The Ant and the Grasshopper

The Ant and the Grasshopper

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A fable is a form of literature that is written as a story or in poetry form. The fable can include animals, non-real creatures, plants or inanimate objects that are given human traits.  The fable also results in a lesson (moral) for the reader to infer or it can be stated explicitly.
The Ant and the Grasshopper
1 On a bright and sunny day, a Grasshopper was chirping, singing and enjoying the day without a care in the world. Suddenly, he saw an Ant carrying a heavy load of an ear of corn.  The Ant was having a hard time and tiring out.  The Grasshopper told the Ant, “Why don’t you quit doing that on such a pretty day and come play with me?”  The Ant replied, “I must help to gather food for the winter.  You need to do the same.”
2 “Winter, why bother about winter?” replied the Grasshopper. “I have plenty of food now.  Winter is a long way off.”
3 The Ant ignored the Grasshopper and continued to store up his food in his ant-hill.
4 When winter arrived, the Grasshopper was starving for food.  Meanwhile he spotted the Ant and his fellow ants, busily eating away and quite full.
5 Moral of the Fable: It is best to be prepared for things to come.

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Additional Information:

Rating: A Words in the Passage: 234 Unique Words: 123 Sentences: 17
Noun: 77 Conjunction: 19 Adverb: 13 Interjection: 0
Adjective: 14 Pronoun: 12 Verb: 43 Preposition: 21
Letter Count: 968 Sentiment: Positive Tone: Formal Difficult Words: 48
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