Predator Adaptations

Predator Adaptations

- By Anneda Nettleton
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1 Predators have a unique set of tools that make finding meals easier.  They have a vision that is incredible, based on eyes that are set forward.  These hunters have binocular vision, which means they receive two sets of pictures.  Rather than having to judge how far away their dinner is by one image, their brain is able to calculate the prey’s location based on this unique vision trick.
2 Similar to sight, smelling and hearing are other senses that aid predators in getting their meals.  Their noses help them smell prey that is close by, but it also helps these animals communicate with others that are like them.  We already know that predators have keen vision and smelling abilities, but they also have exceptional hearing.  Many animals have ear flaps that let them swivel their ears forward or backward to get an idea of where the sound is coming from.
3 Sensory tools aren’t the only ways for predators to find prey.  Many animals use their beaks and feet to catch prey.  Additionally, predators are known for having strong jaws.  This helps them grip their prey.
4 How Do They Do It?
5 Sure, predators need their senses and special body parts to catch their meals, but that isn’t all that’s required.  Predators have three common techniques that they use to catch prey.  These include:  chasing, stalking, and ambushing.
  • Chasing – this method requires predators to invest a lot of time and energy catching their prey.
  • Stalking – this requires the predator to stand motionless or wander slowly near its prey.
  • Ambushing – this strategy requires the least effort from predators.  They simply lay and wait for their prey to appear.
6 For many people, the predator-prey relationship seems one-sided.  Predators seem to dominate their prey; nonetheless, animal species would be unbalanced without this process.  The adaptations that are present in both predators and their prey make the process a bit more competitive than it would be otherwise.

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Word Lists:

Predator : an animal that naturally preys on others

Swivel : a coupling between two parts enabling one to revolve without turning the other.

Ambush : a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position

Adaptation : the action or process of adapting or being adapted

Exceptional : unusual; not typical

Dominate : have a commanding influence on; exercise control over

Strategy : a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim

Communication : the imparting or exchanging of information or news

Keen : (of a sense) highly developed

Wander : walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way


Additional Information:

Rating: A Words in the Passage: 349 Unique Words: 175 Sentences: 27
Noun: 139 Conjunction: 36 Adverb: 15 Interjection: 0
Adjective: 20 Pronoun: 24 Verb: 58 Preposition: 27
Letter Count: 1,668 Sentiment: Positive Tone: Neutral Difficult Words: 77
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