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    The Iliad of Homer Translated into English Blank Verse

    So was Menœtius' gallant son employ'd Healing Eurypylus. The Greeks, meantime, And Trojans with tumultuous fury fought. Nor was the foss ordain'd long time to exclude The host of Troy, nor yet the rampart built Beside it for protection of the fleet; For hecatomb the Greeks had offer'd none, Nor prayer to heaven, that it might keep secure Their ships with all their spoils. The mighty work As in defiance of the Immortal Powers Had risen, and could not therefore long endure. While Hector lived, and while Achilles held His wrathful purpose; while the city yet Of royal Priam was unsack'd, so long The massy structure stood; but when the best And bravest of the Trojan host were slain, And of the Grecian heroes, some had fallen And some survived, when Priam's towers had blazed In the tenth year, and to their native shores The Grecians with their ships, at length, return'd, Then Neptune, with Apollo leagued, devised Its ruin; every river that descends From the Idæan heights into the sea They brought against it, gathering all their force. Rhesus, Caresus, Rhodius, the wide-branch'd Heptaporus, Æsepus, Granicus,

    Scamander's sacred current, and thy stream Simöis, whose banks with helmets and with shields Were strew'd, and Chiefs of origin divine; All these with refluent course Apollo drove Nine days against the rampart, and Jove rain'd Incessant, that the Grecian wall wave-whelm'd Through all its length might sudden disappear. Neptune with his tridental mace, himself, Led them, and beam and buttress to the flood Consigning, laid by the laborious Greeks, Swept the foundation, and the level bank Of the swift-rolling Hellespont restored. The structure thus effaced, the spacious beach He spread with sand as at the first; then bade Subside the streams, and in their channels wind With limpid course, and pleasant as before, Apollo thus and Neptune, from the first, Design'd its fall; but now the battle raved And clamors of the warriors all around45 The strong-built turrets, whose assaulted planks Rang, while the Grecians, by the scourge of Jove Subdued, stood close within their fleet immured, At Hector's phalanx-scattering force appall'd. He, as before, with whirlwind fury fought. As when the boar or lion fiery-eyed Turns short, the hunters and the hounds among, The close-embattled troop him firm oppose, And ply him fast with spears; he no dismay Conceives or terror in his noble heart, But by his courage falls; frequent he turns Attempting bold the ranks, and where he points Direct his onset, there the ranks retire; So, through the concourse on his rolling wheels Borne rapid, Hector animated loud His fellow-warriors to surpass the trench. But not his own swift-footed steeds would dare That hazard; standing on the dangerous brink They neigh'd aloud, for by its breadth the foss

    Deterr'd them; neither was the effort slight To leap that gulf, nor easy the attempt To pass it through; steep were the banks profound On both sides, and with massy piles acute Thick-planted, interdicting all assault. No courser to the rapid chariot braced Had enter'd there with ease; yet strong desires Possess'd the infantry of that emprize, And thus Polydamas the ear address'd Of dauntless Hector, standing at his side. Hector, and ye the leaders of our host, Both Trojans and allies! rash the attempt I deem, and vain, to push our horses through, So dangerous is the pass; rough is the trench With pointed stakes, and the Achaian wall Meets us beyond. No chariot may descend Or charioteer fight there; strait are the bounds, And incommodious, and his death were sure. If Jove, high-thundering Ruler of the skies, Will succor Ilium, and nought less intend Than utter devastation of the Greeks, I am content; now perish all their host Inglorious, from their country far remote. But should they turn, and should ourselves be driven Back from the fleet impeded and perplex'd In this deep foss, I judge that not a man, 'Scaping the rallied Grecians, should survive To bear the tidings of our fate to Troy. Now, therefore, act we all as I advise. Let every charioteer his coursers hold Fast-rein'd beside the foss, while we on foot, With order undisturb'd and arms in hand, Shall follow Hector. If destruction borne On wings of destiny this day approach The Grecians, they will fly our first assault. So spake Polydamas, whose safe advice Pleased Hector; from his chariot to the ground All arm'd he leap'd, nor would a Trojan there

    (When once they saw the Hero on his feet) Ride into battle, but unanimous Descending with a leap, all trod the plain. Each gave command that at the trench his steeds Should stand detain'd in orderly array; Then, suddenly, the parted host became Five bands, each following its appointed chief. The bravest and most numerous, and whose hearts Wish'd most to burst the barrier and to wage The battle at the ships, with Hector march'd And with Polydamas, whom follow'd, third, Cebriones; for Hector had his steeds Consign'd and chariot to inferior care. Paris, Alcathoüs, and Agenor led The second band, and, sons of Priam both, Deïphobus and Helenus, the third; With them was seen partner of their command; The Hero Asius; from Arisba came Asius Hyrtacides, to battle drawn From the Selleïs banks by martial steeds Hair'd fiery-red and of the noblest size. The fourth, Anchises' mighty son controll'd, Æneas; under him Antenor's sons, Archilochus and Acamas, advanced, Adept in all the practice of the field. Last came the glorious powers in league with Troy Led by Sarpedon; he with Glaucus shared His high control, and with the warlike Chief Asteropæus; for of all his host Them bravest he esteem'd, himself except Superior in heroic might to all. And now (their shields adjusted each to each) With dauntless courage fired, right on they moved Against the Grecians; nor expected less Than that beside their sable ships, the host Should self-abandon'd fall an easy prey. The Trojans, thus with their confederate powers, The counsel of the accomplish'd Prince pursued,

    Polydamas, one Chief alone except, Asius Hyrtacides. He scorn'd to leave His charioteer and coursers at the trench, And drove toward the fleet. Ah, madly brave! His evil hour was come; he was ordain'd With horse and chariot and triumphant shout To enter wind-swept Ilium never more. Deucalion's offspring, first, into the shades Dismiss'd him; by Idomeneus he died. Leftward he drove furious, along the road By which the steeds and chariots of the Greeks Return'd from battle; in that track he flew, Nor found the portals by the massy bar Secured, but open for reception safe Of fugitives, and to a guard consign'd. Thither he drove direct, and in his rear His band shrill-shouting follow'd, for they judged The Greeks no longer able to withstand Their foes, but sure to perish in the camp. Vain hope! for in the gate two Chiefs they found Lapithæ-born, courageous offspring each Of dauntless father; Polypœtes, this, Sprung from Pirithöus; that, the warrior bold Leonteus, terrible as gore-tainted Mars. These two, defenders of the lofty gates, Stood firm before them. As when two tall oaks On the high mountains day by day endure Rough wind and rain, by deep-descending roots Of hugest growth fast-founded in the soil; So they, sustain'd by conscious valor, saw, Unmoved, high towering Asius on his way, Nor fear'd him aught, nor shrank from his approach Right on toward the barrier, lifting high Their season'd bucklers and with clamor loud The band advanced, King Asius at their head, With whom Iämenus, expert in arms, Orestes, Thöon, Acamas the son Of Asius, and Oenomäus, led them on

    Till now, the warlike pair, exhorting loud The Grecians to defend the fleet, had stood Within the gates; but soon as they perceived The Trojans swift advancing to the wall, And heard a cry from all the flying Greeks, Both sallying, before the gates they fought Like forest-boars, which hearing in the hills The crash of hounds and huntsmen nigh at hand, With start oblique lay many a sapling flat Short-broken by the root, nor cease to grind Their sounding tusks, till by the spear they die; So sounded on the breasts of those brave two The smitten brass; for resolute they fought, Embolden'd by their might who kept the wall, And trusting in their own; they, in defence Of camp and fleet and life, thick battery hurl'd Of stones precipitated from the towers; Frequent as snows they fell, which stormy winds, Driving the gloomy clouds, shake to the ground, Till all the fertile earth lies cover'd deep. Such volley pour'd the Greeks, and such return'd The Trojans; casques of hide, arid and tough, And bossy shields rattled, by such a storm Assail'd of millstone masses from above. Then Asius, son of Hyrtacus, a groan Indignant utter'd; on both thighs he smote With disappointment furious, and exclaim'd, Jupiter! even thou art false become, And altogether such. Full sure I deem'd That not a Grecian hero should abide One moment force invincible as ours, And lo! as wasps ring-streaked,or bees that build Their dwellings in the highway's craggy side Leave not their hollow home, but fearless wait The hunter's coming, in their brood's defence, So these, although two only, from the gates

    Move not, nor will, till either seized or slain. So Asius spake, but speaking so, changed not The mind of Jove on Hector's glory bent. Others, as obstinate, at other gates Such deeds perform'd, that to enumerate all Were difficult, unless to power divine.220 For fierce the hail of stones from end to end Smote on the barrier; anguish fill'd the Greeks. Yet, by necessity constrain'd, their ships They guarded still; nor less the Gods themselves, Patrons of Greece, all sorrow'd at the sight. At once the valiant Lapithæ began Terrible conflict, and Pirithous' son Brave Polypœtes through his helmet pierced Damasus; his resplendent point the brass Sufficed not to withstand; entering, it crush' The bone within, and mingling all his brain With his own blood, his onset fierce repress'd. Pylon and Ormenus he next subdued. Meantime Leonteus, branch of Mars, his spear Hurl'd at Hippomachus, whom through his belt He pierced; then drawing forth his falchion keen, Through all the multitude he flew to smite Antiphates, and with a downright stroke Fell'd him. Iämenus and Menon next He slew, with brave Orestes, whom he heap'd, All three together, on the fertile glebe. While them the Lapithæ of their bright arms Despoil'd, Polydamas and Hector stood (With all the bravest youths and most resolved To burst the barrier and to fire the fleet) Beside the foss, pondering the event. For, while they press'd to pass, they spied a bird Sublime in air, an eagle. Right between Both hosts he soar'd (the Trojan on his left) A serpent bearing in his pounces clutch' Enormous, dripping blood, but lively still And mindful of revenge; for from beneath

    The eagle's breast, updarting fierce his head, Fast by the throat he struck him; anguish-sick The eagle cast him down into the space Between the hosts, and, clanging loud his plumes As the wind bore him, floated far away. Shudder'd the Trojans viewing at their feet The spotted serpent ominous, and thus Polydamas to dauntless Hector spake. Ofttimes in council, Hector, thou art wont To censure me, although advising well; Nor ought the private citizen, I confess, Either in council or in war to indulge Loquacity, but ever to employ All his exertions in support of thine. Yet hear my best opinion once again. Proceed we not in our attempt against The Grecian fleet. For if in truth the sign Respect the host of Troy ardent to pass, Then, as the eagle soar'd both hosts between, With Ilium's on his left, and clutch'd a snake Enormous, dripping blood, but still alive, Which yet he dropp'd suddenly, ere he reach'd His eyry, or could give it to his young, So we, although with mighty force we burst Both gates and barrier, and although the Greeks Should all retire, shall never yet the way Tread honorably back by which we came. No. Many a Trojan shall we leave behind Slain by the Grecians in their fleet's defence. An augur skill'd in omens would expound This omen thus, and faith would win from all. To whom, dark-louring, Hector thus replied. Polydamas! I like not thy advice; Thou couldst have framed far better; but if this Be thy deliberate judgment, then the Gods Make thy deliberate judgment nothing worth, Who bidd'st me disregard the Thunderer's firm

    Assurance to myself announced, and make The wild inhabitants of air my guides, Which I alike despise, speed they their course With right-hand flight toward the ruddy East, Or leftward down into the shades of eve. Consider we the will of Jove alone, Sovereign of heaven and earth. Omens abound, But the best omen is our country's cause. Wherefore should fiery war thy soul alarm? For were we slaughter'd, one and all, around The fleet of Greece, thou need'st not fear to die, Whose courage never will thy flight retard. But if thou shrink thyself, or by smooth speech Seduce one other from a soldier's part, Pierced by this spear incontinent thou diest. So saying he led them, who with deafening roar Follow'd him. Then, from the Idæan hills Jove hurl'd a storm which wafted right the dust Into the fleet; the spirits too he quell'd Of the Achaians, and the glory gave To Hector and his host; they, trusting firm In signs from Jove, and in their proper force, Assay'd the barrier; from the towers they tore The galleries, cast the battlements to ground, And the projecting buttresses adjoin'd To strengthen the vast work, with bars upheaved. All these, with expectation fierce to break The rampart, down they drew; nor yet the Greeks Gave back, but fencing close with shields the wall, Smote from behind them many a foe beneath. Meantime from tower to tower the Ajaces moved

    Exhorting all; with mildness some, and some With harsh rebuke, whom they observed through fear Declining base the labors of the fight, Friends! Argives! warriors of whatever rank! Ye who excel, and ye of humbler note!325 And ye the last and least! (for such there are, All have not magnanimity alike) Now have we work for all, as all perceive. Turn not, retreat not to your ships, appall'd By sounding menaces, but press the foe; Exhort each other, and e'en now perchance Olympian Jove, by whom the lightnings burn, Shall grant us to repulse them, and to chase The routed Trojans to their gates again. So they vociferating to the Greeks, Stirr'd them to battle. As the feathery snows Fall frequent, on some wintry day, when Jove Hath risen to shed them on the race of man, And show his arrowy stores; he lulls the winds, Then shakes them down continual, covering thick Mountain tops, promontories, flowery meads, And cultured valleys rich; the ports and shores Receive it also of the hoary deep, But there the waves bound it, while all beside Lies whelm'd beneath Jove's fast-descending shower, So thick, from side to side, by Trojans hurl'd Against the Greeks, and by the Greeks return'd The stony vollies flew; resounding loud Through all its length the battered rampart roar'd. Nor yet had Hector and his host prevail'd To burst the gates, and break the massy bar, Had not all-seeing Jove Sarpedon moved His son, against the Greeks, furious as falls The lion on some horned herd of beeves. At once his polish'd buckler he advanced With leafy brass o'erlaid; for with smooth brass The forger of that shield its oval disk Had plated, and with thickest hides throughout

    Had lined it, stitch'd with circling wires of gold. That shield he bore before him; firmly grasp'd He shook two spears, and with determined strides March'd forward. As the lion mountain-bred, After long fast, by impulse of his heart Undaunted urged, seeks resolute the flock Even in the shelter of their guarded home; He finds, perchance, the shepherds arm'd with spears, And all their dogs awake, yet can not leave Untried the fence, but either leaps it light, And entering tears the prey, or in the attempt Pierced by some dexterous peasant, bleeds himself; So high his courage to the assault impell'd Godlike Sarpedon, and him fired with hope To break the barrier; when to Glaucus thus, Son of Hippolochus, his speech he turn'd. Why, Glaucus, is the seat of honor ours, Why drink we brimming cups, and feast in state? Why gaze they all on us as we were Gods In Lycia, and why share we pleasant fields And spacious vineyards, where the Xanthus winds? Distinguished thus in Lycia, we are call'd To firmness here, and to encounter bold The burning battle, that our fair report Among the Lycians may be blazon'd thus- No dastards are the potentates who rule The bright-arm'd Lycians; on the fatted flock They banquet, and they drink the richest wines; But they are also valiant, and the fight Wage dauntless in the vanward of us all. Oh Glaucus, if escaping safe the death That threats us here, we also could escape Old age, and to ourselves secure a life Immortal, I would neither in the van Myself expose, nor would encourage thee To tempt the perils of the glorious field. But since a thousand messengers of fate Pursue us close, and man is born to die- E'en let us on; the prize of glory yield, If yield we must, or wrest it from the foe.

    He said, nor cold refusal in return Received from Glaucus, but toward the wa Their numerous Lycian host both led direct. Menestheus, son of Peteos, saw appall'd Their dread approach, for to his tower they bent; Their threatening march. An eager look he cast, On the embodied Greeks, seeking some Chief Whose aid might turn the battle from his van: He saw, where never sated with exploits Of war, each Ajax fought, near whom his eye Kenn'd Teucer also, newly from his tent; But vain his efforts were with loudest To reach their ears, such was the deafening din Upsent to heaven, of shields and crested helms, And of the batter'd gates; for at each gate They thundering' stood, and urged alike at each Their fierce attempt by force to burst the bars. To Ajax therefore he at once dispatch'd A herald, and Thöotes thus enjoin'd. My noble friend, Thöotes! with all speed Call either Ajax; bid them hither both; Far better so; for havoc is at hand. The Lycian leaders, ever in assault Tempestuous, bend their force against this tower My station. But if also there they find Laborious conflict pressing them severe, At least let Telamonian Ajax come, And Teucer with his death-dispensing bow. He spake, nor was Thöotes slow to hear; Beside the rampart of the mail-clad Greeks Rapid he flew, and, at their side arrived, To either Ajax, eager, thus began. Ye leaders of the well-appointed Greeks, The son of noble Peteos calls; he begs With instant suit, that ye would share his toils, However short your stay; the aid of both

    Will serve him best, for havoc threatens there The Lycian leaders, ever in assault Tempestuous, bend their force toward the tower His station. But if also here ye find Laborious conflict pressing you severe, At least let Telamonian Ajax come, And Teucer with his death-dispensing bow. He spake, nor his request the towering son Of Telamon denied, but quick his speech To Ajax Oïliades address'd. Ajax! abiding here, exhort ye both (Heroic Lycomedes and thyself) The Greeks to battle. Thither I depart To aid our friends, which service once perform'd Duly, I will incontinent return. So saying, the Telamonian Chief withdrew With whom went Teucer, son of the same sire, Pandion also, bearing Teucer's bow. Arriving at the turret given in charge To the bold Chief Menestheus, and the wall Entering, they found their friends all sharply tried. Black as a storm the senators renown'd And leaders of the Lycian host assail'd Buttress and tower, while opposite the Greeks Withstood them, and the battle-shout began. First, Ajax, son of Telamon, a friend And fellow-warrior of Sarpedon slew, Epicles. With a marble fragment huge That crown'd the battlement's interior side, He smote him. No man of our puny race, Although in prime of youth, had with both hands That weight sustain'd; but he the cumberous mass Uplifted high, and hurl'd it on his head. It burst his helmet, and his batter'd skull Dash'd from all form. He from the lofty tower Dropp'd downright, with a diver's plunge, and died. But Teucer wounded Glaucus with a shaft Son of Hippolochus; he, climbing, bared

    His arm, which Teucer, marking, from the wall Transfix'd it, and his onset fierce repress'd; For with a backward leap Glaucus withdrew Sudden and silent, cautious lest the Greeks Seeing him wounded should insult his pain. Grief seized, at sight of his retiring friend, Sarpedon, who forgat not yet the fight, But piercing with his lance Alcmaon, son Of Thestor, suddenly reversed the beam, Which following, Alcmaon to the earth Fell prone, with clangor of his brazen arms. Sarpedon, then, strenuous with both hands Tugg'd, and down fell the battlement entire; The wall, dismantled at the summit, stood A ruin, and wide chasm was open'd through. Then Ajax him and Teucer at one time Struck both; an arrow struck from Teucer's bow The belt that cross'd his bosom, by which hung His ample shield; yet lest his son should fall Among the ships, Jove turn'd the death aside. But Ajax, springing to his thrust, a spear Drove through his shield. Sarpedon at the shock With backward step short interval recoil'd, But not retired, for in his bosom lived The hope of glory still, and, looking back On all his godlike Lycians, he exclaim'd, Oh Lycians! where is your heroic might? Brave as I boast myself, I feel the task Arduous, through the breach made by myself To win a passage to the ships, alone. Follow me all-Most laborers, most dispatch. So he; at whose sharp reprimand abash'd The embattled host to closer conflict moved, Obedient to their counsellor and King. On the other side the Greeks within the wall Made firm the phalanx, seeing urgent need;

    Nor could the valiant Lycians through the breach Admittance to the Grecian fleet obtain, Nor since they first approach'd it, had the Greeks With all their efforts, thrust the Lycians back. But as two claimants of one common field, Each with his rod of measurement in hand, Dispute the boundaries, litigating warm Their right in some small portion of the soil, So they, divided by the barrier, struck With hostile rage the bull-hide bucklers round, And the light targets on each other's breast. Then many a wound the ruthless weapons made. Pierced through the unarm'd back, if any turn'd, He died, and numerous even through the shield. The battlements from end to end with blood Of Grecians and of Trojans on both sides Were sprinkled; yet no violence could move The stubborn Greeks, or turn their powers to flight. So hung the war in balance, as the scales Held by some woman scrupulously just, A spinner; wool and weight she poises nice, Hard-earning slender pittance for her babes Such was the poise in which the battle hung Till Jove himself superior fame, at length, To Priamëian Hector gave, who sprang First through the wall. In lofty sounds that reach'd Their utmost ranks, he call'd on all his host. Now press them, now ye Trojans steed-renown'd Rush on! break through the Grecian rampart, hurl At once devouring flames into the fleet. Such was his exhortation; they his voice All hearing, with close-order'd ranks direct Bore on the barrier, and up-swarming show'd On the high battlement their glittering spears.

    But Hector seized a stone; of ample base But tapering to a point, before the gate It stood. No two men, mightiest of a land (Such men as now are mighty) could with ease Have heaved it from the earth up to a wain; He swung it easily alone; so light The son of Saturn made it in his hand. As in one hand with ease the shepherd bears A ram's fleece home, nor toils beneath the weight, So Hector, right toward the planks of those Majestic folding-gates, close-jointed, firm And solid, bore the stone. Two bars within Their corresponding force combined transvere To guard them, and one bolt secured the bars. He stood fast by them, parting wide his feet For 'vantage sake, and smote them in the midst. He burst both hinges; inward fell the rock Ponderous, and the portals roar'd; the bars Endured not, and the planks, riven by the force Of that huge mass, flew scatter'd on all sides. In leap'd the godlike Hero at the breach, Gloomy as night in aspect, but in arms All-dazzling, and he grasp'd two quivering spears. Him entering with a leap the gates, no force Whate'er of opposition had repress'd, Save of the Gods alone. Fire fill'd his eyes; Turning, he bade the multitude without Ascend the rampart; they his voice obey'd; Part climb'd the wall, part pour'd into the gate; The Grecians to their hollow galleys flew Scatter'd, and tumult infinite arose.

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