Filipino Popular Tales

Filipino Popular Tales

- By Dean S. Fansler
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American professor at Columbia University and Filipino folklorist Dean Fansler, also Dean S. Fansler, was an American professor. He was a teacher of English at Columbia University in the early 20th century and brother of Priscilla Hiss (wife of Alger Hiss),[1] who, as a "noted folklorist" helped preserve Filipino folklore culture in the early 20th century, after centuries of Spanish and American domination.[2] Background[edit] Dean Spruill Fansler was born in 1885. His father was Thomas Lafayette Fansler, mother Willa Roland Spruill, and younger sister Priscilla Hiss, born Priscilla Harriet Fansler.[1][3][4] In 1906, he received a BA from Northwestern University and MA (1907) and doctorate (1913) from Columbia.[5] Career[edit] In 1908, Fansler started working at the University of the Philippines. From then through 1914, he collected Filipino folklore tales. [6] By 1914, Fansler appears in the Columbia College catalog as an assistant professor of English.[5] In the early 1920s, Fansler was a professor at Columbia College and receives mention as an acquaintance (probably teacher) in the first autobiography of Mortimer J. Adler.[1] Franz Boas recommended that Fansler earn his doctorate and inspired him to prepare Philippine material for publication.[7] Works[edit] In 1956, the "most widely known collection of Philippine folktales" was Dean Fansler's Filipino Popular Tales.[8] Chaucer and the 'Roman a la Rose' (1914)[3][9] Filipino Popular Tales (1921)[4][10] See also[edit] Mortimer J. Adler Alger Hiss Priscilla Hiss References[edit] ^ a b c Adler, Mortimer J. (1977). Philosopher at Large: An Intellectual Autobiography. Macmillan. p. 66. Retrieved 12 January 2018. ^ Maximo D. Ramos; Florentino B. Valeros, eds. (1964). Philippine Harvest: An Anthology of Filipino Writing in English. p. 5. Retrieved 25 January 2019. ^ a b Chaucer and the Roman de la Rose. Library of Congress. Retrieved 12 January 2018. ^ a b Filipino Popular Tales. Library of Congress. Retrieved 12 January 2018. ^ a b Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Columbia College. Columbia College. 1921. pp. 18, 16, 22 (degrees). Retrieved 12 January 2018. ^ Folktales and Fairy Tales: Traditions and Texts from around the World, 2nd Edition [4 volumes]: Traditions and Texts from around the World. ABC-CLIO. 2016. pp. 1, 195. ISBN 9781610692540. Retrieved 12 January 2018. ^ Leandicho Lopez, Mellie (2006). A Handbook of Philippine Folklore. p. 13. Retrieved 25 January 2019. ^ Silliman Journal - Volumes 3-4. 1956. p. 228. Retrieved 25 January 2019. ^ Fansler, Dean Spruill (1914). Chaucer and the 'Roman a la Rose'. Columbia University Press. Retrieved 12 January 2018. ^ Fansler, Dean S. (1921). Filipino Popular Tales. American Folk-Lore Society. Retrieved 12 January 2018. External links[edit] * Media related to Dean S. Fansler at Wikimedia Commons Filipino Popular Tales Filipino Popular Tales Filipino Popular Tales Authority control databases InternationalISNIVIAFWorldCatNationalGermanyUnited StatesNetherlands This biography of an American English academic is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.vte
Suan's Good Luck. Narrated by Macaria Garcia. The story is popular among the Pampangans.

There was once an old woman who had an only son named Suan. Suan was a clever, sharp-witted boy. His mother sent him to school. Instead of going to school, however, Suan climbed up the tree that stood by the roadside. As soon as his mother had passed by from the market, Suan hurried home ahead of her. When she reached home, he cried, "Mother, I know what you bought in the market to-day." He then told her, article by article. This same thing happened so repeatedly, that his mother began to believe in his skill as a diviner.
One day the ring of the datu's daughter disappeared. All the people in the locality searched for it, but in vain. The datu called for volunteers to find the lost ring, and he offered his daughter's hand as a prize to the one who should succeed. Suan's mother heard of the proclamation. So she went to the palace and presented Suan to the datu.
"Well, Suan, to-morrow tell me where the ring is," said the datu.
"Yes, my lord, I will tell you, if you will give your soldiers over to me for to-night," Suan replied.
"You shall have everything you need," said the datu.
That evening Suan ordered the soldiers to stand around him in a semicircle. When all were ready, Suan pointed at each one of them, and said, "The ring is here, and nowhere else." It so happened that Suan fixed his eyes on the guilty soldier, who trembled and became pale. "I know who has it," said Suan. Then he ordered them to retire.
Late in the night this soldier came to Suan, and said, "I will get the ring you are in search of, and will give it to you if you will promise me my safety." "Give it to me, and you shall be safe," said Suan.
Very early the next morning Suan came to the palace with a turkey in his arms. "Where is the ring?" the datu demanded. "Why, sir, it is in this turkey's intestines," Suan replied. The turkey was then killed, and the ring was found inside it. "You have done very well, Suan. Now you shall have my daughter's hand," said the datu. So Suan became the princess's husband.
One day the datu proposed a bet with any one who wished to prove Suan's skill. Accordingly another datu came. He offered to bet seven cascos of treasure that Suan could not tell the number of seeds that were in his orange. Suan did not know what to do. At midnight he went secretly to the cascos. Here he heard their conversation, and from it he learned the number of seeds in the orange. In the morning Suan said boastfully, "I tell you, your orange has nine seeds." Thus Suan won the whole treasure.
Hoping to recover his loss, the datu came again. This time he had with him fourteen cascos full of gold. He asked Suan to tell him what was inside his golden ball. Suan did not know what to say. So in the dead of night he went out to the cascos, but he could learn nothing there. The next morning Suan was summoned into the presence of the two datus. He had no idea whatever as to what was in the ball; so he said scornfully, "Nonsense!" "That is right, that is right!" shouted a man. "The ball contains nine cents." Consequently Suan won the fourteen cascos full of gold. From now on, nobody doubted Suan's merit.

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Word Lists:

Ball : a solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game

Scornful : feeling or expressing contempt or derision

Bet : risk something, usually a sum of money, against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of a future event, such as the result of a race or game

Proclamation : a public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a matter of great importance

Treasure : a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects

Soldier : a person who serves in an army.

Skill : the ability to do something well; expertise

Palace : the official residence of a sovereign, archbishop, bishop, or other exalted person

Consequently : as a result

Accordingly : in a way that is appropriate to the particular circumstances


Additional Information:

Rating: A Words in the Passage: 618 Unique Words: 242 Sentences: 54
Noun: 190 Conjunction: 47 Adverb: 44 Interjection: 0
Adjective: 24 Pronoun: 75 Verb: 130 Preposition: 73
Letter Count: 2,465 Sentiment: Positive Tone: Neutral (Slightly Conversational) Difficult Words: 87
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