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    Read the glossary and the text. Answer the question

    Community Vocabulary to Know Glossary

    Citizen - a person living in a community.

    Community - the area in which people live.

    Congestion - blocked or slowed.

    Rural - a farm or country community.

    Store - a place where you buy things you need to live on or want.

    Suburb - a community close by a city.

    Transportation - ways to get from one place to another such as by bus, car, truck, subway, bicycle, train, or plane.

    Urban - a city community where many businesses are located.

    Citizens of communities do different things in their daily lives. The people in the urban community travel by many kinds of transportation. They often go from one area of the city to others. Some may take cars and then subways to work. Others hop on buses from their locations.

    Those who live in the suburbs may find it more difficult to get into the city. Their time can be taken up by congestion on the freeways or searching for parking downtown. This might make them arrive late for work or meetings.

    Rural citizens may not go into the city very often. They might raise their own goods. Farming and ranching are a part of their lives. There are some small stores in these areas. When rural citizens go to urban or suburban areas it will take them much longer to get there. They may have trouble finding their way around as urban communities may change. Most citizens of rural areas like living where there are no large businesses around them. They enjoy the peace and quiet of rural life.

    Those living in urban and suburban communities have large stores or malls to go to when buying what they want or need. People living in different communities have different ways of living their daily lives.

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