Free Reading Fluency Analyzer uuuu

This page helps you become a fluent reader. Students can easily check their reading accuracy, speed and expression by reading

Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

The Goose that Laid the Golden

. The Lumos Reading Fluency analyzer automatically analyzes student read audio and provides insightful reports to help students become fluent readers. Try it now!


    Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

    The Goose that Laid the Golden

    andemsp;andemsp;The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg

    andemsp;andemsp;A man once had a goose I'm told

    andemsp;andemsp;Which had laid each day an egg of gold.

    andemsp;andemsp;Now if this treasure were well spent,

    (5)andensp;andensp;It might make anyone content.

    andemsp;andemsp;But no! This man desired more;

    andemsp;andemsp;And though of eggs he had rich store;

    andemsp;andemsp;He thought one day the goose he'd kill,

    andemsp;andemsp;And then at once his pockets fill.

    (10)andensp;So chasing goosey round and round,

    andemsp;andemsp;She soon was caught and firmly bound.

    andemsp;andemsp;He opened her from neck to tail

    andemsp;andemsp;And then his folly did bewail.

    andemsp;andemsp;For not a single egg was there,

    (15)andensp;And thus he lost this treasure rare.

    Please record your audio and wait some time....

    Please record your audio and wait some time....