Which World Does the Future Hold for Thee?

Which World Does the Future Hold for Thee?

- By Kia Simmons
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Which World Does the Future Hold for Thee?
By Kia Simmons
  Abracadabra said the magician 1-2-3
  Now close your eyes. What do you see?
  I see
  A world filled with color
(5)  A world filled with light
  A world filled with possibilities
  This world is such a magnificent sight!
  Abracadabra said the magician 1-2-3
  Now close your eyes. What do you see?
(10) I see
  A world filled with despair
  A world filled with doom
  A world filled with chaos
  This world is such a vision of gloom!
(15) Abracadabra said the magician 1-2-3
  Now close your eyes.
  Which world does the future hold for thee?

Current Page: 1


Word Lists:

Magician : a person with magical powers.

Chaos : complete disorder and confusion

Doom : death, destruction, or some other terrible fate

Magnificent : impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking

Gloom : partial or total darkness

Despair : the complete loss or absence of hope

Vision : the faculty or state of being able to see

Future : the time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come

Sight : the faculty or power of seeing


Additional Information:

Rating: A Words in the Passage: 116 Unique Words: 47 Sentences: 18
Noun: 59 Conjunction: 3 Adverb: 4 Interjection: 4
Adjective: 7 Pronoun: 9 Verb: 17 Preposition: 7
Letter Count: 507 Sentiment: Positive Tone: Neutral Difficult Words: 17
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