Farmall Tractor

Farmall Tractor

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Here is a picture of a tractor. Tractors are used by many people. Some tractors are used by farmers, or those who mow large areas for a living. This tractor has a blade on the back for mowing.
Mr. McRae bought this tractor to mow his fields. He has horses in the field. Sometimes weeds grow up in the field. The horses cannot eat the weeds. The weeds would make them sick. So, he mows them down. He does this about 2 times a month.
He also uses his tractor to plow his garden for planting. Mr. McRae makes 4 rows for planting. He plants corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers. Plowing the garden is only done 2 times a year for each time he has a garden.
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Word Lists:

Plow : a large farming implement with one or more blades fixed in a frame, drawn by a tractor or by animals and used for cutting furrows in the soil and turning it over, especially to prepare for the planting of seeds.

Farmer : a person who owns or manages a farm.

Area : a region or part of a town, a country, or the world


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