Effects of Video Games

Effects of Video Games

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Effects of Video Games

Video games have become an inescapable part of growing up and one cannot be wrong when we say that they also play a large part in the development and socialization of children. Pokemon which was very popular has grown from just a video game into a cultural phenomenon. Technology has become more pervasive in everyday life, and with that comes the question is technology doing good for us? The effects of video games have always been a cause of contention, right from the time they were invented. Parents have opined that video games cause children to socially isolate themselves, has been a cause of obesity, made children insensitive to violence, and in short a waste of time. However, when we look at the wide variety of games available to play, it becomes hard to decide if all video games are bad for you in general. But there is enough evidence for both arguments; video games can be both good and bad for those that play them.
Negative effects of video games
One of the most important negative connotations that video games bring to our mind is that it increases violence and aggression in children and adolescents who play them. However, in research, there is no consensus whether video games alone has resulted in aggression or if it is the more of a combination of the environment, the family, or personality features. However, there is enough evidence that shows that the active participation and repeated acts of violence which comes as rewards that come from that violence in video games can result in children learning those behaviors. But then there is also evidence which says that aggressive behaviors do not carry over into real life, and when players stop playing, these violent feelings and behaviors also end.
Positive effects of video games
There are in fact several benefits of playing video games for both children as well as adolescents. Educational games during early childhood help the kids learn technology, and this is very important in a world which is increasingly technology dependent. Additionally, video games makes the learning process fun filled with the lights, colors, and interaction which helps the concept get imprinted in the child’s mind. Gamification is even becoming popular in adult learning as well. Video games can even be a bonding activity between parent and child, or between friends. Video games also help children learn how to follow instructions thus inculcating discipline. One other reward that has been seen from playing video games is the improvement in decision-making speed. Video games also improve the hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and spatial reasoning. The player also learns strategy and management of resources along with how to judge situations.
Thus, the arguments are endless both for and against video games. The best way to conclude would be the wise use of video games for learning and fun while limiting the time used for it and also, in choosing the games wisely.

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Word Lists:

Socialization : the activity of mixing socially with others

Bonding : the establishment of a relationship or link with someone based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences

Spatial : relating to or occupying space

Inescapable : unable to be avoided or denied

Connotation : an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning

Insensitive : showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings

Opine : hold and state as one's opinion

Pervasive : (especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people

Coordination : the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively

Adolescent : (of a young person) in the process of developing from a child into an adult


Additional Information:

Rating: Words in the Passage: 493 Unique Words: 233 Sentences: 24
Noun: 156 Conjunction: 53 Adverb: 37 Interjection: 0
Adjective: 39 Pronoun: 13 Verb: 85 Preposition: 54
Letter Count: 2,412 Sentiment: Positive Tone: Formal Difficult Words: 101
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