the family of Rev. Alexander Proudfit, of Salem. This gentleman for many years had presided over the Presbyterian society at the latter place, and was widely distinguished for his learning and piety. Anne still holds in grateful remembrance the exceeding kindness and the excellent counsels of that good man. She is not able to determine the exact line of her descent, but the blood of three races mingles in her veins. It is difficult to tell whether the red, white, or black predominates. The union of them all, however, in her origin, has given her a singular but pleasing expression, such as is rarely to be seen. Though somewhat resembling, yet she cannot properly be styled a quadroon, a class to which, I have omitted to mention, my mother belonged.
I had just now passed the period of my minority, having reached the age of twenty-one years in the month of July previous. Deprived of the advice and assistance of my father, with a wife dependent upon me for support, I resolved to enter upon a life of industry; and notwithstanding the obstacle of color, and the consciousness of my lowly state, indulged in pleasant dreams of a good time coming, when the possession of some humble habitation, with a few surrounding[Pg 22] acres, should reward my labors, and bring me the means of happiness and comfort.
From the time of my marriage to this day the love I have borne my wife has been sincere and unabated; and only those who have felt the glowing tenderness a father cherishes for his offspring, can appreciate my affection for the beloved children which have since been born to us. This much I deem appropriate and necessary to say, in order that those who read these pages, may comprehend the poignancy of those sufferings I have been doomed to bear.
Immediately upon our marriage we commenced house-keeping, in the old yellow building then standing at the southern extremity of Fort Edward village, and which has since been transformed into a modern mansion, and lately occupied by Captain Lathrop. It is known as the Fort House. In this building the courts were sometime held after the organization of the county. It was also occupied by Burgoyne in 1777, being situated near the old Fort on the left bank of the Hudson.
During the winter I was employed with others repairing the Champlain Canal, on that section over which William Van Nortwick was superintendent. David McEachron had the immediate charge of the men in whose company I labored. By the time the canal opened in the spring, I was enabled, from the savings of my wages, to purchase a pair of horses, and other things necessarily required in the business of navigation.
Having hired several efficient hands to assist me, I entered into contracts for the transportation of large rafts of timber from Lake Champlain to Troy. Dyer Beckwith and a Mr. Bartemy, of Whitehall, accompanied me on several trips. During the season I became perfectly familiar with the art and mysteries of rafting-a knowledge which afterwards enabled me to render profitable service to a worthy master, and to astonish the simple-witted lumbermen on the banks of the Bayou Bœuf.
In one of my voyages down Lake Champlain, I was induced to make a visit to Canada. Repairing to Montreal, I visited the cathedral and other places of interest in that city, from whence I continued my excursion to Kingston and other towns, obtaining a knowledge of localities, which was also of service to me afterwards, as will appear towards the close of this narrative.
Having completed my contracts on the canal satisfactorily to myself and to my employer, and not wishing to remain idle, now that the navigation of the canal was again suspended, I entered into another contract with Medad Gunn, to cut a large quantity of wood. In this business I was engaged during the winter of 1831-32.
With the return of spring, Anne and myself conceived the project of taking a farm in the neighborhood. I had been accustomed from earliest youth to agricultural labors, and it was an occupation congenial to my tastes. I accordingly entered into arrangements[Pg 24] for a part of the old Alden farm, on which my father formerly resided. With one cow, one swine, a yoke of fine oxen I had lately purchased of Lewis Brown, in Hartford, and other personal property and effects, we proceeded to our new home in Kingsbury. That year I planted twenty-five acres of corn, sowed large fields of oats, and commenced farming upon as large a scale as my utmost means would permit. Anne was diligent about the house affairs, while I toiled laboriously in the field.
On this place we continued to reside until 1834. In the winter season I had numerous calls to play on the violin. Wherever the young people assembled to dance, I was almost invariably there. Throughout the surrounding villages my fiddle was notorious. Anne, also, during her long residence at the Eagle Tavern, had become somewhat famous as a cook. During court weeks, and on public occasions, she was employed at high wages in the kitchen at Sherrill's Coffee House.
We always returned home from the performance of these services with money in our pockets; so that, with fiddling, cooking, and farming, we soon found ourselves in the possession of abundance, and, in fact, leading a happy and prosperous life. Well, indeed, would it have been for us had we remained on the farm at Kingsbury; but the time came when the next step was to be taken towards the cruel destiny that awaited me.
In March, 1834, we removed to Saratoga Springs.[Pg 25] We occupied a house belonging to Daniel O'Brien, on the north side of Washington street. At that time Isaac Taylor kept a large boarding house, known as Washington Hall, at the north end of Broadway. He employed me to drive a hack, in which capacity I worked for him two years. After this time I was generally employed through the visiting season, as also was Anne, in the United States Hotel, and other public houses of the place. In winter seasons I relied upon my violin, though during the construction of the Troy and Saratoga railroad, I performed many hard days' labor upon it.
I was in the habit, at Saratoga, of purchasing articles necessary for my family at the stores of Mr. Cephas Parker and Mr. William Perry, gentlemen towards whom, for many acts of kindness, I entertained feelings of strong regard. It was for this reason that, twelve years afterwards, I caused to be directed to them the letter, which is hereinafter inserted, and which was the means, in the hands of Mr. Northup, of my fortunate deliverance.
While living at the United States Hotel, I frequently met with slaves, who had accompanied their masters from the South. They were always well dressed and well provided for, leading apparently an easy life, with but few of its ordinary troubles to perplex them. Many times they entered into conversation with me on the subject of Slavery. Almost uniformly I found they cherished a secret desire for liberty. Some of them expressed the most ardent anxiety to escape, and[Pg 26] consulted me on the best method of effecting it. The fear of punishment, however, which they knew was certain to attend their re-capture and return, in all cases proved sufficient to deter them from the experiment. Having all my life breathed the free air of the North, and conscious that I possessed the same feelings and affections that find a place in the white man's breast; conscious, moreover, of an intelligence equal to that of some men, at least, with a fairer skin, I was too ignorant, perhaps too independent, to conceive how any one could be content to live in the abject condition of a slave. I could not comprehend the justice of that law, or that religion, which upholds or recognizes the principle of Slavery; and never once, I am proud to say, did I fail to counsel any one who came to me, to watch his opportunity, and strike for freedom.
I continued to reside at Saratoga until the spring of 1841. The flattering anticipations which, seven years before, had seduced us from the quiet farm-house, on the east side of the Hudson, had not been realized. Though always in comfortable circumstances, we had not prospered. The society and associations at that world-renowned watering place, were not calculated to preserve the simple habits of industry and economy to which I had been accustomed, but, on the contrary, to substitute others in their stead, tending to shiftlessness and extravagance.
At this time we were the parents of three children-Elizabeth, Margaret, and Alonzo. Elizabeth, the[Pg 27] eldest, was in her tenth year; Margaret was two years younger, and little Alonzo had just passed his fifth birth-day. They filled our house with gladness. Their young voices were music in our ears. Many an airy castle did their mother and myself build for the little innocents. When not at labor I was always walking with them, clad in their best attire, through the streets and groves of Saratoga. Their presence was my delight; and I clasped them to my bosom with as warm and tender love as if their clouded skins had been as white as snow.
Thus far the history of my life presents nothing whatever unusual-nothing but the common hopes, and loves, and labors of an obscure colored man, making his humble progress in the world. But now I had reached a turning point in my existence-reached the threshold of unutterable wrong, and sorrow, and despair. Now had I approached within the shadow of the cloud, into the thick darkness whereof I was soon to disappear, thenceforward to be hidden from the eyes of all my kindred, and shut out from the sweet light of liberty, for many a weary year.

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Word Lists:

Poignancy : the quality of evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret

Beguiling : charming or enchanting, often in a deceptive way

Shiftless : (of a person or action) characterized by laziness, indolence, and a lack of ambition

Labored : done with great effort and difficulty

Bondage : the state of being a slave

Menial : (of work) not requiring much skill and lacking prestige

Emancipated : free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberated

Paternal : of or appropriate to a father

Farming : the activity or business of growing crops and raising livestock

Counselor : a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems


Additional Information:

Rating: C Words in the Passage: 2686 Unique Words: 976 Sentences: 111
Noun: 734 Conjunction: 218 Adverb: 142 Interjection: 0
Adjective: 196 Pronoun: 245 Verb: 414 Preposition: 431
Letter Count: 12,287 Sentiment: Positive / Positive / Positive Tone: Neutral (Slightly Formal) Difficult Words: 633
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