Communicating Effectively

Communicating Effectively

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Communicating Effectively

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When you look at someone speaking and listen to them, you can tell if they have good skills in communication.  The best speakers have a way of conveying their opinions in an effective manner with the use of expression, body movement, eye contact, and tone of voice.  Even perfecting communication skills can help you in your daily conversations.
Basic Skills
Marty met Larry at a football game. Both men engaged in a conversation about their favorite teams and players. Marty left the game with a great impression of Larry. Marty couldn’t help but wonder why Larry had made such a great impression on him, and why he had enjoyed talking to him so much.  He had met many guys at games before and none left such an impact. They really didn’t say that much about their teams and players that Marty had not heard or said before. Marty had no idea that it had been Larry’s wonderful communication skills that made him such an interesting and fun person.
Whether it is just small talk or a deep debate, communication skills will impact your relationships throughout your life. So it is important to learn how to effectively communicate with others.  After all, we must all get along and develop good relationships throughout our lives.
The following tips are recommended by experts across the country.
1. Remember a name
When being introduced to someone remember their name and use it at least once or twice in speaking with them.  Just don’t constantly use or overuse it!
2. Eye Contact is a must
Look at someone when you are talking to them.  When talking to a group be sure to look around the group, too.  Of course, do not move your head too quickly or glare at anyone. Making eye contact shows interest.
3. Body Language and Voice Tone set the mood
Do not overdue tone or set your body language as unresponsive when speaking with someone.  Try to determine their body language and tone and adjust yours to meet theirs. Smile, do not cross your arms and be sure to relax your shoulders, arms and legs.  When you are not sitting, stand relaxed and not at military attention.
4. Ask about the other person in a two way conversation
Learning to ask questions that lead to someone giving their opinion or telling a story about themselves leads to developing good relationships.
 5. Be a Listener
It becomes hard to communicate when others look at their phones, watches, or turn away.  Focus on what the other person is saying and respond to it accordingly.
6. At some point- compliment
Find at least one good positive comment to make to the person you are communicating with before the end of the conversation.
7. Speak concise and precise
Use the best grammar you can possibly use, but do not try to over speak someone by using “big word” vocabulary.These skills can be learned or perfected so that you can enjoy conversation and speaking one on one or even to large crowds!

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Word Lists:

Unresponsive : not responsive

Overdue : not having arrived, happened, or been done by the expected time

Concise : giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive

Relationship : the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected

Vocabulary : the body of words used in a particular language.

Skill : the ability to do something well; expertise

Communication : the imparting or exchanging of information or news

Impact : the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another

Conversation : a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged

Effectively : in such a manner as to achieve a desired result


Additional Information:

Rating: A Words in the Passage: 519 Unique Words: 239 Sentences: 46
Noun: 165 Conjunction: 46 Adverb: 40 Interjection: 0
Adjective: 37 Pronoun: 49 Verb: 87 Preposition: 59
Letter Count: 2,388 Sentiment: Positive Tone: Neutral Difficult Words: 99
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