Free Reading Fluency Analyzer uuuu

This page helps you become a fluent reader. Students can easily check their reading accuracy, speed and expression by reading Hope is the thing with feathers . The Lumos Reading Fluency analyzer automatically analyzes student read audio and provides insightful reports to help students become fluent readers. Try it now!


    Hope is the thing with feathers

    "Hope" is the thing with feathers -

    That perches in the soul -

    And sings the tune without the words -

    And never stops - at all -

    And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -

    And sore must be the storm -

    That could abash the little Bird

    That kept so many warm -

    I've heard it in the chillest land -

    And on the strangest Sea -

    Yet - never - in Extremity,

    It asked a crumb - of me.

    Please record your audio and wait some time....

    Please record your audio and wait some time....